Page 1.241.3 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings 7of Computing Curricula 1991 . C S 1462 is a four-semester hour course with a "partially closed" laboratorywhich currently uses BACCII, and has recently switched to C++ as the programming language taught. Both computer science and electrical engineering students are required to take this course. The experimentwas designed to divide the students into two groups: one which would use only Pascal (C++ became the CS1language in 1994) and the other which used both Pascal and BACCII for development. The BACCII studentswere required to use BACCII for main programming assignments and submit BACCII files for evaluation, inaddition to
Education has recently summarized notable developments in addressing this probleml. Most of the programs cited are limited to training of graduate students for jobs as teaching assistants, and few describe effective teaching programs for engineering graduate students. Thus, most engineering Ph.D.’s who enter academia are very well trained for research, but have little or no training in teaching. Colleges are continually being challenged to increase productivity and reduce costs. Downsizing of faculty and severe budget cuts are an all-too-common scenario in American institutions of higher learning2’3 . Retention of the global pre-eminence of American higher education system must come from the rethinking of how teaching and learning take
their studies use more appropriate analysis skills. The connectionbetween design and manufacture is solidified by teaming the engineering students with their technology student-mentor to complete the design and build as a “team” effort. Collaboration between the two disciplines; i.e.,engineering and skilled trades, is continually stressed. During part(s) fabrication, the engineering student isrestricted from participating in the actual production. Rather, they only monitor and direct the technologystudent to insure the project stays on schedule. This course teaches manufacturing processes from a designperspective while developing a team mentality to insure the project’s successful completion. It also instills inthe students that they must work
Americans, they are to work in the U. S. only! The characteristics sought by several firmsinterviewed in the study included: ■ Domain knowledge... the knowledge in a specific area; US graduates are strong in this area, ■ Cognitive, social and personal skills...such as flexibility and adaptability, openness to new ideas; US graduates fare poorly here, as there is little focus during their education on these areas. ■ Prior work experience and on-job experience (OJT).. this varies among institutions. Many inter- national institutions incorporate work experience into their curricula. ■ Cross-cultural competence. ..this is lacking in many US graduates, even those who have partici
several semesters. .Course a d Inst ucto r Evaluat”o s a d Focus Group Interv e~ Co;rse arui;nstructor evaha;~m w~re conducted during the se~ester after each of the frost two exams and at the end of the semester in the final course evaluations typically done by the School. At the end of the semester,focus group interviews were also conducted with volunteers from the class. A review of the course and instructorevaluations and the focus group interview transcripts indicated that the attitudinal change in the students wasdramatic. Their anecdotal response to the cooperative learning methods was extremely favorable. Over both semesters, approximately 90 to 95 percent of
, Australia ABSTRACT: It would be except ionally beneficial to know which students were going to pass and which studculs were going to Ihil a subject prior to beginning the class. I Iowever, due to the dynamic nature of the teaching method, where instructo]-s @ to help poorer students, and students rise to the challenge of the new material being taught, it is nearly impossible to pi-edict the final distribution of marks in a subject. This is especially true for small classes whine the instmctol- can assess the students continually and individually, and respond to ihcir various problems. [t is also true tbr subjects taught in the third and tburth years of an engineering student’s university education, due to smaller student class sl~es and a
(RPC) call mechanism9 (see appendix fordetails). This protocol is compatible with the form of RPC used in the distributed OS Amoeba10.This makes students relate their projects directly to the case study in the classroom. MINIX4 is an open OS designed by Dr. A. S. Tanenbaum. It is a multiuser/multitasking OSsimilar to UNIX. It is system call compatible with version V7 of UNIX. It has over 170 utilitiesand more than 200 library functions. It was primarily designed to teach OS and related courses.It is available with full source (in C) and easy-to-read installation and reference manual. Italso has a Kernighan and Ritchie C compatible C compiler i.e. it is a complete programmingenvironment. MINIX 1.5 is distributed by Prentice-Hall. It
2648 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY By Lucian P. Fabiano New Jersey Institute of Technology INTRODUCTION Electrical Engineering Technology ( E E T ) s t u d e n t s have gained a reputation of being hands on problem solvers. They enjoy working on technical projects which deal more with the integration of technologies into systems and products than in the development of new advanced technologies. In order to develop successful system integration projects, EET
’-’ ‘?JHly?#$ } 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings . In applying the reengineering concept to graduate education in this paper, Leschly’s concepts are deemed tooffer the most appropriate focus. Paraphrasing for our focus, “real improvement comes from working with smallprocesses --- that’s where the corrections need to be made”. The traditional Ph.D. process in U. S. universities is an integration of (a) a block of academic courses, (b)literature reports, (c) academic work experiences, and (d) an original basic-research dissertation. At the offset of thispaper challenges by respected leaders of the traditional process have been recognized. However
, Hilldale, New Jersey, 1977.[5] Ausubel, D., “Schemata, cognitive structure, and advanced organizers,” Anwrican Educational Research Journal, vol. 17, 1980, pp. 400-404.[6] Ausubel, D. P., J. D. Novak, and H. Hanesian, Educational psychology: A cognitive view, (end cd.), Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1978.[7] Beruvides, M. G. and C. P. Koelling., “An educational framework for course development,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 10, no. 3, 1994, pp. 249-257. [8] Bjork, R. A., “Information-processing analysis of college teaching,” Ekluc@”orud Psychologist, vol. 14, 1979, pp. 15-23.[9] Bok, D., “The improvement of teaching”, Teachers College Record, vol. 93. no. 2, 1991, pp. 236-251.[10] Bruner, J. S., Towards a
with instrumentation and other equipment3. supporting the lecture course(s)4. experience in obtaining and reporting on data5. “hands-on experience” and “learning by doing”6. to gain knowledge of engineering design Page 1.138.1 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings This list (or components of it) appears in engineering education literature, books and laboratorymanuals from the 1930s to the present, with the probable exception in the present of the last item, design. Theauthors feel that, except for the item regarding engineering design, the goals and objectives (and
the locations(XC, yC), which can then be plotted in any format the student wishes. With this software, the student can get numer-ical solutions quickly, plot the results, and focus on the meaning of the solution rather than the methods. The re-sulting space centrode of the coupler link BD is displayed in Fig. 5.Salient Features of Space Centrode To facilitate the visualization and discussion of the space centrode of the coupler link BD, we have intro-duced the directional angle ~ for the coupler link as indicated in Fig. 1. Notice that/? is measured counterclock-wise from the positive direction of the x axis to the axis of the crank AB. The first revolution of the crank is takento be the rotation of the crank for which O S ~ c 360
P a r a l le l P o r t P a r a l le l P o r t P a r a l le l P o r t D a ta D a ta S ta tu s D 3 D 0 D 7 D 4 S3 S0 C om m and D a ta In D a ta O u t C o n tro l C o n tro l
assumptions on which education is built mustbe engaged in. Page 1.318.1 ---- @x&~ 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘.,,,EIJ3: The radical changes in knowledge and practices required of technicians are nowhere moreevident than in the engineering technology area. Industry’s move to a quality focus and thewidespread adoption of concurrent engineering, requires a technician with a broad-based knowledgeof multiple technical disciplines along with an awareness of the economic and environmental factorsthat impact on society. Technicians are described by Louis S. Richman
ABSTRACT An interdisciplinary Master’s Program with a concentration in Optics and Photonics Technology hasbeen developed under the U.S. Manufacturing Education and Training Activity of the TechnologyReinvestment Project. This development has been a collaboration between the University of Alabama inHuntsville, Alabama A&M University, Northwest Shoals Community College, the NASA Marshall SpaceFlight Center, the U. S. Army Missile Command, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Advanced Optical SystemsInc., Dynetics, Inc., Hughes Danbury Optical Systems, Inc., Nichols Research and Speedring Inc. Theseorganizations as well as the National Institute for Standards and Technology and SCI, Inc. have beenparticipating fully in the design, development and
i p - F l o p s .● Counters● Clock Rates● Multiplexer and Demultiplexers● A/D and D/A Conversion● Data Busses● Serial and Parallel Data Transmission● UART’SD. System Interaction In the last part of the course, consideration is given to the instrumentation system as a whole and to theinteraction of the individual modules. One of the most important topics covered in this section is timing. In aninstrumentation system with multiple sensors, timing the data access is critical. If delays are inadvertentlyintroduced into the system, the information conveyed by the sensors may not represent the actual state of
Page 1.361.2 $!&-’ } 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘?,,yyy’.’transfer resistance is dT, (1-8) VP, CP, —dt = h S V (T – T,) + ~ V (–AHrXn) r(y,, zs, T,) ()= QCtOt MCpg(Tin-T )_h SV(T_T~) – O = Q CtOt (yin – y) – km S V Ctot (Y Ys) km S V CtOt (y – y,) = u V r(y,, zS, TS)with 1 ‘=zin+~(Y– Yin)This model requires solving sets of algebraic equations inside the ordinary differential equation solver. Analternative would
Session 2242 Strategic Management Issues with Engineering Management Distance Learning E. Parkinson, M. Hailey, G. Garrison The University of Tennessee Space Institute Abstract This paper identifies and discusses real-world strategic issues in making distance learning a“Win-Win-Win” for the primary customer(s), the general public, and the educational insthution. TheUnivershy of Tennessee’s Graduate Engineering Management Program is used as a case study. Concepts andissues are discussed generically to promote
; - product specifications; - concept divergence using creativity tools; - an introduction to technical drawing and sketching techniques; - the fabrication of a prototype; Page 1.119.3 ““s% {~~~ 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘S>+pyy’j Example of a SEEHIGHS Design ProjectIn order to provide the reader with an appreciation for the scope of a typical design project assigned to thestudents, we will briefly describe the first project of the program. As you will notice, the problem
Session 2360 International Culture in Industry Training: A Corporate Myth or a Necessity? S. Y. Eidgahy Jefferson Community CollegeIntroduction Many changes throughout the corporate arena, both in the immediate and recent past, are bringing tolight an increased need for cultural cognition in the “new world”. A post-industrial society, or more accuratelyan information generation is only the beginning. The new “world-order”, economic powerhouses, ethnicconflicts and a daily
Laboratory Experiments Simulator”, CACHE News, 37, 6-12.4. Felder, R, M. and L. K. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”, Journal of Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681, April, 1988.5. Fogler, H. S., S.M. Montgomery, and R.P. Zipp, “Interactive Computer Modules for Chemical Engineering Instruction”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1(1), 11-24, 1992.6. Kolb, D. A., “Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development”, Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1984.7. Montgomery, Susan and H. Scott Fogler, “Selecting Computer-Aided Instructional Software”, Journal of Engineering Education, 85(l), January, 1996.8. Pimentel, Ken and Teixeira, Kevin, “Virtual Reality
are placed on thedrawing area using the ftiliar drop and drag placement method. This method is illustrated below. Thepurpose of including these steps is so that one can see the actual programming procedure. These stepsindicate the ease in which programming is accomplished. To insert an inductor on the drawing requires the following keystrokes. Press (g) for Get Parts, thenpress (s) for Spice Library, press (p) for Passive Components, and press (i) for Inductor. The symbol is now(in green) on the screen. Use the mouse to position the inductor and press the leil mouse button. Theproperties list for the inductor will appear on the scree~ move the cursor over the word (value) in the linethat says (-DN value:) to make the (-DN) turn red
) to software and computers to philosophies such as JIT (Just In Time), TQM (Total QualityManagement), and CIE (Computer Integrated Enterprises). Each innovation places new demands on theexisting system into which they are introduced. The engineering manager is often asked to provide the needed leadership in these innovation-basedprojects because of this individual's technical expertise and training. Technical expertise in (1) the specificinnovation and (2) project management in general is not enough. The successful selection, planning, andimplementation of innovation within an organization requires that someone in the organization sell the change.The classic marketing process of identifying the target market(s) and selecting the
~ 1TTo ensure that no noise terms are generated, we eliminate them by using the following ifstatement technique. (I I AN :=if AN SIO-2,0, A~ ) 41 I B~ =i B~ SIO-5,0, B~ ) il A. =i A. S 1 0- 2, 0 , A0 I ) Page 1.393.3 #g& :4 } 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘O,+,plll’.:For this example, we wish to expand to 30 terms of the series. Thus, we arbitrarily set k.= 3CThe Fourier Series Expansion is given as
next series of composite beams isdesigned and hypotheses are made for where the failure will occur.Results Review:Table 1- Sample Data at 0.01 inches per second Loading Rate: Pounds at Failure LoadSeries I II III Iv VII S-2Layers :1 10.1 ----- 1.7 ---- 29.5 19.5 2 18.2 37,4 2.0 6.6 44.2 58.5 3 29.3 78.8 4.5 14.0 27.1 108.9 4 35.4 90.9 4.6 21.3 28.3 197.6Series I is craft sticks without
appropriate format. These graphics were used in conjunction with the text to create both an informative and attractive page. This project moved much more swiftly than was originally anticipated, so the decision was made to create another similar page on computer-generated special effects. The same procedure as for the first page was repeated to create this page. The PWSE homepage (figure 1) can be found at: http: //www.public.iastate. edu/-pwse_info/homepage. htnd . Airplane for Kia!s is an informative page instructing on how an airplane flies (figure 2), the parts of an airplane, the history of an airplane, pictures (figure 3), and a section on omithopters. Most of the
effofi an existing HVAC course has been re-structured to focus on the unique technicalrequirements of these closely related careers. This cooperation takes advantage of the individual strengths ofthe BC and MET Departments and is provided as a working model for other institutions that may want toestablish similar programs.INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION The demand for new buildings, both commercial and residential, was vigorous during the 1980’s andremains strong today. This high level of construction activity has created a strong demand for qualifiedMechanical Contractors who specify and install plumbing, electrical, and climate control equipment for indoorspaces. Once construction is complete, Maintenance Engineers operate and service
Session 1626 Learning Computer Science Through Robotics Maria Gini University of M i n n e s o t a The main purpose of this paper is to describe how we are integrating in our undergraduate curriculuma variety of projects in robotics and describe, in particular, an undergraduate project that culminatedat the robot competition at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in August 1995.This is part of a large effort aimed at exposing undergraduate students to a variety of projects in robotics,computer vision, and 3D modeling. We have
robot. Ray Asfahl discussed the gripping force sensing, the keyboard control, and 1 2 3>4program control of the robot. ’ ’ From an educational point of view, the robot system also demonstrates thedisadvantage of the open-loop control and the necessity of an established hard home, in comparison with otherrobot systems in the lab. Page 1.322.1 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings .,.7, s.’. Returning the robot to the home position and closing the gripper. It can seen that the program is rather compact due to well-ordered positions
manufacturingand service sectors of the economy, start to move from “mass production” to “mass customization ?, [21]new ideas are required which make it possible to customize the studies, i.e. “to deliver education as it i;needed by the individual”. In recent years, a number of new ideas have been presented on how to modernize engineering studiesto meet the new challenges facing higher education [11, 20, 16,6,9, 10,7,24,3, 14]. A significant efforthas been taken by many academic institutions all around the world to implement these ideas and adjustengineering curricula to the needs of the rapidly changing society [7, 8, 18,4, 5]0 A s most discussions onrestructuring engineering studies indicate, flexibility and adaptability of the system of study are