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Displaying results 1201 - 1230 of 1671 in total
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lola Brown, City College of the City University of New York; Ardie D. Walser, City College of the City University of New York; Rawlins Beharry, City College of the City University of New York
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
. Our community college partnersmay accept students into their schools even if the student is not skills proficient inreading and/or writing and/or math; these students then take remedial or developmentalcourses so that they can become skills proficient in reading and/or writing and/or math.At the senior college, all of the students who enter into the school of engineering asfreshmen are skills proficient. Once a student is accepted into the school of engineering,s/he is classified as an engineering major and once s/he begins as a first-time, full-timestudent, the student is part of the cohort that is tracked and reported for retention andgraduation data analysis.In order for information to be consistent, the cohort of students in a program has
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine Jennings, Arizona State University; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
leaders of relevant organizations, providing students withengineering faculty as mentors, and finally, introducing them to the design process, working inteams, technical writing, and oral presentation.More specifically, cognitive stimulation was supplied by introducing the concept of engineeringdesign to the students early in their academic career. In some sections of the experimental US1100classes, a design project was completed after design theory was taught. Introducing students todesign early on in their academic careers has been shown to help students develop crucial skillsthat they would need throughout the remainder of their education and well into their career, suchas critical thinking, working effectively in teams, and technical
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 10
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian E. Moyer, University of Pittsburgh - Johnstown
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
make adaptations to suit students with less flexibleschedules, especially engineering students, reflected a commitment by faculty and administratorsto be entrepreneurial in seizing opportunities to develop the program.Engineering ChangesAs entrepreneurship activities proceeded in the Business Department, in the Engineeringdivision, a first-year introductory course intended to familiarize students with computerapplications for engineers was modified in 2013 to follow a new paradigm wherein coursecontent was presented paralleling a real-world engineering consulting project. Topic-specificlectures focused on requisite computer application, analysis and writing skills were paced withperiodic “business meetings.” Those meetings were related to a
Conference Session
Out-of-school-time Engineering: Implications for Underrepresented Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Shatz, Suffolk University; Kerrie Pieloch, Suffolk University; Emily Shamieh, Latino-STEM Alliance
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Minorities in Engineering
testhypotheses, and rebuild or reprogram accordingly--students learn to see errors as opportunities,not failures); communication (as mentioned above students are asked to present at school-wideor parent events. In addition, they write about their progress and challenges in a blog or on-lineworksheet.) A key aspect of this program is to engage parents substantively. Working with the schools,LSA prepares events which guide parents to understand education and career paths for theirchildren in STEM and STEM-related professions. LSA does this with the hope that in additionto being better able to advocate for their children, parents (many of whom are young themselvesand un- or under-employed) will see STEM in their own education or career path. While
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Capstone Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tyler Susko, University of California, Santa Barbara; Ilan Ben-Yaacov, University of California, Santa Barbara; Tanya Das, University of California, Santa Barbara; Lubella Lenaburg, University of California, Santa Barbara; Francesco Bullo, University of California, Santa Barbara
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
staff advisors. Each advisor meets with two teams over a one hour“cohort” meeting once per week to discuss progress of the project. The teams come preparedwith a short slide deck (1-5 slides) detailing the progress made in the past week. Lectures areonce per week and serve the purpose of reinforcing the design process by introducing techniquesfor project management, research, design process management, sketching, ideation, prototypeplanning, photography and videography skills, effective presentations and writing skills.The Electrical Engineering capstone course consisted of 6 projects. Five of these projects weresponsored and defined by industrial partners, and 1 was industry sponsored but competitiondefined (SpaceX Hyperloop Pod). The course
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Outreach and Early Transdisciplinary Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paula Ann Monaco, Texas Tech University; Aimee Cloutier, Texas Tech University; Guo Zheng Yew, Texas Tech University; Maeghan Marie Brundrett, Texas Tech University; Dylan Christenson, Texas Tech University; Audra N. Morse, Texas Tech University
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
education.12 In literature, themost popular way of integrating real-world problem solving, especially in multidisciplinaryteams, seems to be through capstone design courses. As of 2005, roughly 35% of undergraduatecapstone design projects were conducted in multidisciplinary teams of students (an increase from21% in 1994).6 Evidence has shown, both qualitatively and quantitatively, that students benefitgreatly from working in multidisciplinary settings. Survey results show that engineeringprofessionals associate interdisciplinary thinking with creativity in their peers and ratemultidisciplinary work as very important in preparation for industry.7 Similarly, students whoparticipated in a multidisciplinary capstone course identified functioning in a
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Research-to-Practice: Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Kelly B. Crittenden, Louisiana Tech University
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
, SketchUp).  To train students in using modern prototyping equipment (low cost 3d printing, vinyl cutting, vacuum forming) and tools.  To require that students work in teams, give presentations, and write reports, thus developing both their oral and written communication skills.In order to design content that provided these educational objectives, the Project ExecutionTeam, along with the content experts in each of the three primary threads met multiple times toprovide an initial layout of the project content. The team followed the DESIGN model, proposedby one of the Project Execution Team members. This is a model that builds upon previoussuccessful projects, but is a new iteration that was piloted for STEM-Discovery. DESIGN
Conference Session
Circuits and Systems Education 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Evans, Louisiana Tech University; Paul Hummel, Louisiana Tech University; Miguel Gates
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Electrical and Computer
modeling and simula- tion, dynamic modeling of physical systems, and STEM education. She has published 20 peer-reviewed publications in these areas, and her research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, and LA-BOR. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the American Control Conference and the Conference on Decision and Control, two premier conferences in the controls community. She is a member of the IEEE, SIAM, and ASEE.Dr. Paul Hummel, Louisiana Tech University Paul Hummel is a lecturer in the Electrical Engineering department at Louisiana Tech University. He has a BS in Engineering with a Computer concentration from LeTourneau University and a PhD in Engineering with an emphasis on Microelectronics from
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division – Evaluating Student Behaviors and Attitudes
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Magdalini Z Lagoudas, Texas A&M University; Rodney Boehm, Engineering Academic and Student Affairs; James L Wilson, Texas A&M University - College of Engineering
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. Amelink et al. (5), innovative thinking skills include: a)critical thinking and effective generation of new ideas, b) application and integrationof science/engineering content knowledge, c) ability to organize newinformation/ideas/products articulately, d) ability to communicate ideas to peers andothers, effective use of technology/tool selection in design process, e) complex Page 26.261.2thinking process that transforms a creative idea into useful services/products,potential for prototyping/commercialization. The program discussed here has beendeveloped to promote innovation with focus on the following learning outcomes:Understanding of Design (a thru e
Conference Session
Engineering Economics New Frontiers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Kenneth Brannan, The Citadel; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel
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Engineering Economy
andmagnets to illustrate applications of different interest factors, One Minute paper, Muddiest Pointpaper, think-pair-share, individual and group problem solving, assigned reading, daily individualand team quizzes, daily assignment, daily presentations of homework by the peers, exams linkedto the learning objectives and a number of other techniques. Many of these ideas are derivedfrom best practices presented as part of a Mini-ExCEEd Teaching Workshop at our institutionconducted by our Dean for new faculty3,4. Page 26.377.3After the course learning objectives were articulated and assessment questions regarding thelearning objectives were devised5
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 10
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas - El Paso; Pedro Arturo Espinoza, University of Texas - El Paso; Hugo Gomez, University of Texas - El Paso; Randy Hazael Anaya, University of Texas - El Paso; Hector Erick Lugo Nevarez, University of Texas - El Paso; Herminia Hemmitt, University of Texas - El Paso; Peter Golding, University of Texas - El Paso; Oscar Antonio Perez, University of Texas - El Paso
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
robotic character (animatronic) that moves and talks Smart Home Challenge Set (for example purposes listing only 1 challenge level not all): Level 5 - Pick an enchanted object from a movie, storybook, or fable. Write down what the enchanted object does in the story. Write down how those features would be useful in real life. How can you create a real world object that has those same functions using technology, computer science, and engineering? Using the tools that you have available to you such as the litteBits, Legos, paper, markers, etc try to create a prototype or your own working version of this enchanted object so that you can demonstrate how such works to people. Once you have done such create a video telling people what your object does
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Teamwork
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
A Zachary Trimble, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Wayne A. Shiroma, University of Hawaii at Manoa; David Garmire, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Aaron T. Ohta, University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
systems (MEMS) and microfluidics. He has published two book chapters and over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, and is co-inventor on three U.S. patents. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Multidisciplinary Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Teams at the University of Hawai‘i: Challenges and SynergyAbstract: The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program is characterized by large,multidisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students focused on long-term researchproblems aligned with the faculty mentor’s field of interest. In terms of methodology, it follows aproject-based cohort approach to education where students can potentially work on the
Conference Session
Innovative Use of Technology in K-12 Outreach
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugo Gomez, University of Texas - El Paso; Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas - El Paso; Hector Erick Lugo Nevarez, University of Texas - El Paso; Pedro Arturo Espinoza, University of Texas - El Paso; Randy Hazael Anaya, University of Texas - El Paso; Oscar Antonio Perez, University of Texas - El Paso; Herminia Hemmitt, University of Texas - El Paso
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Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
peers andgained the knowledge and skills to be applied in future Challenge-It sessions. Learning Blockswere broken down into sections with specific expectations as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Learning blocks used to guide camp activitiesThe learning blocks were divided into different categories, subjects and sections. Learn-Itsections were 10-minutes in duration and consisted of brief explanations of the theory,introduction and purpose of the activity, and expectations with facilitators providing fun andengaging presentations using videos and live examples. The emphasis here was to provide asummary of the key terms, topics and strategies without elaborating in regards to specificsolutions or challenges. This gave campers a basis for
Conference Session
PSW Section Meeting Papers - Disregard start and end time - for online paper access only
2019 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Zhen Yu, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Ha Thu Le, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section Meeting Paper Submissions
joined the faculty at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as an Assistant Professor in 2014. She has expertise in the areas of Nanotechnology with application in nanomaterial synthesis, electronics devices fabrication and characterization, low cost and robust manufacturing processes, 3D printing of energy storage device for UAVs and water contamination treatment. Her research has resulted in patent applications, peer- reviewed journal papers and book chapters, and has been sponsored by California State University (CSU) Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), NASA CPP Startup, and other industry and government grants. She is also active in her
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: REU 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maeve Drummond Oakes, Purdue University; Kristin Everett, Western Michigan University; Michael T. Harris, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Maryanne Sydlik, Western Michigan University; Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
-weekresearch project. The scholars and their mentors participated in a weekly WebEx meeting withcoordinators from all CISTAR institutions. The graduate student mentors led these sessions, andsite education coordinators reviewed the assignments. The students created a literature review,followed by a research abstract, and finally a poster to share in a poster session at their institutionand a five-minute WebEx presentation to their peers and graduate mentors. Finally, each scholarwas required to plan and execute one or more outreach activities at a local school, library orscience center and submit a summary of the activity and a reflection on their own experience.The YS program was a successful collaborative effort by Fellows and staff at all
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Diversity 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicholas A. Bowman, University of Iowa; Lindsay Jarratt, University of Iowa; KC Culver, University of Southern California; Alberto Segre, University of Iowa
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
particularly important within increasingly international and multicultural societiesthroughout the world. Therefore, the present study randomly assigned partners to students forparticipation in pair programming, which involves close collaboration to complete a computerscience coding task. Within a sample of 819 responses from 369 undergraduates in the UnitedStates (US), non-US citizens benefitted from having a partner from another country (primarilythe US) in terms of the amount of lab assignment completed, belief that the assignment wasvirtually error-free, and confidence in quality of the submitted assignment; however, thesestudents were also less involved in writing code during pair programming when they had apartner from a different nation than
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 8: Professional Development for Graduate Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Elisabeth Gehr, Purdue University; Emily Garcia, Purdue University; Stephen McBride, Purdue University; Joseph Vincent Rispoli, Purdue University ; Christopher Greg Brinton; Suzanne Swaine
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Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
their education [5],but students are typically unaware that advisor and mentor are often not synonymous despite theoverlap in responsibilities. An advisor is an integral part of the doctoral student’s academicexperience and career path as advisors will write recommendation letters, provide a network,assist in publishing, provide funding, and can increase long-term job satisfaction [3], [6]. But inaddition to these responsibilities, doctoral students require customized mentorship from theiradvisors based on individual characteristics and progress toward their degree [7].A high-quality, effective mentor will provide both career-related and psychosocial support,offering guidance and resources for the mentee’s professional development, self
Conference Session
Undergraduate Students' Professional Skills and Reflection
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Virginia Charter, Oklahoma State University
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Educational Research and Methods
themselves as more competentthan their white peers for several of the generic skills, most of which are often considered to besoft skills. These findings have implications on research and practice in the engineeringeducation of minorities in order to grow and build a stronger more diverse engineeringworkforce.Introduction Assessment and continuous improvement of student outcomes in contemporaryengineering higher education programs are focal points in program-specific accreditation. ABET,one of the largest accreditors of engineering programs, has an accreditation model that includesthree elements: student outcomes, self-assessment, and continuous improvement. According toDuff [3], outcomes assessment becomes most successful when everyone
Conference Session
Exploration of Broad Issues and Promotion of Engineering and Technological Literacy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Heywood, Trinity College Dublin
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
sandwich (cooperative) principle of integrated periods of study and trainingin industry. The most popular was six months in industry followed by six months in collegein each of four successive years [4].A requirement of the NCTA was that all students for their diplomas should have participatedin programs of liberal study. This was reinforced in 1957 by a government edict that extendedthe idea of compulsory liberal studies to all levels of technical education even though muchof it was part time study [5]. By 1962 it was seen that the development of literacy, that is theability to read and write, was essential for the general education of all students. Thus, it wasthat in those colleges the term Liberal Studies came to be substituted by General
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Kofi Nyarko, Morgan State University; Sacharia Albin, Norfolk State University; John Okyere Attia P.E., Prairie View A&M University
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lectureseries by STEM faculty and researchers across all partner institutions and collaborating industrypartners. At the end of the summer, students write a project report while teachers complete theirlesson plans and associated activities. The REU/RET teams present their work at a virtual researchsymposium coordinated by the lead institution. They also create a video ‘elevator pitch’ on theirexperience that is made available on the program website. All students are encouraged to continuetheir research at their home institution. The top 9 students across the whole program are selectedto receive stipends during the academic year specifically for this purpose.High school teachers are often tasked with providing quality education with very few resources
Conference Session
ET Curriculum & Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey L. Newcomer, Western Washington University; Nikki Larson, Western Washington University; Todd D. Morton, Western Washington University; Derek M. Yip-Hoi, Western Washington University
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Engineering Technology
under the any of the EAC program areas, so that program only had to meet the generalEAC curricular requirements.The general and program-specific EAC requirements set minimums for the size of the math andscience foundation and specified the inclusion of a small set of topics or courses, which still leftus quite a bit of flexibility for determining the content of each program, especially at the upperdivision. To make sure that we were not going far afield, we took the time to research otherprograms. Because EE is a very large field, we started with a list of 93 programs at similar uni-versities and then eventually narrowed that list to a set of six programs that we considered to beaspirational peers. MFGE, however, is a relatively small field
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Pillars of Our Curriculum
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
accredited underABET must include some explicit instruction on DEI issues.There are number of intersections among engineering ethics and DEI [15]. The AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers (ASCE) strongly integrated DEI concerns into its Code of Ethics in2017 [16], with the addition of Fundamental Canon 8 (Appendix). These DEI issues wereretained in the current 2020 version of the Code of Ethics [17], integrated under practices withrespect to Society: “f. treat all persons with respect, dignity, and fairness, and reject all forms of discrimination and harassment; g. acknowledge the diverse historical, social, and cultural needs of the community, and incorporate these considerations in their work;”and Peers: “d
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia J. Atman, University of Washington; Janet McDonnell, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London; Ryan C. Campbell, University of Washington; Jim L Borgford-Parnell, University of Washington; Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington
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Design in Engineering Education
males. The second offering, which occurred September to December of 2013, enrolled fivestudents, including three females and two males.Given the range of course experience and potentially non-academic design experience that waspossible in a course like this, the materials and activities were designed to be meaningful andrelevant to all students, and thus to be useful while navigating both college and professionalexperiences. Students who participated in the research groups developed a representation of theirown design process based on the activities described below, and had the opportunity to reflect onhow these activities could be integrated into a personal vision of design both individually and viainteractions with their peers in the research
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Mao; Sharon Ferguson, University of Toronto; James N. Magarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alison Olechowski, University of Toronto
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, aligning with the profession’s values, and developing a professional identity[6]. Thus, the study of social belonging confidence in students, particularly through professionalsocialization, is a key step in understanding persistence in the field of ML/AI. We study socialbelonging through the lens of confidence, another predictor of persistence [7]–[9]. We define socialbelonging confidence as how confident a person feels that they will fit in with the social and culturalaspects of a profession and develop meaningful relationships with their peers. Belonging uncertainty,defined by Walton and Cohen [10], may be interpreted as a lack of this confidence.Lower levels of confidence have been found to negatively affect persistence of women and girls
2022 ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference
Janie M Moore, Texas A&M University; Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University
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Values, Modules Lab 10, 10b 11 (11/5-11/9) Writing Functions, Scope Lab 11, 11b 12 (11/12-11/16) Functions and use in top-down/bottom-up design Lab 12, 12b 13 (11/19-11/20 ) Systematic Debugging Lab 13, Team Project assigned 14 (11/26-11/30) Topic TBD 15 (12/3-12/5) Last exam Finals Week NO FINAL Team Project due MethodsThe new engineering course's curriculum redesign was already complete. The purpose of this workwas to establish a pilot program to
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 2: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Piyush Pradhananga, Florida International University; Claudia Calle Müller, Florida International University; Rubaya Rahat, Florida International University; Mohamed ElZomor P.E., Florida International University
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Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
Education, Sustainable Infrastructure, Resilient and Sustainable Post-Disaster Reconstruction, and Circular Economy. He also holds professional credentials in LEED Green Associate for sustainable buildings and ENV SP for sustainable infrastructures as well as several micro-credentials in the commercialization of research. As a Ph.D. Candidate, Piyush has published a dozen peer-reviewed journals and several conference papers. ¨Ms. Claudia Calle Muller, Florida International University Claudia Calle M¨uller is a Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). She holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica del Per´u (PUCP
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (ELOS) Technical Session 3: Best of ELOS
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Animesh Paul, University of Georgia; Marcos Jose Inonan Moran, University of Washington; Rania Hussein, University of Washington; Dominik May, University of Georgia
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Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
a professional educationcomponent consistent with the institution's mission and the program's educational objectives andpromotes diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness for career success [3]. "The need to feelbelongingness and linked with others" is how relatedness is defined (Baumeister and Leary [8]).According to studies, learning environments that provide a sense of connectedness to peers,parents, and instructors can enhance motivation and improve academic results (Ryan, et al. [9]).Self-efficacy, engagement, interest in school, higher grades, and retention have all beenconnected to feelings of relatedness, which are measured in terms of "school environment" andinstructor-student connections (Inkelas, et al. [10]). Research on
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Idalis Villanueva Alarcón, University of Florida; Laura Melissa Cruz Castro, University of Florida; John Alexander Mendoza-Garcia, University of Florida; Edward Latorre-Navarro, University of Florida; Diego Alvarado, University of Florida; Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
. At the time of this writing, they all work in a large, Southeastern research-intensive R1higher education institution in the United States. Some of the authors do not self-identify asLatiné/x but rather by their home country (Villanueva et al., 2022). All authors have differinglevels of educational experiences, both in their home country and in the United States. All havecommonly migrated to the United States as part of their professional growth. Each of themconsiders themselves to be insiders of their Latin heritage and culture but outsiders to theexperiences the other authors have faced. All recognize that their identities are non-Monolithic
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tatiana V. Goris, Pittsburg State University; Zeshan Ahmad Shah, Pittsburg State University
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE)
research” or “grant-writing activities” have been understoodunder very different angles based on cultural settings, communicational abilities, or even financialsources. Therefore, when working together, various misconceptions regarding proposed tasksrequired consistent clarifications among multicultural participants. This factor caught authors’attentions: the issue was broader than just limited English proficiency of the local Uzbek facultyor students. Even those who spoke English fluently, they thought very differently about goals andoutcomes of common team working. As an American faculty-member who works withinternational graduate students on a routine daily basis, multicultural communications became atopic of the author’s special interests
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avinash Danda; Bruce L Tai; Vinayak Krishnamurthy; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
provided the big picture status of the project.Over the course of this project, students were successful in characterizing the dynamic forces andvibrations experienced via a design of experiments (Figure 2(a)). These results along with thegraduate mentor’s numerical analysis have been documented as a peer-reviewed conferenceproceeding [1] and eventually as an archival journal publication [2]. Students also finalized thedesign of an actuator and manufactured a functional prototype (Figure 2 (b) and (c)) along withperforming psychophysical tests to understand human perception to the vibration and its changes(Figure 2(d)). The human perception study provided useful information to determine theessential aspects of force and vibration that needed to be