Expectations for the Masters-Level Structural Engineering Graduate Preparedness using the Delphi MethodIntroduction Structural engineering educational programs in the U.S. are facing great challenges incorrelating their programs and goals with the needs of their graduates and the structuralengineering profession in today‟s constantly changing global environment. The ASCE Raise theBar initiative within civil engineering, its call for education beyond the undergraduate level forfuture entry into civil engineering practice, and ongoing and upcoming changes in professionalregistration emphasizes the need for structural engineering at the graduate level to be carefullyplanned. The educational content
on their specific andgeneral experiences. Onesection of the semi-structured interview that will be of focus in this particular study askedparticipants to describe and rate the value placed on specific social support. On a 10-pointLikert scale ranging from 1-10, participants are asked to rate the value placed on theeducational and career support from family, classmates, friends, and engineering faculty.Participants were also asked whether these groups provided support, and if so, what types ofsupport(s) they received.ResultsQuantitative Analysis: Survey Black and Hispanic engineering students‘ responses on the Engineering Fields Surveyprovided quantitative data to examine students‘ perceptions of social support and barriers
innovative STEM educationprograms designed in part to increase student attitudes toward STEM subjects and careers. Thispaper describes how a team of researchers at The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation atNorth Carolina State University developed the Upper Elementary School and Middle/HighSchool Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM) Surveys to measure those attitudes. Thesurveys each consist of four, validated constructs which use Likert-scale items to measurestudent attitudes toward science, mathematics, engineering and technology, 21st century skills.The surveys also contain a comprehensive section measuring student interest in STEM careers.The surveys have been administered to over 10,000 fourth through twelfth grade students inNorth
rated “Very Important.”High School Career Interest Assessments (59%), High School Guidance Counselor (56%),Friends (51%), High School Teachers (49%), and Flexibility of Work Schedule (45%) rated the Page 23.587.14highest in the Not Important Category. Using the variance measure, there was very littleagreement on importance levels in the following five influence categories: Opportunity toParticipate in Student Organizations (0.12%), Flexibility of Work Schedule (0.18%), Probabilityof Graduating with Honors in Major (0.46%), Family Member(s) (0.52%), and High SchoolTeacher(s) (0.55%).Analytical Results: Underrepresented
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Her pri- mary teaching responsibilities are in the solid mechanics and materials areas. She was awarded the 2012 ASEE NCS Outstanding Teacher Award. Vernaza consults for GE Transportation and does research in the area of alternative fuels (biodiesel), engineering education (project based learning and service learning), and high strain deformation of materials. She is one of the PIs of two NSF S-STEM grants and one NSF ADVANCE-PAID grant.Dr. Barry J Brinkman, Gannon UniversityDr. Scott E Steinbrink, Gannon University Dr. Scott Steinbrink is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering
engineering positions.ResultsP1’s Mental ModelThe concept map representation of P1’s mental model is shown in Figure 1. The focus of P1’smodel of voltage and current is through the mathematical relationship, V = I * R (where V =voltage, I = current, and R = resistance), or its permutation, I = V / R. The three variables in theequation are treated as mathematical quantities, with no direct reference to anything physical.Thus, in the first equation, when V changes, I must change proportionately; but in the secondequation, if I increases, then V must increase and R must decrease. P1 states that this only workssome of the time, but P1 does not know what to do when it does not. The terms “voltage” and“current” are often used together, with the idea that
x2 State 20 Cart Position (mm) 15 Cart Position 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Time (s)Figure 2: Cart position vs. time data from bump testEquation 2 was used to calculate the value of k from the collected data, where xss represents thesteady state position of the cart and Vin is the voltage applied
containers.11. References1. Wilson, J. S. (editor), Sensor Technology Handbook, pp 1, Elsevier (UK)., 2005.2. Dhananjay, G. V., Programming and Customizing AVR Microcontroller, pp 22, McGraw-Hill (USA)., 2001.3. Kwong, J., Ramadass,Y. K., Verma, N., Chandrakasan, A. P., “A 65 nm Sub-Vt Microcontroller With Integrated SRAM and Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter”, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, 2009, 44, 115-126.4. Brennan, T.M., Ernst, J. M., Day, C. M., Bullock, D. M., Krogmeier, J.V., Martchouk, M., “Influence of Vertical Sensor Placement on Data Collection Efficiency from Bluetooth MAC Address Collection”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2009, 136, 1104-1109.5. Jasemian, Y., Nielsen, L. A
’ experiences, even theinstructor. Finally, a coherent assessment method for the learning outcomes ofTeaTol concept was presented.AcknowledgementThis material is based in part upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant Numbers DUE- 1141238, DUE- 1140664 and DUE- Page 23.532.101141037. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed 9in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the viewsof the National Science Foundation.References[1] Friedman, T.L., 2005, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. New York
enable engineering schools to produce better-informed retention strategiesand transform engineering education. Page 23.1031.8References1. AAU Undergraduate STEM Initiative. Five-Year Initiative for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education. (AAU, 2011).2. Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University. Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s Research Universities. (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1998). at 3. Litzinger, T., Van Meter, P., Kapali, N., Zappe, S. & Toto, R. Translating education research into practice within an engineering
maintain a semester-long term project that examines real environmentalproblems, which our student teams (3-4 students of varying academic majors) observe or clients(such as the Department of Public Works or our student government) identify. Preparation forthe project requires student teams to develop a hypothesis and a basic sampling and evaluationprotocol. Students then use the protocol to conduct sampling in the local community and analyzeresults in light of their hypothesis. Students are required to submit a final written report. Thisterm project model also encourages interdisciplinary collaboration with non-STEM disciplines,such as the Marketing course in USMA‟s Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership.This cross-cutting educational
. Engaging the current technology-hungry college student is thus promising,possible and necessary; but with over 100,000 applications available for the iPad alone, criticalquestions remain. What applications, tools and methods truly enhance the learning environmentand what educational benefit, if any, do the students receive through the use of these devices?How do we integrate these devices in a way that appeals to our students, Prensky‟s “digitalnatives”4, when most of our professors are “digital immigrants”, without placing unmanageableburdens on the instructional team? The current literature examines the use of tablet devices in the college classroom but nostudy focuses on the use of iPads in the engineering classroom. An
non-users.The indicative components did not show a significant difference between users and non-users.However, three of the indicative components were being used by 85% or more of concept testusers (Table 2) (having students: “participate in activities that engage them with course contentthrough reflection and/or interaction with their peers”, “provide that answer(s) to a posedproblem or question before the class can proceed”, and “discuss a problem in pairs or groups”).The high percentage of users spending time on these activities shows that they are used inconjunction with Concept Tests, but also with other RBIS or in the general classroom as well
sophomores,7 juniors, and 10 seniors). The statistical methods and techniques used in this study include:descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables, spider charts, hypothesis testing,regression analyses, percentage change, and percentage difference.From the sample data analyzed, MUSE students consistently demonstrate higher behavior stylesof S-Steadiness and C-Conscientiousness with slightly lower behavior styles of D-Dominanceand I-Influence. Most female students possess Social and Aesthetic attitudes, while males aremore Utilitarian; both are Traditional and Theoretical. For People Skills, MUSE studentsimproved and/or mastered 19 of the 23 areas by the senior level, but lack mastery of skills inConflict Management, Creativity
instruction, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.4. Evans, D. L., Gray, G. L., Krause, S., Martin, J., Midkiff, C., Notaros, B. M., et al. (2003). Progress on concept inventory assessment tools. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Engineering Conference, Boulder, CO.5. Rhoads, T. R., and Roedel, R. J. (1999). The wave concept inventory-a cognitive instrument based on Bloom's taxonomy. Proceedings of the 29th Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Engineering Conference, San Juan, PR.6. Martin, J. K., Mitchell, J., and Newell, T. (2004). Work in progress: analysis of reliability of the fluid mechanics concept inventory. Proceedings of the 34rd Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Engineering
Engineering.Jyothsna Kavuturu, Jyothsna K. S., Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, secured a gold medal for the high- est aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (autonomous). K. S. has been working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for almost two years now, teaching both undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in English. K. S. has published papers in intramu- ral and extramural publications, and presented papers at several conventions, conferences, and seminars. Page 23.1122.1 c American Society for Engineering
graduate a student is required tocomplete each aspect of the design process. Table 1 describes design components and projectassignments to be completed in a student’s junior or senior year. Each student must complete theindividual score card prior to the graduation. Page 23.397.4Table1. Individual Design Score Card (S: Senior, J: Junior) Design Components Year First Second Third Fourth Semester Semester Semester Semester Scoping I J Scoping II S Background Survey I J Background Survey
and curricular materials development in other disciplines.Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science FoundationEngineering Education Program under Grant No. 1055356. Any opinions, findings andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Nrc, ed. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. ed. J. Bransford, et al. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. xxiii, 319 p. (1999).2. S. Vosniadou, ed. International Handbook of Conceptual Change. Routledge: New York. (2008).3. B.K. Hofer and P.R. Pintrich, The development of epistemological theories
, computer, or similara. the application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated modifiers in their titles.software, analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers, and engineeringstandards to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of 1. Curriculumelectrical/electronic(s) systems. The structure of the curriculumb. the applications of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a must provide both breadth andrigorous mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and depth across the range oftrigonometry. engineering topics
Russian innovative universities.The activities of KNRTU are oriented towards the innovative development and establishment ofnew PPP mechanisms. The additional professional education system of the University is open tothe experimentation with and integration of processes, testing the different forms of relevantinteraction among all of the interested parties involved in training and advancing pro-fessionalpersonnel to meet the highest demands of the modern labor market.In 2008, KNRTU developed the target program called „Additional Education as a Factor of theInnovation-Driven Development of the University‟. The aim of this program is to boost theuniversity‟s rating, its competitiveness and attractiveness on the market of the educationalservices
assessment instruments.III. E XPERIMENTAL S TUDY D ESIGNBuilding on the related research and pedagogical underpinnings in Section II, we consider herethe design of the experimental study. The primary hypothesis of the research study is as follows:“There exists significant improvement in the engagement, student interest, and motivation forsoftware engineering content using an integrated approach of active and deign-based learningcompared to traditional teaching approaches.” Traditional approaches refer to a combinationof lectures, tutorials and lab sessions for a software engineering course.To test this hypothesis, the experimental study included the design of software-engineeringcourse content, coordination of the study’s control (traditional) and
m questionns for the daay; see Sectiion 3.3. Thesequestions provided th he rationale for coveringg the materiaal on a particcular day. When W viewedd atthe end of o the semestter the questtions represeented a frameework withinn which the course wasorchestraated and a means m for the students to frame their Semester S Leearning Essaays.3.1 Courrse organizaationThe relattionship betw ween the teaam organizattion and the course c conteent is displayyed in Figuree 2
& Electronic Technology, Mathematics Faculty Member and Full Professor at Northern Essex Community College.Prof. Lori Heymans, Northern Essex Community College Page 23.606.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 First-year Project-Based Engineering: The Secret to Student SuccessAbstractThis paper describes a project-based first-year introductory course at a community college whichemphasizes working in teams on hands-on projects that require using EXCEL and MATLAB.Assignments involve graphing data for Ohm‟s Law and the speed of sound in air, distancemeasuring using ultrasound
propose an evaluation process for the programme. Thefindings will be used to provide guidelines for the engineering leadership developmentprogrammme design specifically for higher education in Southern Africa.1. IntroductionWomen in engineering programmes are a crucial part of a country‟s response to the need formore women in engineering 8. A South African comprehensive university based in PortElizabeth, in collaboration with the merSETA (manufacturing and services seta*) responded tothe need for more women engineers by initiating the Women in Engineering LeadershipAssociation (WELA) in 2011. The goals of WELA are to focus on academic, professional andpersonal development of women engineering students (WES). Two successful years of growthand
research in physics education. Ohio: ICPE Books, 1-10.26. de Berg, K.C. (1995). Student understanding of the volume, mass, and pressure of air within a sealed syringe in different states of compression. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 32(8), 871-884.27. Kesidou, S. and Duit, R. (1993). Students’ conceptions of the second law of thermodynamics – an interpretive study. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 30(1), 85-106.28. Roberts, I. F. and Watts, D. S., (1976). The teaching of thermodynamics at preuniversity level. Phys. Educ., 11, 277-284.29. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002b). Forms of energy, an intermediary language on the road to thermodynamics? Part II. Int. J. Sci. Educ., 24, 119-137.30. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002a
190Introduction:MATLAB is a widely used matrix based equation solving program, which has a CommandWindow for interactive use and a program editor. It has the features of a general purposeprogramming language along with a vast collection of built-in functions which include extensivegraphical capability. MATLAB‟s basic plotor plot3functionsgenerate two or three dimensionalgraphs of data vectors. Creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) enable interaction withgraphical objects such as text boxes and push-buttons.GUIs are examples of hierarchal object oriented programming, where the graphical objects are“children” of a “parent”, which can be a figure or a panel of objects or group of buttons. For theexamples to be presented, the “parent” will always be a figure
Commonwealth of Virginia. His research activities have been in the area of digital communication systems and coding theory. He is currently a co-PI on the NSF S-STEM grant at Rowan University, whose goal is to increase the number of technically proficient graduates who will contribute to the economic vitality of the region. Page 23.327.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 CONFIGURATION AND ASSESSMENT OF A SENIOR LEVEL COURSE IN BIOMETRIC SYSTEMSABSTRACTIt is very important that modern topics be covered at the senior undergraduate level inorder that students benefit
s s Z1sin C1+C2 Step1 K1+K2 K2 -K1*L1-K2*L2 C2 -C1*L1+C2*L2 C2*L2 Z2_dot
(running) (Leader) 12 2012 LabVIH – Virtual labs with haptic interaction (running) (Team element)Table III shows for each project the involvements: academics (R), Students (S) andTechnicians (T). It is possible to identify teams multidisciplinarity. With budgets below5.000€ (usually around 3000€), it is clear that nothing would have been achieved withoutthe enthusiastic, committed and generous participation of many colleagues, students andtechnicians from several Faculties, Departments, Services, Laboratories, Institutes andResearch Centers. Table III – Projects in Table II and Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mech. Eng. RS RS RS RS
modelis a model-of a situation that is familiar to the students. By a process of generalizing andformalizing, the model eventually becomes an entity on its own. It becomes possible to use it asa model-for mathematical reasoning.Finally, the RME guided reinvention principle is adopted and used as a part of methodology.According to RME instructional design theory, the teacher provides guidance, playing a‘proactive role’ within the classroom setting. This study allows every student to decide whetherand to what extent s/he needs guidance which in turn is provided in the specially designedguiding-reflecting journal.Participants and MethodsTen students from Vancouver Templeton Secondary School ranging in age from 17 to 18 years,5 males and 5 females