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Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Taner Eskil; Mark Urban-Lurain; Marilyn Amey; Timothy Hinds; Jon Sticklen
) ability tosharpen a stated problem and produce a well-structured problem from an ill-structured problem;(d) ability to apply the background material systematically and effectively to the problem; (e)ability to critically interpret the results of the problem solving; and (f) ability to communicate theresults of the problem solving. Underlying and pervasive through this process is the ability towork in a team towards the problem solving goal.Undergraduate engineering education as reflected in engineering curricula in the United Stateshas focused strongly on criterion (a) above to the detriment of the other items in the list. Indeed,many if not most engineering classes have focused on a through grounding in the “basics” of agiven discipline as
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Computer Engineering Technology
2004 Annual Conference
Marvin Needler; Ken Jr. Jannotta; William Lin; Richard Pfile
low-level to high-levelprogramming languages; computer communications, from data communications tovarious computer networking environments. Students are expected to be equipped withstrong background in both industrial controls and information technology areas.Even though during the designing stage of this new program, the integration trend ofcomputer networking in industrial environment has been envisioned and the curriculardesign has followed the trend accordingly, the delivery of the course material has not yetbeen able to reflect as it was originally envisioned. As an example, a typical CpETstudent in the industrial computing option is required to take ECET 231, Electrical Power& Controls, as the first course in industrial controls
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade: The Tenure Process
2004 Annual Conference
Robin Gill; William Haering
that will help document teaching strategies, successes and challenges, in much the sameway one documents research publications. This recommendation paraphrases that made inreference [2] where the author stated, “It is recommended that faculty think of their portfolios as“special inserts” in their curriculum vitae under the heading of “Teaching.” Additional advicecan be found in Baume4 where the author states, “It takes years, even decades, to build a goodresearch career, but it is a record of achievement that is easy enough to document.” Reference[4] also provides the following advice to avoid creating a portfolio which seems soulless, “If youwant to achieve this richer portfolio, you will need to produce analysis of and reflection on
Conference Session
Topics in Civil ET
2004 Annual Conference
Maher Murad
toaddress diversity. The idea of course transformation was initiated in a two-week facultydiversity seminar sponsored by the office of the Provost at the University of Pittsburgh. Themission of the seminar was to provide an experience that will assist faculty in making theircourses more inclusive in terms of diversity both in content and pedagogy.This paper describes the pedagogical aspects of developing and teaching a course intransportation to reflect aspects of diversity and diverse perspectives. The paper discusses effortsby UPJ to address diversity issues and the mission of the recently organized faculty diversityseminar. The focus of the paper is on course transformation and implementation. Courseoutcomes, syllabus and sample assignments are
Conference Session
Academic Standards and Academic Issues
2004 Annual Conference
Craig Caulfield; G Kohli; S P Maj
Resources section of the model which describes the hiring,assimilation, and resignation of software developers on the project. As new developers arerecruited they enter the ‘plumbing’ of the model from the left and progress from being NewHires to Midrangers, and finally to Old Hands, reflecting their growing ability as they comeup to speed with the project. The average time that a New Hire will take to progress to aMidranger and then an Old Hand has been set at two and four months respectively, meaning anew developer is expected to be fully productive after a total of six months24.Figure 1. Human resources section of the model.As might be expected, the project has an approved workforce level which reflects the amountof work to be done within the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design
2004 Annual Conference
Bullen Frank
Page 9.415.2compulsory course for all engineering disciplines in first semester of second year. In 2003 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2004, American Society for Engineering Educationrefinements were made, based on both student feedback and reflections of the academic staffinvolved in the project. In 2004 further refinement of the school’s programs entailed the unitbeing offered in first year, to provide students with an earlier insight into the application ofmultidisciplinary engineering design projects.The project requires students to investigate the use of a load cell as an object counting deviceand then design and build the counter
Conference Session
Serving the Information Needs of Engineering Technology Educators
2004 Annual Conference
Monica Pfarr
Education can significantly impact the improvement of education in the broadrange of manufacturing technologies for the benefit of faculty, students, and industryprofessionals. See the web site: The Manufacturing Education Resource Center is in part supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumber DUE-0302328. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper arethose of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.2 Merrill, David, First Principles of Instruction, August 18, 2003MONICA PFARR is the director of the National Center for Manufacturing
Conference Session
Faculty Reward System Reform
2004 Annual Conference
Stanford Thomas; Donald Keating
Technology 7/ Western Carolina University 8 AbstractThis is the fourth paper in the special panel session focusing on issues driving reform of faculty rewardsystems to advance professional engineering education for creative engineering practice and leadership oftechnological innovation to enhance U.S. competitiveness. This paper explores the conceptual beginningsof a template for improved faculty reward systems that better reflect the practice of engineering for full-time, tenure track professionally oriented faculty in schools of engineering and technology.1. Background and HistoryThe United States has built an excellent system of research-oriented graduate education that is second tonone for the
Conference Session
BME Education
2004 Annual Conference
Semahat Siddika Demir
we emphasize the importance of: • reaching out and welcoming others • listening and communicating with others • being a reliable person • accepting and appreciating our differences and diversity • encouraging commitment and ownership • teamwork and team building • learning from mistakes • reframing situations from life • being yourself • catching joy • balancing work with leisure • focusing, reflecting, and regrouping ourselves • giving and receiving grace Page 9.982.3 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Poster Session
2004 Annual Conference
Wilburn Clouse
, Technical Report.Clouse, R. W. & Goodin, T. L. (2001). Entrepreneurship Education: Reflecting on the Present, Forecasting the Future. Nashville, TN: Forum for Entrepreneurship Education. (Available online at, R. W. (2002). Humor, creativity and entrepreneurship learning environments. Book of Abstracts, 14th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies, Bertinoro, Italy, July 3-7, 2002.Clouse, R. W. & Goodin, T. L. (2001). Entrepreneurs in action: A case-based model. Proceedings of the Academy of Free Enterprise Education, 5(1).Clouse, R. W. & Goodin, T. L. (2001). Creating an entrepreneurial culture: Breaking the disciplinary boundaries
Conference Session
Teaching Strategies in Graphics
2004 Annual Conference
Mahmoud Ardebili; Ali Sadegh
new curriculum. This is reflected by their assessment of classand the depth and rigor of their projects. They feel that the class is both a skill andtechnical one, which reinforces analytical geometry and vector skills. Faculty teachingthe class have also responded positively to this approach and feel it is easier to instructthe class. Page 9.76.1Proceeding of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright© American Society for Engineering EducationIntroductionEngineering education is undergoing changes. Educators constantly reassess the contentof engineering curricula in the context of emerging
Conference Session
Knowing Students: Diversity & Retention
2004 Annual Conference
Alisha Waller
as influential to the team’scohesion9. The essays in Pattatucci’s book also reflect the fact that self-presentation is animportant consideration for women in science and engineering10. However, none of these studiesinterviewed engineering women students specifically about their self-presentation decisions. Thisstudy begins to fill that gap in the literature. In summary, the motivation for this project began with my own experiences of alteringmy appearance in order to reduce the attention to my gender and increase my chance of beingheard. Learning that other women had made similar adjustments and that research studies linkeda feminine appearance with perceived incompetence further increased my interest. Theories ofidentity conflict
Conference Session
TIME 7: ABET Issues and Capstone Courses
2004 Annual Conference
Karim Nasr; Raghu Echempati; Arnaldo Mazzei
content and instructional method to better meet desiredoutcomes.IntroductionRecently, the accreditation process of engineering programs has taken a new form, becoming anoutcome-based process wherein individual courses and experiences must contribute to the bigpicture of engineering education and students’ achievement of specific abilities and skills. This Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Page 9.1131.1 Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationprocess has caused the majority of engineering programs around the nation to reflect on
Conference Session
Programming Issues for Engineering
2004 Annual Conference
Robert Friedman; Jerri Drakes
the learning environment to reflect the complexity of the environment they should be able to function in at the end of learning.• Give the learner ownership of the process used to develop a solution.• Design the learning environment to support and challenge the learner's thinking.• Encourage testing ideas against alternative views and alternative contexts.• Provide opportunity for and support reflection on both the content learned and the learning process. Bouton and Garth5, Bruffee9, Johnson29, Johnson and Johnson31, and Dillenberg andSchneider13, belief, as does Hiltz28, that collaborative learning is "a learning process thatemphasizes group or cooperative efforts among faculty and students. It stresses
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Programs: Look Ahead
2004 Annual Conference
Doanh Van
that we used to obtain feedback from our constituencies. Data of both categories, Objectives and Outcomes, were consolidated and presented to the Engineering faculty for revision, or addition, or both, to reflect comments from the constituencies. As far as the educational outcomes are concerned, we used the established “a to k” as the core outcomes as set forth by ABET. We also have two additional outcomes, “l” and “m” to reflect our belief in values students ought to have prior to graduation. The first is to ensure at time of graduation that each student will recognize the importance or registration and licensing and, the other, that each student will be aware of the integration
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2004 Annual Conference
Yasar Demirel
Session 3213 Effective Teaching and Active Learning of Engineering Courses with Workbook Strategy Yaşar DemirelDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061.AbstractOften mismatches between learning and teaching styles arise because students are in majorityvisual and sensing learners, and most instructors are intuitive and reflective learners. Beside that,textbooks also have their own styles, and their contents, depth of coverage of materials, andorganization may affect the teaching and
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2004 Annual Conference
Nihat Gurmen; H. Scott Fogler
of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering EducationTable 1. Felder-Soloman Inventory of Learning Styles • Active Learners vs. Reflective Learners • Global Learners vs. Sequential Learners • Visual Learners vs. Verbal Learners • Sensing Learners vs. Intuitive Learners Web modules provide us a powerful toolset to address virtually all the learningstyles in the Felder-Soloman Inventory to supplement course material. Hence, we havedeveloped web modules in novel and emerging areas of chemical reaction engineering tobring current research into the classroom. These areas include molecular modeling
Conference Session
BME Assessment
2004 Annual Conference
Thomas Harris; David Cordray
D ia g ra m sFigure 1: Assessment and Evaluation of Teachers and Students in VaNTH ProjectsAssessments of Affective ChangeThis is a highly-used method that relies on surveys or interviews to determine the attitudes andperceptions of the subjects. We have used surveys to examine the views of students regardingparticular courses and have measured changes in HPL content in the courses3. This has beenextended to teachers’ perceptions and has also been used with students to measure theirperceptions of the profession of BME and the maturation of their career goals as they movethrough the curriculum. These surveys have also contained items reflective of desired ABEToutcomes. The surveys are also being used to measure the time progress of change in
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education & Industry
2004 Annual Conference
Jay Snellenberger; Donald Keating
our success” says Jim Guyette,President and Chief Executive Officer of Rolls-Royce North America, Inc. Guyette points out that wemust support the career development of our people to maximize their potential.5 For this to thrive,individuals must embrace the challenges and opportunities associated with lifelong learning and partnerwith industry, education, and government to master needed skills. The sum of knowledge within anindustry or profession continues to grow on a daily basis. This dynamic condition is a reality of the paceof our nation and must be reflected in a proactive fashion with our approach to learning.Meeting the Challenge - Creating a National CollaborativeThe Council on Competitiveness has pointed out, “The United States could
Conference Session
Mobile Robotics in Education
2004 Annual Conference
Robert Mauro
Page 9.96.2 Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationinfra-red sensors located on the under-carriage of the robot in the front and the back. The sensors areoriented to detect signal reflections from the floor. Each IR system consists of an Optek OP133 infra-redLED, an OP802 photo-transistor, and an LM-324 Schmitt-trigger. The overall BS2 hardware interfaceschematic is given in Figure 3. Table I indicates the connection specifics between the Basic Stamp and therobot hardware. BS2 I/O Pin Function Function BS2 I/O Pin 2 Front Switch Front IR Sensor 9 5 Back
Conference Session
Introduction to Engineering and More
2004 Annual Conference
Ian Campbell
limited by available time, suitable equipment andother resources. Such classes may be 'tolerable' experiences for students rather than eagerlysought after learning opportunities.Since 2000, the author has used competitive making (and breaking) of structural models in afirst year Engineering statics course for Engineering students at Victoria University as analternative to traditional laboratory experiments. Models are made from simple low costmaterials and are easily assembled. The enthusiasm with which students approach thesemodel making/testing/breaking assignments has convinced the author of their worth and isfurther reflected by improved grades, reduced drop-out rates and a strongly enhanced level ofpositive student motivation.Models must be
Conference Session
Improving Statics and Dynamics Classes
2004 Annual Conference
Paul Steif
Page 9.733.2concepts, not with other skills (e.g., mathematical) necessary for Statics. Most questions do Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ø 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationnot involve numbers, although some do. For questions involving some computation, eachanswer still reflects a different conception. In addition, each wrong answer represents thecorrect computation based on an incorrect conception, and the computations themselves aretrivial. Hence, such questions ought to discriminate between conceptual understanding andcomputational ability for most students.Distribution of Questions on Statics Concept InventoryQuestions on
Conference Session
TIME 9: Thermal Fluids/Fluid Mechanics
2004 Annual Conference
Mark Schumack
D A (in) Figure 9. Relationship between cost and pipe diameter for run A from Example 4.After some instructor guidance for determining the pump suction and discharge piping sizes, andpipe size for run A, students were generally able to use Solver to calculate pipe diameters forruns B through D. They were able to price the piping and pump without any apparent problems.None of the students recalculated flowrates through the runs after adjusting calculated pipediameters to reflect nominal pipe sizes; some students did mention that control valves could beused to balance the flow rates through the four runs if necessary. Also, no students thought ofsetting up and solving an optimization problem as described above. This failure of the
Conference Session
International Engineering Education II
2004 Annual Conference
Fazil Najafi
participate in extra curricular activities includingvarious students’ organizations.The Civil Engineering program at UNAH does not have an area of specialization defined early inthe student’s academic career, this reflects the country’s need for a workforce that is prepared tofunction in several areas during its career. The curriculum prepares students different civilengineering areas, so that students can start their professional career in any of them.Professional training during the academic career is optional at UF trough internships, butopportunities fro interning in a local civil engineering firm are limited due to the city’s size.Students wishing to do an internship often look at major nearby cities like Orlando, Tampa, orJacksonville and make
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering
2004 Annual Conference
Gouranga Banik
MessesFormulation Agreed Agreed ArguableSolution Agreed Arguable Arguable Figure I: Problems and Messes (Pidd, 1996)The situations we are preparing our graduates for are nearly always, in the real world, "messes".This has significant ramifications for how we approach our construction practice and thus theskills and abilities we need to instill into our graduates.The nature of construction/AEC practice is a subject that has been developed over the past 50years by a number of authors/practitioners to understand the reality of decision making (riskmanagement) in organizations and also reflecting on our theories of practice. The AEC
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Anna Dollar; Paul Steif
advantage of the techniquespresented here, and to reflect the particular conceptual challenges of learning Statics. LearningModules have been developed for most of the major concepts in Statics, including forces,moments, couples, static equivalency, free body diagrams, equilibrium in 2-D and 3-D, andfriction. Here we show an excerpt from a Learning Module which addresses the conditions ofequilibrium in 3-D, including both forces and couples (torques). Students are asked to considerdirection of the couple that needs to be applied via the screwdriver to maintain equilibrium,given that the fingers apply upward forces at the other points (Fig. 1-2). Equilibrium in 3-D Consider supporting the
Conference Session
Global Issues in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Morteza Sadat-Hossieny; Mark Rajai
Angeles compared to the other three metropolitan areassurveyed (Atlanta, Boston, and Detroit) since the majority of those jobs in Los Angeleswere in manufacturing rather than in retail or the service sectors. He notes that the lowerturnover likely reflects the higher relative wages paid in manufacturing.The following table identifies several major U.S. based employers who are currentlyoutsourcing important scientific and engineering work to offshore locations. Company Numbers of workers and country Types of work Accenture 5,000 to the Philippines by 2004 Accounting and software General Electric 20,000 to India and China in 2003 Aircraft and Medical R&D Intel 3,000
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Papers Session
2004 Annual Conference
June Marshall; John Marshall
feedback, a seminar was crafted that would serve as an introduction toEthics and Character Education. This first seminar was offered in the spring of 1999.Junior and senior education majors were invited to a one-day, nine to four, workshop onEthics and Character Education. The day, chosen many months previously, wasironically the Saturday after the Columbine killings. The seminar group reeled under theenormity of what had taken place and helped cement our mission for the day. We beganwith a moment of silence dedicated to the students, teachers and administrators, familiesand the community of Columbine. The seminar was divided into several blocks of time encompassing different approachesand outcomes. The first block of time focused on reflection
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Ralph Rogers; Phil Lunsford; Paul Kauffmann
disciplines not addressed by traditional engineering disciplines, 3)Attract, retain, and graduate general engineering students, especially eastern North Carolinastudents including women and underrepresented minorities. ECU’s BSE program’s approach toachieving these goals differs from traditional engineering program approaches in three primaryways: 1) the type of engineer produced, 2) the curriculum philosophy/structure followed, and 3)curriculum implementation.The need to address emerging technology management and implementation needs, which crosstraditional disciplinary boundaries, is reflected in the first three proposed BSE concentrations: •Systems Engineering, which produces a technical generalist who can formulate, solve, and
Conference Session
Student Teams & Active Learning
2004 Annual Conference
Robert Knecht
10 minute time limit. piece to move. Most students comment Reflection What team and task functions stood out in the exercise? during the reflection session that initiating takes place frequently throughout the game What is the significance to your team at this stage of the project? on an individual basis, which may not be What is the importance of this perceived by the observers. Encouraging is exercise to your career