faculty onlineprofiles, are great sources for research interests, courses taught and awarded grants. Interviewing facultymembers is also a great way to learn more about faculty research and teaching needs while buildingfaculty-librarian relationships. Although course syllabi can provide a great snapshot of course informationand types of assignments and even reveal information-seeking behavior which faculty require for theirstudents, accessing course syllabi may need permission and assistance from the departments [1]. Large-scale surveys of faculty may be a great option as they can provide rich information on faculty’sperspectives. For example, the University of Iowa participated in the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey in 2015and the survey results
courses in the Division of CEM.INTRODUCTION Construction Engineering constitutes a wide range of disciplinary strategies.The Division of Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) at PurdueUniversity has been “preparing undergraduate engineers to serve the constructionindustry as professional engineers and managers” since the late 1970’s withtheoretical and experiential learning objectives. In recent years, it has come to theattention of CEM that a gap exists between these objectives. It is not clear if it is a 1societal gap or industry demand that has created it but industry representatives andstudents alike have voiced their concern. The long-term initiative by CEM is to alignthese objectives
Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 24-27, 2007.[9] S. Zappe, R. Leicht, J. Messner, T. Litzinger, and H. Lee, “ ‘Flipping’ the classroom to explore active learning ina large undergraduate course,” in Proceedings of the 2009 American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition, Austin, TX, USA, June 14-17, 2009.[10] D. Bolliger, S. Supanakorn, and C. Boggs, “Impact of podcasting on student motivation in the online learningenvironment.” Computers & Education, vol. 55, 714-722, 2010.[11] P. Johanes and L. Lagerstrom, “Online Videos: What every instructor should know,” in Proceedings of the2016 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, New
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the Humboldt Foundation in Germany. This award enabled him to spend seven months at the Fraunhofer Ernst Mach Institute in Freiburg, Germany working on advanced MMOD protection systems for satellites and developing preliminary designs for safe lunar habitats using in-situ c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Paper ID #24753 materials for protection against meteoroid impacts. This year he served on another NASA Independent V&V Committee to review the MMOD risk assessment process for NASA’s Constellation program. At Missouri S&T, Dr. Schonberg continues to teach a variety of
, and social justice in undergraduate engineering classrooms.Dr. Robin A. M. Hensel, West Virginia University Robin A. M. Hensel, Ed.D., is the Assistant Dean for Freshman Experience in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. While her doctorate is in Curriculum and Instruction, focusing on higher education teaching of STEM fields, she also holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics. Dr. Hensel has over seven years of experience working in engineering teams and in project management and administration as a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S. Department of Energy as well as more than 25 years of experience teaching mathematics
inengineering.The RStudio integrated development environment was used to perform the statistical analysis [8]. All statistical tests were conductedwith an alpha=0.05. A standard t-test is used to compare means. For the odds ratio estimate, the Fisher’s Exact Test for Count Datafrom the R-“stats” package is used[8]. The cohen.d function from the EffSize package estimates the effect size for all t-tests[9]. Thisis a measure of the strength of the difference between means and we use d ≤ 0.2 for a small (S) effect, 0.2 < d ≤ 0.8 is considered amedium (M) effect, and d > 0.8 is a large effect [9]. The statistical power is also estimated using the “pwr” package in R using defaultvalues for all non-required parameters [10]. A comparison of means is
levels in lumbar herniated discs in patients with sciatic pain. European Spine Journal, 22(4), 714-720. 9. Andrade, P., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Del Rosario, J. S., Daemen, M. A., Buurman, W. A., Steinbusch, H. W., & Hoogland, G. (2012). The thalidomide analgesic effect is associated with differential TNF-α receptor expression in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord as studied in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Brain Research, 1450, 24-32. 10. Andrade, P., Hoogland, G., Del Rosario, J. S., Steinbusch, H. W., Visser‐Vandewalle, V., & Daemen, M. A. (2014). Tumor necrosis factor‐α inhibitors alleviation of e- experimentally induced neuropathic pain is associated with
conflicts.References[1] J. W. Thomas, “A Review of Research on Project-Based Learning,” The Autodesk Foundation, 2000.[2] Joseph S. Krajcik and Phyllis C. Blumenfeld, “Project-Based Learning,” in The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, R. Keith Sawyer, Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 317–334.[3] J. S. A. A. van Barneveld, “When is PBL More Effective? A Meta-synthesis of Meta-analyses Comparing PBL to Conventional Classrooms,” Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, vol. 3, no. 1, 2009.[4] J. Heywood, The Assessment of Learning in Engineering Education: Practice and Policy. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.[5] K. J. Chua, “A comparative study on first-time and experienced project-based learning
members iscritical in producing a test-ready bridge on time.Figure 4: Bridge Design and Competition Photos The lock and dam module challenges high school students with designing and building amodel of a lock and a dam, using a large plastic tub, PVC trim boards, and modeling clay, asshown in Figure 5. Unlike in the previous exercise, student teams need to come up with theirown designs, with assistance from the instructor. Hand saw, power drill, and drill press are usedto shape PVC trim boards, and large board sections recycled from previous year(s) can be reusedto expedite the building process. The instructor and at least one undergraduate student helperwho is proficient with power tools need to be present during the entire laboratory
vehicle. Theyfill out the chart shown in Table 2 as they complete the analysis. Table 2. Blank chart provided to students for torque analysis results. Driveshaft Maximum Wheel Maximum Vehicle Maximum Transmission Speed Torque Speed Torque Speed Force Setting rad/s N*m rad/s N*m m/s mph N 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear Their analysis begins at the engine. Using the given engine speed and torque limits, thedriveshaft speed and torque limits are calculated based on given transmission gear ratios. Tokeep the analysis condensed, the transmission has only
3. Table 3. Rubric for generator construction project Item Description Points Performance your generator ′ s peak output voltage 25 × 300 𝑚𝑉 /25 Instructor The design of the generator should show evidence of 1) an Evaluation understanding of generator operating principles, 2) quality of construction, 3) durability and reliability. If you wish, you may submit one page of notes/sketches/description along
changingfrom 6 to 1 and 7 to 5 for F’16 and S’17, respectively [14].There appears to be general consensus in the literature that a CURE pedagogy leads to positivelyinfluencing students about their choice of major, thereby possibly increasing retention. There isalso an expectation that it encourages more female students to enroll in graduate school. Theauthors’ specific findings indicate a positive impact of research experiences on graduateenrollment. Given these findings, the following research questions were formed with respect tothe industrial engineering major: 1. Does having a CURE experience inspire more female industrial engineering students to stay in the major? 2. Does having a CURE experience inspire more female industrial engineer
bright and dark sides of leadership: Transformational vs. non-transformational leadership in a non-Western context," Leadership, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 107-133, 2013.[12] B. M. Bass and P. Steidlmeier, "Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior," The leadership quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 181-217, 1999.[13] M. Dellaert and S. Davydov, Influencing: The skill of persuasion - Building commitment and getting results: White Paper: Center for Creative Leadership, 2017.[14] J. French and B. n. Raven, "Understanding Power," ed. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_56.htm, (nd).[15] C. G. Murphy and T. Hicks, "Academic Characteristics among First-Generation and Non-First
submissions. In ArasInnovator, a workflow is a flowchart-like representation of a group of activities. These activitiescontrol how an item is assigned and what tasks need to be accomplished by the assignee(s)before it progresses to the next stage. Workflows allow group voting (so that advancement isreliant on team communication and agreement), escalation and notifications (which can be sentto users at different stages of the workflow). Lifecycles represent the different states an item’sinstance exists. The updating of a lifecycle state is controlled by a workflow.Additionally, our system uses XPLM [16], a software connector between the CAD system andour PLM system that provides students with a seamless interface to transfer CAD models to thePLM
structural responses. GM1 0.5 Fixed Isolated Acc [g] 0 -0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [s] GM2 3 Fixed Isolated 2 1 Acc [g] 0 -1 -2 -3 0 5 10 15 20 25
than a nice experience. Not sure what we and thinks through how could do, but there school needs to do better mentioning it to improve attendance. because only four students were there. It was probably a lot Even though s/he did cooler that college kids came to visit to help them with an not see a benefit, there after school activity. is solid evidence of practice in critical thinking and program evaluation.6 I think it was a valuable experience because it put me
in the course’s field.References[1] J. E. Bluman, K. Purchase, and C. T. Duling. Daily review quizzes: A hindrance or a help? In 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2011.[2] K. Davis. Improving motivation and knowledge retention with repeatable low stakes quizzing. In 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2009.[3] K. A. Davis. Using no-stakes quizzing for student self-evaluation of readiness for exams. In 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2011.[4] W. Guo and V. Shekoyan. Facilitation of student-centered formative assessment using reflective quiz self-corrections in a calculus physics course. In 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2014.[5] J. H. Allen III, J. Fulcher, and S. I
Value of resistor (Ω) Value of capacitor (F) Duration, seconds (s)Project information In order to facilitate individual and team participation, the attendees received the summarywrite-up for each project activity. Figure 16 shows a sample summary project activity write-up. Figure 16: Sample summary project activity write-upFirst-year undergraduate engineering studentsClearly, problem-based [10]–[12], project-based [13] instructional pedagogy together with self-directed learning [14], [15] train the first-year engineering students to (a) better understand andperform engineering laboratory exercises (b) cultivate skills related to experimental observationand evidence collection (c) gain useful STEM experiences for future
ofUniversidad Galileo) for the support provided in this research. Last but not least, the authors aregrateful to reviewers for offering many constructive comments that have improved thepresentation and content of this paper.7. References [1] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, M. P. Wenderroth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” in Proc. of the Nat. Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 23, pp. 8410-8415, 2014. [2] J. R. Portillo, A. E. Alvarado, J. A. Samayoa, “MOSL: An innovative approach to a supplementary course of mathematics in engineering,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society for Engineering
students understanding theconcepts presented in the course. We also identified that there was an increase in the studentsexpressing “Very High Interest” in the civil engineering discipline when compared between thetotal number of students at the beginning and end of the semester. Our assessment resultsindicate that the lectures have helped the students understand the concepts of sustainability aswell the current US Infrastructure rank. However, we do note that the assessment questions needmodification to correctly understand the reasons for students varying interest in CivilEngineering discipline. REFERENCES[1] S. L. Star and K. Ruhleder, "Steps toward an ecology of infrastructure: Design and access
this regard. • Provide the students with abundant instruction on ideation. • Develop a strategy to prevent the instructors from giving teams conflicting advice. • Do not underestimate the importance of providing the students with convenient transportation options.References[1] H. Bridle, A. Vrieling, M. Cardillo, Y. Araya, and L. Hinojosa, “Preparing for an interdisciplinary future: A perspective from early-career researchers,” Futures, vol. 53, pp. 22-32, 2013.[2] M. Levy, Y. Shlomi, and Y. Etzioni, “When engineering and design students collaborate: The case of a website development workshop,” in Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, S. Kunifuji et al. Eds., Springer, 2016, pp
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DIRECT concept inventory. In the same vein, possibilities for future workinclude assessing the impact that context variables can have on the effectiveness of PeerInstruction and its implementation in different settings, as well as evaluating the pros andcons in instructors’ workload, and possibilities for conducting classrooms research.References[1] D. W. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, and K. A. Smith, Active learning: Cooperation in the college classroom. Interaction Book Company, 1991.[2] M. Prince, “Does active learning work ? A review of the research,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 93, pp. 223–231, 2004.[3] K. A. Smith, S. D. Sheppard, D. W. Johnson, and R. T. Johnson, “Pedagogies of engagement: Classroom-based practices,” J. Eng
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that are environmentally responsible and in-line with the 3Es.Since companies and governments are moving towards implementing sustainability principles in to theiroperations, many of the engineering and business school programs can assimilate sustainability conceptsinto their capstone project implementations.ReferencesABET. (2018). Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, retrieved on September 25, 2018from https://www.abet.org/.Ahmed, S., Naik, M. and Troung, S. (2018). Economic Viability of Solar System Installation in Single-Family Homes in San Diego County, Masters Project Report, School of Engineering and Computing,National University, San Diego, CA.American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM), (n.d.). The Engineering
University, and PhD in Mathematics from Auburn University in 2014. He is a contributor to the Australian Maths Trust, and member of the MASAMU international research group for mathematics.Dr. Carl Pettis, Alabama State University Carl S. Pettis, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Al- abama State University Administrative role: Interim Provost Office of Academic Affairs Alabama State UniversityDr. Uma Kannan, Alabama State University Dr. Uma Kannan is Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems in the College of Business Administration at Alabama State University, where she has taught since 2017. She received her Ph.D. degree in Cybersecurity from Auburn University
engineering (again, from the perspective of a senior ME 440 student in mechanicalengineering). For cases such as this in which a word was used frequently, the context of the use of the wordwas then checked to see if it was utilized in a positive or negative way to assess and describe acourse. In any case, the uses of the word, whether in a positive or negative statement, indicatesits importance in assessing a class, and provides insight for improving future courses and theprogram in general. Every use of the term “feedback” (a total of 7 times in Q#1) is included hereas one example of this check: - [professor] was really good and detailed at giving feedback on our writing - Closest would be Fluid [M]echanic[s] Heat Transfer Lab. Lots of
Workshop Endorsed by the Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED).10. Brown, P.R., J.M. Williams, and S. Sipes, M., Assessment of the Rose-Hulman Leadership Academy, in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2015: Seattle, Washington.11. Hixson, C., et al. Overcoming the innovation execution gap: A process for enhancing the success of company innovation initiatives. in Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management. 2015. Indianapolis, IN.12. Hixson, C.A. and W.A. Kline. The Innovation Canvas - A Tool to Develop Integrated Product Designs and Business Models. in NCIIA Open 2014 Conference. 2014. San Jose, CA.13. Kline, W.A., et al