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Displaying results 1831 - 1860 of 2038 in total
Conference Session
Design Pedagogy 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Rajkumari Jayasekaran, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Education, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 162-177, 2000/12/01 2000, doi: 10.1080/08886504.2000.10782307.[2] G. M. Rafique, K. Mahmood, N. F. Warraich, and S. U. Rehman, "Readiness for Online Learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students," The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 47, no. 3, p. 102346, 2021/05/01/ 2021, doi:[3] AUTODESK. "Autocad." (accessed.[4] F. Shines. "Distance learning and student services." (accessed 2/2/2021, 2021).[5] Q. Matters. "Quality Matter." (accessed.[6] U. o. F. O. o. T. Excellence. "UF's pathway to
Conference Session
Remote Instruction/COVID-19 Strategies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Steven Nozaki, Pennsylvania State University; David Clippinger, Pennsylvania State University; Yabin Liao, Pennsylvania State University; Nancy E. Study, Pennsylvania State University; Philip A. Jones, Pennsylvania State University; Shannon K. Sweeney, Pennsylvania State University; Susan Daigle; Adam Jeffrey Wielobob; Liyong Sun, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
References[1] L. Starkey, M. Shonfeld, S. Prestridge, and M. G. Cervera, “Special issue: COVID-19 and therole of technology and pedagogy on school education during a pandemic INTRODUCTION,”doi: 10.1080/1475939X.2021.1866838.[2] W. Wagiran et al, "Online learning of mechanical engineering subject in the COVID-19 era:strategy, platform and media," Journal of Physics. Conference Series, vol. 1700, (1), 2020.[3] Watermeyer et al, "COVID-19 and digital disruption in UK universities: afflictions andaffordances of emergency online migration," Higher Education, vol. 81, (3), pp. 623-641,2021;2020;.[4] Widarto et al, "Explanatory of learning models and vocational teacher perceptions ofmechanical engineering during the COVID-19 pandemic," Journal of Physics
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Jeanette Hariharan, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
computational tools heavily (theclass used in this research was “Computational Tools”), will be another factor that needs to betraced in order to understand if learning with interactive books truly improves students’comprehension and applications ability. Being able to apply what is learned later in theiracademic career is a strong indicator of true mastery of a subject. 8Bibliography 1. Edgcomb, A., Vahid, F., Ferguson, R., Lysecky, R., and Lysecky, S., Getting students to earnestly do reading, studying, and homework in an introductory programming class SIGCSE ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jay H. Arehart, University of Colorado Boulder; Kathryn Langenfeld, University of Michigan; Brenton Kreiger
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
. Talesnick, B. Amadei, and T. Tal, “Integrating Sustainable Development into a Service-Learning Engineering Course,” J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., vol. 140, no. 1, p. 05013001, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000169.[6] D. Bourn and I. Neal, “The Global Engineer: Incorporating global skills within UK higher education of engineers,” Engineers Against Poverty/Development Education Research Centre, 2008.[7] A. A. Stukas, E. G. Clary, and M. Snyder, “Service Learning: Who Benefits and Why,” Social Policy Report, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1–23, Dec. 1999, doi: 10.1002/j.2379- 3988.1999.tb00039.x.[8] J.-L. Bertrand-Krajewski, S. Barraud, and B. Chocat, “Need for improved methodologies and measurements for sustainable
Conference Session
Community-Engaged Engineering Education Challenges and Opportunities in Light of COVID-19 Paper Presentations 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bob Schaffer, Mission College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division, Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
college students,” Journal of Higher Education, vol. 75, pp. 249- 284, May/June 2004.[2] E. Warburton, R. Bugarin, and A. Nunez, “Bridging the gap: Academic preparation and post- secondary success of first-generation students,” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics. NCES Report 2001-153, 2001.[3] S. Spencer, C. Steele, and D. Quinn, “Stereotype threat and women's math performance,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 4-28, Jan. 1999.[4] N. Fitzallen and R. Natalie, “Outcomes for Engineering Students Delivering a STEM Education and Outreach Programme,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 632–643, Nov. 2017.[5] R. Tillinghast
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lei Miao, Middle Tennessee State Univ.; Cen Li, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
, all four teams ordered the parts and started working onthe projects in the second and third weeks of July. Since the MTSU campus was closed and theCOVID-19 cases surged in the summer, the students collaborated remotely using slack, Zoom,text messages, Discord, etc. Because the project involved writing code, some students also set upGitHub repositories in order to collaborate and perform version control. The faculty mentorshelped the students along the way by holding regularly status meetings and answering theirquestions.4. Project OutcomesAll four teams completed their projects by the end of July, and the last week was mostly used totinker and dabble. A final report detailing the design and outcomes was submitted by each team.Team #3’s work
Conference Session
'Diversity' and Inclusion? Pedagogy, Experiences, Language and Performative Action
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erin A. Cech, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
day” for this question.” Respondents who chose something other than “almost every day” for thisresponse were coded as having failed the attention filter.7 The project is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation: “Collaborative Research: A Study ofInteractional, Organizational and Professional Mechanisms of Disadvantage in the Underrepresented andMarginalized STEM Workforce” (#HRD 1535385, 1665117). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.A question in both the ASEE-DIS and SIS surveys asked respondents whether they had any ofthe following (they could mark all that apply): “vison
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division - Workforce Development and Curricular Innovations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hamid Eisazadeh; Mona Torabizadeh
Tagged Divisions
largest manufacturer, is on the verge of using 3- D printing to make jet parts. MIT Technology Review,” Available Online:[5] R. Agarwala and R. A. Chin, “Facilitating additive manufacturing engagement and outreach,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., vol. 122nd ASEE, no. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society, 2015, doi: 10.18260/p.24086.
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hamidreza Taimoory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David B. Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kazuki Hori, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
, Tseng, & Akarasriworn, 2013). Furthermore, several studiesfound that collaboration improves students’ performance by developing higher order-thinkingwhen students discuss their ideas in the group (Chung, 1998; S. D. Johnson & Chung, 1999;Mergendoller, Bellisimo, & Maxwell, 2000). Students will more engaged in learning when theyfeel they are an accepted group member (Willms, 2003). For example, girls have positiveperceptions about team processes when they are in a group comprised of other girls. As shown inprior research on SEEK, girls felt less positive about their team processes and were less engagedwhen they were in a co-ed team (Beauchamp, Edwards, Knight, & Lee, 2019). Thus, in additionto focusing on the outcomes (i.e
ASEE 2021 Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Matilda Ho, University of Texas at Dallas; Casey Hatfield; Jieun Kim
Tagged Topics
the other members of Senior Design Team 1078 at University of Texas at Dallas,Maria Valdez, Casey Hatfield, Jieun Kim, Taylor Beach, and Nicholas Swatchick for building thiseducation tool.Special thank you for the support from the Control Systems Department at University of Texas atDallas. References1. B. Balamuralithara and P. Woods, "Virtual laboratories in engineering education: The simulation lab and remote lab," in Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Wiley Online Library, 2008, pp. 108-118.2. D. Cook, S. Hamstra, B. Zendejas, J. Szostek, A. Wang, P. Erwin and R. Hatala, "Comparative effectiveness of instructional design features in simulation-based education
1981 North Midwest Section
O. Hawaleshka
of education. 5. The resuction in the number of schools and programs will facilitate the government s future stricter control and deeper involvement in 1 higher education.Another, ususally undiscussed objective that the government would like toachieve is by the application of these standards gently direct those schoolsunable to meet them, away from engineering towards technician and crafts-men educ·ation for which the need is much greater than for engineers. This"forced alternative" may appeal to the school owners once they see thewriting on the wall. This will however create other problems as technician 165education systems are even more capital intensive than those for enginee
2010 North Midwest Section
Thomas Shepard
.), Lessons Learned: Practical Advice For the Teaching ofPsychology (pp. 57-60). Washington, DC: American Psychological Society.Reid, K.J., & Gwinn, S. (1997). Administration and Results of Extra Credit Projects. AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Milwaukee, WI: Session1275.Wilder, D.A., Flood, W.A., & Stromsnes, W., (2001). The Use of Random Extra Credit Quizzesto Increase Student Attendance, Journal of Instructional Psychology, 28(2), 117-120.Wilson, M.L. (2002). Evidence that Extra Credit Assignments Induce Moral Hazard. AtlanticEconomic Journal, 30, 97. Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE North Midwest Sectional Conference AppendixExtra
2011 North Midwest Section
Genevieve Gagnon Ph.D.
Engineering Education,Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 113-121, 2003.12- Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F., “ Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice inUndergraduate Education”, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Vol. 47, pp. 13-25, 1991.13- Bjorklund, S. A., Parente, J. M. and Sathianathan, D., “Effects of Faculty Interaction and Feedback onGains in Student Skills”, Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 53-160, 2004.14- Mazur, E. Interactive Teaching Video and Book, Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-158030-2, 200715-Yearwood, D., from North Dakota University, Lecture at the University of St-Thomas, August 201016- McGraw Hill “Connect” web based system: Tegrity, Video Capture system by McGraw Hill in
2011 North Midwest Section
Eshan V. Dave
evaluated through this course. The evaluation results for first twosemesters are also presented. Based on the assessment results it was observed that improvementis needed to increase the ability of students to conduct experiments and critically analyze andinterpret data.References (1) Ohland, M.W., R.A. Layton, M.L. Loughry, A.G. , E B A P E R , J E E , 94(3), J 2005, . 319-326. (2) O , M. ., M.L. L , R.L. C , A.G. , D P E I is Si ,R , V P A S E E A Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004
2011 North Midwest Section
Seraphin C. Abou
achievement, Oxford: Routledge, 2009 [5.] Henri, F., Computer conferencing and content analysis; A. R. Kaye (Ed.), Collaborative learning through computer conferencing: The Najaden papers (pp.115-136); New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992 [6.] Johnson D.W., and Johnson R.T., Cooperation and the use of technology. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research for educational communications and technology, London: Prentice Hall Int., pp.1017−1044, 1996 [7.] Krathwohl D.R. A revision of Bloom's taxonomy: An overview; Theory into Practice, vol.41, pp.212−218, 2002 [8.] Kunen S., Cohen R., and Solman R. A levels-of-processing analysis of Bloom's Taxonomy; Journal of Educational Psychology, vol.73, pp.202−211, 1981 [9
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Course Development
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Steven R. Biegalski, Georgia Institute of Technology; Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Texas A&M University; Yuguo Tao, Georgia Institute of Technology; Vladimir Sobes, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Karl Pazdernik, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Simon Labov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; David F. Williams, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; James M. Ghawaly Jr., Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alfred Olivier Hero, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
:// 4) Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Technologies (CNEC), 5) Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC), material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy / National NuclearSecurity Administration under Award Number(s) DE-NA0003921.This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The US government retains and the publisher, byaccepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the US government retains anonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published formof this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for US
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Gwen Nugent, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Wendy Smith, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Guy Trainin, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; John T. Sutton, ResultED LLC; Kent Steen, Lincoln Public Schools
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the activities was on K-8 curriculum and waysthe CS concepts can be enacted with students via plugged and unplugged lessons. Thecurriculum focus also included numerous discussions about how to adapt provided curriculum tomake it appropriate for students with varied background experiences. During the last twoSaturdays for Cohort 1 (March/April 2020) and then for all of Cohort 2’s Saturdays (fall2020/spring 2021) an additional focus became discussing how to enact CS lessons in remotelearning environments, including asynchronously. Initially workshops were held in person,before COVID-19 pandemic required shifting to the online Zoom conferencing platform. Theworkshops were designed to be very interactive and discussion-based, with only
Conference Session
'Diversity' and Inclusion? Pedagogy, Experiences, Language and Performative Action
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
/. 1019. Somerville, M.H., Goldberg, D. E., Kerns, S. E. & Korte, R. (2010, October). A war of words: Using sticky language to effect change in engineering education. 2010 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE: T3B-1-T38-2.20. Turley, J. (1981, August). Mobilization manpower: A credible force or an empty promise? Military Review, 2012.21. U.S. Continental Army Command. (1973, April 5). CONARC soft skills training conference. Proceedings of a conference conducted at the Air Defense School, 12-13 December 1972.22. Wang, X., Bendle, N.T., Mai, F. & Cotte, J. (2015). The Journal of Consumer Research at 40: A Historical Analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(1), 5-18.23. Whitmore, P.C. (1972, December). What are soft
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eugene Kwak, State University of New York, College of Technology at Farmingdale
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering
Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, New York: David McKay Company, 1956.[3] UNESCO, "Education: From disruption to recovery," UNESCO, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2021].[4] D. W. Johnson and R. T. Johnson, Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom, MN: Interaction Book Company, 1998.[5] S. Farmingdale State College, Proposed mode of instruction, Farmingdale: Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, 2020.[6] R. F. a. R. Brent, "Learning by Doing," Chemical Engineering Education, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 282-283, 2003.[7] J. V. TRANQUILLO, "KINESTHETIC LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM," in ASEE, Pittsburgh, 2008.[8] R. F. a. R.Brent, "Cooperative
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 2 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Julia D. Thompson, University of San Francisco; Amalia Kokkinaki, University of San Francisco; Jes Parker, University of California, Berkeley; Hana M. Böttger, University of San Francisco; N. Jeremy Kasdin, University of San Francisco
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
theregion, culture or other factors, and direct engagement with members of the community in theircontext.Slide 17 Concluding Remarks (Zoom picture)So that is an overview of some of the steps we are taking. We would deeply appreciate thoughtsand feedback.ReferencesCorbett, C., & Hill, C. (2015). Solving the Equation: The Variables for Women's Success in Engineering and Computing. American Association of University Women. 1111 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.National Academy of Engineering, U. S. (2004). The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 8 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Lisa Lim, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
• Assessments created and analyzed by the Center for the Study of Higher Education• Distributed through Qualtrics• 4 surveys throughout the 6 weeks 13 Social and Personal Growth • Consistent percentages of personal growth and finding mentors Center for the Study of Higher Education, Dr. Leticia Oseguera and Tong Li, PhD candidate, The Pennsylvania State UniversityWhen we first were creating our remote experience, we knew that it’d be a transformativeexperience regardless but we didn’t know how much of a difference it would be incompared to previous years. As we can see in the table, Cohort 8’s self assessment of theirdiscussing campus life, personal growth, and
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 5 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
(Online), 2015. Available:[21] S. M. Lord et al, "Beyond pipeline and pathways: Ecosystem metrics," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 108, (1), pp. 32-56, 2019.
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 8 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Tiffiny Antionette Butler, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ryan Meadows, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Katherine C. Chen, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Suzanne Sontgerath, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
as a Teaching Professor in BME and the Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at WPI. Dr. Butler fosters a student community at WPI that respects and celebrates diversity in all its dimensions, including but not limited the many intersectional identities of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, and physical ability.Mrs. Ryan Meadows, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ryan Meadows holds a B.S. in Mathematics and Business from Fitchburg State University and an M.A. in Teaching from Sacred Heart University. She is currently the Associate Director of Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Meadows works with K-12 S STEM outreach programs
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 3 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Leisa D. Thompson, University of Virginia; Zhen Wu
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
collecting more qualitative intervention data and quantitative outcomedata to examine the Undergraduate Systemic Change Model.References[1] Wigfield, A. and Eccles, J. S. “Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation,” Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 68-81, Jan. 2000.[2] Bandura, A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.[3] Goffman, E. “On face-work: An analysis of ritual elements in social interaction,” Reflections, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 7-13, Spring 2003.[4] Aronson, J. “The threat of stereotype,” Educational Leadership. vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 14-19, Nov. 2004.[5] Rudman, L.A., Ashmore, R.D. and Gary, M.L. “’Unlearning
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 2 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Lynn Mayo P.E., RePicture Engineering
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
civil engineers who went to college in Virginia.If you see someone whose career you’d like to learn more about, you can click on their photo to r. So if you areinterested in learning more about Emily’s career, click on “Go to Profile” … 33… and up comes her profile. This is similar to what we saw on the earlier example of a person’s profile.At the top you can see how many years of experience they have and what university they attended.On the left side you see general information about them. In this case Emily provided a video about her experiences. Onthe right side you can learn about the project(s) she worked on
Conference Session
Design Across Curriculum 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew Lucian Alexander P.E., Texas A&M University - Kingsville; Rajashekar Reddy Mogiligidda, Texas A&M University - Kingsville; David Hicks, Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Kendall, M. R., Choe, N.H., Denton, M., Borrego, M., (2018). “Engineering IdentityDevelopment of Hispanic Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2018.2. E-mail from TAMUK Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, February 24,2021.3. Prince, S.P., Tarazkar, Y., (2013) “Mechanical Engineering Design Experience forHispanic and Low Income Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2013.4. Meyers, K., Cripe, K. (2015) “Prior educational experience and gender influences onperceptions of a first-year engineering design project.” International
Conference Session
Virtual Laboratories: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Parisa Shokouhi, Pennsylvania State University; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
understanding of each method's physics byconnecting the physical principles to the applications; compare various plausible NDEtechniques for common industrial applications; given an application, identify one or moreappropriate NDE technique(s) by providing convincing scientific reasoning and justification. Teaching ‘Nondestructive Evaluation of Flaws’, an all-around course in NDE, using thetraditional lecture-based methods is challenging because: (1) each NDE method is based on adifferent physical principle; it is difficult for the students to grasp all the different principles andmethods one after the other within the short 15-week timeframe of one semester, and (2) theclass is highly heterogenous; the students have very different backgrounds
Conference Session
Works in Progress in Chemical Engineering Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carl F. Lund, University at Buffalo
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
homeworkwrappers.SummaryThis formative assessment of the use of homework wrappers focused upon completion andagreement rate (accuracy). The observed rates are both lower than hoped for, but the studysuggest ways that both the wrappers and their implementation might be improved.References[1] C. R. F. Lund, "Can Students Self-Generate Appropriately Targeted Feedback on Their OwnSolutions in a Problem-Solving Context," in ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 2020: ASEE, p.17, doi: 10.18260/1-2--34256.[2] Ambrose, S. A. et al. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for SmartTeaching. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. 2010, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 199pp.
2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
Rebeka Sultana, California State University, Long Beach
learning environment and instructional design were evaluated byconducting a survey at the end of the Fall 2020 semester. Survey was posted on the class websiteand its purpose was clarified at the beginning of the survey question as well as in email beforeinviting students to participate in the survey. Students were given extra credit for theirparticipation in the survey. There were 5 questions in the survey to determine students generalview on learning online. These questions were: 1. Have you ever taken online class(s) before classes becoming virtual in COVID-19 pandemic? If “YES”, did you like online classes? 2. What do you like about online classes? 3. What do you DON’T like about online classes? 4. What do
2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
Maggie Nevrly, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo; Megan Nicole Phillips, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Eileen W. Rossman P.E., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Michaella Ochotorena, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Nathalia De Souza, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
and impending motion as areasoning applied to this problem. The altered question but still with free response, referred to asQuestion B, is shown below in Figure 2. Figure 2. Question B is an isomorph of the question altered based on student reasoning patterns.We then mapped the codes for the question onto the coupled response for the question pair weplanned to place on the Concept Warehouse. In Table 2, the first column shows the proposedresponse that would be provided to students in the follow-up question. The follow up questionreads, “Given your answer to the previous question, select the following reason(s) that help youjustify or support your answer. Select all that apply.” Given this phrasing, students should