than that of the onlineteaching mode. This is due to the students having more chances to ask questions and to interactwith the instructors, especially in the software–based courses. It is also concluded that there is nosignificant effect on the overall students’ performance when changing the instructor or the gradedistribution.REFERENCES - Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R., & Sciortino, A. (2021). An observational study of engineering online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One, 16(4), e0250041. - Balt\`a-Salvador, R., Olmedo-Torre, N., Pe\~na, M., & Renta-Davids, A.I. (2021). Academic and emotional effects of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on engineering students
testing attributes, such ascyberattacks, vulnerability identification and analysis, ethical hacking, penetration testing, andsecurity threats, shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows the Work Roles that need one of more of theattributes listed in Table 2. Table 2. KSAs and Tasks related to ethical hacking and penetration testing Knowledge (K) Skills (S) Abilities (A) Tasks (T) K0013, K0040, K0070, K0106, K0119, K0144, S0001, S0051, A0001, A0015, T0028, T0124, T0163, K0147, K0160, K0161, K0162, K0177, K0191, S0078, S0081, A0092, A0149, T0171, T0181, T0229, K0206, K0234, K0272, K0296, K0310, K0314, S0137, S0167, A0155 T0236, T0266, T0292, K0339, K0342, K0362
՟ՑՖՌ = Ծ՟ՑՖՌ * փ (where փ is a catch-all efficiencyparameter that incorporates many factors). The remainder of the lesson comes withunderstanding the large losses that come from the conversion of the captured wind energy,ԾՋՉ՜՝՚ՍՌ ՟ՑՖՌ, and the electrical power, ԾՍՔՍՋ՜՚ՑՋՉՔ = ՄԷ, found by multiplying the measuredvoltage, V, and current, I. While this classroom exercise gets some of the points across, the sheermagnitude of useful wind turbines are still hard to grasp. The serious game was developed, inlarge part, to help undergraduate college students see how different wind turbine design choiceswould impact the generation of power with full-scale turbines. The serious game was developedto run on the Oculus Rift S virtual reality headset. The
. Prior to teaching technical communication, Aaron served as a lecturer in Mississippi State's Department of English. As a lecturer, he also worked in the Quality Enhancement Program as a Writing Coordinator, where he worked with faculty to encourage writing across the curriculum.Shelly Sanders (Instructor) (Mississippi State University) Shelly is currently an instructor in the Shackouls Technical Communication Program in Mississippi State University's James Worth Bagley College of Engineering and has taught technical writing as well as various English composition and literature courses at MSU since 2005. She also tutored writing with the English department's Writing Center from its inception in the early 2000's until 2015
separately.An expanded analysis of participants’ survey responses with respect to their race and ethnicitymay provide insight into cultural norms, beliefs or expectations that may affect decisionsregarding studying engineering. A longitudinal study may be implemented to track participants’high school class selections, summer STEM experiences, college major, intent to major andpersistence to major in engineering or other major. The results of the study are insightful andmay inform the way high schools, colleges, and organizations support, guide, and inspirestudents to become engineers.References 1. S. Alpaslan, “Factors Affecting High School Students’ Stem Career Interest: Findings from A 4-Year Study,” Journal of STEM Education, vol. 22, Issue 3
thathelped them overcome various obstacles if there was this camaraderie bonus.Example builds:There were several types of builds. Many employed springs and some distance measurements.Several used potentiometers to generate a signal corresponding to the mass. One useddisplacement of water to mass the object(s). Photos of example builds are provided below.Figure 1: A balance utilizing a force sensingresistor in an enclosure Figure 3: A suspended design using an ultrasonic distance sensorFigure 2: A design using springs, pulleys,gears, and a potentiometerFigure 4: A platform using a linkage andpotentiometer enclosed in a 3-D printedhousing
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supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2025035 through the PFE:RIEF program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors would like to thank Mr. BakerMartin for his input and discussions on this work.References[1] Culberson, O.L. “Attrition of ChE Undergrads,” Chemical Engineering Education, 4(1), 24- 27 (1970)[2] Felder, R.M., Forrest, K.D., Baker-Ward, L., Dietz, E.J., and Mohr, P.H. “A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention. I. Success and Failure in the Introductory Course,” Journal of Engineering Education, 82(1), 15-21 (1993)[3
, and vice versa. Given the need to better support engineering GSs inobtaining a graduate education that will serve them in a variety of careers as well as to supportthem in feeling as though they belong and can persist in their chosen field, we see GIFT as beinga promising model to be implemented in conjunction with engineering graduate programs.Importantly, this is a model that is transferable to any engineering and/or STEM graduateprogram, does not place a huge burden on GSs in terms of coursework, and does not requiregrant money or university appropriations to run successfully.AcknowledgementsFunding for this work comes from NSF Award #1806698.References[1] S. D. Porter and J. M. Phelps, “Beyond skills: An integrative approach to
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chicken house to the incubator or storage. IntroductionBy the 1900’s, an average chicken farm was an extension of the family kitchen. Most ofthe chicken farms were usually owned and operated by families and had no automation.Very few sold poultry products. Chickens were used for the same purpose as they arenow which includes meat, eggs, and money. Most chicken or poultry farms today areowned and operated by companies and machines perform several tasks on the chickenfarms since production is large scale. The use of automated machines in the production Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
continuous assessment of the program outcomes. One of thebiggest obstacles in assessment is the inability to engage students in the awareness of programoutcomes and their importance in the curriculum. Many students see them as overly generalizedstatements that have no bearing on the concepts they need to pass a given course. Thus,dissemination of the notion and value of program outcomes is a major challenge for the faculty.Examples of freshman class assignments and projects that address specific program outcomes ina mechanical engineering department are presented. IntroductionIn the mid-1990’s, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) developeda new set of criteria for accrediting
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to create a bigger and better product in the future. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the lab manager, Joseph Diecidue, for providing the materialsnecessary for this project, as well as Professor Filip Cuckov for his technical advice and suggestionsfor Future Directions in particular. REFERENCES[1] S. Islam, A. Pulungan, and A. Rochim, “Inventory management efficiency analysis: A case study of an SME company”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2019, vol. 1402, no. 2. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/2/022040.[2] M. Paolanti, M. Sturari, A. Mancini, P. Zingaretti, and E. Frontoni, “Mobile robot for retail surveying and
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Design for Learning. He has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming). He has approximately 25 publications/presentations. He is a member of the American Society for Engineer- ing Education (ASEE). He is the recipient of David S. Taylor Service to Students Award and Golden Apple Award from Boise State University. He is also the recipient of ASEE Pacific Northwest Section (PNW) Outstanding Teaching Award, ASEE Mechanical Engineering division’s Outstanding New Edu- cator Award and several course design awards. He serves as the campus representative (ASEE) for Boise State University and as the Chair-Elect for the ASEE PNW Section. His academic research interests in- clude
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and each row represents amoment in time so that the positions are effectively tracked with time. We then exported thisExcel sheet into MATLAB®. MATLAB® is a popular programming language developed byMathworks [12].Our goal was to remove these reference frames and get everything into global coordinates.Instead of getting coordinates relative to each other, we wanted coordinates relative to the LeapMotion itself. To accomplish this, we used MATLAB®’s function eul2rotm [13]. Thistransformed Euler angles into rotation matrices. Rotation matrices are used to transform localcoordinates into global coordinates. To transform the tip of the finger there were many steps. Wefirst had to get rotation matrices for each joint of the finger. Then we had to
Education - The Practice of Teamwork, Brill, Jan. 2012.[E-book]. Available:[4] M. C. English and A. Kitsantas, “Supporting Student Self-Regulated Learning in Problem-and Project-Based Learning,” Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, vol. 7, no.2, 2013. [Online]. Available:[5] J. L. Kolodner, P.J. Camp, D. Crismond, B. Fasse, J. Gray, J. Holbrook, S. Puntambekar, andM. Ryan, “Problem-Based Learning Meets Case-Based Reasoning in the Middle-School ScienceClassroom: Putting Learning by Design (tm) Into Practice,” Journal of the Learning Sciences,vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 495–547, 2003. [Online]. Available:[6] B. Warin, O
avaluable experience for their future jobs and this experience would introduce how the projects in theprofessional world would be. The list of the specific skills and tools that the students learned areSolidWorks® , Altium Designer® , Linux O/S (Operating System), and Python programming.Students are preparing the design review and the buoy system is in testing and in integration. After the successful completion of building this prototype and capstone project, the field testingand measurements are planned to be performed and it may expand its value and impact to thegeneral public and scientists in other fields of study. Summary and Conclusions The prototype of this floating buoy system will provide a method to
shown in Figure 3. The more most likely consist of addressing the weaknesses outlined inspread out each command is trained in the graphic, the more the previous section. 4 TABLE II TABLE III S OFTWARE T ESTS AND R ESULTS H ARDWARE T ESTS AND R ESULTS Test Name Test Description Test Result Test Name Test Description Test Result Navigational Checks the
studentsand faculty members. Similar resources are limited or even impossible to find or adopt.Thus, we have become motivated to invest our time and resources into developing a seriesof open sourced educational comics as virtual educational resources for teaching futureready thriving skills, such as emotional intelligence and ethical leadership.References Andreotti, V., Stein, S., Ahenakew, C., & Hunt, D. (2015). Mapping interpretations of decolonization in the context of higher education. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 4(1), 21-40. Badenhorst, C., Moloney, C., & Rosales, J. (2020). New Literacies for Engineering Students
discussionswith the instructor and peers. Each lecture was titled after a song and began with the following: • Song Title- theme of the lecture discussion (e.g., “Four Women: Intersectionality” and “Is it Because I’m Black: Healthcare Software”). • News You Can Use-news article(s) on related current events. • Quote-related to the topic (and spotlighting activists/scholars from minoritized groups). • Definitions-terminology discussed throughout the lecture.The lecture then incorporated activities (e.g., polls and word cloud generation), as well asbreakout and larger group discussions that help students understand concepts and apply them inthe context of their university and societal experiences.Weekly reflectionsStudents submit
very numerical approach, rather than sharing the storiesof individuals who were harmed and naming the engineers responsible. An alternative teachingapproach is to bring in the personal stories of both individual engineers and the people who havebeen impacted by engineering in positive and negative ways. This personal approach may bemore effective in activating emotions and aligns with Bratton’s (2004) Model of AffectiveMorality and Scholl et al.’s (2016) core affect model. Further, emotional responses may beheightened by seeing the individuals tell their own stories rather than reading text-basednarratives. The collective and individual perspectives embedded within the teaching methods forengineering ethics that the author has integrated in