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not a scientific study. But theanecdotal data has been encouraging enough in the author’s mind, to further investigate thiseducational approach. What is most intriguing to the author is the self-customizing ability theapproach seems to have on student learning styles. There may be much gold to mine in thisendeavor. References 1. Finelli, C.J., Killinger A. and Budney, D.D. (2001). “Strategies for Improving Classroom Environment,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 90, no. 4, October, pp. 491-498. 2. Palmer, S. (2000). “Management Education in Australian Engineering Undergraduate Courses,” Engineering Management Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, September, pp. 3-10. 3. Sullivan, J.F
coupled with online classes) or completely virtual campus. Similarly, student supportprograms had to adjust quickly.In academic and professional environments, mentors often take the role(s) of advocates, counselors,advisors, and/or friends 6,4 . Ensher et al. 2 enumerated three major support avenues provided bymentors: (1) vocational or instrumental, (2) psychological, and (3) role models. Vocational orinstrumental support is provided when a mentee’s career is enhanced by opportunities such assponsorship, visibility, or providing challenging tasks through the mentoring relationship 2 .Psychological support could be provided through a mentor-mentee friendship, counseling, ormentor’s encouragement 2 . Finally, mentors could also serve as role
early1990’s. It was understood that a FEM theory was not necessary to learn the usage of FEAsimulation. FEA simulation was included as a part of solid modeling in an engineering designgraphics course [11]. Ural et. al. [12] have developed a project for first year course incorporatingFEA simulation. In that project, the behavior of a SMARTBEAM® was examined usingexperimental measurement and FEA simulation and the results were compared. For all these firstyear courses FEA was used only as a simulation tool and the philosophy was that the underlyingFEA theory or the knowledge of mechanics was not necessary.Papadopoulos et al. [13] proposed a different pedagogy on integration of FEA practicethroughout the undergraduate CE/ME curriculum. They
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technologypenetration increases and the human resources available to combat these crimes stay relativelystagnant. The significant cybersecurity workforce shortage throughout the world is well-known[5]. According to (ISC)2’s 2020 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, there will be a need for 3.12million cybersecurity professionals by 2021 due to the national cybersecurity skill gap in the US[6]. There have been several attempts to address this shortage in the long term by creatingcybersecurity education degree programs [7, 8, 9]. However, there is an increasing need to educateindividuals at various levels, including high schools, colleges, and universities. Creating newdegree programs is not always feasible or accessible at the university level. Therefore
Department of Music for his contribution to the process behind theacoustic analyses of the instruments. We thank Guo Yazhi for recording the suona sound samplesused in this experiment. The experiments grew out of a physics lab experiment on acoustics in thecourse, Advanced Physics Lab (PHYS 3600), at Northeastern University [8].References [1] W. Jian, J. Liu, X. Zhang, S. Wang, and Y. Jiang, “Analysis and Modeling of Timbre Perception Features in Musical Sounds,” Appl. Sci. 10(3), 789(2020); https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/3/789. [2] J. N. Oppenheim and M. O. Magnasco, “Human Time-Frequency Acuity Beats the Fourier Uncertainty Principle,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 044301 (2013). [3] J. Robinson Pierce (1997), The Science of
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