grow [9]. Students are entrusted with a great amount of freedom: from choosingwhich problem(s) to tackle and pitching their ideas, to recruiting other classmates to join theirteam, setting up meeting times via online conferencing tools, and working together to createdeliverables from various locations across the U.S. [10]. This model aims to produce qualitydeliverables, which students can own as their personal intellectual property and innovation. Thejournal publications, poster presentations, business plans, outreach activities, inventiondisclosures, awards, and products developed are among the deliverables students can produce[8]. The students gain experience working within a team that includes students from othermajors, universities
undergraduates in mechanical engineering.To complete this project, students should go through these steps: investigation and survey,conceptual design, modeling and simulation, detailed design, fabrication and assembly,prototype and test. It can be found that these steps are highly in accordance with a generalscientific research or an actual engineering project (Fig. 1). To be more specific, “handwritingrobot” should be capable of drawing lines and arc (for basic level), writing alphabets andsimple Chinese characters (for intermediate level) and writing complex Chinese characters(for advanced level) while lifting and dropping the pen. The main performance indicators arethe stroke not less than 350 mm, speed not slower than 30 mm/s, and largest
2003Figure 3: Do you use a chemical process simulator and, if so, which software package(s) do you use? (multiple answersallowed)Respondents were asked how they are trained to learn new software programs. Similar to 1997and 2003, the most reported method is “self-taught,” followed by “colleagues,” and then“company-provided training.” A detailed summary of methods is shown in Figure 4. 5 with 5 as primary source and 1 did not use. 4 Average Rating 3 2 1
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basic concepts of µPs/ µCs as presented in [1,2],and using troubleshooting problem-solving method to teach high school students as presented in [3], justto name a few. Back to 90’s a traditional course on µPs/ µCs mainly involves assembly programming andsoftware-only lab using simulators as mentioned in [4] and the references therein. Nowadays, more andmore college-level courses on µPs/ µCs would cover scopes from the architecture of processors to the bigpicture of embedded systems, and combine lectures with mixed software/hardware-based labexperience. This trend of introducing the ever-growing complexity of µPs/ µCs to students and preparingthem to design larger and more complex systems have brought educators big challenges and discussionson
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this round of development are listed in Table 1.These topics cover the scope for the first half of the course before the midterm exam. There aretwo 1.5-hour lectures per week so two topics are covered each week. This course is offered in thefirst term of first year, so it was decided to carry out the study in weeks 5 and 6, when thefreshmen should have settled down into the routine of university life. The topics involved areLecture 9 Moments and Couples in Three Dimensions, and Lecture 10 Resultants in ThreeDimensions (part 1)The structure of each piece of media generally comprises of: • an introduction; • a review of an earlier related module; • the theory of the current module; • sample problem(s); • the solving of practice
across the US, on average, nearly 40% of students leaveengineering before graduation. This rate is much higher for URM and female engineeringstudents with 70%, 70%, and 50% of female, black and Hispanic students respectively. It is notsurprising that there is a disproportionate representation of the overall URM population and theirrepresentation in the STEM workforce (Figure 1). As shown in Figure 1, Hispanics and Blacks account for approx. 15% and 12% of the USresidential population 21 years or older in 2015, yet they account for only 6% and 5% of thescience and engineering occupation (National Science Board, 2018). U.S. S&E Workforce with a College Degree 70 60 50 40 30 20
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deployed a bomb finding robot named the LynchBot to Iraq late in 2004 and then again in 2006 deployed about a dozen more improved LynchBots to Iraq. His team also assisted in the deployment of 84 TACMAV systems in 2005. Around that time he volunteered as a science advisor and worked at the Rapid Equipping Force during the summer of 2005 where he was exposed to a number of unmanned systems technologies. His initial group composed of about 6 S&T grew to nearly 30 between 2003 and 2010 as he transitioned from a Branch head to an acting Division Chief. In 2010-2012 he again was selected to teach Mathematics at the United States Military Academy West Point. Upon returning to ARL’s Vehicle Technology Directorate from West
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. Tounderstand who may care about the same problem, they are asked to conduct interviews, whilebeing in an inquiry mode to explore whether the problem might be shared by others. This is afact-finding exercise, and not looking for confirmation of the original idea. Analysis of theresults of the interviews help determining how to procced. Students are asked to include thequestions and lessons learned during interviews in the User Innovation portfolio. This may leadto (often does) changes in both problem definition and suggested solution(s).Step 9 - Co-forming the problem:A fuller description of the innovation idea and plan is created in this step. This involvesimplementing a system for re-evaluating the innovation plan according to the new knowledgegained
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three GTAs.All undergraduate assistants are native in English. All three GTAs were not native in English andwent to undergraduate schools in foreign countries. Only one Fall 2018 UTA returned as a UTAin Spring 2019.We analyzed each U/GTAs’ graded lab reports from the control and experimental groups tocompare their comments. TAs’ comments from the control group without the training are shortand/or simple questions (e.g. “labels? Figures of s/p & o/p signals?”). The feedback commentsfrom the experimental group after the training were more complete sentences to show theaudenice’s point of view (e.g. “You never describe how the barrel shifter is supposed tooperate.”), while some of their comments are still in the question format (e.g. “Which
faculty members in their discipline andtheir academic unit, and if their requirements are “Comparable” to faculty in their academic unitbut not in their discipline, and “Comparable” to faculty in other departments in their College.Finally, participants were asked to rate the following impediments on their likelihood ofinfluencing the tenure process: • Teaching load requirements, • Expectation of peer-reviewed journal publications, • Service expectations, • Availability of funds for research in their fields • Appreciation for area of research by tenure review committee(s) • Competition within department for funds, • Availability of Teaching Assistants (TA) to assist with grading, • Availability of students to employ as
fall semester of 2019especially to promote students’ problem-solving skills because problem-solving is consideredas the essential capacity in ABET accreditation [2].Problem-based learning (PBL) has proved an effective way of enhancing problem-solvingskills in many different disciplines, especially in medicine and engineering. Problem-basedLearning was first introduced at McMaster University in Canada, a pedagogy that stressesstudent-centered, small group learning (with teachers acting as facilitators) and organizedaround problems as specific attributes [3]. Since then, it has been widely used all around theworld, and there are many successful cases of applying PBL in professional education.Howard S. Barrows mentioned in his article that “PBL
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. Throughoutthese assessment analysis, it reveals that the workshop can be further improved by designing andimplementing target specified activities (e.g., research oriented vs. career oriented) to servecohorts at different levels.AcknowledgementThis work is funded by USDA National Institution of Food and Agriculture, grant number: 2017-38821-26419.Reference[1] Office of Institutional Research (2019) Central State University Fact Book, 2019 Edition.[2] Mälkki, H. and Alanne (2017) An overview of life cycle assessment (LCA) and research-based teaching in renewable and sustainable energy education, Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews, 69, 218 – 231.[3] Dekker, H. and Wolff, S. W. “Re-inventing Research-Based Teaching and Learning”,European Forum for