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quality of partnerships weenter into. Our goal is to develop more sustained encounters. We also plan to focus on measuringthe effectiveness of the partnerships we enter into by collecting feedback from the educators andstudents who we work with and by assessing how eductors’ attitudes, beliefs, and knowledgechange in response to partnership. Our goal is to improve our methods for supporting educatorsand to share our results with a wider audience. Finally, we plan to create opportunities forundergraduate engineering students to join the project. Our goal is to form a dedicated group ofstudent workers and volunteers to design maker activities and operate the MakerTruck.References1. K. Peppler, and S. Bender, “Maker movement spreads innovation one
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: “Increasingly the United States is seen globally as an important leader rather than the uncontested leader.”and “. . . the United States is playing a less dominant role in many areas of S&E activity.”Our future rests with today’s undergraduate engineers, who are initiated to the professionthrough coursework in science, mathematics and engineering fundamentals. In the not toodistant past, the fundamentals included a fair amount of engineering technology. Many oftoday’s four year engineering programs disdain the technical side of engineering, openly criticalthat their curricula are assuredly not a technology program; favoring instead a more extensivefocus on derivation and theoretical work with expected continuity into graduate level
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2 1.8 Parent(s) Counselor Teacher Friend Sibling Famous Mentor Grandparent person Influencing Individuals Figure 8: Average Score of Individual Impacting Students’ PerceptionIn the last section, participants were asked to rate likelihood of attending the camp again. Table 2 showsthe percentage of each level. Table 2: Percentage of Each Likelihood Level
Point)’s unique faculty composition consists of professionalmilitary faculty, permanent military faculty, and civilian faculty is known as the “blend ofexcellence”. The majority of West Point faculty (~55%) are military officers serving for a two-to-three-year period. These military faculty are professional faculty members serving in acapacity similar to adjunct faculty or non-tenured teaching faculty at other universities. Eachtype of faculty member brings unique skills and talents to the faculty team that contribute to theoverall development of West Point’s undergraduates who serve as military officers upongraduation. In spring 2019, West Point faculty members were asked to share their thoughts andperspectives on the faculty development of
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is also an Exten- sion Services Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm located in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is a
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models in the fluid mechanics classroom." International Journal ofEngineering Education 32.6 (2016): 2501-2516.[5] Krathwohl, David R., and Lorin W. Anderson. A taxonomy for learning, teaching, andassessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Longman, 2009.[6] Hazen, Benjamin T., Yun Wu, and Chetan S. Sankar. "Factors that influence dissemination inengineering education." IEEE Transactions on Education 55.3 (2012): 384-393.
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of Writing Lab, TecLabs, Tecnologico deMonterrey, Mexico, in the production of this work.References[1] S. Ghanta, "Augmenting soft skills in engineering students," J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst., vol. 11,(Special Issue 6), pp. 1720-1722, 2019.[2] M. Debnath et al, "4 - Role of soft skills in engineering education: students' perceptions andfeedback," pp. 61-82, 2012. . DOI: 9[3] M. Abdous, B. R. Facer and C. Yen, "Academic effectiveness of podcasting: A comparative study ofintegrated versus supplemental use of podcasting in second language classes," Computers & Education,vol. 58, (1), pp. 43-52, 2012. . DOI:
have taken ownership and moved past that support, others have remained dependent, which reduces the number of new faculty with whom the team can work and raises the question about what will happen when the project wraps up. 4. The faculty member will share what they are doing with others and conduct informal public outreach as they share what they have learned.As noted above, a supportive department culture might be a key motivator for engineering orcomputer science faculty to adopt diversity and inclusion related changes in their course(s).Cultural change is a long-term process and may run on a timeline that is not compatible with afixed length grant-funded project. The following list includes strategies used by the
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first marker 17 10 1 4 8 1 17 Figure 2. Timeline of average player movements through the irrigation simulation in Agpocalypse 2050.3.2. Focus Group The goals of the focus group were to discover what types of discussions took place, andthe basic knowledge retention of the students. Students were asked if they discussed the gamewith someone else, their relationship with that person(s), the topic of the discussion, and whatabout the game caused them to discuss it with others. All four students discussed the game withat least one person. Four discussed with a parent/guardian and three discussed with at least onefriend. The following responses were given when asked what the topic of their
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