models pertinent to engineering as the semester unfolds.This course stands out due to its inclusion of weekly 75-minute Peer Learning Group (PLG)sessions. These workshops, led by a teaching assistant, offer hands-on programming practicebeyond lectures, reinforcing core concepts. The PLG is a non-credit corequisite, taught by aproficient former student, with all materials provided by the faculty. There is no direct gradeassigned to the PLG because students are completing their Programming assignments during thePLG. The focus is to give students confidence to start writing code from scratch and let themdevelop their own programming style.In addition to the regular coursework, the curriculum is enriched with challenges and modulesfrom the MathWorks
and seminars; engagement in research and grant writing groups;collaboration with existing campus programs to create sustainable communities across diversegraduate student populations; and the development of research skills. This paper provides anoverview of the program and research questions that are being explored via the participation ofstudents and mentors in the program.Project Objectives and PlansThe Reinvigorating Engineering and Changing History (REACH) Scholars Program offersqualified Master’s and direct Ph.D. engineering students opportunities to explore multipleacademic pathways and to work closely with their peers, with alumni, and with faculty to createa community of scholars who will be prepared broadly for careers across
material. The activities help students to: -discover and explore problems and solutions -learn new concepts in thinking -become more creative/inventive -become more open-minded and learn how to avoid mental blocks -appreciate diversity and discover self -use intuition and common sense in problem solving -experience design basics and exercise the “more than one solution” approach -deal with peer pressure -enjoy learning. In addition, the activities help to: -boost teaming skills -increase interaction and cooperation -improve communication between students Some of the activities are well known, but others are new. They help a great deal to achieve the goals of the course. Observations of students “in
be addressed, which is partially open-ending [2,3].Recognizing the efficacy of project-based lab designs in fostering creative engagement anddeep learning, this modification aims to bridge the gap between traditional, instruction-centriclabs and student-directed projects. The project-based laboratory design is intended to motivatestudents towards deep learning, advanced engineering skills, and high-level learning outcomeswhile preparing them well for open-ended labs at the senior level [4,5]. In addition, studentswill work as a group and focus on provided materials (i.e., graphene oxide membrane, aerogel)in this project-based lab to encourage communication and peer learning. Moreover, theselection of materials for the project is drawn from
purposes reported an enhanced learning experience at aChinese public university. Further, Hurst, Wallace, and Nixon [3] surveyed undergraduatestudents and concluded that students believe social interactions increased their enjoyment oflearning, interest in topics, and level of responsiveness. Beyond academic success, engineers ofthe 21st century must effectively engage with peers [7], and as noted by Passow [7], teamworkand communication are among the most valuable skills in the engineering industry. Byresearching these benefits, educators can capture and incentivize the positive attributes ofstudents’ interactions. Further, such research often requires methods, like SNA, forcharacterizing interactions of the research participants.Social Network
. Page 26.1763.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Work-in-Progress: Conflict-Driven Cooperative-Learning in Engineering Courses Abstract Conflict and cooperation would seem to be ideas that are diametrically opposed to each other. But, in fact, classic work by Piaget on how children and adults learn shows that when learners engage with peers in critical discussion of ideas concerning which they have different understandings, that contributes very effectively to learners developing deep understanding of the concepts involved. At the same time, getting students in undergraduate engineering
collaboration, quality of peer evaluation, the strategy of teamformation, and communication among team members can raise issues related to the genderand race. These problems can be solved by educating students to deal with possible issuesand understand the importance of diversity. Also, facilitating teams during the semester isessential for reducing any conflict related to gender or race. But, the most important one isthe perception of professors because no problem can be solved if professors do not believethe importance of gender and race in teamwork AcknowledgmentWe would like to thank Dr. Godwin for her guidance in writing this paper. We also want tothank Maizey Benner for her contribution
overten percentage points. This paper describes the restructuring of the course to integrate the lecture,lab, and recitation components. It also covers how the traditional laboratories have been replacedwith interactive laboratories and includes methodologies and best practices. The paper addressesthe peer instruction method (also known as think-pair-share) including formation of conceptquestions and best practices. Five years worth of pre- and post-class assessment data arepresented and show that significant performance gains were achieved as each of the elements(blended lecture and lab, interactive laboratories, and peer instruction) were incorporated. Lastly,the paper describes the current initiative to remove the remaining lecture component
evolved over the past decade focusingon professional skills, such as ethical awareness, and from the reports by the National Academyon the attributes of the engineer of 20202 3. While most engineering students have presumablybeen exposed to an engineering Code of Ethics, it has not been established that this exposure hasa great impact on their future decision making. The ideal outcome, presumably, is that allstudents would be able to recognize a situation, in professional or personal life, that presented anethical dilemma, would be able to analyze the challenge from a variety of perspectives anddiscuss it with relevant peers, and make an informed decision, recognizing the ways in whichthey were adhering to some codes of ethics but perhaps not to
in Norway has collaborated with faculty fromPennsylvania State University to pilot a national workshop (given in English) forNorwegian Ph.D. students on communicating scientific research. Funded primarily byNorwegian industries, the 3-day workshop was divided into three segments: (1) makingresearch presentations to a technical audience, (2) writing research papers anddissertations to technical audiences, and (3) making research presentations to generalaudiences. The first two segments, on making research presentations and writing researchdocuments to technical audiences, were based on a workshop series that was developed atnational laboratories in the U.S., taught to more than 1000 professionals and graduatestudents, and formally
, including those who remain in theprogram after transfer, are supported with annual scholarships of up to $6000, depending onfinancial need. In addition to scholarship money, students participate in a variety of programactivities throughout the school year in the form of academic seminars, extracurricular events,professional development, faculty mentoring, peer mentoring, academic advising, andundergraduate research opportunities. Noteworthy elements of the program in years three and fourinclude 1) the selection and award of the fourth and final cohort entering the program, 2) atransition of leadership to a new principal investigator for the program at the two-college, and 3)the increase in number of students who have continued with the program
theirreading and writing in class discussions. In addition, scholastic conversation among peers inmore informal settings is encouraged during casual get-togethers. Students often don’t knowhow to create opportunities that allow them to get excited about discussing ideas. A selection ofvideos on appropriate engineering topics (Building Big, To Engineer is Human, Miracles ofDesign, NOVA) is already available at the Loyola-Notre Dame Library, which makes anexcellent starting point for such discussions.Engineering decision-making is practiced under conditions of uncertainty, risk, and moralambiguity. It is therefore natural for controversies to surround both engineering successes andfailures. Critical understanding of the technical and non-technical
to timeconstraints of a school term, and to bring the course more in step with industry approaches by thefollowing:• educating students on techniques for defining a vision of the product (what is it doing and for whom),• placing greater emphasis on the client’s and user’s perspective, the interface design, and interface’s effects upon the rest of the code, and• conducting iterative usability testing, starting early in the project cycle.From inception to completion of the software, these important issues are addressed by teachingstudents to write well-reviewed specifications and user documentation, by beginning this early inthe term, and by using these documents to inform the design.Problem With Software Design CoursesIn the computer
formats acrossheterogeneous computer systems. RPC integrates well within the course framework.The second project is an extension of the local programming paradigm. The students built anapplication to provide remote file service with functionality similar to that of NFS. It includedprimitives for remote file manipulation: open, read, write, and close. Like NFS, the applicationis stateless. This project helped them appreciate the need for a network representation and thesimplicity and power of stateless servers. Further, they realized that the classroom instructionprovides practical concepts useful in building real world applications comparable to popularservices like NFS.3. A Client-Server Project in JavaClassroom instruction provides the
critically and effectively about scientific articlesin the students’ own area of research. By using the specific topics that the students chose to write about,the major tools for locating journal literature have been reviewed and discussed in detail.Internet search engines are the preferred starting point for conducting literature searches, with Google,being the favorite. Very few students however were familiar with Google Scholar, the tool developed byGoogle to search and index scholarly publications, such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, preprints,abstracts, and technical reports from all disciplines of research. While search engines can be valuabletools to quickly locate some needed information, it was pointed out to the students that they don’t
curriculum materials to create a learning environment where all students canfully participate in engineering design? What kinds of classroom norms do we need to establishfor productive engineering work to take place? These questions may be especially important inschools where students do not frequently have opportunities to engage with their peers in thekind of collaborative decision-making required by engineering design. To begin to answer these important questions, we are conducting a multi-year design-basedresearch project investigating engineering language and literacy demands, resources, andsupports in economically disadvantaged urban U.S. elementary classrooms using the EiEcurriculum. This work involves identifying more and less
equations, drawn on chalkboards or whiteboards. In capturing lectures on video however, these traditional props become liabilities: the presenter must turn away from the audience to write or draw on the board, and the presenter’s body often obscures the material. We developed the Lightboard to create visually compelling videotaped lectures, to avoid the liabilities of chalkboards, and furthermore to be able to produce upload-‐ready video segments with no post-‐production. The Lightboard is a glass board, carrying light internally from LED strips along its edges. A video camera captures the presenter and his/her writing by viewing through the
anexpressed interest in ethics, a willingness to participate, and openness about sharing materialswith departmental peers. During the first year, participants hailed from our School ofEngineering and Industrial and Technologies (engineering, engineering technology, andbusiness). The second year drew from the School of Health and the Arts and Sciences(communications, social sciences, mathematics, physics, natural sciences, dental hygiene, andmedical imaging). And for the past two years, faculty were invited from all of these fields. Inaddition, administrators have attended, including the deans from both schools as well as theprovost. Conspicuous administrative involvement has lent support to the whole venture andgiven a tacit seal of approval.I have
, showing interrelationships distinguish, examine, experiment, identify, inventory, justify, organize, present, question, resolve, select, separate, test Synthesis - bringing together Alter, argue, arrange, assemble, change, collect, combine, compose, parts of knowledge to form a construct, create, derive, design, develop, discuss, expand, extend, whole and solve a problem formulate, generalize, manage, modify, organize, plan, prepare, propose, rearrange, recombine, reconstruct, regroup, relate, restate, reorder, set up, summarize, synthesize, write Evaluation - making Agree, appraise, argue, assess, assume
entering industry, but recognition only represents base knowledgeacquisition based on Bloom’s Taxonomy principles. Here we describe a set of curricular modulesto enhance students’ understanding of standards in engineering practice that reflect learning at alllevels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (i.e. recognition/understanding, application, revision, and creation).The modules and their implementation will enhance students’ understanding of standards,including 1) searching and identifying appropriate standards, 2) writing appropriate protocols forthe verification of standards, 3) proposing revisions to standards, and 4) developing newstandards. With this methodology applied to different engineering/technical disciplines, we hopeto establish a distinct value
, 2021, doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00479.[51] M. Miletic et al., "Student retention barriers in a chemical engineering program," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2020, doi: 10.18260/1-2--35239.[52] C. Hubka et al., "A writing in the disciplines approach to technical report writing in chemical engineering laboratory courses," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019, doi: 10.18260/1-2-- 32019.[53] C. Hubka, E. Chi, and V. Svihla, "Peer review and reflection in engineering labs: Writing to learn and learning to write," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
students to show theyunderstand were first developed by National Academic Advisory Board member Denny Davisand then revised with feedback from other board members, faculty, the TCE Industry AdvisoryBoard and students. Figure 2 is the poster shown on Twin Cities Engineering walls andpresented to all students during incoming student orientation. It is also used as the cover pagefor student portfolios, so is revisited through each of their four semesters as they gather portfolioevidence for each outcome.In gathering portfolio evidence, students go beyond the straightforward administrative task ofgathering copies of work they have done and write a brief statement that reinforces theirlearning. The statement should assert in what way this particular
this hypothesis, wehave developed a novel pedagogical strategy called UnLecture that uses concepts from activelearning and peer instruction to fully integrate students' co-op experiences into their classroomactivities. This technique can also be applied in courses where students have worked ininternships.UnLecture Overview An UnLecture consists of a reflective writing component and a participant-driven discussion.Each UnLecture session is based on a theme directly related to one of the course topics.Typically, an UnLecture on a topic is scheduled after that topic has been covered in an in-classlecture. A rubric is provided to the students a few days prior to the session. The rubric is thecentral element facilitating various components of
). Each team will be given 10 minutes to present. Everyone must present. (see presentation rubric on evaluation) Summaries and analyze the points in a 2-page report – due Sept 24 Write a 1 page reflection journal and submit it online (Sept 27) Please also fill in the peer rating form (Sept 27) Page 24.382.5 Figure 1. Instructions for the Engineering Overview AssignmentReferring to Figure 1, the next step after reading the literature and peer teaching is theprogress check. The purpose of this step is to ensure that students have managed to findsuitable engineers to interview, and to provide feedback on their understanding from
, a portfolio approach isalso being implemented this term. For the learning module materials, each student completes apre-exercise survey asking about their prior knowledge, provides evidence of their attempts toperform the exercise, and then writes a reflection about what they have learned.The opportunity has presented itself to use CATME [12] to create and assess student teams. Thissoftware, developed at Purdue University, has three elements: one for team creation, another forpeer evaluation, and a third for students to practice peer evaluation on “standardized studentteam members” which allows for some rater norming and reliability. This tool is not being usedin EG397 during the Spring 2023 term but is being examined for future
technical material. To tackle this problem and improve presentation skills, aprogram called Virtual-i Presenter (ViP) was created. ViP allows students to create, review, andevaluate oral presentations using a webcam and a PowerPoint presentation outside of lecturetime and still receive peer and academic feedback. The program has NO video or audio editingcapabilities and thus the presentation becomes closer to how live presentations are given. ViPfeatures a system to evaluate presentations, enabling the presenter to receive both technical andpresentation skills feedback from peers and lecturers. ViP was successfully tested in classes of19 natural resources and 78 civil engineering students. Survey results showed that studentsrepeated (practiced
, which are presented withoutconnecting the use of concepts to real-world problems. Currently, less than half of the threemillion students entering higher education to pursue a STEM field persist to earn a STEMdegree3. The drop-out rate from STEM is even more prominent in minorities and women4;however, participating in undergraduate research and developing a strong peer network has beenshown to increase persistence5,6,7,8,9. While we seek to engage students in research experiences toencourage persistence, in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign’s (UIUC)Bioengineering Department attrition is not a major problem, but by engaging students in focusedresearch experiences we seek to increase persistence in scientific research after graduation
. just communicate, just um, have a little bit problem.”Making Experiences of interactions and “In engineering especially, it is soFriends relationships with U.S students. hard to get close with people because you start talking to them and the subject just does not get any deeper.”Working in Academic experiences in “I was in high school we write ourTeams collaborating with U.S. peers in group paper by our own, and when I go here projects
26% Other“it depends on the project” and“course director, faculty and Figure 10: Primary advisor or mentor of studentsindustry mentor”. Figure 10shows the complete breakdown of responses. Page 25.967.8Course Content and AssessmentEighty-five departments are using the major design experience as an opportunity to teach a widevariety of topics, including the ‘soft skills’ required by ABET. Over 80 percent of the 85departments report teaching project management, teaming skills, oral communication, andtechnical writing or written communication. It should be noted, however, that one schoolreported
useful experience for learning what it’s like to work in a team. Completing the project, seeing it work, and seeing everyone’s part come together, was actually quite satisfying, and I very much enjoyed the moment where I realized I was proud of what we’d finished.” However, not all the comments were positive. Some students felt they were overworked; some mentioned they didn’t like the peer pressure; one thought the C3/C4 linkage was not consistent with the “university stand-alone class” organization.• Was the management experience worthwhile? Managers write reports on their experience. They detail meeting behavior, how effective their teams were in meeting deadlines, as well as documenting problems and how problem students were