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; Amani, Y. (2010). Renewable Energy: Senior Design Project Experience. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, p. S3H1-S3H3.9. Aung, K. (2011). Simulation Tools or Renewable Energy Projects. Proceedings of the2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.10. Condoor, S., & Condoor, S. (2011). Renewable energy-Based Senior Design Experience for Undergraduate Students. Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference.11. ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs, 2014-2015, http://www.abet.org/accreditation-criteria-policies-documents/12. ABET, Inc., “Accreditation Standards and Program Criteria for Manufacturing Engineering and Similarly Named Programs
. This diversity results in a datasetthat currently comprises twenty-five years of data that includes 1,014,887 unique undergraduate,degree-seeking students. Of those students 210,725 were ever enrolled in engineering. While theoriginal database contains only eleven institutions, the plan for MIDFIELD has always been toexpand the database to include all public institutions in the United States that offer undergraduateprograms in engineering. An award by the National Science Foundation (#1545667,$4,010,978.00, 03/01/16 to 02/28/2021) will support increasing the number of partnerinstitutions to 103. Students in the expanded MIDFIELD will comprise over half of theundergraduate engineering degrees awarded at U. S. public institutions and
., & Rudenstine, N. L. (1992). In pursuit of the Ph.D. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.9 Weimer, D. J., Prieto, L. R., & Meyers, S. A. (2004). To train or not to train: That is the question. In W. Buskist, B. C. Beins, & V. W. Hevern (Eds.), Preparing for the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers, (pp. 2-9). Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.10 Heppner, M. J. (1994). An empirical investigation of the effects of a teaching practicum on prospective faculty. Journal of Counseling and Development, 72, 500-507.11 Girves, J.E., & Wemmerus, V. (1988). Developing models of graduate student degree progress. The Journal of Higher
Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition”, AC 2011-76112. Dym, C. L., Agogino, A. M., Ozgur E., Frey D.D., and Leifer L. J., “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching and Learning”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005 pp. 103-12013. Meyers, K., Uhran, J., Pieronek, C., Budny, D., Ventura, J., Ralston P., Estell, J., Hart, B., Slaboch, C., and Ladewski, R., “Perspectives On First Year Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition”, Session 122614. Allam, Y.,S., Whitfield, C.A., and Phanthanousy, J.H., “Scaffolding Provided to Engineering Students in Conerstone Design Project Scenarios Related to Practice of Expert Designers”, Proceedings of the
: - What are the major milestones for this department? - What support systems are in place to help students meet each milestone successfully? - What social supports (formal or informal) are in place within the department or university? - I hear _________ can happen during the dissertation process. Is that something you have seen? What could we do to overcome this or avoid it all together?Good communication between an advisor/advisee and among various graduate students can help tonavigate some of these challenges and encourage a successful experience for the students. References1. Tolkien, J.R.R. (1967). The lord of the rings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.2. Cutler, S., Pembridge, J
include SKC Cascade Impactors for particulatematter, TSI Inc.’s P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter, Sabio Instruments Inc.’s Photometer forozone, RAE Systems QRAE II Personal Air Monitor for carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, andother combustible gases, Extech Sound Level Meters for noise levels, and Test Light Meters forlight intensity. For parameters that could not be analyzed on campus such as radon and dieselparticulate matter (DPM), sampling cartridges were mailed to commercial analytical laboratoriessuggested by the vendors.In another project offered every year in the course since 2000, mathematical models and airsampling instruments were used to determine the ventilation and air exchange rates in chosenclassrooms, laboratories, and offices
plan toconduct similar studies in which we investigate the role of class level (i.e., freshman andsophomore classes versus junior and senior), major, and historically underrepresented groups,such as women and minorities. This preliminary study resulted in the development of a resourcethat instructors can hand out or show their students on the first day. Ultimately, in a field oftendriven by numbers, there is great power in showing engineering students that, mathematically,their academic success depends on consistent class attendance, diligent note-taking, and keepingup with the instructor during class.References1. Hall, C. W., Kauffmann, P. J, Wuensch, K. L., Swart, W. E., DeUrquidi, K. A., Griffin, O. H., & Duncan, C. S
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attributes were developed.These attributes were then used to analyze several popular canvases to create a framework forcomparing and selecting canvases. This analysis reveals that these canvases have beendeveloped for different types of systems in different stages of their life cycle. Lastly wediscussed how our general canvas framework could be used to enhance student learning in aneducational context.ReferencesBlank, Steven G. (May 2013). "Why the lean start-up changes everything". Harvard BusinessReview 91 (5): 63–72.Blank, Steven G. & Dorf, Bob. The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-by-step Guide forBuilding a Great Company, K&S Ranch; 1 edition (March 1, 2012).Buede, Dennis M. The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, 3rd
directs them to LU’s admissions office and college ofengineering (COE) advisement office. LU’s admissions office reviews each candidate’sapplication and performs the transcript(s) analyses. Only after a student is admitted, LU’s COEadvisement office creates a degree plan for the student. Each student must apply and be acceptedto LU before their transcript(s) are evaluated and a degree plan can be created. However, duringthis process, the department and the COE advisement office provide general feedback toprospective student questions. Answering the simple question of what is required for a transferstudent to graduate often is a labor intensive process especially for students who take coursesoutside of Texas or take courses at multiple
] Gold, M. (2012). Debates in the Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press.[3] Kirschenbaum, M. (2012). “What is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?” In Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matthew K. Gold. University of Minnesota Press.[4] Mueller, M. (2014). “Shakespeare His Contemporaries: Collaborative Curation and Exploration of Early Modern Drama in a Digital Environment. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 8(3).[5] Engel, D. & Thain, M. (2015). “Textual Artifacts and Their Digital Representations: Teaching Graduate Students to Build Online Archives.” Digital Humanities Quarterly, 9(1).[6] Manzo, C., Kaufmann, G., Punjasthitkul, S., & Flanagan, M. (2015). “‘By the People, For the People
project clearly indicated that the studentswere able to apply knowledge gained from almost all courses in their undergraduateeducation. They were also able to design and implement a useful application using modernengineering tools and a variety of computer languages such as C and MySQL database. Theproject implementation met both its constraints; low-cost and low power consumption. Theproject design and implementation also satisfied many of student learning outcomes, asdefined by ABET, for capstone design projects.VII. AcknowledgementThis research was supported by the UDC STEM Center for Research and DevelopmentNSF/ HRD1531014 and NSF/HRD1435947.References:[1] http://www.powercastco.com/products/powerharvester-receivers/[2] D. Dondi, S. Scorcioni
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hands-on simulated assembly line, and the other is a computer-aided simulation using Arena software. Keywords: Arena; Gamification; Lean, Engineering; Lean Principles; Lean Teaching; SimulationIntroduction Nowadays, the concept of Lean manufacturing is widely used in industries and so it is imperative for thecurrent emerging Industrial engineering workforce to understand and be able to apply lean manufacturingconcepts. Implementing Lean principles in real time manufacturing settings has increased significantly since1990’s 1 and the application in service 2 industries for the last 10 years. This observed increase in theapplication of lean principles could be easily narrowed down towards the effectiveness of lean methodology
and industry mentors.Bibliography1. Miller, R. L. & Olds, B. M. A model curriculum for a capstone course in multidisciplinary engineering design. J. Eng. Educ. 83, 311–316 (1994).2. Hotaling, N., Fasse, B. B., Bost, L. F., Hermann, C. D. & Forest, C. R. A quantitative analysis of the effects of a multidisciplinary engineering capstone design course. J. Eng. Educ. 101, 630–656 (2012).3. Howe, S. & Wilbarger, J. National survey of engineering capstone design courses. in Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition 18–21 (2005).4. Lamancusa, J. S., Zayas, J. L., Soyster, A. L., Morell, L. & Jorgensen, J. 2006 Bernard M. Gordon Prize Lecture*: The Learning Factory: Industry-Partnered Active Learning. J
2012 and 857in Fall 2013. Because of a university-wide initiative, the President decided in Fall 2013 to admitmore students to the Colleges of Engineering and Business. The California State Universitysystem-wide placement testing program in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills consistsof the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) examination.Students who do not earn a score that indicates they are ready for college level English mustenroll in the remedial course(s) as determined by their score. Placement into an English courseis based on the student’s EPT score as follows:EPT Scores First Semester Second Semester0-138 LLD 1 LLD 2 or English 1A139-146 LLD 2 English 1A147-180
to take Calculus Iwill be handed a set schedule for required courses, one of which is Calculus I with ES.AcknowledgementsThe project is supported by National Science Foundation Grant Number 1317651.Bibliography 1. National Science Board. The Science and Engineering Workforce: Realizing America’s Potential, Publication NSB 03-69, 2003.2. Augustine, N. “Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future”, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP), 2007.3. Herzog, S. “Measuring Determinants of Student Return vs. Dropout/Stopout vs. Transfer: A First-to-Second Year Analysis of New Freshmen”, Research in Higher Education, pp. 883-928, December 2005.4. Cheng, D. and
pre- post anxiety treatment to improve academic performance for engineering students.” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, pp. 3826-3830.7. Ferguson, C.W., Yanik, P.M., Chang, A. and Kaul, S. (2015). “Scholarship Program Initiative via Recruitment, Innovation, and Transformation.” Proc. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.8. Kaul, S., Chang, A., Yanik, P.M. and Ferguson, C.W. (2015). “Development of a Mentorship Program in Engineering and Technology.” Proc. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.
devoted to science and mathematics; the only engineeringand technology instruction was C programming and an introduction to microprocessors. Theengineering content in Year 2 was fairly high and included a course with a challenging mixedsignal design project. It was clear that students from both Year 1 and Year 2 of the GlasgowCollege, UESTC would be eligible to participate in the summer OIP. However, it was notknown how many students and from which years would select this particular OIP as this wasone of four OIPs organized by the Glasgow College, UESTC. Another unknown was whetherany UESTC students would attend the OIP – let alone information on their year(s) of study inwhich degree programme(s). While the majority of UESTC students were
the E and ET academic career. At the end, I would like to mention that some of these suggestions will work while others may not, based on the faculty’s personality and way of implementation, but it’s always good to try. References Accreditation Criteria from Policy and Procedural Manual, www.abet.org. Adams, Robin S. and Felder, Richard (2008) “Reframing Professional Development: A Systems Approach to Preparing Engineering Educators to Educate Tomorrow ’s Engineers, Journal of Engineering Education, Pp.239-241. Austin, A. E. (2003). Creating a bridge to the future: Preparing new faculty to face changing expectations in a shifting context. Review of Higher Education, 26, 119-144. Boice, R. (1992). The New Faculty Member, San Francisco, CA
ofcognitive style (KAI) based on the Quality metrics. At first, linear regression models weregenerated using SPSS software in order to determine if a simple linear regression could modelKAI or its subscores effectively. After this, SPSS was used to generate logarithmic, inverse,quadratic, cubic, compound, power, S, growth, and exponential regression models13 to relateKAI and its subscores to the Quality metrics. Table 1: Table of the groupings of KAI and its subscores Group KAI Values SO Values E Values RG Values 1 57 - 64 21-25 8-10 20-22 2 65-70 26-28 11-12 23-25 3 71-77 29
Workshop should have less speakers Other (please specifiy)Figure 2. Results from the panelist survey based on how the event could be improvedThe results of the attendee survey mirrored the panelists’ responses on the organization andlength of the workshop again noting that it was a well-organized event and the length wasappropriate, though a small percentage felt the event was somewhat long. In addition to thesequestions, the attendees were also asked to reflect on their thoughts regarding workshop content,suggestions for future events, if they would consider attending again and most importantly thebenefit(s) from attendance.The attendees overwhelmingly replied that the topic was of interest to them and that some
. The lab consists of hands-on exercises that providethe student with the opportunity to program the hardware to perform some simple useful controlfunction(s) and to make projects that can be controlled through the Internet. To implement thecourse the faculty choose to use low-cost universally available hardware that is available from avariety of online sources. The microprocessor platform utilized is the Raspberry Pi and theassociated open-source microcontroller platform is the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno shown inFigure 1 below has been around for some time and has been cloned by numerous vendors. Due toits longevity, there are many accessories (known as shields) available from the same vendors. Aquick search of Amazon.com will provide one
, beliefs, and practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 17(3), 381–414.11. Biggers, M., & Haefner, L. A. (2015, April). Integrating Elementary Science and Engineering Curriculum. Presentation at National Association of Research of Science Teaching Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.12. Century, J., Rudnick, M., & Freeman, C. (2010). A framework for measuring fidelity of implementation: A foundation for shared language and accumulation of knowledge. American Journal of Evaluation, 31(2), 199–218. 13. Remillard, J. T. (2005). Examining key concepts in research on teachers’ use of mathematics curricula. Review of Educational Research, 75(2), 211–246. 14. Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and
improve student learning.a See http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/projects.html.b JavaDoc is included in Oracle’s Java implementation and used to document its API, resulting in wide adoption inthe Java community. See, for example, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/overview-summary.html.Much of the instruction in the microprocessors course requires students to integrate material frommultiple sources. For example, the function shown in Figure 1(a) also depends on understandingof a timer provided in the textbook used in the course, and specific reference to the definition ofbits in timer 2’s control register which is provided in the microcontroller’s datasheet. Cognativeload theory predicts that when these elements are spatially or
by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1151019. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the MEDLEEresearch group.REFERENCES1. Bursic KM, Atman CJ. Information gathering: A critical step for quality in the design process. QualityManagement Journal. 1997;4(4).2. Ennis Jr CW, Gyeszly SW. Protocol analysis of the engineering systems design process. Research in EngineeringDesign. 1991;3(1):15-22.3. Atman CJ, Adams RS, Cardella ME. Engineering design processes: A comparison of students and expertpractitioners. Journal of Engineering
. Which room(s) on campus should we upgrade first?All participants were given free range to elaborate on these questions or make other commentsand suggestions they felt was essential to the conversation. Rather than concentrating on newcutting-edge technologies and modernistic concepts, participants overwhelming felt fixingsimple issues in currently existing classrooms would make a huge difference in their teachingand learning and was a crucial first step in the classroom of the future design moving forward.ResultsThere were a total of 51 participants, including instructors and students, that provided feedbackeither in person or via one of the online methods. All comments and suggestions were sorted andgrouped to a matching category, which
Identity Formation, Research in Science Education, vol. 43, issue 5, p.1979-2007 (October, 2013).17. Schultz, L.A., Barriers for Wilmot High School Female Students not Enrolling in the Mechanical Design Technology Program at Gateway Technical College, Thesis, University of Wisconsin, http://www2.uwstout.edu/content/lib/thesis/2011/2011schultzl.pdf (2011).18. Tully, D., Jacobs, B., Effects of Single-Gender Mathematics Classrooms on Self-Perception of Mathematical Ability and Post-Secondary Engineering Paths: An Australian Case Study, European Journal of Engineering Education, 35:4, 455-467 (2010).19. Wee, S.; Cordova-Wentling, R.M.; Korte, R.F.; Larson, S.M.; Loui, M.C., Why Many Smart Women Leave Engineering: A
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