interesting to certain groups ofpeople. For example, in the survey that was conducted, while both boys and girls found themessage “Engineering makes a world of difference” most appealing, girls’ second mostappealing message was “Engineering is essential to our health, happiness, and safety” whileboys’ second most appealing message was “Engineers are creative problem solvers.” Therecommendations from the report suggest that targeting certain messages to certain groups(audience segmentation) may be the most effective means of branding engineering in a positiveway. In fact, recommendation 2 says: “The choice of a specific message should be based on thedemographics of the target audience (s)”1 (p. 12).In the end, NAE suggested four main messages to be
institution. This action has a typical duration of two years. This action cannot follow a previous SC action for the same Deficiency(s). SCV (Show Cause Visit) - This action indicates that a currently accredited program has one or more Deficiencies. The Deficiencies are such that an on- site review will be required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution. This action has a typical duration of two years. This action cannot follow a previous SC action for the same Deficiencies RE (Report Extended) – This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action has
the UN. Dr. Vachon has authored over 150 papers, numerous technical reports and presented pa- pers internationally. He is a member of the Pan American Academy of Engineering and the International Nuclear Energy Academy. He served on the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee for seven years. He has served as the advisor to the President of the World Federa- tion of Engineering Organizations. Recently he was on the AIAA Structures Committee of Standards that developed Standard, S –1110-2005 Space Systems-Structures, Structural Components , and Structural As- semblies. He is an original patentee for digital image correlation and co-holds a number of other patents encompassing the
improvement, consideration, considerations for grading representative(s) ~20 min Instructor clarification and the futureMotivation for further explorationBy guiding peers in their own course activities, Quality Managers offer a unique viewpoint in theclassroom; this study explores the QM perspectives as both assistant educators and as students.Quality Managers are the pivotal elements in the success of this peer-educator initiative becausethey provide a bridge between the professor and the general students. A deeper understanding ofthe QM experience from the Quality Manager’s perspective can be a step to ensuring an efficientand successful
program.The Food Engineering Program Assessment Plan consists of three major parts4-10:Part I: Determining expectations. Along with stating expected outcomes, we try to identify if, infact, we provide sufficient educational opportunities inside and outside of the classroom todevelop the desired outcomes we assert we teach and/or develop. Courses may be one means, butseveral other options exist. To assure that students have sufficient and various kinds ofeducational opportunities to learn or develop desired outcomes, we engage in curricular and co-curricular mapping.Part II: Determining timing, identifying cohort(s), and assigning responsibilities. This part of theAssessment Plan focuses on how and when every Food Engineering Program faculty will