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Displaying results 121 - 150 of 671 in total
Conference Session
EMD Recruitment and Certification
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Murray, University of Missouri; Stephen Raper, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
engineering management students. Changes were made toan introductory sophomore level EM class. Students were required to participate in life-long learning activities including reading business books and interviewing managers.These activities were graded as part of the required course. Additionally, the studentswere asked to identify learning activities they would complete the semester following thecourse – which would not be reflected in their grades. Recommendations forincorporating life-long learning initiatives in the engineering management undergraduatecurriculum are also presented.Introduction The current ABET guidelines place an emphasis on life-long learning for ourundergraduate students. In the report “Engineering Change: A Study of the
Conference Session
ChE: Innovations in Student Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Peterson, Lamar University; David Cocke, Lamar University; Jewel Gomes, Lamar University; Hector Casillas, Lamar University; Morgan Reed, Lamar University; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
may enhance creativity. Texts from antiquity have survived and been translated which provide wonderfulexamples that are germane to modern circumstances. The successful Socratic methods areidealized in Plato’s works as a humbling succession in prodding the mind to reflect via directquestioning inquiry. The outcome to be expected is that mental gymnastics provide the exercisethat generates good habits of critical thinking. These were espoused at Plato’s Academy whereAristotle, it’s most famous student, developed logic, categorized the early fields of study thatform the basis of many of today’s disciplines, and evolved more practical uses of learning withinthe peripatetic school. These are many of the bricks of the foundation of Western
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs and Issues
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Matson, Tennessee Technological University; Kristine Craven, Tennessee Technological University; Sally Pardue, Tennessee Technological University; Corinne Darvennes, Tennessee Technological University; Alison Wachs, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
activities 1 and 2. If the perceivedlunch effect reflects fatigue, one would expect lower levels of engagement in the later activities.Table 4 shows that the result of this hypothesis test is similar to the first test. There are nosignificant differences in the observer engagement ratings for earlier versus later activities. Infact, the later activities have a higher mean score and lower variance for the engagement ratings.With the random assignment of girls to participant groups, this result may reflect greater levels ofcomfort with new acquaintances as the day progressed. Page 12.270.7 Table 4. Activities 1 and 2 Versus
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Azzedine Lansari, Zayed University; Akram Al-Rawi, Zayed University; Faouzi Bouslama, Université Laval
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
program model and driven by a set of well-chosen learning outcomes. This curriculumuses the IS2002 model curriculum as a basis and is designed to reflect the UAE needs forgraduates that are well prepared to enter the workforce and to assume their place ofresponsibility in the nation. The goal of the College is to produce graduates having strongtechnology and communication skills as well as a good understanding of business practices andwork ethics.The academic program model is driven by two sets of learning outcomes at both the college andUniversity levels. All IS courses are developed to address College and University level learningoutcomes. Master course syllabi are developed to show the course contributions to variouslearning outcomes. During
Conference Session
FPD3 -- Professional Issues for First-Year Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen High, Oklahoma State University; Rebecca Damron, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
are in writing in the disciplines, discourse analysis of talk about writing and corpus-based analysis of written texts. Page 12.253.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 Are Freshman Engineering Students Able to Think and Write Critically?Abstract“Critical Thinking is defined as reasonable reflective thinking that is focused ondeciding what to believe or do. More precisely, it is assessing the authenticity, accuracy,and/or worth of knowledge claims and arguments. It requires careful, precise, persistentand objective analysis of any knowledge claim or belief to judge its validity
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Zemke, Gonzaga University; Diane Zemke, Gonzaga University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
around challenging cases and be formatted as classroomhandouts. Some cases may include video or other media presented by the instructor. Thecoaching tool kit will be created to contain the general skills of facilitating learning and modulespecific tools. The initial module specific tools will be based on anticipated studentmisconceptions and procedural difficulties with each skill.5.2. Step 2: Module Use and Data CollectionModule effectiveness data will be collected in use in regularly scheduled classes. The dataincludes: 1. On-line quizzes immediately following lectures 2. Video/Audio recording of small team interactions during practice sessions 3. Instructor reflective notes of apparent effectiveness of coaching during practice 4
Conference Session
Computer-Assisted Lab Studies
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rick Haub, South Dakota State University; Robert Fourney, South Dakota State University; Steven Hietpas, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, Robert Fourney and Steven HietpasAbstractFor six years South Dakota State University has implemented major revisions to the EnergyConversion Course to include advanced topics in the area of electric drives. With these changes,the course name has been changed to Electromechanical Systems (required 400-level course withlab) to better reflect the content of the course that emphasizes a systems approach to teachingmachines, power electronics, and the use of microprocessors in an electric drive system. Overthese six years the development of DC permanent magnet and AC inductions motor drivesystems has provided more advanced study within the lecture and required laboratory course,wherein students model power electronic drives and motors, conduct
Conference Session
EMD Recruitment and Certification
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
or elite group of individuals.It is not enough for upper management to be given the opportunity to acquire a clearunderstanding of a quality environments culture. Each worker must also be acquainted with theproper tools and understanding of the quality processes in order to affect a change in theorganization’s philosophy, direction, and future. In fact, the basic essence of TQM reflects a Page 12.1234.4process through which training and education must be supported by all levels of management.The challenge is to infuse it into organizations. In order to be successful the organization alongwith its managers and workers must strive to acquire
Conference Session
Aspirational Visions of Civil Engineering in 2025 & Policy 465
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Walesh, S. G. Walesh Consulting; Michael Chajes, University of Delaware; David Mongan, Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Allgathered in Landsdowne, Virginia from June 21 to 23, 2006 to participate in the Summit.The Summit’s purpose was to articulate an aspirational global vision for the future of civilengineering addressing all levels and facets of the civil engineering community, that is,professional (licensed) civil engineers, non-licensed civil engineers, technologists, andtechnicians. The Summit’s goal reflects the organizers’ and the participants’ preference of choiceover chance. Statesman William Jennings Bryan highlighted those options when he said:“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.” Broadly speaking, there are only twofutures for civil engineering around the globe; the one the profession creates for itself or, in thevoid, the one
Conference Session
Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Engineering Topics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barb Howe, FishSafe B.C.; Gina Johansen, Fish Safe
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
is the person or group of persons whowould have to act differently if the future state of affairs were to be realized. The owner of aprescriptive need is not the person or persons who would be required to change attitudes orbehaviours. A motivational need is when the owner of the discrepancy perceives the need. Forexample, a TC mandatory safety course is a prescriptive need, whereas a voluntary course onvessel stability reflects a motivational need. The success of a program is exponential when thereis total agreement between prescriptive and motivational needs, or when a program is drivenentirely by motivational needs.Learning OutcomesThe next step, following the program planning model was to determine the learning outcome.The FSSEP learning
Conference Session
Training Faculty to Teach CE
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Decker Hains, U.S. Military Academy; Mark Evans, U.S. Military Academy; Stephen Ressler, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
skills of USMA facultymembers for the dramatically changing academic workplace of the 21st century.” 10 Theprogram involves monthly small-group discussion sessions, a formative review of classroomteaching, and reflective activities. Participants are provided with: • a pedagogical framework that will provide a basis for planning, implementing, and reflecting on their teaching and learning activities; • a repertoire of skills that will allow participants to operate in a variety of different teaching situations; • the ability to review and assess their teaching critically and revise it appropriately; • techniques for helping learners acquire important discipline-related skills and knowledge; • the ability to
Conference Session
Learning Needs and Educational Success
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Northern, Prairie View A&M University; John Fuller, Prairie View A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
in Table 1.The adopted DCDS model blends the three elements of the Triangulated Learning Model; (1)simulation, (2) construction, (3) connection, the four elements of the Kolb Learning Cycle; (1) Page 12.1193.7concrete experience, (2) reflective observation, (3) abstract conceptualization, and (4) activeexperimentation often used in engineering, with the 5E Learning Cycle; (1) engagement, (2)exploration, (3)explanation, (4) extension, and (5) evaluation, which are often used in scienceeducation. Table 2 shows the alignment of the DCDS rapid-prototyping model with TLM, Kolb,5E Learning cycles with Science as Inquiry from the National Science
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hillary Hart, University of Texas-Austin; Christy Moore, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
as opposed to 7th); this result may reflect the increased exposure of undergraduatesto topics of professional responsibility.Many students do not appear to have internalized the importance of research ethics. Along withan article by Whitbeck on “Responsible Authorship,”12 as of March 2006, the Online EthicsCenter for Engineering and Science presents several essays, including one by Eugene Tarnow 13on authorship status, as well as scenarios and resources, such as the Federal Policy on ResearchMisconduct.14,15 But in a survey of students in a graduate class at the UT Austin’s Department ofCivil Engineering, not one had ever heard of the site or of the Federal Policy. Much less arestudents aware of material on research-paper plagiarism
Conference Session
Engaging Uses of Course Management Systems, Blogs, and Open Source and a Database as Tools for Library Instruction
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Sapp Nelson; Michael Fosmire; Amy Van Epps, Purdue University; Bruce Harding, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
providestudents a centrally localized gateway to resources appropriate for the MET 102 assignment. Itbegan as a discipline-based directory using headings such as electrical engineering, materialsscience, business information, and chemical engineering. There is an ongoing process of reviewfor this bibliography to reflect new questions recently added to the MET 102 database. Duringthe review process in Spring 2005, a second directory based on questions topics was added.Headings such as engineering drawing/engineering design, tolerances,sizes/measurement/temperature, and fasteners were added. These categories correspond to alarge percentage of questions in the MET 102 database. The disciplines that these question topicsfell under were not always evident to
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers – II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Tufenkjian, California State University-Los Angeles; Ethan Lipton, California State University-Los Angeles
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, of the teachers who participatedin the program. It was felt that to ensure their success, the professional development modelshould be split into spring and summer sessions to allow the teachers enough time to study,reflect, and develop an implementation plan. The spring sessions were delivered over sixconsecutive all-day Saturday seminars and were designed to provide requisite math and physicsknowledge, learn about engineering and the engineering design process, and build camaraderie.The summer sessions were delivered over an intensive one week schedule and were used to trainthe teachers on the use and implementation of the engineering design challenge. A summary ofthe main activities and objectives for the spring and summer sessions are
Conference Session
What's New in the Mechanics of Materials?
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arturo Fuentes, University of Texas-Pan American; Stephen Crown, University of Texas-Pan American
Tagged Divisions
. Web based games may not only provide opportunities to create environments thatmotivate students to think reflectively about mechanics of materials content and to invest energyand time in mastering its concepts, but an opportunity to involve students in learning throughteaching activities and to include student ideas that will further benefit the learning environment.The focus of this paper is on the development and use of interactive web-based games used toreinforce the learning in an undergraduate Mechanics of Materials course and the involvement ofstudents in the game design process. The games provide an interactive learning experience forstudents. One of the games developed involved the manipulation of forces and couples on abeam given
Conference Session
MIND - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Ogilvie, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Session for: Calculus I, Chemistry, or Freshman Engineering Course 5 Personal Safety On & Off Campus 6 Strategies for Interacting with Faculty & Academic Success 7 Mid-Semester Reflection on Personal Academic Plan & Behavior Modification 8 Peer Advising for Spring Courses & Online Tools for Academic Planning 9 Building Community: Pumpkin Carving 10 Study Session for: Calculus I, Chemistry, or Freshman Engineering Course 11 Building Community: Study Break 12 Study Session for: Calculus I, Chemistry, or Freshman Engineering Course 13 Engineering Scholarships, Financial Aid, Jobs On-Campus 14 End of Semester CelebrationTable 8. EOE First Year Interests Groups (FIGs) – Weekly Seminar Topics
Conference Session
Improving ME Instructional Laboratories
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Yang, Troy High; Mariappan Jawaharlal, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
alongwith a writing diagram and a picture. Instructional sheet for each sensor (Fig. 12 though Fig. ) isshown below. Page 12.43.7 Fig. 12 – Ultrasonic Sensor 6Sensor: Ultrasonic RangerDiagram:Principles of Operation: An ultrasonic burst of sound is emitted and reflects off the nearestsolid object. The time it takes for the wave to return is directly proportional to the distance of theobject.Specifications: Range: 2 – 300 cmFeatures: Ultrasonic range sensors offer a relatively wide detection beam and high degree ofsensitivity.How it’s Used: The microcontroller sends out a trigger
Conference Session
New Models for Teaching and Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Llewellyn Mann, University of Queensland; Gloria Dall'Alba, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
… If we want to discover whatsomeone knows-in-action, we must put ourselves in a position to observe her in action. If we wantto teach our ‘doing’, then we need to observe ourselves in the doing, reflect on what we observe,describe it, and reflect on our description.Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are all vital parts of a professional education such asengineering, and combine in an integrated sense to form engineering skills. These engineeringskills are not specific traditional skills, but broader engineering skills such as problem solving ordesign. Skill development in traditional professional education is seen as the progressive,stepwise accumulation of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. However “practitioners
Conference Session
Improving Mechanics Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amir Rezaei, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona; Mariappan Jawaharlal, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona; Kyu-Jung Kim, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona; Angela Shih, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Tagged Divisions
computer interactive games. The mainobjective for designing the new hybrid course is to reduce failure rate which is as high as 44%among approximately 800 students who enroll in this course annually in the college ofengineering at Cal Poly, Pomona. In order to measure the effectiveness of the newly developedcourse an assessment tool is needed. The commonly employed tools such as homework, quizzes,and exams that we use in a typical Vector Statics course serve as good indicators of students’understanding about the subject matter we teach and students are tested on; however, these toolsmay not reflect student’s knowledge accurately. For instance, Vector Statics may be aprerequisites course for advanced required courses in engineering, and students
Conference Session
Service-Learning in Developing Communities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda Phillips, Michigan Technological University; Ann Brady, Michigan Technological University; Karina Jousma, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
experience.One goal is to provide students a service-learning design experience situated in the developingworld so they can explore the technical, economical, environmental and social implications of Page 12.944.3engineering design and construction. 2A second goal is to afford students a cross-cultural learning experience, that is, to prepareengineering students for ethical, reflective, quality service to diverse communities anddemonstrate that social responsibilities of engineers are fundamentally important and addressreal facets of sustainable engineering
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Marchetta, University of Memphis; Edward Perry, University of Memphis
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
assessment. Thisself-administered online tool poses 40 conjectures to the student. Upon completion of theinstrument the student’s learning style is characterized and reported to the student in terms ofeach of the following learning style pairs: ‚ Active vs Reflective Learning Style ‚ Sensing vs Intuitive Learning Style ‚ Page 12.1126.3 Visual vs Verbal Learning Style ‚ Sequential vs Global Learning Style Figure 1. Sample homework assignment using an online learning object.For this study, the Visual vs Verbal learning style was used to compare the learning styles of thestudents populating these courses.Material related to
Conference Session
FPD8 -- Introductory Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Pieri, North Dakota State University; Ghodrat Karami, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Fig. Fig. 1. Courses of Mechanics in Engineering Curriculumreview of the basic engineering curriculum from both academic and industrial perspectives 3, 4.This is combined with a new technical realization that understanding the way materials gotogether at the most fundamental level, impacts the final application and properties of structures;reflecting the old material science saw that atomic structure influences properties, whichinfluence material utilization, which influences final design. It appears to the authors that thereis a nexus of communication technology, scientific development and engineering pedagogy thatwould make it auspicious for the incorporation of new approaches to traditional topics
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Warren Hull, Louisiana State University; Warren Waggenspack, Louisiana State University; David Bowles, Louisiana State University
anddeliberation upon the students’ entire college learning experience. Students must includewritten reflections on their experiences in building the portfolio and on their experiences incompleting communication assignments. CxC requires these reflections for assessment purposesonly, and does not require them to be made public; however, the students may include thesereflections in the public portion of their portfolio if they wish to do so. Ideally, students willwork on their portfolios throughout their college experiences so that the result is a cumulativefour-year project that serves as a means for reflection and assessment, as well as a supplement toresumes for prospective employers or applications for graduate programs. The first d-portfoliosand
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronan Dunbar, University of Limerick; Seamus Gordon, University of Limerick; Niall Seery, University of Limerick
Styles Scale Active/Reflective Sensing/Intuitive Visual/Verbal Sequential/Global 1 27 17 22 11 8 8 20 18 2 24 1 30 7 20 1 24 5 3 15 4 16 1 30 0 16 3 4 5 0 5 0 19 0 7 0 5 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 0When grouped into specifics styles, figure 2 illustrates the overall preferential styles of thecohort. This shows a clear preference for the Active, Sensing, Visual and Sequential learningstyles
Conference Session
Methods & Techniques in Graduate Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Kane, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Clarisa Gonzalez-Lenahan, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
packages. The university model is that PhD students will have multiplesources of support that reflect their progress through the program. Engineering programs andscience programs tend to have slightly different approaches to the timing of such support but theoverall intent is the same. This also reflects the difference between traditional start-points forengineering PhDs compared to science and non-science PhDs. In engineering, the start-pointtends to be at the conclusion of an appropriate prior Master's degree. In the sciences, this tends tobe at the conclusion of an appropriate prior Bachelor's degree with a Master's degree having adifferent status in some of these fields than it does in engineering.In 1990, there was a major change in the
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Henrickson, Harvard University; Rumi Chunara, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Iahn Cajigas, HST Division, Harvard and MIT; Heather Gunter, HST Division, Harvard and MIT; Joseph Bonventre, HST Division, Harvard and MIT
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
responses to relevant exam questions following completion of the module wascompared with those who completed the first versions of the module in 2003 and 2004 as well as thosecollected following baseline instruction of this material in 2002. Assessment of the student responses wasperformed using a 56-point rubric and also organized into a 14-point rubric sorted by LearningObjectives. The learning objectives chosen represent fundamental aspects of capillary filtration (oncoticpressure, flow/pressure/resistance relations and glomerular filtration rate determinants). In addition, theexam questions were designed to reflect these objectives. The rubric is designed around demonstration ofessential understanding of the material and assigns credit for
Conference Session
Biology and Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Meyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; David Jones, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
relationships is similar to classical methods.2. Fuzzy logic as a modeling tool is flexible. Fuzzy reasoning can be simple or complex to predict a unique numerical value for the consequence or predict a classification category of a fuzzy consequence.3. Fuzzy logic inference can be developed from the experience of a human expert. If the relationships between input and output data are well understood, rules can be readily developed to reflect this a priori knowledge. FL can mimic the human thought process to process and predict imprecise results.4. While fuzzy logic is tolerant of imprecise data, its precepts allow convergence to classical sets. Fuzzy logic can model nonlinear functions of arbitrary complexity. Fuzzy systems can
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Jonathan Rice, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Greg Russ, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Tania Monterastelli, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
prior to any participation.In order to assess the effectiveness of the YESS program, surveys were distributed tocapture self-reported data from the students regarding demographic information,parent/guardian occupations, interest levels in relevant fields, level of understanding inkey content area, measures of confidence in math and science, and expectations for theprogram.Following the alteration of the program in 2004, student attendance began to grow. Theaverage number of students in attendance for each seminar more than doubled from 2003to 2004 and the number of interested teacher and parents in attendance was also on therise. Comments attained from a number of the attendees reflected that the introduction ofthe hands-on activities to
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Coyle, Purdue University; Nancy Clement, Purdue University; Joy Krueger, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
higher education, or community service program, and with the community; and (iii) helps foster civic responsibility; and(B) that- (i) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the community service program in which the participants are enrolled; and (ii) provides structured time for the students or participants to reflect on the service experience.Service Learning thus embodies teaching and learning strategies that integrate communityservice with instruction and reflection to enlighten the learning experience, teach civicresponsibility, and strengthen communities. The National Service Learning Clearinghouse [11]provides a timeline for the development of Service