to calibrate and compare their own progression through their degreeprograms to the progress of their peers. As implied by curricular flowcharts (another importantartifact), the default progression for engineering students begins in the first semester with Calc1, proceeding onwards through the math sequence and ideally completing the required coursesby the fourth semester of their undergraduate careers. Consequently, students classified as notready for Calc 1 who start at Pre-Calc in their first semesters are already “behind” their peersfrom the start of their college experiences while students who place into Calc 2 or 3 their firstsemesters are “ahead.” Feeling behind rather than ahead can be potentially detrimental to studentattitudes and
from both supportivefaculty and peers (p. 879).Professional IdentityAccording to Chickering and Reisser, a foundational component of one’s overall identity iscompetence, most relevantly captured here in one’s professional identity [19]. The Communityof Practice (COP) [20] model is a widely adopted framework in the professional identityliterature that has been useful in understanding engineering identity (e.g., [21-23]). TheCommunity of Practice model consists of members of a professional community who surround acore of practicing experts. Belonging in this community is experienced through three modalities:imagination (i.e., how can I see myself as a member?), engagement (i.e., how can I participate inthis community?), and alignment (i.e., how
have: 1. Develop innovative solutions to significant, real-world problems. 2. Work with others, such as team members, project sponsors, and faculty members. 3. Situate their work in the relevant social context(s). 4. Develop and deliver a clear, convincing oral presentation and 5. Write an extensive professional report. Students’ course grades are based on: 1. Professional management of their project andeffective communication with all parties. 2. Quality of deliverables‐ both in implementation andreport. 3. Timely achievement of project milestones and deliverables. 4. Professional behavior. 5.Peer and self-evaluation (see Table 1) were infused in the above grading scheme. One
comments you may have.” only two students responded with comments regarding their beliefs on societal impact in the healthcare industry (R1) and their appreciation for the lecture (R1 and R2). R2 in response to online format due to restrictions on in-person classes following university COVID-19 safety measures. Table 4. Concluding questions from the post-survey asking students (Q6-Q7) if they thought the topics were beneficial for engineers to learn and if they would recommend the topics to their peers. Free response resulted in two comments supporting their positive feelings towards the content.4.2 Thematic Analysis The final portion of the course required students to form groups to research, write a review
systems design, development, and consultation firm. She joined the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University in 1997, where she teaches a variety of engineering and computer science classes, she is the Faculty Advisor for the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), the Director of the Computer Science Fellows program, and is a KEEN Fellow. She has authored and co- authored over fifty peer-reviewed papers. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 The Challenge of Preparing iGen Students for Engineering and Computer ScienceAbstractA recent suicide by an engineering student began
participant shared that his drive to be successful in this environment, through increasing hispublication record, created strife within his lab and led to a misunderstanding among his peers: It was kind of reported to the supervisor that I was not helpful, or I was pushy, and I was demanding papers . . . if I did not have that pressure, I would not have run into the trouble with my colleagues and my supervisor. So, I feel they're interconnected. They [colleagues] may not have understood that I was driven to write papers because of the requirement from faculty hiring committees.This individual believed his career goals and relationships with his peers were at cross-purposes,which resulted in a competitive
know what exactly, I know the area I want to go into. I just need to find the gap in that area and dig into it and exploit it… (March, 2018)”As data collection continued, over time, participants’ responses to the anticipatory cognitionquestions shifted focus from topic selection and problems that were hindrances for getting startedwith their research projects to problems they did not anticipate with the actual implementation oftheir research, specifically about writing and data collection. For example, one participant stated, “The main challenges, at this time, (long pause) lit review, literature review, designing, the appropriate instruments and administering that. That is the plan for the summer, which is upon
a keyaspect of professionalism in STEM. However, our findings also show that dominant figures havethe ability to drastically change LGBTQ+ students’ perspective of professionalism. We alsoexplore how LGBTQ+ students face a culture of silence in STEM environments, unable orunwilling to give voice to their discomfort. LGBTQ+ students experience a lack of solidarityfrom their peers, contributing to a silent, chilly experience in STEM classrooms and labenvironments. Our third theme, identity concealment, investigates how students conceal theirLGBTQ+ identities as a mechanism for survival in STEM. A lack of LGBTQ+ dominant figuresin STEM, a culture of silence, and reinforcement that straightness is a professional requirementin STEM has
universities.RedShirt programs are one example of this type of asset-based student support program aimed atbroadening participation in engineering for students from minoritized racial or ethnic backgrounds orfrom under-resourced high schools and geographic regions (Myers et al., 2018). RedShirt programsprovide an alternative admissions pathway for students who do not meet traditional admissions criteriafor highly selective engineering colleges, but still have the desire and potential to be an engineer.RedShirt programs focus on building strong peer networks and communities to support academicsuccess, communities that are initiated through required summer bridge experiences and reinforcedthrough “high-touch” advising, study sessions, and targeted coursework
development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills[11], the opportunity to work with like-minded peers and mentors [8], and the chance to learnabout careers in STEM fields [10]. In this article, the authors review the literature on high schoolSTEM hands-on summer camps and discuss their potential impact on student learning and careerdevelopment. Also, the paper outlines the hands-on activities of the summer camp hosted oncampus in the summer of 2022 and their impact on participant students.BackgroundAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2021, there were approximately 10 millionworkers in STEM fields. This number is expected to increase by 11% by 2031—a growth rate thatis more than twice as fast as all other occupations
this study. Thecriteria used were the following. (1) The main focus of the paper must be on engineering, science, or STEM students more broadly. While there is important work to be done with students in other fields, our focus was on the STEM classroom. (2) The paper must have been published in the last twenty years. Given how much high- achieving and honors programs have changed through the years, we thought only getting the research from the last two decades would yield the most useful results. (3) The paper must be from a peer-reviewed journal or academic conference. We wanted only high-quality studies to be part of the systematic review and felt this criterion would better ensure quality. (4) The
with visibleidentities is simpler, marginalized people with invisible identities also seek community [1] [2] [3][4]. One such group of invisible marginalized people in STEM are LGBTQ+ engineers, whonavigate a chilly, heteronormative climate in higher education [5] [6]. Additionally, prior studieshighlight how students with multiple-marginalized identities face more barriers than those withone or fewer marginalized identities [7] [8]. Students resist this chilly climate and can overcomethese barriers by forming communities of support, gaining power within the department, andinteracting with peers to create a more inclusive culture [2]. Resistance to this environment canbe influenced by the visibility of students’ marginalized identities [1
. Additionally, researchpreparation skills, including research methods courses, presentation skills, abstract and researchproposal writing, and grant proposal seminars were incorporated. LSAMP scholars werementored and supported for opportunities to attend and to present their research, via poster ororal presentations, at conferences in local and national arenas.Many SUNY LSAMP Alliance institutions conducted Summer Research Institutes. Theseprograms were carefully planned to include both pre-freshman and undergraduates. Theundergraduate programs had a duration of six to ten weeks. These included research placementsand a variety of professional training, graduate school preparation, training for research,community building and service activities. In
thoughtful andreasoned with respect to hydrodynamics. We believe that this approach of collaborative lectureswith small groups will be beneficial to others needing to teach high-level concepts to studentswho do not yet have the background knowledge required for more formal teaching.IntroductionIn a first-year engineering course at a large Midwestern research university, remotely operatedvehicles (ROVs) are used as a design project topic to teach fundamental engineering andcommunication skills. The course utilizes a design-build-test-communicate framework with theuse of peer mentors [1, 2] to coach students through what is often their first team-based course intheir post-secondary education [3, 4].In the design of ROVs, the science of hydrodynamics
. Stereotype threat is most robust in situations thatinclude a variable that “triggers” the stereotype. Tests that are explicitly framed as ability testsor difficult tests are more likely to heighten stereotype threat [18]. As Ben-Zeev, Fein, & Inzlichtreported [19], an identity threat, such as telling women who identified with math that they wouldtake a very difficult math test, was enough to cause them to perform poorly on a test completelyunrelated to math and easy to do - writing their name backwards.Literature recommends numerous techniques to reduce stereotype threats in a learningenvironment: ● Teach students about the phenomenon of stereotype threat [20]. ● Provide students with situational (as opposed to stereotype-based) explanations
positions such as Project Engineer, Lead University Recruiter, Logistics Engineer, Cost Engineer and Project Manager.Amy Marie Beebe, Women in Engineering Program Amy Beebe is the student program coordinator for the Women in Engineering Program (WEP) in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin whose mission is to recruit, retain and graduate more women to advance gender equity in engineering. As a program coordinator, Amy assists in coordinating programming for current students which includes the WEP Leadership Collaborative student organizations, WEP’s Peer Assistance Leaders and WEP Kinsolving Living Learning Community. In addition to current student programming, she coordinates
Support from the Theories of Liberatory Pedagogy and IntersectionalityI. IntroductionWithin conversations on broadening participation in engineering, there is a longstandingrecognition of the need for and importance of institutional support for students fromunderrepresented demographic groups [1]. This support comes from many sources, such asinstitutional offices, programmatic initiatives, and informal mentoring by faculty and peers. Keyinstitutional programmatic interventions include bridge programs, recruitment incentives,scholarship support, and safe space communities for marginalized and underrepresented identitygroups. These initiatives act as a front line for addressing diversity and equity in engineering.Their importance has been
,temperature, pressure, buoyancy, etc.). There were two additional lectures on basicphotographic techniques: Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO, White Balance. This was primarily forthe benefit of all students, many of whom had little or no science or photography experience.Emphasis was placed on the quantitative aspects of optics and the interrelationship of spatial andtemporal resolution in the measurement of fluid flows.Six major topics were selected and for each topic a set of four class times was considered. Eachset of four classes was structured as 1) a lecture on the science and visualization techniques of atopic (Tuesday), 2) a photography session (Thursday), 3) edit/submit session to edit the imagesin Photoshop and write a report (Tuesday), 3
-Progress study, the research team explored two differing engineering courses ascases. The first course (case) was a Technical Communication course, which is considered a non-technical course to support students’ writing skills. The course is a mandatory course forengineering majors at the same institution of the original study [10]. The students enrolling in thecourse are primarily in their junior year in engineering and represent the majority of disciplinesin this college. The semester prior to this work in progress paper, data on the original iteration ofthe engineering professional identity study was published [10]. The authors followed the sameparticipants in this Technical Communication course in an effort to capture the changes inperceptions
benefits of both unproctored and proctoredassessment depending on the level of Bloom’s taxonomy. First, unproctored preliminaryformative assessments including reading assignments and homework assignments are deliveredvia McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart and Connect tools, which allows multiple attempts and isweighted to impart 12% of the course grade to encourage knowledge acquisition and offerrudimentary feedback. Next, a semester-long project consisting of biweekly labs is weighted20% of course grade to assess higher orders of learning such as engineering design, technicalreport writing and teamwork ability. Finally, the subsequent assignment for 45% of the coursegrade are conducted in a proctored computer-based testing center in the forms of quizzes
theseperceptions changed after STEP. Data were collected using open-ended entrance surveys andwritten responses on final exams. Research protocols were approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard (#13-577).Context and ParticipantsThe research setting was an introductory engineering course embedded within STEP. The courseis designed to introduce students to fundamental engineering concepts, and course objectivesincluded engagement with the engineering design process, exploration of engineering disciplines,engineering ethics, technical writing, and problem solving with software tools (Matlab). Thecourse curriculum integrated problem-based learning and product archaeology frameworks(Barrows, 1986; Kolmos, De Graaff, Johri, & Olds, 2014; Lewis et al., 2011
co-PI on 16 projects, funded by the National Science Foundation, with a $6.4 million research funding participation from external sources. He has been directing/co-directing an NSF/Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site on interdisciplinary water sciences and engineering at VT since 2007. This site has 95 alumni to date. He also leads an NSF/Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site on interdisciplinary water research and have 10 alumni. He also leads an NSF-funded cybersecurity education project and serves as a co-PI on two International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. ¨Dr. Rolf
like your effort linearly translates into a goodacademic result.”Overall, transfer students find that the educational environment at UC Davis emphasizes gradesinstead of understanding concepts. Academically, these students do well, and self-report thattheir community colleges adequately prepared them for UC Davis (as discussed in the secondtheme). Survey data indicates that there is no significant difference in GPA dissatisfaction ascompared to traditional students. However, transfer students spend more time on their coursesthan their peers. The average transfer student self-reports spending 16-20 hours per weekstudying and on other academic activities outside of class, whereas the average traditionalstudent only spends 11-15 hours per week on
it enjoyable to work with a groupof people you interact with on a daily basis, and getting to know my peers outside of the engineering center, was agreat experience … Working on this project with Student A, Student B, and Student C allowed me to get to knowthem on a personal level. I learned more about what they are involved with in their engineering program… Sometechnical information I received was from Student A, who has worked on construction projects with her dad eversince she was a kid. She taught me some construction practices that I would have never thought about in regards tomeasuring the plastic more efficiently and effectively. This project was such a great experience, that I wouldrecommend doing it again, the same way. Thanks to
-stereotyped groups that results from awareness of the expectation that they will underperformrelative to their peers.6 Belonging can be domain-specific, and instruments for measuring belonging in specificsubject areas have been developed.12 For example, math belonging is associated with increasedconfidence in one’s own math abilities and belief in the utility of math. Good, Rattan, & Dweck7found that women who perceived a gender stereotype in their college calculus classesexperienced a drop in math belonging, and that drop predicted lower course grades and intent topursue math in the future. Information about belonging is provided by cues from students’ learning environment .7Thus, a learning environment that increases belonging by
and was awarded NAE’s 2008 Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Implicit Bias? Disparity in Opportunities to Select Technical versus Non-Technical Courses in Undergraduate Engineering ProgramsAbstractUndergraduate engineering students are commonly afforded minimal opportunities to choosetheir courses as compared to their non-engineering peers on campus. In addition, manyengineering programs restrict students’ limited curricular choices to courses that are heavilyskewed to be technical in nature, further limiting students’ ability to realize a broad and balancedcollege
friendswho could provide guidance and advice during the academic year, and increase students’ interestin their fields. The orientations also increased enrollment in the departments.The scope in Lam et al.6 work is wider than the one proposed by the authors in this paper since ittargets high school students. However, Lam et al.6 work parallels to this research because it alsodesigns multiple interventions with the ultimate goal of improving student’s retention. The pre-college platform reported in Lam et al.6 consist of three elements. The first one is a six-weeksummer residential pre-engineering program for 9th -12th grade high school students. Thecurriculum includes math, sciences, language arts, technical writing and computer sciencecombined with
., Barber, P. H., & Hasson, T. (2015) at UCLA viii showsthat the overall 5-yr degree-completion rate for STEM students at UCLA is 65%. This is muchhigher than the national average. Nearly 70% of non-URM students completed their STEMdegree in 5 years, while the degree-completion rate of URM students in STEM was only 39%.This is significant because it has also been found that URM students entering U.S. colleges arejust as likely as their non-URM peers to aspire to complete a STEM major. ix Native AmericanSTEM students who do attend college face a new barrier. Thompson writes, “FGCS have beendemonstrated to have less access to support for success in higher education, fewer financialresources, fewer role models, and lower career aspiration and
them into the Blackboard learningmanagement system (LMS).Implementation FrameworkAt the Tagliatela College of Engineering, modules are integrated into courses using a flippedclassroom model. In each course, content is delivered via a short e-learning module outside theclass, and student learning is improved by reinforcing the content covered in the module throughclass discussions and contextual activities. The overall integration has the four main componentsshown in Figure 1. Students complete the e-learning module outside the class within two weeks.During the second week, students are asked to participate in an online or in class discussion. Thediscussion questions enable students to learn through peer and/or instructor interaction
, numerical and experimental methods. He has participated in many research projects and has published several peer-reviewed journal papers since 2004.Ms. Sotonye Ikiriko, Morgan State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Paper ID #31691 Ms. Sotonye Ikiriko is currently a Doctoral student and Research Associate in the Department of Civil Engineering, Morgan State University (MSU) in Baltimore Maryland. Prior to joining the department in January of 2019, Ms. Sotonye Ikiriko was a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) at Tennessee State University (TSU) in Tennessee State, where she