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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 686 in total
Conference Session
BIM and Other New Construction Practices
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Hildreth, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Bruce Gehrig, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineers (ASCE) developed a BOK related to civilengineering and defined it as “the necessary depth and breadth of knowledge, skills, and attitudesrequired of an individual entering the practice of civil engineering in the 21st century”. 7 TheEnvironmental Engineering BOK8 authored by the American Academy of EnvironmentalEngineers (AAEE) is described as “the knowledge and core competencies integral to theunderstanding and practice of environmental engineering”. Other engineering focused BOKscan be described in a similar manner.As a result of engineering BOKs developed to reflect necessary knowledge and abilities,engineering educators have looked to the BOKs when developing and defining curricula. TheComputer Engineering BOK9 authored by
Conference Session
Conceptual Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aidsa Santiago Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez; Ruth Streveler, Purdue Universtiy; Paul Steif, Carnegie Mellon University; Louis DiBello, University of Illinois at Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. For the purpose of this study, we are going to referto facet as cognitive attributes (CA). Figure 1 – Minstrell’s framework - Facets of Students’ Thinking: The ProcessMethodsInstrument CATS is a concept inventory designed as a diagnostic instrument for statics-related concepts.The questions of the instrument have the intention of detecting errors reflecting on incorrectconcepts, instead of errors in mathematical analysis4. Results for unidimensional reliability (KR-20 alphas) have fluctuated between 0.70 and 0.90, which is highly desirable for CI’s. Theinstrument consists of 27 questions that test nine different concepts (refer to Appendix 1). Eachof the questions in CATS reflects on a specific concept but also for each question
Conference Session
Engaging Students
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Berge, University of South Carolina; Joseph Flora, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
solution within the context of this newknowledge. Students work in their design groups, review their decision worksheets, and discussand estimate the factors to consider in their design. Students submit an individual final reportwith their design.Design and Implementation of the Environmental Engineering EFFECT The initial design of the environmental engineering EFFECT occurred in 2007, was pilot-tested in Summer 2007 at a USC Science and Engineering Summer Camp offered primarily tominority high school students, and was implemented in ECIV 101 during the Fall 2007 semester.Using student feedback and instructor reflection, slightly modified versions of the EFFECT weresubsequently implemented during the Summer 2009 high school camp and the Fall
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Laguette, University of California-Santa Barbara
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
team may be more likely to occur.This paper will address the experiences and the evolution of project team formation and thestudent selection process. It has now evolved to include an online process that allows the studentto identify individual preferred project selections. The process also includes the ability to captureindividual student academic and career interests as well as the expertise that may be offeredtowards the project and team.Typical class size is between 75 and 110 senior ME students resulting in 15 to 22 projects andteams each year. The Capstone projects include Industry Partnered, Research Partnered, StudentCompetitions, and Independently created projects. The Capstone projects reflect the technicalexpertise of the department
Conference Session
Design Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
% Class Scoring >= 80% 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 3 5 7 8 ABET Criterion Figure 13: Class performance with respect to ABET outcomes in Fall „08 term. (The current RMU-designated benchmark for class performance is 80%).Reflection:  It can be seen from Figure 13 that the class performance in this course is above the RMU-designated benchmark (at least 80% students in the class score >= 80%) in all of the applicable ABET outcomes.93.1
Conference Session
Exemplary Outreach Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Gunn, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
the liberal arts. A number of yearsago an abstract for a paper espousing the use of liberal experiences to further engineering studiesbegan with “Variety's the spice of life that gives it its flavor." These lines in "The Task, I" byWilliam Cowper (English poet 1731-1800) reflect an attitude that must he fostered in the mindsof engineers. No man is an island, and no field of study can divorce itself from the activities,interests. and positive reinforcement of divergent areas of instruction. Many activities in theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University have been pursued to fosterliberal activities within engineering from poetry writing to novel production. It was thought andhas been shown to have a positive effect upon
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter Schilling, MSOE
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
were submitted electronically to the professor using a content management system.Assignments were graded using detailed rubrics and returned to student electronically as well.12FreshmanThe freshman class was the first area to be analyzed. In order for a student to be successful, it isvital that good study habits develop quickly. Otherwise, students may face significant struggles.Historical data also reflected that freshman classes also had the most problems with latesubmissions.The first analysis involved a comparison of late versus early submissions at the freshman level.In previous years, the instructor had taught courses at the freshman level twice. Class A andClass C were the same course material from two different years. Both courses were
Conference Session
Classroom Engagement
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianno Coller, Northern Illinois University; David Shernoff, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
mathematical models and computer simulations of the systems. Theydeveloped and implemented controllers for the systems. We required them to reflect and toexhibit other metacognitive traits.Recently, we began replacing many of the physical laboratory experiments and textbookexercises with a new type of learning experience. Students experimented on, and developedcontrollers for virtual dynamic systems within a virtual game-like simulated environment. Theywere learning dynamic systems and control by playing a video game. Page 15.157.2Our motivation for this unorthodox approach came from our experience of using a video game inteaching a different
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Pierce, Sweet Briar College; Hank Yochum, Sweet Briar College
internalization of the lessons of the case studies students met the targetratings. This would indicate that the readings, reading journal, and open discussions were aneffective pedagogical approach. We were somewhat dissatisfied with the students’ ability tocharacterize the properties of high-reliability organizations. This is a significant topic asdevelopment of such an organization requires a sound understanding of human and socialfactors. The readings for this topic came at the end of the semester and we were not able todevote the class discussion time to this topic that it deserves.Ratings of the outcomes intended to assess student work on the design project were somewhatbelow our targets. This reflects our dissatisfaction with the efforts of two of
Conference Session
Innovations in First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Curran, University College Dublin; Colleen Doyle, University College Dublin; Enda Cummins, University College Dublin; Kevin McDonnell, University College Dublin; Nicholas Holden, University College Dublin
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
years ago to reflect the wide scope of research andacademic activity within the discipline and particularly its relationship with biology and lifesciences. The move was also compatible with international trends towards “bio” engineeringtitles, especially in North America. It was considered that the new title for the undergraduateprogram offered the opportunity to integrate engineering and biology in a more explicit manner.After the successful outcome of an initial design competition1,3 to coincide with the retitledprogram name, it was considered timely to introduce a new academic module with a similarformat called “Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge”. It was decided that the focus shouldbe on designing and building a working bench-scale
Conference Session
Sustainability, Service Learning, and Entreprenuership
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shekar Viswanathan, National University, San Diego; Howard Evans, National University, San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
a Photovoltaic cell manufacturer • Energy consultant of a center focused on sustainable energy practicesIt is clear that to achieve the above mentioned PLOs, the curricula should be trans-disciplinary. It can be achieved through the integration of basic fundamental conceptsalong with application concepts. It was felt that such an appropriate mix of trans-disciplinary content can be accomplished by bringing together viewpoints fromexperienced academics and also from expert practitioners from outside academia. Thetrans-disciplinary result is reflected in the nature of the program courses listed below.SEM 601. Introduction to SustainabilitySEM 602. Enterprise ExcellenceSEM 603. Sustainable InnovationSEM 604. Life Cycle and Risk
Conference Session
Special Session: Impacts of Service in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
AC 2010-2028: SPECIAL SESSION: DEVELOPING INTERCULTURALENGINEERS THROUGH SERVICEKurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University Page 15.1083.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Developing Intercultural Engineers Through ServiceAbstractThis paper reports on recent efforts to understand the cultural awareness among engineeringstudents. A standard assessment program has been instituted across the various programs atMichigan Technological University with pre-, during-, and post-project phases. The mixed-methods assessment plan consists of surveys, reflection statements, journaling, a wellnessindicator, the Intercultural Development Inventory, and project
Conference Session
Educating Students for Professional Success
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Burrows, The University of Cincinnati; Anant Kukreti, The University of Cincinnati; Mike Borowczak, The University of Cincinnati; Amr Safwat, The University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
analyze the impact of the program’srequired summer class, yearlong practicum classes, mentoring activities, and self-reflection onthe individual graduate students’ ability to effectively communicate their research and lessons tothe high school students.The paper will use data collected throughout the previous year, from the summer instructionalplanning class, weekly graduate student reflections, weekly practicum classes, self-reflectionnotes from bi-weekly meetings with the high school teachers, meetings with the faculty mentors,and most importantly from data collected after several key major lessons taught by each graduatestudent at their locally assigned high schools.Currently in its ninth year, program findings indicate that the experiences in
Conference Session
Automation Subjects in Manufacturing Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nebojsa Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
systemswhether controlling individual machines or entire processes. Thus, it is important that studentslearn to use these devices to be able to design automated equipment or processes. Furthermore,students should gain knowledge that can easily be applied to PLCs of different types andmanufacturers using different programming environments and different programming languages.Previous WorkIn 1976 and subsequently in 1984 Kolb1,2 presented a theory of learning styles and incorporatedthis theory into a theory of learning ,“Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle.” According to Kolb2,regardless of the learning style, people learn best if they follow this cycle consisting of four steps(axes): experiencing (concrete experience), watching (reflective observation
Conference Session
Demonstration and Project Enhancements in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Yang, Cornell University; Kathryn Dimiduk, Cornell University; Susan Daniel, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
lagged in integrating and reflecting thesemodern topics. Approximately 30% of students entering our Mass and Energy Balances class listinterests in biologically-related topics (pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical, environmental)versus about 10% each for industry, energy, research, and other, with 20 % undecided, and about10% non-respondents (mostly non-chemical engineering undergrads). This traditional gatewaycourse needs to continually evolve to develop student awareness of the current issues, excitetheir interest in finding solutions to challenges that face their generation, and engage them inlearning the required fundamental skills to find those solutions. Topics on biotechnology wereabsent in the course initially, and as we investigated ways
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
difficult by not disclosing their real needsand wants and the perception of value can vary greatly from one customer to another.An organization’s greatest strength might well be its ability to rapidly transform new ideas,technologies, and processes into improved or totally new products. Time compression has threecritical aspects: “(1) shortened product life cycles; (2) shortened development times; and (3) …decreasing payback periods” (Narayanan21, 2001, p. 48). The product must also be designed tomeet or exceed the customers’ expectations in terms of application, performance, features, cost,safety, and dependability (Chang5, 2005). These characteristics reflect a dilemma betweenreducing cycle time for the organization and improving the product for
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Upperclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University; David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Professional Development Buffet: From Banquet to À La CarteAbstractBoth ABET and industrial advisory boards encourage engineering departments to includeinstruction in “soft skills” that reflect the broader professional qualities necessary for studentsuccess in their careers. These include oral and written communication, ethics and professionalbehavior, resume and interviewing skills, electronic and professional etiquette, informationliteracy, and broader knowledge of engineering solutions in a global or societal context. Whilesome departments dedicate one or more instructional credits to accomplish this objective, othersmay integrate such topics into existing core courses. This paper presents a one-credit model fora junior-level course in professional
Conference Session
Rethinking Traditional Pedagogical Strategies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Massa, Springfield Technical Community College; Michele Dischino, Central Connecticut State University; Judith Donnelly, Three Rivers Community College; Fenna Hanes, New England Board of Higher Education
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
the problem. The instructor acts as afacilitator as students independently seek out the information and resources needed to fill in their Page 15.985.3knowledge gaps. Once the self-directed learning phase is complete, the group reconvenes tobrainstorm possible solutions and then devise a test plan to validate their solution. If the solutiondoes not adequately address the problem, the cycle is repeated. Student groups then present theirfinal solution for peer review and comment and reflect on their learning experience. Problem Analysis
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Shelley, United States Air Force
Tagged Divisions
practitioner, measuring is a continuous activity that is frequentlyaccessed. Both models depend on objective metrics which accurately reflect the state ofthe defined process at any time. For this particular class, several sets of metrics areavailable readily, only some of which are useful for CPI. Course enrollment and student grades at course completion are inherent in theconduct of the class. If Dynamics were an elective class, enrollment might indicatechanges in course or instructor popularity. However, because Dynamics is required forall mechanical and civil engineering majors, enrollment should reflect the health of theengineering programs in general. Course grades are based on calculation-style questionsthat require the ability to model a
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Hamilton, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Page 15.645.2in popularity and was tied into the ASCE Student Chapter’s end of the year celebration, wherethe students brewed the beer and named each variety to reflect a part of their civil engineeringeducation experience. After service at other locations (where how to brew sessions were alsoconducted), the author returned to teaching at West Point and the homebrewing sessions werestarted again midway through the 2004 academic year. Each year since that time, they havegrown and become what the students refer to as “Homebrewing 101” (HB101). Along the waythis very extracurricular program became more formalized and more an expected part of theASCE Student Chapter’s activities. It became the sole, and expected, supplier of the beer for theend of
Conference Session
Early Engineering Design Experiences
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Prins, James Madison University; Eric Pappas, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
objective of this Engineering 112 project is to introduce students to anindividualized design process. A secondary, but nonetheless important, objective is to introducestudents to sustainability in four contexts (environmental, social, economic, and technical).Since students had no experience with the design process (but had been introduced to problemsolving processes earlier in the semester), our approach was fairly strict: Each student had tofollow the prescribed cognitive approach to developing a design, which included structuredproblem solving, visualization, drawing, and reflection to build a product that would solve aproblem with his or her dormitory room. We asked students to examine their rooms looking for“design flaws” or problems they had
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Projects
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Conry, Clarkson University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
unique to each of thesister disciplines on the same campus. We also consider relationships between curricularcontent and the identified body of knowledge as reflected in this set of curricular exemplars. Page 15.1071.2IntroductionThe education of highly qualified software engineers who function effectively in multiple sectorsof our society and our economy is critical to the future of modern society. Evidence of this isfound in multiple sources. US News and World Report reported on December 28, 2009 thatsoftware engineering is among the top 10 careers identified for 2010.1 As is noted in that article,“There is an “app” for everything these days
Conference Session
Historical Perspectives for Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Slaton, Drexel University; Mary Ebeling, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
Pennsylvania, an area of very slowexpansion. They also help to distance certain communities from the pursuit of more desirable,engineering occupations. We ask how this optimism regarding a new industrial realm comes tobe among educators and policy makers, and what ideologies regarding work, skill andopportunity in technology based industries it may reflect and promote.IntroductionThis paper examines the role of cultural ideologies in technical workforce development. We lookspecifically at rationales offered by planners, educators and employers for training programsintended to equip American workers for new industrial employment opportunities. This training,in secondary and post-secondary schools, has been part of the nation's economic developmentsince
Conference Session
Faculty & Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations, Interactions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Ricky Castles, Virginia Tech; Gary Riggins, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
in developing and implementing the hands-on learning activities into the first-year yearprogram. Riggins had participated in these activities as a freshman at Virginia Tech.This paper summarizes: (i) workshop content, (ii) feedback from workshop participants, and (iii)reflections of two American students (one PhD student and another undergraduate student) whotravelled to India for the first time.Workshop Schedule and ActivitiesThe activities presented at the workshop have been developed and implemented at VirginiaTech’s freshman engineering program and are supported by two NSF projects. These activitieshave been reported in various conference and journal publications. A brief description of theNSF projects along with the activities follow.A
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Facciol, University of Toronto; Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto; Jason Foster, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
AC 2010-2142: DESIGN OF AN INSTRUMENT TO ASSESS UNDERSTANDING OFENGINEERING DESIGNKristen Facciol, University of TorontoLisa Romkey, University of TorontoJason Foster, University of Toronto Page 15.360.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Design of an Instrument to Assess Understanding of Engineering Design Division of Engineering Science, University of TorontoAbstractEngineering design education is an important element of any undergraduate engineeringcurriculum. It is also an element undergoing constant evolution, reflecting the rapidly evolvingneeds of engineering industry and academia
Conference Session
New Methods and Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Donald Carpenter, Lawrence Technological University; Melissa Grunow, Lawrence Technological University; Katie Hayes, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
). 2. identify and develop their personal leadership philosophy and approach using written self-reflection and peer assessment. 3. be able to work in teams and use creative problem-solving to develop a project for the purpose of creating positive and sustainable change. 4. be introduced to the concepts of leadership beyond their academic studies (whether professional or personal), including entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.The primary course topics include: ≠ History of leadership theories ≠ Currently practiced leadership models (e.g., relational, shared, situational, etc.) ≠ Individual responsibility and ethics ≠ Diversity and globalization ≠ Team building, working in groups, and inclusive practices
Conference Session
DELOS Best Paper Nominations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bijan Sepahpour, The College of New Jersey
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, it was decided to increase the number ofsets (of 25 springs). The fact that the cost decreases as the number of ordered springs increase,was an added encouraging factor in this decision. The cost of 200 springs would be no morethan 60% (more than the 100). Table (D1), in Appendix “D” reflects on the possiblecombinations of four (4) sets of springs based on the availability of six (6) distinct sets. Table(D2), provides data for possible combinations of three (3) sets of springs5. Establishment of the Desired Range and Frequency of the Data SetsThe next step in the process is the creation of six distinct sets of samples. To accomplish thistask, the combined effect of the ranges and the frequencies of each set must be unique. There aremany
Conference Session
Faculty Development for Distance Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
curriculum that is rooted in the discipline in which the course if being offered; Page 15.152.4 2. The course contains a set of organized community-based learning activities through which students directly service a constituency as a means to address an identified community need; 3. The course provides structured opportunities for students to formally connect their service activities to the course curriculum and to broader social issues through reflective methods. ≠ Faculty scholarship associated with curricular engagement is scholarly activity that faculty produce in
Conference Session
Engineering Collaboration: Faculty & Student in K-12 Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Holly Anthony, Tennessee Technological University; Melissa Geist, Tennessee Tech University; Sally Pardue, Tennessee Tech University; Mohamed Abdelrahman, Tennessee Technological University; Evangelynn Thurber, Cookeville High School
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
) research is the Legacy Cycle; a challenge drivenpedagogical sequence that inherently embraces the principles of effective instructional design.The authors of HPL define four “centerednesses” of successful learning environments:Knowledge-centered, learner-centered, assessment-centered, and community centered.3 Studentsin the STEM sciences need to learn how to adapt concepts across a variety of circumstances. TheLegacy Cycle taps into the four teaching principles providing a template for students to createknowledge, use knowledge, and reflect on the entire process of learning. The characteristics ofeach of the centerednesses are as follows:Knowledge-centered: This environment recognizes the need for students to not only acquirespecific facts, but to
Conference Session
Learning By Doing in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Golter, Washington State University; Bernard Van Wie, Washington State University; Gary Brown, Washington State University; David Thiessen, Washington State University; Baba Abdul, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Page 15.1062.4the students receive credit for performing the assessment without any scaling for how well theyperformed. While this has resulted in very high, usually 100%, participation, there is little externalmotivation for the students to invest much time in the assignments. Because of the ‘tacked-on’ natureof our assessments students seem to not give their best effort on concept inventories, rushing to turnthem in without thought, nor to design reflections sometimes turning in the very same reflection theysubmitted earlier in the semester just so they will get credit. The generally low student numbers arealso problematic as any meaningful results that may be evident are masked by large standarddeviations. In contrast, our qualitative