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in Davao City, Philippines, where she previously held appointments as Assistant Professor and Department Chair for Electrical Engineering. She also previously served as Director for Communications and International Engagement at the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Inte- grated Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 S-STEM: Iron Range Engineering Academic Scholarships for Co-Op Based
secretary ofthe CE program and assumed the role of observer and assistant to oversee the recordings,logistics and provision of materials, as well as to take notes on participant input. We hosted threeseparate sessions, having each of the groups participating separately. Sessions that involvedGroups S and F were conducted face-to-face, while the Group A session was held via Zoom Ⓡ.For the face-to-face session, we provided coffee, biscuits and other food for the attendees. Inboth formats, participants were formally welcomed and then we introduced the dynamics andobjectives of the sessions. Then we proceed to ask them to read and sign the informed consentdocument as part of the ethical framework of the research, which included consent to have
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Ada, Ohio 45810 Email:, s-coffman-wolph@onu.eduIntroductionFemale representation has been - and continues to be - an issue within computing, includingcomputer gaming. It spans the gamut from exclusion via being forced to play the role of a maleprotagonist,1 to a “surface equity” where women are present but their gender is notacknowledged,2 to where women are objectified in a hypersexualized manner. 3 Even softwarethat at first glance appears benign can have underlying issues. As an example, for over 50 yearsThe Oregon Trail computer game4 has been used in social studies classrooms across the UnitedStates to teach about Westward Expansion, allowing students to outfit a wagon for a 2000-miletrek where
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Cognitive,Intrapersonal, and Interpersonal are designed to capture different constructs related to globalperspectives, especially with consideration for the experiences that can shape these areas forstudents, such as curriculum, co-curriculum, and community [6]. The GPI instrument has beenvalidated and has shown to be reliable. The full survey instrument and items can be found fromBraskamp et al.’s work [6].3. Methods 3.1 Sampling and Data Collection First-year engineering students participating in the RSAP program completed apre-course survey in January 2022 at the beginning of the semester-long ENGE 1644 - GlobalSTEM Practice: Leadership and Culture course at VT. A total number of n=83 studentscompleted the pre-course survey, which
or collaborative Legobuilds that span an entire day or two engage many people and promote social interactionacross grade years. Individual activities such as coloring or origami promote mindfulness.Having one or more graduate or undergraduate student assistant(s) that work with a faculty orstaff organizer for the wellness programming is beneficial to not only assist with overseeingprogramming content, but they also serve as a friendly face to welcome and encourage otherstudents to engage in the activities. When faculty and staff engage in the activities itdemonstrates to the students the value of making time for wellness, which helps to integrate itinto the organizational culture.Offering food, especially pre-packaged snacks, is a great way
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IMIT-TO ( SRCTYPE , "j" ) )Clarivate – Web of 6/17/2020 170 TOPIC: (librar* AND engineer* ANDScience Core (academic OR “higher education” ORCollection college OR university OR post*secondary)) Refined by: LANGUAGES: (ENGLISH) AND DOCUMBER TYPES : (ARTICLE) Timespan: 2015-2019 Indexes: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, BKCI-S, BKCI-SSH
sequence. Again, forvarious reasons, students might be out of sequence, or received transfer credit for some of thesecourses. Since each course utilizes the M2K in different ways, it would have been interesting togroup the responses by course(s) taken; however, the sample size was already small so allresponses were considered as a single group regardless of course(s) taken. Figure 1. Circuits courses completed by survey respondents.Table 1 shows the types of activities for which students reported using the M2K. From this data,it is clear that the M2K is a valuable tool for completing in-class lab activities outside of classdue to inadequate time (100%) or absence (55%). Not all courses require post-lab exercises, soonly some of
justi cation Researchers take R e s e a rc h e r s n d the union of the set, quartiles for ranked Researchers analyze eliminate duplicates, topics, remove the data categorize unselected topics fi fi fi fi fi fi Figure 1: Phases of the Delphi method in this
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