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thinking of drones as toys, but after theexperience viewed them as tools. We conclude that UAVs can be used as a means to provideopportunities for learning engineering that are both highly motivating AND academicallyrigorous.References[1] M. Beckett, G. Borman, J. Capizzano, D. Parsley, S. Ross, A. Schirm, and J. Taylor, “Structuring out-of-school time to improve academic achievement: A practice guide,” US Department of Education, Washington DC, NCEE 2009-012, 2009. Available https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/ost_pg_072109.pdf. [Accessed April 8, 2019].[2] S. Bhaduri, A. Gendreau, V.S. Koushik, T. Sumner, J. Ristvey, and R. Russell, “Promoting Low Income Middle School Students Motivation and Persistence in an
carrying out a nearest-neighbor decision rule. The metric vector is a subset of 2 componentsof the normalized spectral energy vector E x ⁄ E s with E x components given by f(k + 1) 2 Ex ( k ) = f ( k ) X ( f ) df (1)where k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . The integral limits are defined by the frequency band vector f = [ 501, 708, 1000, 1413, 1995, 2818, 3981 ] (2)which defines f ( 1 ) through f ( 7 ) . The energy
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. Shirley Ann Jackson [4] noted that “[s]ince that time, there has beencontinuing concern that engineering education does not sufficiently incorporate liberal studies…As engineering and the technological revolution continue to transform our world, we must assurethat those who steer these changes understand the totality of the human condition, and that bringsus back to the liberal arts.” The chorus of calls for change has included soul-searching reportssuch as that by Grinter (1955) [5], which was soon overwhelmed by the urgency of Sputnik andthe Space Race insisting on the primacy of purely technical competence, and Olmsted [6].Olmsted’s 1968 ASEE Report Liberal Learning for the Engineer praised a few exemplarystudent-driven, socially
. This would reduce institutionalbias, especially if the grading is done through a ‘double-blind’ process. Additionally, responsesfrom all participating institutions can be reviewed by a single (or small group of) ‘knowledgeexpert(s)’ who are not implementing the instrument at their own institution. This latter strategyplaces a higher level of consistency in grading and providing increased reliability in theinterpretation of results, though they may come from variable sources.In undergraduate geotechnical engineering courses, future research may be needed on bias andprecision in instructor grading on high-stakes assessments such as examinations. Ultimately, thegoal is to work towards reducing bias and increasing precision in instructor grading
Smith from the Lerner College of Business and Economics forpartnering with us on this exciting project and for instructing the UD ADVANCE Women’s LeadershipProgram.References[1] ACE, “Pipelines, Pathways, and Institutional Leadership: An Update on the Status of Women in Higher Education,” American Council on Education, 2017. Available: https://www.acenet.edu/news- room/Documents/Higher-Ed-Spotlight-Pipelines-Pathways-and-Institutional-Leadership-Status-of- Women.pdf. [Accessed 29 November, 2018].[2] C. Bilen-Green, K. Froelich, S. Jacobson, “The Prevalence of Women in Academic Leadership Positions, and Potential Impact on Prevalence of Women in the Professorial Ranks,” WEPAN Conference Proceedings, 2008.[3] C. Bilen-Green
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established by the United Nations in 2015.Students had to identify a firm on which to base their project, and then determine which of the17 goals would be most relevant and appropriate for their firm to support, based on its context.This was intentionally open-ended, and could include, for example, the firm’s environmental,social, and economic impacts, sphere of influence, stakeholder interests, and how the firmcould affect or be affected by the issue(s) related to each goal. Students worked in small teams to identify and contextualize the problem associatedwith the selected goal, and then to develop a set of proposed objectives, targets, and actionsfor the firm to contribute to the global goal over the next five years, and present the
semester ifthey plan to work in the vacuum industry or to enhance their skillset in this area. However, theonly way vacuum course(s) can currently be incorporated into the EET program is as technicalelective course(s) taken during the fourth semester. A result of this mis-alignment in sequencingbetween institutions was that some parts of the Introduction to Vacuum Technology course weretoo rudimentary for fourth semester students. As a result, the EET department has since maderevisions to the program that allow for one technical elective course during the third semester.This will allow students to take the introductory vacuum course during third semester and one ortwo advanced vacuum courses during the fourth semester. This will also allow for the
the batteries were recharged using a standard automotive battery chargeruntil the charger turned off per its internal controls. The batteries were returned and stored to thecool, dry location in the LTU alternative energy lab.In the summer of 2013, MASCO Corp. donated twelve Isofoton I-94/24 PV modules toLawrence Tech, along with a 1.0 kW solar water heating system. MASCO Corporation.corporate headquarters are located only a few miles from Lawrence Tech, in SoutheastMichigan. Their business focus is the design, manufacture and distribution of numerous well-known home improvement and building products [2]. MASCO is one of several corporatepartners with Lawrence Tech and employs several of LTU’s engineering graduates. In the mid-2000’s MASCO
necessary to reach a broader audience. The author hopes that from here readers may beable to develop other innovative uses of rotation operator. The solutions for the combinedrotations are verified so it is safe to use. A ball joint for the support is proposed so the rotationcan be done according to any axis through the center of the ball in the space.REFERENCE1) Ying, S. J. “Advanced Dynamics “ Book, AIAA Education Series 1997.2) Siemens, M. Hancock, J. Siminovitch, D. “Beyond Euler Angles: Exploiting the Angle-Axis Parametrization in a Multipole Expansion of the Rotation Operator” in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2007 31(1) pp.35-543) Greenwood, D. “Advanced Dynamics” Book, Cambridge University Press 2003.4) Bourne, D. “Vector
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engineers, and are attended by all selected Bridge students. TheSCLC courses meet twice a week for 2 hours in addition to the regular Calculus or Physicscourse which is part of the curriculum. Students work in 4-6 member heterogeneous groupsproviding a comfortable environment to ask questions and learn. SCLC further strengthens thelearning community built in the SSBP.Monthly Socials: To strengthen the learning community, 3 to 4 monthly socials throughout eachsemester will allow students to interact with invited professionals and upperclassmen in aninformal setting. Each monthly social will revolve around a theme and speaker(s), for example,reducing stress during midterms and finals, time management, setting high expectations,undergraduate research
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different institutions, theinductive. While there may be a discussion [1] as to which authors realized the need to study, systematically, theis more effective, in either scenario, students are generally impact different teaching methods had to student classroomeducated over a period of over 45 minutes in a room learning experience at their University. In this paper, wesetting. The issue that we wanted to consider was to report our data from the first such study related to theimprove the efficiency in learning within that span. impact of interruptions (by introducing pauses during Since the 1970’s [2], it has been reported, that the lectures and in-class-assignments) during 75-minute
lab that serves several undergraduate courses whilebeing used by graduate research assistants and professors.3.1 – CoursesTable 1 lists the courses that use the wireless laboratory atAalto University. Table 1 – Courses taught at the Wireless Lab at Aalto University Course Title ELEC-E7410 Communication transmission lines ELEC-E7250 Laboratory course in communications engineering ELEC-C7320 Software radio course COM-EV Wireless Transmission Systems Fig. 2 A simple and memorable experiential learning (Summer Course for Texas A&M) S-72.2311 Laboratory course in
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