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Displaying results 1711 - 1740 of 1984 in total
2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
Tagged Topics
” Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, Vol.4, No. 3.Narayanan, R. M. (1999). “Use of Objective-Base Undergraduate Research Project Experience as aGraduate Student Recruitment Tool,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp 361-365.Zydney, A. L., Bennett J. S., Shahid, A., and Bauer, K. W. (2002). “Faculty Perspective Regarding theUndergraduate Research Experience in Science and Engineering,” Journal of Engineering Education,Vol. 91, No. 2, pp 291-297.Norbert J. Delatte, (2004), “Undergraduate Summer Research in Structural Engineering”, Journal ofProfessional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice., 130(1), 37-43.Vater Ashley, Katherine Dahlhausen, David A. Coil, Brittany N. Anderton, Christian S. Wirawan,Natalia
Conference Session
Technical Session 7 - Paper 6: Lived Experiences of African American Engineering Students at a PWI Through the Lens of Navigational Capital
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Stephanie Ashley Damas, Clemson University; Lisa Benson, Clemson University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
future analyses.References[1] The National Science Foundation, "Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering", National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, 2019.[2] J. Whittaker, B. Montgomery and V. Acosta, "Retention of Underrepresented Minority Faculty: Strategic Initiatives for Institutional Value Proposition Based on Perspectives from a Range of Academic Institutions", The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. A136-A145, 2015. [Accessed 15 October 2019].[3] S. L. Dika, M. A. Pando, B. Q. Tempest, K. A. Foxx, and M. E. Allen, "Engineering self-efficacy, interactions with faculty, and other forms of capital for underrepresented
Conference Session
Social Justice and the Curriculum: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 3
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Peuker, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Erin Moss, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Jaxon Silva, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Emily Wannenmacher, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Lauren Cooper, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Golem at Large: What You Should Know about Technology, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 113–125.[5] S. Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from EachOther. New York: Basic Books, 2011.[6] B. Ruh. Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. Cambridge: Polity,2019. Print.[7] E. Cech, “Understanding Engineering Education Culture”, presentation to Cal Poly, San LuisObispo Engineering Faculty, Sept 8, 2020[8] D. Riley, Engineering and Social Justice, Morgan & Claypool, 2008.[9] Leydens and J. Lucena, "Engineering Justice: Transforming Engineering Education andPractice, IEEE Press, 2018.[10] W. E. B Du Bois. Black Reconstruction in America: [1860-1880]. New York, NY: The FreePress
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session: Pedogogy and Training
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gita Andhika Swastanto, Purdue Polytechnic Graduate Programs; Fiodesy Putri, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Julius Keller, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Edward Faith, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Conference Session
LEES Session 8: Care and Commitments
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mallette, Boise State University
Conference Session
WIED: Support for All in the WIED Community
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Ofori-Boadu, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (CoE); Victor Ofori-Boadu
AEC program would consist of a studio class in the morning forArchitecture divided in two parts: lecture and studio. After the lecture given by the professor(s), Iwould head straight to the studio and either begin on the new task at hand or quickly tidy mydesk so that I could start on a clear working space. After variations of sketches and messily-put-together sketch models, after class would end, I would either grab something quick to eat or headstraight to my next class. After all my classes are finished for the day I would either head to workor return to my dorm. On a day that I was not going to work I would go to my dorm for a bit ofdown time to relax from the events of the day and would most likely return to studio to finish anassignment
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 3
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harold Evensen, University of Wisconsin - Platteville
,” Georgia J. Science, vol. 77,No. 2, Article 10, 2019.[8] I. D. Beatty, “Standards-based grading in introductory university physics,” J. Scholarship ofTeaching and Learning, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 1-22, May 2013.[9] A. Rundquist, “Standards-based grading with voice: Listening For students’ understanding,”in Physics Education Research Conference 2011, Omaha, NE, August 3-4, 2011, AIPConference Proceedings vol. 1413, pp. 69-72.[10] A. R. Carberry, M. Siniawski, S. A. Atwood, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Best Practices forUsing Standards-based Grading in Engineering Courses,” presented at 2016 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 26-29, 2016. Paper ID #16218.[11] J. Mendez, “Standards-based specifications grading in a hybrid
Conference Session
CIT Division Technical Session #1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sam Siewert, California State University, Chico; Rishab Shah, University of Colorado Boulder
media and fundamental computer architecture. Dr. Siewert has published numerous research, industry, and educational papers on these topics.Rishab S Shah Currently, student at CU Boulder and graduating with master's in Embedded Systems and IoT this December 2022 Portfolio: LI: © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Addressing Learning Objective Gaps Between Rate Monotonic Theory and Practice using Real-Time Simulation Exercises Sam Siewert Associate Professor
Conference Session
Equity and Ethics in Engineering-II
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
James Gordon Walker, Seattle Pacific University, College of Arts and Sciences, Engineering Department; Gina Howe P.E., Seattle Pacific University; Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Topics
Conference Submission, Diversity
. Steinlicht and B.G. Garry, “Capstone project challenges: How industry sponsored projects offer new learning experiences,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, IN.[4] B. Allison, S. Ludwick, and W. Birmingham, “A mechatronics capstone project with an interdisciplinary team and an industrial partner,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.[5] P.K. Sheridan, G. Evans, and D. Reeve, “A proposed framework for teaching team-effectiveness in
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division: Approaches to Ethics Education (Part 1)
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cortney Holles, Colorado School of Mines
curriculum,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, no.4, pp. 303–313, 2000.[3] M. S. Pritchard, “Responsible engineering: The importance of character and imagination,” Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 7, pp. 391–402, 2001.[4] National Academy of Engineering, Practical Guidance on Science and Engineering Ethics Education for Instructors and Administrators: Papers and Summary from a Workshop, December 12, 2012. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2013. [Online] Available:[5] C. Mitcham and E. E. Englehardt, “Ethics across the curriculum: Prospects for broader (and deeper) teaching and learning in research and engineering ethics, Science and
Conference Session
Pedagogy in Chemical Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Adler, University of Washington
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division - Mechanics Applied and the Best in Five... Get Ready!
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jakob Bruhl, United States Military Academy; Joseph Hanus, United States Military Academy; Kevin McMullen, United States Military Academy; Brett Rocha, United States Military Academy
Conference Session
ERM: Conceptualizations of Engineering and Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College Dublin
thecolleges, take two entries per year. There was much opposition to this from academics incolleges since the colleges would be open throughout the year. Nevertheless, severaldepartments offered end-course. The Birmingham project was established to examine theviability of these courses primarily from the perspective of learning, and the supply ofstudents and industrial places. A comparative study of two structures offered by theDepartment of Metallurgy at Battersea CAT was undertaken by Hornsby-Smith [10].The second objection put forward by G. S. Bosworth was that the curriculum was orientedtoward the needs of academia and not industry. It did not, therefore, produce a different kindof technologist [24]. The opportunity to take up his ideas was not
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meagan Ita, The Ohio State University; Laine Rumreich, The Ohio State University; Krista Kecskemety, The Ohio State University; Rachel Kajfez, The Ohio State University
acrossundergraduate engineering, and to create a shared definition of EML for OSU ’s College of Engineering.3.2 Need for instructional EM trainingWhile we believed our curriculum changes were strong and had research supporting their efficacy [15], we realizedthat we needed a better way to onboard members of our teaching team to this new approach of engineeringinstruction. Given that KEEN provides many training opportunities for faculty, instructors were able to engage inprofessional development through the network. However, our undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs) and graduateteaching associates (GTAs), who are crucial to our teaching teams, did not have access to the same external resources.Furthermore, engagement with faculty development through the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 9: Decision Making, Problem-Based Projects, Role-Play, and a Nontraditional Project Theme
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Goldschneider; Benjamin Chambers, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
options for curriculum design in first-year programs.Background and ObjectivesIn the mid-2000’s, a call went out to integrate the teaching of science, technology, engineering,and mathematics into what we now collectively refer to as STEM [1]. Since that time, additionalinitiatives have suggested that it might be even more beneficial to integrate the arts into STEMlearning, creating STEAM. Some even argue that it should be pushed even further, addingadditional study of the societal implications of STEAM research and work, further lengtheningthe acronym to STEAMS [2]. For this paper, the focus will remain on STEAM and itsimplications for the first-year engineering curriculum.Students’ experiences in their first-year engineering (FYE) classes are
Conference Session
Student Division Technical 1: Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity (DEI)
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yagmur Onder, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
2022 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference
Marcelo Caplan, Columbia College
Tagged Topics
any comments – only the information of the instruments – the operator activatesthe independent variable and collects the information of the dependent variable(s). in the spirit tomake the process INTERACTIVE, the video is, in reality, a Video Quiz. The Video Quizincludes questions during the implementation of the experiment to ensure students' knowledgeand understanding of what they are doing.Given that the implementation of the experiment is remote, all the questions are multiple-choicequestions. Any time a question is presented, the video stops, and the students need to answer. Ifthe answer provided is the correct answer, the video continues. If the answer is wrong, thestudents need to rewind the video, observe the phenomenon again, and
Conference Session
Technical Session 2 - Paper 2: Lessons Learned from Conducting a Diversity-Focused Faculty Cluster Hire at a Predominantly White Institution
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado Boulder; Dana Francesca Stamo, University of Colorado Boulder; Clayton Lewis, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
2022 ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference
Joseph Anthony Donndelinger, Baylor University; Savannah Richards, Baylor University; Lisa Joanne Retzlaff
12achieving the Letter A, and why only two students in the control group achieved Letter B, and howpeer to peer interaction can impact results. These conclusions drawn and strategies presented allowstudents to develop fundamental engineering skills early on in their education with the intent ofcarrying them throughout their studies. Furthermore, if students can experience a more rewarding andsuccessful time in Engineering Design I and II courses while gaining valuable experience, they willbe more confident in their abilities and choices not only in the classroom but in their careers as well. References1. Richards, S., Retzlaff, L., Donndelinger, J., 2022, “Developing and Manufacturing Process
Conference Session
Technology Integration in Manufacturing Curriculum
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University; Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University; David Shannon, Auburn University; Ryan Pippins, Tuskegee University; Eugene Thompson; Adrian Carter, Tuskegee University; Stephen Baker, Tuskegee University; Brandon Guiseppi, Tuskegee University
marketprojections indicate that the total AM market will have a value of $62.79 billion in 2028, comparedto $16.54 billion in 2021, at a growth rate of 21% [1]. AM evolved from rapid prototypingtechniques, which have been in existence since the 1970’s. Advancement in 3D printingtechnologies and materials, combined with expiration of key technology patents in the early 2000’sled to the accelerated transition of rapid prototyping techniques into a viable manufacturingprocess for more sophisticated conceptual prototypes, functional prototypes, and end use parts.Starting from the CAD model of a part, AM workflow starts by slicing the model into 2D layersof small thickness followed by creating the part layer by layer using different forms of materialand
Conference Session
Technical Session 7 - Paper 3: Forming and Fulfilling Expectations: Perspectives of Underrepresented Computer Science Doctoral Students
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Vidushi Ojha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Raul Enrique Platero, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Beleicia B Bullock, Stanford University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
’ understanding of what their advisor (or supervisor) wanted them to dowas an important contributor to student outcomes, with the authors noting that “open, supportive,and frequent communication with [their] supervisor was found to be essential for student successand satisfaction” [6]. Sverdlik et al.’s analysis also noted that poor communication of departmentalrequirements may lead to a discrepancy between the student’s and the department’s expectations ofwhat the student needs to do [6]. Such a discrepancy can lead to the student insufficiently integrat-ing into their institution and discipline, resulting in a decreased likelihood of degree completion[7]. In addition, clear communication of expectations may impact students in more ways than sim-ply
Conference Session
ERM: Exploring Educational Technology in Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erik Hurlen, University of Washington
2016, 1-33. 6. Felder, R.M., & Silverman, L.K. 1988. “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education.” Journal of Engineering Education, 78 (7), 674-681. 7. Fraser, D.M., Pillay, R., Tjatindi, L., & Case, J.M. 2007. “Enhancing the Learning of Fluid Mechanics Using Computer Simulations.” Journal of Engineering Education, 96 (4), 381-388. 8. Freeman, S., Eddy, S.L., McDonough, M., Smith, M.K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H. & Wenderoth, M.P. 2014. “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (23), 8410-8415. 9. Gynnild, V., Myrhaug, D., & Pettersen, B. 2007. “Introducing innovative
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kay Cutler, South Dakota State University; Craig Silvernagel, South Dakota State University; Todd Letcher, South Dakota State University
your mindset for (1) your own ability to take action, and for (2) your team’s ability to act on ideas as a group.3. Once selected, anchor your mind map plot by providing examples, rationale, or reasons for your choice on the map.4. Submit each mind map weekly on D2L to record your ongoing experience the process.References[1] L. Olsson, Movement and Experimentation in Young Children’s Learning: Deleuze andGuattari in Early Childhood Education. London, UK: Routledge, 2009.[2] N. Coops, J. Marcus, I. Construt, E. Frank, R. Kellett, E. Mazzi, A. Munro, S. Nesbit, A.Riseman, J. Robinson, A. Schultz, & Y. Sipos, How an entry-level interdisciplinarysustainability course revealed the benefits and challenges of a university-wide initiative
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Assorted Topics
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simin Nasseri, Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Mohammad Jonaidi, Kennesaw State University; Navid Nasajpour Esfahani, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ralph Schultz, Kennesaw State University
Conference Session
PCEE Technical Session 6: Engineering Design in High School
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sherri Youssef, The Ohio State University; J. Hylton, Ohio Northern University; Todd France, Ohio Northern University; Patrick Herak, The Ohio State University; Bruce Wellman, Olathe Northwest High School
/s40594-018-0121-8[4] Barron, K.E., Hulleman, C.S., 2015. Expectancy-Value-Cost Model of Motivation. In: JamesD. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2ndedition, Vol 8. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 503–509. ISBN: 9780080970868[5] Carberry, A.R., Lee, H.-S., & Ohland, M. W. (January 2010) Measuring EngineeringDesign Self-Efficacy. Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 71-79.[6] Kier, M.W., Blanchard, M.R., Osborne, J.W., & Albert, J.L. (2014) The Development of theSTEM Career Interest Survey (STEM-CIS). Research in Science Education, 44, pp. 461-481.DOI 10.1007/s11165-0139389-3[7] Hylton, J. B., Herak, P. J., France, T., Youssef, S. (2021, July), Towards Development of anEngineering Design
Conference Session
Professional Skills and Community Building in Chemical Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joaquin Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh
-020-00661-0 [Accessed Jan 22, 2022][3][Accessed Jan 22, 2022][4] [Accessed Jan 22,2022][5] [Accessed Jan 22, 2022][6] L.J. Bottomley, S. Rajala and R. Porter. “Engineering outreach teams: K-12 outreach at NorthCarolina State University”. 29th ASEE/IEE frontiers in education conference, Session 13a7, pp.14-17, Jan Juan, Puerto Rico, 1999[7] K. A. Gilbride, D.C. Kennedy, J.K. Waalen and M. Zywno. “A proactive strategy for attractingwomen into engineering”. Canadian Journal of Counselling. Vol. 33:1, pp. 55-65, 1999[8] L.S. Anderson and K. A. Gilbride. “Pre
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division ASCE Liaison Committee - Accreditation and Curriculums - What Changes Are Occurring?
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Nolen, American Society of Civil Engineers; Jay Puckett, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; David Dzombak, Carnegie Mellon University; Wayne Bergstrom
innovation, and supportive of the profession’s needs asidentified in the CEBOK3 and enhanced by stakeholder input.REFERENCES[1] “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2021-2022,” ABET, Baltimore, MD. [Accessed January 28, 2022].[2] Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge 3 Task Committee, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge: Preparing the Future Civil Engineer, 3rd Edition. Reston, VA: ASCE, 2019.[3] W. Bergstrom, S. Ressler, and L. Nolen, “Preparing the Future Civil Engineer: Review and Update of the ABET Civil Engineering Program Criteria”, Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, 2021.[4] Bloom, Benjamin S. Taxonomy of Educational
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Thermodynamics
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Barlow, zyBooks, A Wiley Brand; Oscar Rios, zyBooks, A Wiley Brand; James Eakins, zyBooks, A Wiley Brand; Adrian Rodriguez, University of Texas at Austin
of the existing zyVersions, more textbooks are currently being converted to the online interactiveformat and more titles are being added to the list of books that will be converted in the near future.References[1] G. Chen, C. Gong, J. Yang, and Y. Li, "The comparison of paper textbook class and electronic textbook class in Technology Rich Classroom," The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, November 2013.[2] A. Bovtruk, I. Slipukhina, S. Mieniailov, P. Chernega, and N. Kurylenko, "Development of an electronic multimedia interactive textbook for physics study at technical universities," 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications, October
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4 - Global South Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte; Sallie Turnbull, Clemson University; Tim Guggisberg, Clemson University; Juan Dobarganes
the students’ curriculum.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Eduardo Santillanez, Rodrigo Gutierrez, Patrick German, PabloMaya, Fran Cardona, Karla Moreno, Joel Everardo Valtierra Olivares, Juan Carlos BaltazarVera, and Emilio Salcedo Martinez for their active participation in this program; and JanetKrupka, Cyndie Steffee, and Jorge Aceves for participating in a panel discussion aboutinternational teamwork.References[1] F. Foley, H. Hines, and D. Wessel, Eds., Global Goliaths, Multinational corporations in the 21st century economy, 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 2021.[2] A. K. Agrawal and S. Harrington-hurd, “Preparing Next Generation Graduates for a Global Engineering Workforce : Insights from
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division ASCE Liaison Committee - Supporting the Development of the Next Civil Engineers
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Kiriazes, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ellen Zerbe, Pennsylvania State University
build a peer study network, review exam concepts,and share test-taking skills. Although there is a wide variety of prep resources, departments shouldcontinue to work towards providing more updated, free, and accessible study material. CEEdepartment and university libraries should rent free review textbooks and practice problems forstudent use. Student organizations that build and support the undergraduate community should befunded or celebrated for their dedication to their peers. Finally, departments should continue tosupport and add licensed faculty on staff to mentor students towards licensure.References[1] C. N. Musselman, S. Kumar, N. J. Mattei, and L. R. Smith, “Licensure issues of strategic importance to the civil engineering