validation and uncertainty quantification. Industry short coursesprovide an avenue of outreach to the engineering community at large as well as an additional,non-traditional form of peer review. Most recently, the SHM course has been taught at NASAMarshall Space Flight Center, Sandia National Laboratory, and Boeing Inc. (St. Louis). Theseshort courses speed industry adoption of EI research and provide a metric for the relevance of EIresearch activities. The courses are completely self-sufficient and require no funding fromLANL.Additional ActivitiesAdditional strategic guidance of the EI comes through an annual workshop, with a four-yearcycle of recurring themes. Each year, a workshop is organized that focuses on one of the threefundamental
about levels of performance. After some discussion, we decidedthat a rubric might be more appropriate for our purpose.Developing a RubricIn order to get more background on developing measures of performance, one of theauthors attended a workshop on Designing Performance Measures at Washington StateUniversity. The workshop, which helped us get started on a rubric and gave us a modelof a development process, was sponsored by the Northwest Regional ProfessionalDevelopment Center and facilitated by Pacific Crest personnel.A rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of student work. Rubrics havebeen used extensively in the evaluation of student writing and, more recently, in theevaluation of many different types of student work
students in general and underrepresented groups in particular. Project RISE(Retention Initiative in Science and Engineering) initiated campus Learning Centers in gatewaycourses. Through this program, various centers have been developed and staffed since the 1990s.There are viable learning centers in Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering (Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials). In addition,the university supports the MTU Writing Center, Modern Language Learning Lab, Center forComputer-Assisted Language Instruction, and tutoring services. The Learning Centers areutilized in two ways. First, students who need help with homework or course concepts can obtainassistance on an as-needed basis from
analysis, optimization, and database interfaces.Finally, the “scripting language” of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) provides “glue” thatallows users to piece objects together from Excel and any other application on the Windowsplatform that exposes its object structure. Thus students can, through a simple programminglanguage, become knowledgeable about objects and object properties including graphics. Theycan write custom functions and create libraries (for example to queuing formulas). They canbuild graphical user interfaces of forms and windows that accept data, import files and provideconvenient navigation for the acquisition of data and the presentation of summaries, so importantto decision support systems.Because VBA is generally
representatives – can advance the stateof engineering and engineering technology education. Coupled with the information from theaforementioned surveys, the ideas and suggestions from conference attendees and currentresearch in the field of K-12 education, Dougless, Iversen and Kalyandurg have developed a setof six guidelines for improving K-12 engineering education and outreach: 1. Hands-on learning: Make K-12 science curriculum less theory-based and more context- based, emphasizing the social good of engineering and demonstrating how it is relevant to the real world 2. Interdisciplinary approach: Add a technological component to all subjects and lessons, and implement writing guidelines in math and science courses 3. Standards
learning involves “a structured form ofgroup work where students pursue common goals while being assessed individually.” Theproposed project in this paper utilizes all the three learning styles.The positive effects of cooperative learning are apparent in literature. In their extensive literaturesurvey, K. A. Smith et. al. find that the level of college-level student success, when learningcooperatively, is much higher than when learning competitively or individually5. The studiedpapers reveal that cooperative learning promotes ‘meta-cognitive thought’, persistence inreaching goals, intrinsic motivation, and “transfer of learning from one situation to another”.Cooperative learning not only helps establish positive peer relationships, which are
door may be physically equivalent but carries social meaning that stigmatizes the user.So in this example the very act of separating someone from their peers and requiring them toaccess the system differently creates an additional effort and a disparity that must be considereda design flaw. The system designer needs to be cognizant that such disparities can arise ifaccessibility, in its fullest form, is not explicitly recognized as one of the basic goals in thedesign process. If we intend our designs to be bought and used by the widest possible user setthen we must make each of our intended users feel that the system, product, or service wasdesigned with them in mind; to meet their physical, psychological, and social needs.Taken as a whole we
from six to twelvehourly sessions. Additionally, students were assigned to a group. Each group was givena particular case from NSPE and asked to write and present an opinion as if they were anNSPE Board of Ethical Review (BER): summarizing the case, identifying the ethicalquestions and appropriate ethical canons, researching similar cases, and citing how otherBERs ruled and determining whether the engineers involved in the case acted in anethical manner. If the team could not come to a unanimous decision, they would have towrite both a majority and minority opinion. Unlike the previous assignment prior to theSpring 2005 semester, students were required to vigorously discuss and defend theiropinions on the cases.Changing the ethics assignment
continued technological and economicsuccess for nations such as ours will rely on scientists and engineers able tocollaborate with peers, partners, and competitors from many locations around theworld. Engineering educators acknowledge that this era of globalization hasextensive implications for the curriculum and are thus experimenting in search ofappropriate changes to keep the next generations competitive. Many internationalprogram models for engineers are emerging at campuses across the country, withfocus on language and culture study, study abroad, student exchange, internationalprofessional internships, projects carried out by global student and faculty teams,distance learning partnerships with schools abroad, and so on. Another sign of
than the opportunity for learning.Similarly, each theory contains the idea that students must be allowed and encouraged tohave a sense of ownership over their work and the learning process. They must have alevel of autonomy. Students whose autonomy and individuality are supported in theclassroom will increase their feelings of competence or self-efficacy, which makes themmore internally motivated. These students are more likely to give themselves internalrewards, such as a sense of satisfaction for a job well done, rather than to seek externalrewards from teachers or peers. Since there is such a high level of common ground among the various social-cognitive theories, this paper will focus on only two of them: achievement goal theoryand
divided into different teams (6 teams with 4-6 people per team). The teams werechosen based on student preference (first or second choice) and were arranged so that there was agood mixture of majors (at least 3 majors per team) and experience (sophomore-graduatestudent). Each team is responsible for a different segment of the project and must work co-currently with the rest of the teams in designing the entire project. Class members assume teamroles such as leader, data collector, liaison with other teams etc, and are ultimately responsiblefor their aspect of the project, research and report writing. However, volunteers from the EWBChapter are invited to assist in the research and/or problem solving. Each team is assigned amentor (a faculty
Wisconsin-Madison designed and implemented training for chairs of facultyhiring committees. Training began in 2004 and continues to the present. The workshopsare implemented using a variety of formats, but the common elements that make themsuccessful include: • Peer Teaching: Incorporating faculty from the unit to deliver short presentations and serve as discussion facilitators; • Active Learning: Most time is spent in discussion and a sharing of practices from different departments; presentation is kept to a minimum; • Unconscious Biases & Assumptions: Participants are introduced to the social psychological literature on unconscious biases and assumptions, and learn how these tendencies might impact the hiring process
Definition/DescriptionKnowledge Base Cognitive Resources: Mathematical Content KnowledgeProblem Solving Strategies Global or local strategies learned from mathematics coursesUse of Resources Social Resource: Peers, Experts Material Resources: textbooks, time, computers Use of Resources: metacognitive processes such as planning and monitoringBeliefs and Affects Beliefs about mathematics and one’s mathematical ability, Feelings towards mathematics, Emotions or feelings experiencedMathematical Practices Activities or actions that mathematicians engage in
results in writing. • Basics of time and resource management.While each of these outcomes can be taught and, in some cases, measured separately, successfulteam-based design requires the integration of multiple outcomes or domains of knowledge.Being capable or testing well in individual domains does not necessarily mean multiple domainscan be integrated to confer design ability.To measure overall “design ability” we propose that the ability to formally communicateboth the process and details of design serves as a simple and valid proxy measure of overallability in engineering design. Survey data indicates that the majority of capstone programs useevaluation of communication as the primary method of assessing outcomes. Such assessmentstend to be
skills (probability, statistics, mathematical modeling, graphical analysis, error analysis)• Be able to design, carry out and present, orally and in writing, the results of an empirically- based scientific experiment• Be able to maintain and organize a journal of laboratory activities• Define misconduct in science• Model academic ethics based upon the Wright State University Code of Ethics or the Sinclair Community College Honor Code• Work independently and cooperatively in groups facilitated by WebCT• Appreciate veracity of information available from different sources (peer-reviewed journals vs. internet)• Discuss the logical and empirical basis of scientific theories, contrast scientific knowledge with non-scientific knowledge; explain
to follow half of the material. This allowed the two facultyto regroup and alter subsequent workshop and lectures based on this information.Shared responsibility in writing tests, exams, quizzes, assignments, and other course documentshelped both instructors. One faculty member might be primarily responsible for writing one halfof a test while the other member would write the other half. Then both faculty members couldreview each others’ work for accuracy and fairness.Additionally, Lo and Lohani used their respective strengths in delivering course material.Lohani had expertise in object-oriented programming and elected to teach much of the lecturesrelated to programming concepts. Lo emphasized the key concepts associated with
Professorship in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University. He obtained both his baccalaureate and master's degrees from LSU ME and his doctorate from Purdue University's School of Mechanical Engineering. He has been actively engaged in teaching, research and curricula development since joining the faculty in 1988. He currently serves as PI on an NSF STEP grant focused on improving the retention and graduation rates in engineering.David Bowles, Louisiana State University David Bowles is a Technical Communication Instructor in the Engineering Communication Studio at Louisiana State University. He earned a baccalaureate degree in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from
; Writing Engagement Science & Health Safety General Maths Capstone Education Internship Environment Program Highlights Program Special Emphasis Experts/ Excellent Job
very intentional learning, grades, high Page 12.1460.3structure, limited student control of content, and the outcome of a degree. New philosophiesmove the format from the lecture to more active learning techniques, but the classical lecturecontinues for many. Non-formal interventions are characterized by seminars: much lessstructure, still intentional learning, no grades, limited student control of content, and certificates.Informal interventions are characterized in the mentoring or peer team activities: one-on-onerelationship encounters, minimal to no structure, increased student control, learning by doing,and more intrinsic reward of
schoolshave implemented integrative courses or course blocks that build important connections amongtechnical and non-technical topics and that develop an understanding of the significance ofcontext on technology,30,31,32,33 but the effects of the content integration are not entirely clear.Some literature reports that students in integrated courses often fail to make connectionsbetween technical and liberal arts topics,34 while other reports cite an increased student interestin broader contexts, an enhanced awareness of humanistic considerations in engineering, andimproved skill development in writing and critical thinking.35,36,37 Despite promising reportsfrom those involved in delivering and assessing integrated technical curricula, carefulmeasures
do not directly fit into the prescription of a well-researched method.Consequently, at times faculty must thoughtfully adapt these methods for their classes.However, in doing so there is no guarantee that deep interactions will ensue. Furthermore,faculty may also wish to diagnose whether their application of an active learning method isworking as planned.At Gonzaga University, we use active learning sessions in a Junior-level design class. Each ofthese sessions combine brief mini-lectures, a problem to solve situated in a case, and a set oftasks for the student team to complete. The aim of these sessions is to teach teamwork skills suchas group problem solving, team logistical planning, and giving peer feedback. During eachsession, the
), Carderock Division.At this point, two classes were being offered one night per week using video teleconferencingamong three sites; VCES, Carderock, and the Virginia Tech main campus in Blacksburg, VA.At that time, very few engineering classes – from anywhere – were being offered in a distance-learning mode. The problem was that the resolution of the video teleconferencing medium wastoo poor to deliver the equation-intensive material in these courses. The instructors would haveto write equations in large characters in order to be legible over the TV and were often frustratedby the small amount they could fit on one screen. Students had no way of pointing to orinteracting with the mathematical material the professor was presenting. Demonstration
students in careers inengineering [4][9].In the slightly older tradition of K-12 outreach, researchers have explored the positive influenceof service learning on college students. Their results imply that developing curricula for andworking with younger students improves the communication skills of college students [1][3][10][11].Additional studies have suggested that K-12 outreach impacts female students more than theirmale peers [2][10]. Despite the wealth of knowledge addressing the positive aspects of K-12outreach to the involved college students, there is concern that the GK-12 initiative was an“overhasty expansion” of NSF resources. At the program’s inception, many universityadministrators expressed disapproval at the projected costs of the
of Spanish statements to provide facultymentors with an overview of the class, and to determine the preliminary linguistic andcultural preparation of each student regarding the project. Students were cautiouslyconfident about their grammar preparation, as well as their comprehension of writtenand technical Spanish. Students expressed strong agreement about the importance ofworking in groups with class peers, “consultants,” and professors in order to accomplishthe project. They recognized that engineering projects have social and ethical impacts,and that sustainability—a slippery term to define, depending on whether one defines itfrom the perspective of the developing or developed regions—is important to all projectsrelated to engineering
utilization of the on-line Index of Learning Styles(ILS) tool, in an effort to help guide students into the division that best matched their individuallearning style. There are three primary learning outcomes in the junior-level course, each of which isassessed using a comprehensive, in-lab practical exam: (1) an ability to write programs for acomputer in assembly language, (2) an ability to interface a microprocessor to various devices,and (3) an ability to effectively utilize the wide variety of peripherals integrated into acontemporary microcontroller. Each exam consists of three components: (a) standardizedmultiple-choice questions that gauge understanding of content; (b) analysis/design questions thatgauge basic skills; and (c) application
outside theclassroom helps develop and maintain their interest in the subject. Such activities includescience clubs, excursions to science based institutions such as hospitals, factories and zoos,partnership research (for exceptional students) and science publications or presentations.Furthermore, students could be encouraged to participate in science fairs, along with theirhearing peers, as this could boost their self esteem and persuade them to perform well. Page 12.659.43. Introducing Engineering to Pre-College StudentsThe high school robotics summer program held at Temple University is only one of several effortsbeing made by institutions and
learning with academic programs. Students work in E-teamsand write NCIIA proposals to commercialize innovative product or university/research labdeveloped technology.This paper describes a unique course series in Systems Engineering (SE) Entrepreneurship.Innovation in product/service design and commercialization that enables entrepreneurship can besuccessfully leveraged by applying SE principles/ techniques which parallel entrepreneurshipsteps such as Customer Requirements Engineering and opportunity recognition; Project/QualityEngineering, Decision/Risk Analysis, Systems Modeling, Engineering Economics and businessplanning, Systems Integration and business plan development, Systems Launch considerationsand product/business launch, etc. Concepts
Systems Engineering coursesoffered by the Department of Engineering Systems at Florida Tech have greatly enriched thestudents’ educational experience, broadened their perspectives, served as community outreachforums and integrated experiential learning with academic programs. Students work in E-teamsand write NCIIA proposals to commercialize innovative product or university/research labdeveloped technology.This paper describes a unique course series in Systems Engineering (SE) Entrepreneurship.Innovation in product/service design and commercialization that enables entrepreneurship can besuccessfully leveraged by applying SE principles/ techniques which parallel entrepreneurshipsteps such as Customer Requirements Engineering and opportunity
. These experiential activitiesinclude the monthly “Engineering Entrepreneur in the Spotlight” seminar series – wherepromising engineers-turned- entrepreneurs visit Florida Tech and share their experiences;the judging of the Brevard School Science Fair Projects for their commercialization value;collaborating with the city, government and private organizations in the community tocommercialize innovative student-developed technologies; etc. Students work in E-Teamson their entrepreneurial class projects and write NCIIA/SBIR grant proposals forfunding and also present at the regional/state-level Business Plan Competitions. They arealso members of the Florida Tech Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Club and theyparticipate in local and national SIFE
is so great how come no one thought about it before”, to “I knew thatthis design will not work” (…no alternative suggested). When I told the idea to peers at FAU andbeyond the response was “Ha-ha, sounds like another cold fusion…”, “There is nothing newabout it”, and (semi-happily) “We heard that it failed”. The sponsor decided that it was going to work on a particular day, invited more than fiftypeople (too late for us to undo), and … nothing happened. This was the time when I felt thatmore motivation meetings were essential to keep the moral high. We came up with morealternative designs, but unfortunately none of them worked. By then the sponsor had investedmore than half of the project budget and had applied for multiple patents