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Conference Session
Teaching Methodology & Assessment 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amelia Greig, University of Texas at El Paso
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assessing the course through observing student progress and theoccasional written report or presentation, all assessment items for the course were designed toreplicate preparation for and participation in a peer-reviewed technical conference. A call forpapers was distributed which students responded to by submitting a short abstract. The abstractswere ‘accepted’ and the students then had to write a full technical paper. A double-blind peerreview was performed within the class to include critical analysis practice for students. Thecourse culminated in a ‘two-day’ conference, but to fit within a standard course schedule the twodays were not sequential nor were they full day lengths. The first ‘day’ was oral presentationsheld during regular class time
Conference Session
Teams, Capstone Courses, and Project Based-Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Molly A. McVey, University of Kansas; Carl W. Luchies, University of Kansas; Adrian Joseph Villicana, University of Kansas
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Mechanical Engineering
learning. This coursetypically has 59-120 sophomore and junior level mechanical engineering students enrolled andhas been taught in a flipped format, using the SCALE-UP model (Beichner, 2008), for severalsemesters. By design, the course relies heavily on peer-to-peer instruction through cooperativelearning, and beginning in the semester of Spring 2016, the instructor aimed to move fromcooperative groups to high performing teams using principles of team-based learning (L. K.Michaelsen, Knight, & Fink, 2002). Three primary research questions were examined: 1) whateffect does the implementation of TBL have on individual student learning, compared to anoffering of the course prior to implementation; 2) what effect does the implementation of
Conference Session
Insights for Teaching ECE Courses - Session I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soheil Salehi, University of Central Florida; Ramtin Zand, University of Central Florida ; Ronald F. DeMara P.E., University of Central Florida
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Electrical and Computer
Figure 4: Overview of the Double-Blind Peer Review Process.single paragraph regarding at least five technical points that they learned through completing thecapstone report.3.3 Double-Blind Peer Review Process In order to implement a double-blind peer review process, we implement an LMS quiz. In order toincrease the effectiveness and learning aspect of the double-blind peer review process, GTA and facultyinstructor review the final capstone report submissions. Furthermore, GTA and faculty instructor selectthe top 10 high quality capstone paper submissions according to certain criteria, such as formatting ofthe capstone report, quality of writing, quality of figures, and quality of the analysis provided. Afterreviewing the capstone report
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 8 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Julie P. Martin, Clemson University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Paper ID #28232How to be an effective journal and conference paper reviewer withoutbeing a jerkDr. Julie P Martin, Clemson University Julie P. Martin is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. She is an associate professor of engineering education at The Ohio State University, a past president of WEPAN, and a Fellow of ASEE. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Reviewers and editors are essential to the publishing process, and yet no one evertells us how to write a constructive review. Reviewers typically
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tiffany A Mathews, Penn State University; Kirstin Purdy Drew, Pennsylvania State University; Kristin Ann Dreyer, Center for Nanoscale Science (an NSF funded MRSEC)
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engaged in creating and editing materials for themselves as part of establishingtheir digital professional presence.As an example activity, the CV/resume peer-editing exercise required participants to eithercreate or revise their existing CV/resume or personal statement, and then bring it to a moderatedbreakout room discussion for peer review. Peer review was chosen because it provided studentswith the opportunity to view a variety of writing styles and provide constructive comments, bothof which can lead to improvement in students’ writing [6-7]. To encourage critical feedback anda collegial environment, breakout room discussions were moderated by program coordinators[8]. Some students were further motivated by the peer-review exercise and took
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Ann Strehl, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
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writing work (with “Katie” again doing more of this than theother names). These results suggest that participants used assumptions about teammatedemographic information as they made decisions regarding task division, at least regarding whowould do managerial and writing work.IntroductionGroup-based learning is a common aspect of undergraduate engineering curricula, and is acritical part of both first-year introductory engineering courses and senior-level capstone designcourses at many institutions across the country and around the world. Engineering educationresearch based on these courses has provided a solid understanding of the manner by whichstudent teams often allocate tasks and the manner by which gender and race influences thesedecisions
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Burns, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bob E. White P.E., Western Michigan University; Azim Houshyar, Western Michigan University
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Engineering Economy
college features a built-in plagiarism checker and peer evaluation system, and thesetwo systems can dramatically reduce the burden of evaluation for the writing component. Theuse of such systems allows instructors to maintain the focus on class discussions.One last factor that contributed to the use of a module-based approach is the mathematical natureof the material. It was assumed that when teaching mathematical concepts, instructors willnaturally gravitate toward using familiar examples and techniques in order to explain thematerial thoroughly. Approaching ethics using a micro-insertion approach would mean eitherrelying on individual instructors to develop several of their own ethics-based problems, orprescribing problems for instructors to
Conference Session
Towards a Participatory Action, Retention of Black Students, and Exploring Black Engineering Student Success
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hermine Vedogbeton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Crystal Brown; Gbetonmasse B Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Robert Krueger, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
, and don't listen to my ideas or concerns” (Female student). “One time in a lab I was working with two white boys and when it came time to write up the lab report one of them would always give me the writing option that had no brain power, and they did everything else” (Female student).Students also reported bias in teamwork assignments within their group where they would beasked to complete less significant tasks or ignored. Consequently, students reported experiencinganxiety when working with non-Black peers on group projects because they feel stereotyped as“lazy”. To avoid this stereotype, many Black students would work harder than expected evenwhen they do not feel well because they are not afforded the same level
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Resource Exchange
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tejaswini S. Dalvi, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Kristen B. Wendell, Tufts University; Chelsea Joy Andrews, Tufts University; Nicole Alexandra Batrouny, Tufts University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
final tests and revisions. Day 10: Design Challenge - Conference How do engineers share their ideas through speaking and writing? Groups prepare for and engage in a conference-style share-out, where they present their designs and design process with peers from other classes, school administration, and parents. Design Brief Design Task: You are working as engineers to design a playground structure that would be fun and safe for all children, including children who use wheelchairs. Criteria: Playground equipment MUST be: Constraints: The playground equipment, ● Sized for ● Functional ● Must fit on the cardboard square given. wheelchair ● Fun
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean S. VanderGheynst, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Alin Wakefield, University of California, Davis
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
! 1 The Graduate Student's Guide to Personal Finance 1 Establishing Presence in the Classroom: How to be Successful with Challenging Students 1 and Situations Writing National Science Foundation Grants: Part 1 1 Feeling Good About Your 24 Hours 1 Grand Slam 1 Negotiating Your Job Offer 1 Responsible Research of Conduct: Peer Review 1 Publishing in the Academy: Introduction &
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bruce R. Maxim, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Thomas Limbaugh, University of Michigan - Dearborn
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Software Engineering Division
willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hilda Cecilia Contreras Aguirre, New Mexico State University; Nicole Delgado, New Mexico State University; Luis Rodolfo Garcia Carrillo, New Mexico State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
their College DegreeAbstractThis study explains a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program established at aHispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). The Research-Oriented Learning Experiences (ROLE)program’s goal is to improve Latinx undergraduate students’ research skills while buildingstrong connections with other peers and near-peer mentors. Funded under the NSF BroadeningParticipation in Engineering Program, the ROLE program seeks to encourage Latinx students tobecome involved in research activities in Engineering, where students can experience andperform research through hands-on activities. As a theoretical framework, the Resilience Cycleguided this study with the rationale that Latinx as minority students face numerous challengesand
Conference Session
COED: Issues Impacting Students Learning How to Program
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University; Phyllis J. Beck, Mississippi State University; Amy K. Barton, Mississippi State University; Donna Reese, Mississippi State University; Bryan A. Jones, Mississippi State University; Monika Jankun-Kelly, Mississippi State University
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Computers in Education
she was selected as an ASEE Ed- ucational Research and Methods Division Apprentice Faculty.Ms. Phyllis J. Beck, Mississippi State UniversityMs. Amy K. Barton, Mississippi State University Amy Barton is Technical Writing Instructor in the Shackouls Technical Communication Program at Mis- sissippi State University. In 2013, she was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Teachers for the Bagley College of Engineering. She is an active member of the Southeastern Section of ASEE. Her research focuses on incorporating writing to learn strategies into courses across the curriculum.Dr. Donna Reese, Mississippi State University Donna Reese is currently a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Mississippi State
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephen Secules, Florida International University
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Virginia Tech, Clemson, Utah State,Arizona State, Ohio State, and others formalizing in the years since then. Other less formalized PhDpathways in engineering education have also appeared, expanding the possibilities of PhD study. Thus,the process of graduate school, while familiar to many academics, is also always becoming new. Whilesharing strategies and insights about graduate school has been done several times before [4], [5], it isimportant to update and reiterate those pieces of advice in new realities.Furthermore, while an intense and specific experience, most people only ever complete the PhD processonce. Each step of the process— coursework, qualifying or comprehensive exams, dissertation proposal,research, dissertation writing, and
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Princy L. D. Johnson, Liverpool John Moores University; Kathryn W. Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Management
capture any change in their most 18 minutes Belbin test preferred/manageable/least preferred roles after the learning sessions and the activity Coursework: N/A Reflective Final course assessment: To capture their 15 days Self-reflection writing (up to leadership journey through the course. 15 pages) Post-coursework 2 6 Peer review: to capture peer feedback and 10 minutes peer feedback the ability to give constructive feedback. Post-coursework N/A
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Irini Spyridakis, University of Washington
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Computing and Information Technology
culturaldimensions as they pertain to UI features (e.g., content, organization, navigation, verbal rhetoric,tone, design) in two websites that are produced by the same company for two different countries[11] - [12]. Students seek to assess how effective the sites are in meeting their audiences’ needs.They write a draft report to the hypothetical Marketing Director of the company website thatthey chose (this report is not sent out), conduct a peer review of other students’ draft reports,revise and finalize their own report, and create and present an oral presentation to their peers.This report assignment involves active, collaborative, problem-based learning [13]. The reportassignment counts for 20 percent of the final grade and is holistically graded with
Conference Session
Making an Impact: Building Support with Data and Design
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hilda Teresa Ayala-Gonzalez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez ; Cristina D. Pomales-Garcia, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Jaquelina Ester Alvarez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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Engineering Libraries
, to support the needs of our engineering students.Fig. 8. GRIC Library services supporting the research lifecycle.Since communication skills in English are fundamental to succeed in STEM fields, especially forEnglish as Second Language students, the GRIC has also integrated peer-to-peer support with ateam of Graduate Writing Facilitators (GWF). The GWF’s are a team of three graduate studentswith diverse multidisciplinary backgrounds (Engineering, Science, and English), trained to offeracademic services in oral and written communication in English to meet the needs of all ourgraduate programs. Through writing clinics (e.g., English grammar and style, tone and audience,visual design, transition and clarity, and oral presentations in general
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica A. Kuczenski, Santa Clara University; Laura Doyle, Santa Clara University
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First-Year Programs
discussionsto write rules and norms for their teams helps to raise awareness in students of these issues. Theresults show a positive impact of the introduced interventions, especially around teamwork andcollaboration with peers. The results offer insights on how we can continue this study and followthe cohort of students through time to see if the impact lasts beyond the first year.Pre-/Post-survey data ResultsResults from comparing the pre- and post-survey results are shown in Table 2. A value of 1indicates No Agreement and 7 indicates Strongly Agree. There was no significant difference inthe survey results for Question 1 either from the beginning to the end of Fall 2020 or between theend of Fall 2019 and Fall 2020. When comparing Fall 2019 (no
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Gunnarsson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Camille Birch, University of Washington; Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington
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Biomedical Engineering
curriculum design and pilot efforts of a short module in theintroductory bioengineering course [4-5].Course OverviewThe introductory bioengineering course aims to provide broad exposure to several areas ofresearch in bioengineering such as cancer diagnostics, medical device development, regenerativemedicine, global health, and synthetic biology. The course emphasizes critical reading ofscientific literature and technical writing, and broadly covers the engineering design process,creative problem-solving techniques, engineering ethics, social constraints, and other designprinciples.The first offering of the honors section was a 2-credit add-on to the introductory bioengineeringcourse. The honors section was comprised of 12 students who were
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maysam Nezafati, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mel Chua, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
research sources from prior classes, but also knew this might be a newerskill for most. Consequently, the teaching team provided students with a brief guide reviewinghow to search library databases and find relevant literature.After first-round submissions had been turned in, students were tasked with writing peer reviewsof the submissions of other teams. Several reasons were given to them for this, including theopportunity to see more examples of bias and a variety of ways of presenting information, aswell as practice with providing helpful feedback to others. Students were given the opportunityto revise and resubmit their conceptual models based on peer feedback.Intervention phase 2: Proposing a new design/research to create valueThe next phase
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg L. Saylor, University of Cincinnati; Anant R. Kukreti, University of Cincinnati
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
2(16Students) 5 6 Figure 1: Implementation Timeline for the FSSP and S-STEM Programs2.2. Freshman SSTEM Scholars Program (FSSP) StructureGoals of FSSPThe main goals of the program are: enhanced retention of URM students, the development ofstrong URM candidates for admission into the S-STEM program, and to build interest in studentsfor the pursuit of graduate study. Enhanced retention of URM students is critical as 2014 datafrom the National Center for Education statistics 15 describes African American and Hispanicstudents as 23.6% and 12.7% less likely, respectively, to finish college after 5 years as comparedto their white peers. Retention is encouraged
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shasta Ihorn, San Francisco State University; Anagha Kulkarni, San Francisco State University; Michael Savvides, San Francisco State University; Ilmi Yoon
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
diversity.4 The program consists of five classes,unique to the minor, that span across two academic years (4 semesters) and relies on the use ofcohort-based program structure, near-peer mentoring, and project-driven learning. The cohortstructure allows for close relationships to form, combatting the social isolation that historicallymarginalized students may feel in CS classes. Peer mentoring benefits students by offeringfurther academic, social, and professional development support within the program. Project-based learning provides strong ties to students’ major area(s) of study (primarily biology andbiochemistry) and supports students’ future success in fields that are becoming increasingly data-driven.1 Finally, the minor program courses focus
Conference Session
Moving the Needle: The Complexities of Race and Gender in Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly J. Cross, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech
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Minorities in Engineering
student teams. Interrogating theinteractions African-American males experience within multiracial teams enhances ourunderstanding of how they experience engineering and what peer interactions reduce spotlightingand disconnection. Page 26.1545.2IntroductionTeam projects in undergraduate engineering programs are critical sites for professional skillsdevelopment. Designed to simulate engineering work, team projects allow students to try onprofessional roles as they interact with peers and faculty. Also, engaging in engineering activitiessuch as a team project can help students establish a sense of identity within their field, which inturn influences
2024 South East Section Meeting
Showkat J. Chowdhury, Alabama A&M University; Xiang Zhao, Alabama A&M University; Tamara Chowdhury, Alabama A&M University
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rate, and graduation time needed are significantly better compared totheir peers. This study shows that, the scholarships and various academic supports provided tothe talented but financially needy minority students had significant impact on student success,retention, and graduation.1. IntroductionIn an increasingly competitive and technology driven global economy, the future prosperity ofU.S. to succeed depends in a large measure on a STEM educated workforce. During the nextdecade, U.S. demand for scientists and engineers is expected to increase four times compared toother occupations [1],[2]. Yet, only 32% of undergraduates in the U.S. receive their degrees inSTEM while the corresponding figures for Japan, China, and Germany are 55%, 59
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mayra S. Artiles , Arizona State University
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Graduate Studies
Engineering Education, 2021 Minority Student Experiences in Engineering Graduate Programs: Socialization and Impact on Career TrajectoriesAbstractThis paper examines the academic and social interactions during graduate engineering programenrollment among racially underrepresented doctoral and master’s students and how thoseinteractions shape their career goals. Using socialization theory, this study explored dailyinteractions of students with faculty and peers, overall perceptions of fit, knowledge about thegraduate school process, and opportunities for mentoring provided in the institution as well asthrough outside engagement during industry internships. The findings presented in this paperbuild upon an earlier study conducted
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farshid Marbouti, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Design in Engineering Education
). Page 26.1430.4 Table 1 – Coding scheme description and examples.Domain Category Description Example Refers to writing or presentation of the design “There are grammatical error[s] Communication work. throughout the paper.” Explicitly refers to one of the design concepts Design Concepts taught in class by using terminology taught in “The goal could [be] more specific.” class.Substance Refers
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session II
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elise Deitrick, Codio; Joshua Ball, Codio; Megan McHugh, Codio
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Software Engineering Division (SWED)
Activity Creation 2 review Peer assessment or review 121 Blended Learning Flipped classroom 89 Flipped ClassroomThe five tool types are directly from Section 21.5 of The Cambridge Handbook of ComputingEducation Research [22]. The tool types are (1) tools that support writing code, (2) games thatteach programming, (3) assessment and feedback tools, (4) code visualizers/simulators, and (5)E-Books.Re-examining motivations and challengesThe survey has been created by the research team but attempted to directly build and possiblyrecreate the findings of Hovey et al. [4]. The options, specifically for benefits and challengesquestions, come
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Boz Bowles, Louisiana State University; Paige Davis, Louisiana State University; Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University
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Paper ID #18296Stepping out of the Comfort Zone - and the Country: Facilitating In-DepthStudent Learning through Nontraditional Communication AssignmentsMr. David Bowles, Louisiana State University David ”Boz” Bowles is a technical communication instructor and Engineering Communication Studio coordinator in the Chevron Center for Engineering Education at Louisiana State University. He earned a baccalaureate degree in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Virginia Common- wealth University.Ms. Paige Davis, Louisiana State University Paige Davis has 22 years of experience in the College of Engineering at
Conference Session
Teaming & Collaborative Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eileen Haase PhD, Johns Hopkins University; BaDoi Nguyen Phan, Johns Hopkins University; Harry R. Goldberg, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
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Educational Research and Methods
of team based collaborative learning. In addition to theshort-term knowledge gain acquired through peer instruction, we also measured long-termretention of final exam material four months’ post-final. On both the final exam and the fourmonth post-final retest, students scored significantly higher on material taught through TBL.Thus, team based learning, which includes a combination of reading, writing, kinesthetic andaural methods of learning, demonstrated significant short- and long-term gains in contentretention.BackgroundThe Johns Hopkins University Biomedical Engineering (BME) course Molecules and Cells is amandatory class for BME majors, primarily taught during fall of their sophomore year. Inaddition, approximately ten percent of the
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division (SWED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce R. Maxim, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Jeffrey Jonathan Yackley, University of Michigan, Flint
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Software Engineering Division (SWED)
group game design or problem-solving activities.Online students were asked to complete similar activities at home by themselves. Students wereasked to write reflections on the weekly activities. Both in-person students and online studentsparticipate in peer review of work products produced by other students or teams. The creators ofthe works being reviewed classified the reviews as meaningful or not useful. All studentsparticipated in the peer evaluation of the final 2D and 3D game products. A gamification andbadging system were introduced in the revised CIS 487 course. Table 1. The Weekly Topics and Activities for CIS 487 Week Software Engineering Topic Activities 1 Game Design Evaluation