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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 224 in total
Benjamin C. Flores, University of Texas at El Paso; Nidia Banuelos, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Dessaray Gorbett; Ariana (Ari) Arciero, University of Texas at El Paso; Ross J. Benbow, University of Wisconsin - Madison
. FindingsIn the following, we provide an evidence-based answer to each of the three research questionsbased on student responses. The tables with relevant data are included as appendices 1 through 3.What are the features of Hispanic Engineering students’ social networks?The number of listed people as key supporters varied between 0 and 20 with an average of fivesupporters. The average network density, reflecting the number of interrelationships amongsupports, was three connections within a social network of five people. This indicated a closerelationship between supporters and the students. The large majority of alters had Hispanicidentities. More than a third of alters had a high school diploma or GED and about a quarter hada bachelor’s degree. The
Ryan McGuire, University of New Mexico; Tariq Khraishi, University of New Mexico
specimens were printed, any plastic burs were removed via an X-acto knife. Then thespecimens were labeled with the following system template: 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 − 𝑆𝑆In this template 3 pieces of information were recorded. N was the number of holes and rangedfrom 0 to 3. O was the size and orientation of the holes: B for base, iL for in line and small, and Lfor large. Lastly, S reflected the sample number. After each sample in a set was labeled, they weretested using a single column Tensile Testing Machine from My Lab Equipment. Each sample wasphotographed before and after the tensile test was conducted, as well as videotaped during the test.Using the Tensile Testing Machine’s built in data collection tools the
Conference Session
Track 3: Technical Session 7: Promotion of Student Well-being via Successful Navigation through Conflict Resolution Pathways
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Boni Frances Yraguen, Vanderbilt University; Bettina K Arkhurst; Stuart Montgomery, Georgia Institute of Technology; Derek Ashton Nichols, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jennifer Molnar, Georgia Institute of Technology
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
Paper ID #40712Promotion of Student Well-being via Successful Navigation throughConflict Resolution PathwaysDr. Boni Frances Yraguen, Vanderbilt University Boni Yraguen is a recent PhD graduate from Georgia Tech. Her dissertation work is in the field of combustion/thermo./fluids. She studies a novel diesel injection strategy: Ducted Fuel Injection (DFI), which is used to drastically decrease soot emissions during diesel combustion. In addition to her thesis work, Boni is passionate about engineering education. She has led and participated in various educational studies on the impact of student reflections, authentic
2024 South East Section Meeting
Kenneth Stafford Sands II, Auburn University; Min Jae Suh, Sam Houston State University
classcancellations), hybrid, and even face-to-face class instruction. Therefore, the purpose of thispaper is to provide insight into the authors' approach to creating interactive online courseware byusing Articulate Storyline 360® for the enhancement of online course engagement. Storyline360® is aimed at providing tools that have a primary goal of making interactive activities ratherthan one-way presentations. It has a plethora of design tools and activities such as embeddedquizzes, surveys, and other interactive features. The authors found a variety of benefits ofStoryline 360® such as a user interface reflective of other slideshow products, the ability to setup quizzes, activities, and certificates of completion within the course, the text-to
2024 South East Section Meeting
David Calamas, Georgia Southern University
FeedbackStudent feedback on the open-ended questions was centered around four coherent themes:consistency and standardization, anonymity and bias reduction, clarity and transparency, andefficiency and turnaround time. The responses reflected a consensus among students on theperceived fairness of grading using Gradescope compared to traditional manual methods.Students appreciated the uniformity in grading standards, emphasizing that everyone was subjectto the same criteria, eliminating potential biases. The anonymity of the grading process washighlighted as a key factor contributing to fairness, ensuring equal treatment for all without theinfluence of personal factors.The efficiency of Gradescope was acknowledged, with students expressing satisfaction
2024 South East Section Meeting
Salman Siddiqui, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University
through the semester. Thisadjustment allowed hardware applications to be woven into each weekly lab session, movingaway from a previous sole focus on hardware. Such a change provided students with moretime to engage with the sensors and electronic components of the kit, gradually building theirskills to handle increasingly complex projects.Furthermore, the course was enhanced to include both an oral presentation and a writtenreport on the projects, adding depth to the learning experience. Reflecting these changes, thegrading structure was revised to better align with this enriched, hands-on educationalapproach, as highlighted in Table II. Table II- Course Assessment Components and Grade Allocation Assessment
2024 South East Section Meeting
Mazen I. Hussein, Tennessee Technological University
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experience.The survey questions were divided into three categories: characteristics, satisfaction, andpreferences. In the characteristics section, students identified their preferred learning style andMBTI personality type after completing an online ILS Inventory and a simplified online MBTIassessment. The ILS Inventory, designed by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman,evaluates preferences across four dimensions: active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal,and sequential/global, offering insights into learning styles. Additionally, learning styles arecommonly discussed using the VARK model (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic).Students also indicated their predominant learning mode: visual, auditory, or tactile.The MBTI created
Conference Session
Track 4: Technical Session 3: Considerations for assessment, evaluation, and continuous improvement of a pre-college STEM summer program for promising Black high school students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Jesika Monet McDaniel, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Cynthia Hampton Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kim Lester, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
ProgramInsight from 2022 Cohort, Needs for 2023 Cohort, and Change for 2023 CohortThe insight, needs, and change addressed from 2022 to 2023 was a process that started withtranscribing reflections from the co-author of this paper who is the co-director of DISTINCTION.Open responses from the 2022 cohort were also cross-checked to ensure that participants’communication of their experiences were integrated into this exercise. The insight for 2022 fromthe co-author and crosschecked, the needs derived from the insight to address in 2023, and thechange enacted in 2023 is organized in this section.Evaluation Topic: Infrastructure Insight from 2022: Lenient on time and structure of free time. Need identified for 2023: adjustments to routine to set
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 6: Stewardship of the Stories: Learning from Black Engineering Students' Lived Experiences
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Tanya D Ennis, University of Colorado Boulder; Donna Auguste Ph.D., Auguste Research Group, LLC; Cynthia Hampton Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
. These participants used a narrative form of storytelling to share theirexperiences at the university and other settings, including experiences of physical conflicts,emotional conflicts, bias, microaggressions, mental stress, and physical illness.Their experiences spoke their truth, sometimes for the first time. The participants’ experienceswere consequential for each of them, even while being inconvenient and uncomfortable for otherpeople who did not share their experiences and may not believe their truth. However, webelieved them. In 2023, we sought to revisit a reflective question related to conducting theoriginal research study: What methodological nuances arose from participants sharing theirlived experiences in a study of 24 Black
2024 South East Section Meeting
Marino Nader, University of Central Florida; Qiushi Fu, University of Central Florida
involved in this study, was given in class once a week in blendedM-mode by a different instructor than the one who originally designed it, with minor changes.Three attempts, with randomized questions were given for each of the three tests performedremotely using LockDown Browser, Proctor Hub and Respondus monitor to maintain testingintegrity. All attempts were performed digitally within a week using CANVAS LearningManagement System (LMS), each attempt was instantly graded, and the results were immediatelyreleased for the students to seek help, where needed.An increase in students’ success improved with a minimum of 56% between the first and the thirdattempts. However, the overall success average students’ success is 143%. This reflects
2024 South East Section Meeting
Larisa Olesova, University of Florida; Mihai Boicu, George Mason University; Harry J Foxwell, George Mason University; Ioulia Rytikova, George Mason University
them with the skillsessential for success in the rapidly changing landscape of STEM jobs.Inquiry-based learning has recently received additional attention when the metacognitiveapproach has been implemented into the design of online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning tosupport the dynamics of reflective thinking and a shared inquiry process [8]. Metacognition is arequired cognitive ability to achieve deep and meaningful learning that can be viewed both fromindividual and shared perspectives. Moreover, when metacognition is facilitated within theCommunity of Inquiry (CoI) and, specifically, through the principles of the Practical InquiryModel (PIM), it can help regulate cognitive presence of self and others [9]. Understanding howmetacognition
2024 South East Section Meeting
ISAAC DAMILARE DUNMOYE, University of Georgia; VINCENT OLUWASETO FAKIYESI, University of Georgia; Wayne Johnson, University of Georgia; Dominik May, University of Georgia
. The course also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate anunderstanding of the role of public policy and intellectual property in the development and implementation ofengineered systems. During the course lectures, emphasis is placed on developing students’ critical reflection andsocial engagement as contemporary engineers. The students’ grade in the course was calculated based on classparticipation (attendance, reflections, and scribe reports), written assessments (mid-term and final examinations) andprojects. The course instructor (third author) taught two sections of the course in the Spring 2023 semester. However,due to time constraints, only the study sheets of one section were analyzed for this study. We analyzed the
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Aja Rachel Bettencourt-Mccarthy, University of Cincinnati; Matthew Sleep, University of Cincinnati
templates developed by Hylton and France [18]. Students are placedinto teams that reflect a range of Civil Engineering disciplinary course experience and togetheruse the stakeholder identification assignment to begin describing stakeholders and their wants,needs and pains. Student teams then focus on one or two of their identified stakeholders in CVE5002. They augment their original stakeholder profiles with additional research to create moredetailed personas. Teams then propose a design for a Value and Impact Change (VIC). In thisVIC, students create preliminary design changes for a project that was the focus of their 4technical design courses. Whatever design change is proposed in the VIC must add value andimpact to the identified stakeholder
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Jiansen Wang; Shantanu Gupta, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI)
of four runway and taxiway choices using the End-AroundTaxiway (EAT) in an ARENA® stochastic model based on Dallas Fort Worth Internationalairport. The researchers assessed the performance of the proposed airport layout by comparingaverage taxi times, average fuel consumption, and number of runways crossing [6]. The findingsindicated that the overall taxi times performance would be improved by using the EAT as taxi-inor taxi-out path [6]. A simulation study may consist of the following steps [7]:1. Understand the system2. Clarify the modeling goals3. Develop the model concept4. Input the model into the modeling software and document as you build the model5. Verify that the model in the software reflects the conceptual model6. Validate
2024 PNW Section Annual Meeting
Bryce E. Hughes; Nickolas Lambert; Emmanuel Teye
[38]. Networks reflect our access to resourcesand support across multiple domains, and we frequently rely on different network actors, andperhaps different networks altogether, for different kinds of resources and support [39].Homophily arises in our social networks as we tend to form relationships with people who aresimilar to us in important ways. Homophily can be a limiting characteristic within our networks,as diverse networks can be sources of diverse information [40], but for minoritized people,homophily can be an important source of support within social networks. For example, LGBTQpeople can find validation and identity support through connections with other LGBTQ people[41], which would be important for STEM students who may have a
Akila Ravichandran; Kiran Katira; Tariq Khraishi
programming done by the students in this particular community-engagement project. The OutcomesThe UNM SOE and CEC incorporate a qualitative research study that seeks to explore howparticipants’ Service Learning/Community Engagement (SL/CE) experiences influence students’perspectives and understandings toward public welfare and their engagement with engineeringmajors. In addition, the study seeks to investigate students’ reflections on their major: pre- andpost-SL/CE. The research methods include collecting data through surveys, one-on-one interviewswith the scholars, document analysis of scholar and site leader reflections/reports, and regularcheck-in meetings.The initial findings from participants survey
2024 ASEE North East Section
Samuel A Servati, State University of New York, Canton; PS Dhanasekaran, State University of New York, Canton
environment that feels isolating andfilled with challenges. After considering these factors, would you feel confident in your ability tothrive in this brand-new environment, handling problems you've never encountered before? Formany, this proves to be an impossible challenge, leading to the derailment of their intendedfutures.But what if these struggling students weren't inherently unsuited for a career in engineering?What if they simply lacked the necessary tools and support to succeed in their first academicyear? First-year students often grapple with developing the academic and intellectual.competence, essential for success in an engineering major. This includes skills such as critical.thinking, problem-solving, and reflective judgment, which need
2024 ASEE North East Section
Naser Haghbin, Fairfield University
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Advanced Product De- sign and Manufacturing at Fairfield University. His curriculum development and lab modernization pre- pare students for Industrial challenges. Additionally, he excels in teaching four lab courses, each having two sections, providing hands-on education to future engineers. His scholarly contributions, featured in several peer-reviewed journals specializing in manufacturing processes, reflect his dedication to research and knowledge dissemination. Dr. Haghbin possesses hands-on experience in controlled micro-milling and 3D printing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Transformative Mechanical Engineering One-Credit Laboratory Courses: A Project
2024 ASEE North East Section
PS Dhanasekaran, State University of New York, Canton
empower students to make a meaningful impact on theglobal community [5, 6,7]. A significant obstacle to learning is when students struggle to applytheir knowledge in problem-solving situations. By reflecting on their own learning, students canpinpoint areas where they need improvement and enhance their understanding to a higher level.This enables them to effectively utilize their knowledge when tackling complex problems [8].Active Learning nurtures specific and crucial skills like collaboration, autonomy, logicalreasoning, creative thinking, and problem-solving. These competencies are indispensable forexcelling in a wide array of roles within today's fiercely competitive global job market [7, 9, 10].In the flipped classroom model, the
2024 ASEE North East Section
Christina Cao, .; Danushka Bandara, Fairfield University
errors, or factual distortions thatresult in favoring certain groups or ideas, perpetuating stereotypes, or makingincorrect assumptions based on learned patterns [25].1.2 Origins of BiasLanguage models can inherit biases from their training data, leading them toperpetuate stereotypes and social issues. This can happen in several ways. Thedata itself might be biased due to certain societal biases reflected in online con-tent. They can thus contain discrimination or stereotypes. Data sources chosencan also be biased, with companies focusing on certain sources and neglectingothers. The algorithms used to process data can also amplify biases. Even humaninvolvement in training can introduce biases, as annotators’ own perspectives caninfluence the
2024 ASEE North East Section
Djedjiga Belfadel, Fairfield University; Isaac Macwan, Fairfield University; Naser Haghbin, Fairfield University; John F Drazan, Fairfield University
. Additionally, he excels in teaching four lab courses, each having two sections, providing hands-on education to future engineers. His scholarly contributions, featured in several peer-reviewed journals specializing in manufacturing processes, reflect his dedication to research and knowledge dissemination. Dr. Haghbin possesses hands-on experience in controlled micro-milling and 3D printing.John F Drazan, Fairfield University John Drazan, PhD is an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Fairfield University. Dr. Drazan completed his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania in the McKay Orthopedic Research
2024 ASEE North East Section
Robin Chataut, Quinnipiac University; YUSUF USMAN, Quinnipiac University; Frederick Scholl, Quinnipiac University
cyber incidents,particularly data breaches. These incidents are not merely isolated events; they reflect a broadertrend of escalating cyber threats that target the very core of personal and organizational privacyand integrity. The state's diverse economic landscape, encompassing healthcare, finance,insurance, and manufacturing sectors, presents a varied and rich target for cyber adversaries.This variety amplifies the potential impact of data breaches and underscores the necessity for acomprehensive understanding of these incidents. Analyzing data breaches in Connecticut is notjust about quantifying incidents; it is about dissecting the anatomy of these breaches to unveilpatterns, identify vulnerabilities, and understand the evolving tactics of
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Sunai Kim, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Tamer Omar, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Deify Law
. This data was input into EarthSmart to determine the amount ofembodied carbon in the four stages of the LCA. The project prioritized carbon-neutral or negative materials.Design for ResilienceResilient housing involves constructing a home to withstand the natural environment and survive extremenatural disasters. The students aimed to protect the house from natural disasters in California such aswildfires, earthquakes, and frequent periods of drought with a resilient design.Student Learning OutcomesFifteen civil engineering students involved in construction administration stages of the competition weresurveyed on their overall experience. Their reflections were tallied and analyzed. There were limitations indata collection, as by the time the
M. Ginger Scarbrough
3The design contest is modeled after the engineering Request for Proposals (RFP), with each event inthe contest reflecting the process followed by an engineering firm as they answer an engineeringRFP. To develop real-world challenges, WERC partners with industry and government agencies todevelop tasks that address some of the major environmental concerns that the world faces today.Each year, WERC offers a diverse set of design challenges. From these, student teams select onetask to focus on. Each task is designed and sponsored by industry and/or government agencies tosolve a real problem of concern. Sponsorship of a task is an investment in the future workforce, butalso provides the sponsors with fresh and innovative perspectives that often
Shadi Balawi; Abdelrahman Youssef; Youssef Elmasry
methodologies. Theyclearly demonstrate that not all of these methodologies are equal. This will potentially help in selectingand fine tuning the better methodology based on the course outcomes.Data from more recent runs of the course were collected. Some changes were introduced to the courseto minimize the effort requested from students. The weekly surveys were dropped and were exchangedfor one peer evaluation exercise that reflected the conflicted teams. A conflict that is managed wellmay not need to be addressed and was phased out by the teams towards the end of the semester. Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Conference Session
Track 1: Technical Session 7:Beyond Math Readiness: Understanding Why Some Women Pursue Engineering
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Olivia Ryan, Virginia Tech Engineering Education; Susan Sajadi, Virginia Tech
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
emerging themes.‬‭ rustworthiness‬T‭Reporting on the quality, credibility, and validation of qualitative research is the best practice to‬ ‭ensure the study's trustworthiness‬‭[47]‬‭. In engineering‬‭education, Walther et al.‬‭[48]‬‭provide‬ ‭validation strategies to ensure the quality and trustworthiness of qualitative research.‬‭ heoretical validation of a study should reflect the complexity of the lived experience under‬T‭investigation. This can be validated through the use of an opposing case analysis. As can be seen‬ ‭in the findings, different factors had opposing narratives emerge. Considering alternative or‬ ‭opposing perspectives is particularly important to ensure the reliability of a case study‬‭[43]‬‭.‬ ‭Communicative validation of
Conference Session
Track 8: Technical Session 9: On the Importance of Spatiality and Intersectionality: Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Undergraduate Engineering Experiences Through Critical Collaborative Ethnographic Site Visits
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Finn Johnson M.A., Oregon State University; Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
the research process (Jolivette,2015). Surveys, interviews, and focus groups create great benefits for the institution and itsresearch team (in the forms of grant funding, tenure, and graduate degrees, among others) oftenwith little to no benefit for the subject community (which may or may not even receivecompensation). Fair financial compensation that matches or exceeds the per-hour wages of theresearchers is a way to strive for equal benefit for TGNC subject populations from a researchjustice perspective. Our participants were compensated at a comparable hourly rate as theresearchers in order to reflect the unparalleled value of the unique expertise that they brought tothe research project.Site-visitsThe site-visit activities were divided
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 2: Enhancing the Cultural Competence of K-12 STEM Teachers through a Global Research Experience
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; Leanne Petry, Central State University; Kelly Bohrer, University of Dayton; Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton; Marjorie Langston Langston; Elizabeth Generas
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
teachersengaged in a pre-departure course, a four-week program in China, and a follow-up curriculumdesign and delivery activity. These researchers used the IDI to assess participants’ gains, as wellas other qualitative methods including ongoing reflections, and an assessment of the participants’curriculum design projects. Similar to Cushner and Chang (2015), He Lundgren and Pines(2017) did not see dramatic growth on the IDI, but did see some positive changes in theparticipants’ beliefs, insights, and teaching practices.Using a different assessment strategy, Oken, Jansen, Hoffman and Coelen (2022) foundinternational experience to have a significant positive impact on developing the interculturalcompetence of teachers. Finally, Charity Hudley, and
2023 PSW
Helen Choi
90% of the Hub's first-semester visitors were internationalstudents. They also reflect significant linguistic diversity, as 17% of the Hub's studentsreported they were comfortable speaking Chinese and 10% reported feelingcomfortable speaking Persian. Students also reported speaking Korean, Hindustani,Arabic, Greek, Urdu, and Bengali.Student visitors at the Hub represented every year of graduate study, with 30% in thefifth year of graduate study, 27% in the first year of graduate study, and 16% in thefourth year of graduate study. In terms of engineering departments, most (66%) camefrom computer science, but every engineering department (including chemicalengineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, astronautical engineering
Conference Session
Track 2: Technical Session 6: Minoritized Student Audio Narratives to Influence Faculty's Empathic Understanding: Learning from Sophie and Enola
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Stephen Secules, Florida International University; Maimuna Begum Kali, Florida International University; Cassandra J McCall, Utah State University; Gabriel Van Dyke, Utah State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
ResearchAs we reflect on the novel methodology incorporated in this study, we suggest the following implicationsfor broadening participation research.First, we offer our specific contribution as a possible augmentation to any qualitative broadeningparticipation research out there. We think this paper has demonstrated the wealth of insights available inlistening to a single participant, even just for a one-hour interview. Qualitative researchers could considerinvesting in simple audio equipment and learning techniques for re-recording interview content to helpdisseminate in podcast, YouTube, website, and faculty development sessions. We note that this could be arelatively simple and fruitful form of secondary data analysis for the many Broadening