greatly appreciated. Bibliography1 K. Moore, C. Jones, and R.S. Frazier, Dec 2017, "Engineering Education for Generation Z," AmericanJournal of Engineering Education, Vol. 8, No. 2, retrieved 1 Jul 2019 from M. Taylor, 2011, "Teaching Generation NeXt: Methods and Techniques for Today’s Learners," A Collectionof Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement – 2011 Higher Learning Commission, retrieved 1 Jul2019 from R. Myose, S. Raza, K. Hoffmann, and A. Ghoddoussi, Sep 2014, "Correlating Engineering Statics StudentPerformance with Scores of a Test over Pre-requisite
entire demanded quantity or withholdpart of the shipment to optimize truck utilizations. Obviously, over-shipping is not permitted in theHARD game. For example, a player may find that the week’s customers’ demand is 230 items. Onone hand, the player may choose to ship the entire quantity utilizing two trucks with a capacity of200 items per truck, costing a total of $440 for transportation. On the other hand, the player canship a full truck load and withhold the remaining 30 items, hoping there will be underutilized spacein the following week’s truck(s). Consequently, if such space exists in the following week, the costin the second scenario will then consist of the current week’s truck cost ($220), a cost of holdingthe remaining inventory for an
definition of it. What engineeringeducation must have is a guiding philosophy based on a clearer visualization of the place ofengineering in modern life” [2], p.12. This historical perspective allows engineering educators to see that the aspirationsexpressed in 2004’s The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century are morea tradition than a novelty [3]. What is relatively new is the emergence of the field of Science,Technology, and Society (STS) and, in particular, attempts to integrate STS into engineeringcurricula. STS provides conceptual frameworks that enable students to see engineering problemsand solutions in sociotechnical terms. As Neeley, Wylie, and Seabrook demonstrated in their2019 paper [4], engineering educators
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-Disciplinarity, Aalborg, Denmark, 8th-9th September 2016 (pp. 178-183).4. Junk, S. and Kuen, C., 2016. Review of open source and freeware CAD systems for use with 3D-printing. Procedia CIRP, 50, pp.430-435.5. Wu, D., Terpenny, J. and Schaefer, D., 2017. Digital design and manufacturing on the cloud: A review of software and services. AI EDAM, 31(1), pp.104-118.6. Le, N., 2018. "Product Design with Cloud Based and Desktop CAD software: A comparison between SolidWorks and Onshape." Degree Thesis, Plastics Technology, Arcada University, Finland.7. Wu, D., Terpenny, J. and Schaefer, D., 2016, August. A Survey of Cloud-Based Design and Engineering Analysis Software Tools. In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
. Shrinking undergraduate credit hours in engineering programs at most public institutions that simply cannot teach this ever-expanding body of knowledge in a four-year degree program. Commoditization of the engineering profession – the buying and selling of engineering services based on price, not qualifications, along with outsourcing of engineering tasks to project team members from disparate regions with no “local knowledge” of the problem(s) they are working to address. Advances in software and modeling that seemingly apply engineering standards and codes to derive solutions that sidestep engineering judgement and infer to some the PE is obsolete or unnecessary. State