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NPSI. This increase was especially encouraging to the team of mentors. The students alsoincreased 17% in their interest in physics and attending PVAMU. The goals were to increasestudents' knowledge of the nuclear industry and increase their interest in STEM. These surveyresults indicate that the goals were met. DiscussionAccording to the students' responses in both groups, this initiative increased their interest in science.Significantly in physics, for the NPSI high school students and the young girls in the Day of Sciencegroup. It is interesting to note that some students wished for longer days for the NPSI event in 2021.It was five days long in 2020's NPSI virtual event.The mentoring team knew
positiveimpact on regional, state, and national economy. AcknowledgementThe authors are thankful for the support from National Institute of Standards and Technology (award# 70NANB20H18) and Texas A&M University-Kingsville. References 1. URL:, accessed on 01/01/2022. 2. Golan, M. S., Jernegan, L. H., & Linkov, I., 2020, —Trends and applications of resilience analytics in supply chain modeling: systematic literature review in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Environment Systems and Decisions, 40, 222-243. 3. URL:
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Paper ID #35818The Fast and Practical Approach to Effectively Securing a CloudComputing System with Today’s TechnologyMr. Emmanuel Sunday Kolawole Emmanuel S Kolawole is a PHD Student at Prairie View A&M University and currently working as a Net- work Security Engineer in one of the giant Semi-Conductor/IT Industries in USA. In his current role, he is responsible for planning, design and build security architectures. Emmanuel supervise the implemen- tation of network and computer security and ensuring compliance with corporate cyber security policies and procedures.He monitors cyber security requirements for local
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structural engineering path acompanion course could be developed as part of a senior level capstone project. This coursecould use the design and analysis skills developed over the student’s academic career to designand build a structure. This could range from a pedestrian bridge to tensegrity domes. Thepossibilities are open to student’s imagination and determination. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education References1. Ressler, S. J, “Designing and Building File-Folder Bridges: A Problem-Based Introduction
Sophomore design class (N=126) good player's poor player's temperament class avg average average E 64 56 67 S 61 49 62 T 69 66 66 J 81 85 75 Senior capstone design class (N=172) good player's poor player's temperament class avg average average E 64 69 55
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fanmotor, determining the force produced by the fan (determined experimentally in a previouscourse), and body rotational dynamics. This model also has a significant non-linearity in therelationship between the fan input voltage and steady-state force.In addition to topics such as basic system terminology, experimental modeling, block diagrams,and control design which are developed and reinforced by all experiments, Table 2 summarizesother applications of these experiments. Table 2: Course learning objectives mapped to experiments Learning objective Experiment(s) utilized First-order time response Lumen, Calor, and Motor Second-order
effectively self-direct thestudents. The methods have been applied to over 40 project teams over 4 years and we have seena marked improvement in team innovations. Clearly, the data set is small, and the results may notbe achieved in all settings. It is recommended that instructors adapt the methods to their uniquecourse settings.REFERENCESArmstrong C.E. (2016), Teaching Innovation Through Empathy: Design Thinking in the Undergraduate Business Classroom. Management Teaching Review. 2016;1(3):164-169. doi:10.1177/2379298116636641Das, S. (2021), Fast Fulfillment: The Machine that Changed Retailing, Business Expert Press, New York, ebook/dp/B092FM8YK4Fast Fulfill
technique can also be used between a remoteserver and another remote server, or between a local server and another local server within thesame WiFi network and known IP address. The data collection can be done automatically bycreating automation Python script that uses Paramiko library. This Python script allows users toaccess the Pi, collect target file(s) and save it to the assigned local server’s destination.Results Figure 7: Virtual desktop interfaceThe test was conducted on both hardwood floor and a short carpet floor. In both places, the carwas fully charged and connected to the same 2.4GHz frequency of the WiFi network. Althoughthe floor conditions were different, the car managed to complete all the given tasks
the second tie connecting the supports and the buildpart, as suggested by the AM Scenario lessons on the 3DEduspace. The data for the AM processwas then input, and the structural restraints assigned. The chamber temperature was set to thedefault of 298 K, while the melting temperature of Ti-6Al-4V was set to 1300K. The AMparameters can be found in Table 3. For this scenario, a clamp was applied to the bottom face ofthe build plate, and both supports were assigned a fixed displacement with no rotation. Theinitial increment for the thermal and static steps were set to 150 s, while the maximum incrementwas set to 1000s. The simulation checks were performed in order to ensure no complicationswould occur, and then the simulation for both the
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, which is commonly used in suchapplications. It is important to have a charging controller to prevent destruction of the battery.The charging controller has a 5 volt and 1 ampere rated input and output, which is enough tocharge one 18650 battery. It has a red led on board so that user can see when the battery ischarging. Based on the charging controller current output and the 18650’s capacity the user canexpect to have it fully charged in 4 hours. That sounds like a lot, however, in emergencysituations, the battery does not need to be fully charged. Theoretically, to charge a modernsmartphone up to 10%, you would only need to generate power for 15 minutes. Figure 4 - Diagram of the electric circuit used in the design.The
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Paper ID #37509Annuities as a Good Course ExampleNeal A Lewis NEAL A. LEWIS, CPEM, received his Ph.D. in engineering management in 2004 and B.S. in chemical engineering in 1974 from the University of Missouri–Rolla and his MBA in 2000 from the University of New Haven. He has over 25 years of industrial experience at Procter & Gamble and Bayer. He is a faculty member of the online Master of Engineering Management program at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Previously, he taught at UMR (now Missouri S&T), Marshall University, University of Bridgeport, University of New Haven, Fairfield University, and
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