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Figure 4: Chua’s breadboard layout using Fritzing. Figure 5: Fully constructed Chua’s circuit. Page 26.348.8USB Soundcard ScopeIn order to visualize the chaotic attractor one would typically use an oscilloscope (see Figure 6),however such devices are frequently out of the price range for hobbyists and students to makea simple demonstration. Moreover, the measurement of analog signals using a Line-In port of adesktop soundcard is no longer a relevant solution to replace an oscilloscope. The 1990’s desktopscame commonly equipped with a soundcard which included a Line-In port. The current computermarket is split between desktop and laptop computers
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accreditation or equivalence. The first accreditedprogram was in Puerto Rico in 1960. This past year, Ecuador accredited its first programs. Themajority of programs choose ABET for accreditation. Central America seeks accreditation fromthe Engineers Canada´s Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). English-speakingCaribbean selected Engineering Council UK (UK-EC). Page 19.15.4Table 1. Accreditation and Substantial Equivalence in Latin America and the CaribbeanCOUNTRY AGENCY UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS YEAR ACCChile ABET Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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from the natural gas. The optimum temperature fornucleate boiling can be found by combining the equations for maximum heat flux (qmax) andsurface temperature in the nucleate boiling regime (Tnuc) shown in Fig. 5. 9Figure 5 – Feedback control loop for a propane burner that heats a brew kettle to boil wort.When the surface temperature (Ts) of the kettle exceeds the optimum temperature (Tnuc, Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova Universityestimated with the equations on the right), the burner is shut off. Vapor properties are denotedwith a subscript v, while liquid properties are denoted with a subscript l. Csf is the surface factorconstant, while s is a constant that depends on the type of fluid being
Physics course designed to assist student s with the transition to post-secondary education. He is a Co-Director of the NYS STEP Program, IMPETUS which provides economically disadvantaged students the opportunity to pursue their interest in math and science though educational summer camps, workshops, school-year tutoring and mentoring programs. He has helped provide numerous students and teachers with the opportunity to integrate STEM disciplines using real-world problem solving strategies through teacher/coach training institutes and contest coordination. He is the Adirondack Regional Science Olympiad Coordinator.Robert Prout Jaspersohn, Clarkson University Robert Jaspersohn is a PhD candidate in Physics at Clarkson
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. Additional funding for undergraduate research was provided by the 2014 Seattle UniversityFr. Woods Fellowship Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Bibliography1 National Academy of Engineering, Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century, Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2005.2 ABET, "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Effective for Evaluation During the 2009-2010 Accredidation Cycle," ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2008.3 American Society for Civil Engineering, "Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century
research, and facilities layout. Before joining to SIUE he worked at Rochester Institute of Technology as a faculty member and Computer Integrated Manufacturing System project coordinator for RIT’s integrated circuit factory. He is a senior member of IIE and SME, and a member of ASEE, Alpha Pi Mu and Tau Beta Pi.Dr. Hasan Sevim, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Page 26.718.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 International Cooperation in an Industrial Engineering Dual-diploma Program S
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? Content specific feedback related to What is the current treatment option? technologies discussed What is your source(s) for information? Entrepreneurship feedback related to How would you find more relevant complementary skills information? Week 9 Week 4 o Final Project Assignment o Lecture Overview of final project Opportunity Recognition starts with finding a Discussion of deadlines and requirement need. Week 11 Comparison of finding problems in education o Final