invaluable to other not-for-profit organizations to solve theirchallenges. In fact, it is an engineer’s obligation “to serve humanity” and share their skills“without reservation for the public good.”1Service learning has been implemented as a pedagogical strategy in technical communicationclasses for engineering students. In the context of first-year engineering curriculum, servicelearning is a useful pedagogical strategy that integrates community engagement with classroomactivities and critical reflection in order to engage students in their obligations as global citizensearly on in their education. In particular, the experiential aspect of service learning engagesthese new students in the complexity and uncertainty of real-world problems they will
concepts, and attitudes and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. Studio STEM Engineering After toward engineering have demonstrated the efficacy of the ( includes School the author, faculty from the Studio STEM model.Schnittka, C.G., Evans, M.A., Drape, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Temple University, and a
design. A debrief of the activity is done withthe entire class. In addition, each team is asked to reflect on their process of the design activity and to Page 24.377.2construct their own representation of the engineering design process to share it with the rest of theclass.
similar benefit to engineeringeducation20. For example, students working on a CAD program can share and critiqueother students’ designs within an environment that prompts them to reflect upon andrefine their designs based on evaluations. Online environments also have uniqueopportunities for research, such as logging and tracking student progress that can giveinsight into processes that may contribute to learning outcomes21.This work-in-progress paper aims to understand how explicitly supporting engineeringdesign in an online environment can help precollege students engage in design processes Page 24.820.3through novel use of log data.WISEngineering: Using
Storytelling as an Effective Mean for Stimulating Students' Passion in Engineering ClassesAbstractStorytelling was employed as a powerful tool in stimulating students' interest in the classroom ofa sophomore level course in engineering design. Over two years, students’ assessment of themethodology was obtained through a survey that incorporated students that have and not havetaken the course. The outcome of students’ satisfaction and support of telling stories by theinstructor was overwhelming among both groups of students. The impact was not targetedtowards just creating passion in the classroom, but the active participation and reflection on thestories was sought to lead to ethical values pedagogy. To gain multi-cultural
curiosity2. Accept the problem momentarily 2. Accept it seriously as one’s own project to be analyzed and solved.3. Work towards a final examination 3. Work realistically towards resolution of the project.4. Assume established professional 4. Professional structuring is connectedknowledge structuring practices as given with personal inclination, interest and curiosity. Reflection loop creates integrative knowledge.5. Finish with final examination. 5. Finish with ideas of how knowledge may be implemented in
heard of programming, let alone worked with it.For the 1st-3rd-grade user study, there were 17 participants all with informed consent from parents. Forthe 4th-6th-grade study, there were 15 participants, 14 of which had informed consent from parents.Students in our user studies had some exposure to computers and technology at home before theprogram. All students mentioned that their family had either a laptop or desktop computer at home.Eighty seven percent of students mentioned that their family had a tablet. Most students reflected thatthey played an average about half an hour on the computer every day. Some mentioned that they playedas much as three hours but this was only a couple of students. All students had played either video gamesor
-demanding nature of the curriculum” (p. 1). Their description of an innovativecurriculum for achieving global competence at the Georgia Institute of Technology reflects otherchallenges of study abroad for engineers, including obtaining institutional support, providingincentives for faculty involvement, and overcoming the inertia created by the lack of a traditionof study abroad for engineers.Lohmann, Rollins, and Hoey2 also describe deficiencies in the existing scholarship that assessesthe outcomes of study abroad generally: (1) a tendency to “dwell on logistical and actuarialaspects. . . or student satisfaction;” (2) lack of attention to “student learning effects or careerimpact;” (3) limiting assessment “to the development of psychosocial
39.3 38.9 50.7 47.8 Non-OLI 2009 73.3 83.9 68.6 70.3 75.3 74.0 Non-OLI Averages: 63.0 77.9 57.7 58.5 66.2 64.3 Table 1. Comparison of Proctored Assessment Averages (Percentages) Applied Statics—Purdue SOET RichmondStudent feedback generally spoke of the same challenges previous statics students have had, yetsome reflected the use of OLI to deliver content. Some feedback distilled from OLI’s MyResponse component:• Frustration with the variation in difficulty among the OLI modules. Sometimes feeling rushed to complete an unexpectedly long module.• Differences between the
preparation. Thismeans when students register unselectively into two different classes that are going to be used toobserve the impact of a teaching technique and the method of assessment is to compare thegrades of students from the two settings, it is obvious that the results will not only reflect theimpact of the teaching technique, but will also be a reflection of the students inherentcapabilities. So if students in one of the classes are generally less endowed than students in thesecond class, the results of the experimentation will be skewed and not be a true reflection of theteaching technique being tested. MethodologyIn this study, the investigator is teaching a sophomore engineering survey class
design process (Figure 1) individuals should be able to: 1. Identify a significant challenge and specify a set of requirements that a successful engineering response to the challenge (i.e., a solution) should achieve, 2. Imagine a diverse set of possible solutions to the challenge and use systematic processes to select the most promising solution, 3. Define the solution using scientific knowledge, mathematical techniques, and technology tools and evaluate it via one or more prototypes, 4. Report the findings of the evaluation and conclude whether the prototyped solution can be expected to achieve the previously specified requirements, and 5. Reflect upon the process and recommend iteration or
Logistics research projects, and begin communicating with mentors Orientation and Project Participants attend orientation workshop and prepare 1 W Definition research plans with their mentors Research and Library Literature review and library resource workshop with the 2** W Workshop Engineering Librarian Waste management and landfill design/construction 3 Continued Research S seminar with individual reflection
. Page 24.571.5 4Weekly Reflection PapersAll REU fellows submitted weekly reflection papers using VT’s course management software(Scholar) and reflected on their weekly research, social and cultural experiences. These paperswere due by 10:00 p.m. on Thursday every week. The author reviewed these papers beforemeeting with the REU fellows at Friday seminars and answered questions.YouTube VideosREU fellows were divided into teams at the orientation session and were assigned to createYouTube videos (2-3 min) to document their research/social/cultural experiences. A YouTubecompetition was held at the concluding ceremony on the last day of the program. As of summer2013, we have 7 YouTube videos of our
conducting summer camps at places of tribal significance. This provides tribal youthwith an opportunity to learn about the relevance of STEM in their community by engaging themin the development of engineering solutions to local environmental problems.This case study focuses on the first half of the grant, specifically the curriculum development andimplementation for the first-year summer camp, and the post-camp reflections. The followingobjectives guided this study, specifically to describe: 1) how the CBPR methodology is appliedto develop and implement a culturally relevant STEM curriculum that emphasizes engineering,2) the impact of the summer camp experience on student's knowledge and attitudes about STEMcontent, and 3) how the CBPR methodology
Paper ID #8443Using a Community of Practice to Diffuse Instructional Improvements intothe ClassroomDr. Diane L Zemke, Independent Researcher Diane Zemke is an independent researcher and consultant. She holds a PhD in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University. Her research interests include teamwork, small group dynamics, dissent, organiza- tional change, and reflective practice. Dr. Zemke has published in the International Journal of Engineering Education, the Journal of Religious Leadership, and various ASEE conference proceedings. She is the author of ”Being Smart about Congregational Change.”Dr. Steven C. Zemke
. Week Milestone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 160: Team Formation / Project Selection 0-T1: Problem Definition / Project Scoping 1-T2: Team Research: Project 2-T3: Project Decomposition 3-T4: Individual Research: Subsystems 4-I5: Develop Mock-Up 5-I6: Report / Reflect
sound. Figure 1 illustrates how anacoustic material reacts to impinging sound waves. Figure 1: Representation of porous sound absorption materialThe incident wave impacts the face of the material, reflecting some of its energy and sending therest into the material. The energy sent into the material is either transmitted through the material,or absorbed within the porous structure of the material. The sound absorption coefficient is thesum of the percentages of sound that were not reflected. From Figures 1, the sound transmissioncoefficient, τ, is simply the ratio of the sound power transmitted through the material sample intoanother space to the sound power incident on one side of a material sample. Since some soundenergy
were given a shaft of 50 mm diameter from whichthey could manufacture the product. The component given to them for trial manufacturing isshown in Figure 1. Figure 1: A Key-ring Disk, Component for Trial ManufactureThis component has some fine curves and the requirement was to have fine surface finish. Twomachining centres were compared. Though it was not explicitly agreed or declared the students Page 24.464.6were working for some high quality memorabilia items that sell in the high end of the market.They were particular that the items should reflect some engineering concepts or mechanisms.Therefore their observations were
China’s engineering schools. During the 20th century,engineering would in turn become one of the most important fields of higher education in China.The renewal of the educational system in early modern China involved three formative policyphases – namely the “renyin kuimao school system” (1902-1911), “renzi kuichou school system”(1912-1916), and “renxu school system” (1917-1922) – that reflected two different approaches tosituating an emerging discipline of engineering within the broader landscape of Chinese highereducation. This paper examines the three educational systems, including the implications of eachin relation to the establishment of engineering as an academic discipline in early modern China.As we discuss, this historical period has
years immediately after ASEE,6 and engineering faculty from religious colleges anduniversities often reference their faith when describing the context of their teaching work.However, when we searched, we found that the experiences of engineering teachers andengineering education researchers have not been as well explored. As graduate students, ournarratives emphasize our enculturation into the engineering education community as bothteachers and researchers; as people of faith, our spiritualities are an important part of ourjourneys. Prior work7 has highlighted the importance of personal narratives as ways to expresscommunity values by “[providing] a vehicle for scholarly discourse that makes explicit ourimplicit knowledge, promotes reflective
my willingness to take a risk?Thus, the first hypothesis associated with this study is that by intentionally taking one’s self outof a comfort zone in front of students, an instructor will ultimately be more comfortable in theclassroom. Secondly, it is also suggested that the students associated with the course appreciateand respect the instructor’s attempt at using a non-traditional method of engineering instruction.Finally, an attempt will be made to determine if the use of poetry actually assisted with studentreinforcement of learned civil engineering concepts. The initial hypothesis will be addressedthrough self-reflection. The second and third hypothesis will be explored through analysis ofstudent-reported survey data.It should be noted
Processing Active Reflective Understanding Sequential GlobalIt is the consideration of learning styles and the assessment associated with that considerationthat is the focus of this paper and presented in what follows. Page 24.787.5Learning Styles Survey Results and ApplicationThe learning styles survey was administered to the 51 students enrolled in CE390 in the fall of2012 prior to the first lesson of the semester. Students completed the survey using an onlineweb-based tool developed and made available by Dr. Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman at NCState University (http
programs with afocus on engineering technology programs. Since it is anticipated that high school leaderattendees will be familiar with Project Lead The Way® (PLTW) curriculum, The PLTWengineering design and development process is used as the methodology for outliningdevelopment of the faculty leadership development programs aimed at better preparing effectiveleaders and aligning curriculum with the Four Pillars. The steps of this process include: 1. Define and Justify Problem 2. Generate Multiple Solutions 3. Select and Develop Solution Page 24.845.7 4. Construct and Test Prototype 5. Reflect and Evaluate 6
integrationbefore and after the modeling. This would help them to feel their ideas were appreciated andprovide an opportunity to reflect on the modeling activities. Through our guided discussion,participants could exchange ideas with one another on what the integration of math andengineering brought to the subjects that study of each separately could not provide.As an extension of this discussion, we also wanted participants to talk about examples ofintegration outside of the workshop experience. This would help reinforce what they experiencedduring the modeling, and allow them to talk about integration outside of their own subject areas.Participants would have the freedom to discuss lessons without fear of judgment by others. Itwould also help them come
accessed using studentcell phones (Text messages and Twitter) or personal laptop computers (, as apotential method to improve student engagement by open-ended, reflective, multiple-choice, andcontent specific questions in a more efficient manner as perceived by students in a large-lectureclassroom.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of implementing polling software(PollEverywhere) on student engagement in an introductory computer science large lectureclassroom (n = 291). The ease of use of this technology can help with the adoption of this activelearning strategy. Research needs to be done to measure the impact of this software. During thefall semester of 2013, a pilot study was completed in an introductory
, authority,and social rules). The third level, postconventional level, builds ethical reasoning on universalnorms and values (e.g., justice, human rights) that are concerned with and good for everyone inthe world. Individuals operating at postconventional phases hold a critical and reflective stanceon moral values and “authoritative” principles. Moral values and principles are notunquestionably accepted but subject to critique and reflection. Those who reason at this levelhave the highest level of moral development compared to people at the two earlier levels.As early as the late 1970s, Kohlberg’s theory was applied by engineering ethicists in assessingthe moral development of professional engineers. Most typically, Richard McCuen suggested
responses were challenging to grade effectively and consistently, even with awell-defined grading algorithm. It became clear that even if this intervention were effective, itwould be unlikely to be broadly implemented due to these challenges. The interventionresulted in only small trends in improved test performance. These observations led us toreconsider and redefine our writing prompt.After considerable re-assessment, discussion and continued research, we streamlined the writingassignment. In the latest iteration of the prompt, implemented during the Fall 2013 semester, weasked students to reflect on any confusion they had about how to solve the selected homeworkproblem and then revise this reflection after receiving instructor input
participants’perceptions of the climate in their departments, unconscious bias, gender and race biases, andmentoring students with family responsibilities. The workshop also features several presentationsby experts in the field.EvaluationIn order to evaluate the effectiveness of TESP we gather data related to student skills, attitudes,products, and ideas. The TESP evaluation approach is three-pronged: self-assessment, reflection,and skills assessment (Fig. 3). Every activity includes a student self-assessment of skills andattitudes using a 5 point Likert scale. After each activity, students write a 1-2 paragraph Self Assessment • Perceived Skill Gain
instructors and students, reviews of course documents,contextualization within the literature on design, and our own reflections on lived experiencesworking with design students. In diverse institutional and course settings, each of the authorshas over 10 years of experience working with engineering design students.II. Engineering design strategiesIn each of the design types above, assuming community engagement contexts, what criteriaare in—and not in—the (implicit or explicit) decision matrices students typically are taught touse when weighing different design alternatives? That is, how does each regard“optimization”—what is being optimized, why, and for whose benefit? What does eachapproach to design emphasize, de-emphasize, and altogether omit?A
, china, comparative education research, culture, engineering education,ideology, internationalization, policy, policymakingIntroduction: The History and Politics of Policy Borrowing in ChinaPolicy borrowing has been a prevailing strategy for reforming education policies in mostdeveloping countries, reflecting a more general tendency toward dependence on foreignexpertise, information, and financing.1 As a developing country, China has been borrowingeducation policies from developed countries since the mid nineteenth century, including in the Page 24.497.2field of engineering education. In fact, one critical question throughout the modern history