., Turk, A. L., Subrahmanian, E., and Westerberg, A. W., 2002, “Communication andCollaborative Learning in a Cross-Atlantic Design Course,” in the Proceedings of 2002 World Conference onEducational Multimedia, Denver, Colorado, June 24-29.12. O’Brien, W., Soibelman, L., and Elvin, G., 2003, “Collaborative Design Processes: An Active- and Reflective-Learning Course in Multidisciplinary Collaboration,” Journal of Construction Education, 8(2), pp. 78-93.13. Dennis, T. W. and Fulton, R. E. 2004, “Undergraduate Distributed Collaborative Engineering Project UsingCAD, CAE and PLM Tools,” in Proceedings 2004 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Auburn, Alabama,April 4-6.14. Bohn, J. H. and Anderl, R., 2005, “A First Transatlantic Course on
assigned to theIndividual Beliefs theme category tended to be more neutral. The number of responses sorted bytopic is generally even with an exception of the Teaching (Curriculum) topic, which had 324comments. For future work it could be useful to unpack this item into sub-groups for furtheranalysis.The School theme category topics are generally ordered with more negativity than the groupingof the Individual Belief theme category topics. It is interesting to note that both Co-op and Moneyare exceptions here. It may be that these two topics are much more concrete than the other moreabstract items or that, in reflection, the categorization of each should be reconsidered. In otherwords, finding benefit from experiencing a co-op experience and being
reports ≠ Assessment ≠ Evaluation and reflectionCollaboration among students can be encouraged during preparation, conduct and analysis ofexperiments, where students are asked to work in teams. This can be implemented for peer assessment, Page 14.98.4evaluation and reflection as well. Findings from our survey provide some information about studentcollaboration before, during and after the practical experiment.Remote laboratoryA remote laboratory (RL) allows a real physical system set in a laboratory to be remotely controlled from acomputer via the Internet using virtual instruments. The system also enables experimental data to becollected and
students in their declared major as they enterENG1102 in the spring of 2005 and 2007. This data looks at all the first-year engineeringstudents enrolled in ENG1102 in the spring 2005 and 2007 semesters. As expected, the percentof Engineering Undecided (EGN) students retained in their original major is close to zero forboth study groups, which reflects the fact that these students are switching into a degree grantingmajor. More than 57% of the students are still in their originally declared engineering major atthe end of their third year, with most of the majors retaining between 75 and 85% of theiroriginal students. With the exception of EGE, EME, EMSE, and non-engineering majors, thepercent of students retained in their original major is lower
for a long period of time. Such a break mayconsist of standing up and doing stretches, working on a problem, or just answering the instructor’squestion.Pay attention to the students’ note-taking [1]. Remember to pause so students can finish theirnote-taking. Be aware that their way of note-taking reflects comprehension of the lecture. Aninstructor who follows where the students are in their note taking shows that he/she respects thestudents and cares about their comprehension.When meeting with students outside of the classroom, listen patiently and do not show signsof impatience [1]. Again, being patient with students demonstrates that the faculty member re-spects them and cares about their learning.Moderate classroom incivilities. Tips on
adequate experience in working with specialized engineering 1 4 equipment. I feel I have adequate knowledge of engineering theory. 4 3 I feel I have adequate experience with the proper methods of making 5 5 engineering measurements I feel I understand the relationship between engineering measurement and 0 3 engineering design and theory. I feel that as the result of the REU program, I now have considerable __ 6 „hands-on‟ experience in engineering.****A five-point scale from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1) was used. This table reflects the number whochecked a 5 or 4
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.We thank Mr. K.P. Raghavan, Executive Vice President (Corporate Center), ECC Division, Mr.P. Rengarajan, Senior-Manager, System, and Mr. G.D. Sharma, Vice President, HumanResources, L&T for sponsoring and approving this case study. We also thank Dr.Ramachandraiah Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,Madras, for coordinating the local arrangements.References 1. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc., www.abet.org/criteria.html, 2009. 2. Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century, National
-351.9. Aleven, V., & Koedinger, K. (2002). An effective metacognitive strategy: Learning by doing and explaining with a computer-based cognitive tutor. Cognitive Science, 26, 147-179.10. Chi, M. T. H., De Leeuw, N., Chiu, M.-H., & Lavancher, C. (1994). Eliciting self-explanations improve understanding. Cognitive Science, 18(3), 439-477.11. Lin, X. D., & Lehmann, J. D. (1999). Supporting learning of variable control in a computer-based biology environment: Effects of prompting college students to reflect on their own thinking. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36, 837-858.12. VanLehn, K., Jones, R. M., & Chi, M. T. (1992). A model of self-explanation effect. Journal of the Learning
over the three semesters about three quarter of the students perceivedLabVIEW to be very useful in learning basic programming concepts. This result complementsthe statistical significant gain in student post-tests over their pre-tests as discussed earlier.Figure 8: Summary of Exit Survey DataFigure 8 reflects students’ perception that the majority of the students (distributed with almostthe same proportions for all the semesters under study) believed the course activities weresuccessful in conveying basic programming concepts.Figure 9: Summary of Exit Survey DataFinally, the results shown in Figure 9 indicate that in all three semesters more than two thirds ofthe students enjoyed the LabVIEW experience in the course. These results are
because of this course. A7. My personal schedule allows me enough time to reflect on the material I have learned I class. A8. My personal schedule allows me enough time to adequately prepare for my optimum academic performance. B1. This instructor stimulated my thinking. B2. In this course, my critical thinking ability increased. B3. The homework assignments, papers, and projects in this course could be completed within the USMA time… 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 09-1 08-1 07-1
, precautions were taken to minimize stray laser reflections. The wing test modelwas painted flat black opaque for this reason. Figure 6 shows a photograph of the overallexperimental setup, including the image acquisition setup. A generic camcorder with tripodmount was used to capture both video and single frame images of the streamline flow. Thecamcorder was positioned about 10 ft (3 m) from the image plane to minimize parallax effects Page 14.208.8and to also provide large depth of field to keep everything in focus. It should be noted that thecamcorder is shown somewhat closer in the above Figure. The positioning traverse for the top-mounted
” (WCED, 1987).Therein the emphasis lies on not compromising the future through sustainable developmentmethods that reflect positively on current situational needs with a lasting appeal towards thefuture.David W. Orr (1992) widened the scope of sustainability in his seminal book “EcologicalLiteracy” from technological to ecological sustainability. Technological sustainability mainlydeals with technological and ethical issues; ecological sustainability is considered an effort thataffects all aspects of a culture. In order to adequately prepare us for the future, Orr envisions adramatic shift in the existing pedagogies of all educational programs—a shift toward an earth-centered education. Earth-centered education entails a rethinking of both the
(16), Vygotsky (21, 22),Kohlberg (13), and Kolb (12).The benefits of PBSL are derived from its pedagogical basis. When properly performed, PBSL Page 14.150.3creates a problem-centered, educational environment that gives rise to cognitive processes;combinations of thought and action, reflection and internalization, experience and development.Active team engagement in PBSL projects provides opportunities for knowledge seeking,problem-solving, and collaborating to attain a common goal. While benefits of PBSL are widelyrecognized by universities across the nation, robust validation and corroboration of this claim arepresently lacking (4). The
DevelopmentEach civil engineering instructor, with the exception of the ANA Department Head, is a part timeadjunct faculty member. These adjunct faculty members split their days between a full teachingload at Kabul University and a part-time teaching load at NMAA. As such, most part-timefaculty can only handle 2 to 3 sections of 18 cadets. The small class size is reflective of thesmall class sizes used at West Point, but is also a requirement given the small classroom facilitiesat NMAA. With the class size restriction and full teaching load at Kabul University, the adjunctfaculty at NMAA are unable to handle larger enrollments. The short term solution to copingwith this increasing load and overcome graduate school attrition has been to higher more
, as suggested in the ASCE Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century andABET, as indicated above. It also allows students the opportunity to provide humanitarian aidwhile gaining an invaluable international experience. Continental Crossings proposed thatstudents at the University of Iowa’s College of Engineering interested in pursuing this alternativeshould be given the option to do so through enrollment in the two semester course sequence ofDesign for the Developing World, followed by Project Management. Continental Crossingsdocumented the entire process with the hope that another team could have the same opportunitywhile reflecting upon their teams’ successes and failures.Future projects have been implemented through a continued partnership
to technology in general, a new technology will experience an initial exponential increase in capability and thereby will eventually catch and overtake existing technologies, especially with users who do not need or want the high-end performance of top systems. The Disruptive Innovation model is perfectly reflected in the current success of the netbook. Netbooks have limited capability compared to a full-blown laptop, but are typically also much cheaper (~$300) and tend to be much more straightforward to operate and maintain. These devices have broken the mold currently used in laptop and portable computing and are changing the technological landscape, being sold at places such as Toys R
159 69.8 (11.6) 64.9 (18.6) 58.6 (21.5)The table above indicates only a marginal difference in performance between the differentgroups while there is some weak evidence that the first group (Project-enhanced Course)performed better in the first and final exams. This is explained as follows: The total score in thefollow-on course is a reflection of the many heat-transfer topics covered, which may or may nothave a related concept that was taught in the pre-requisite introductory thermodynamics course.For example, the project covered the concept of energy balance introduced through the first lawin thermodynamics and its application in the context of conduction heat loss through the walls aswell as heat addition through solar
-class time to write a memo in whichthey must: 1) Compare how their solution compares to the: a. Objectives identified in Assignment 1 b. Functions identified in Assignment 2 c. Specifications identified in Assignment 3 2) Summarize project progress and team performance. Items to address are: a. Is the team on schedule? Why or why not? b. What are the main challenges in completing the project?In addition, a third point must be addressed by each individual on each team. 3) Reflect on your own individual role in the project.Assignment five is not accompanied by formal lectures, but rather is meant to induce individualand group meta-analysis of the design process. The aim is that by identifying
Page 14.149.10with the help of the University Career Services and Alumni Relations to contact formerstudents. Notice that these measures are not collected every year, because the collectionof this data still takes significant amount of time to analyze.The Student Rating of Instruction (SRI) used here is an early student feedbackmechanism prior to student graduation. This is a 20 question instrument with eachquestion rated on a 1-5 scale with 1 as “Strongly Disagree” and 5 as “Strongly Agree”.Items 1-18 are intended to be formative in nature and are based on contemporary “bestpractice” models derived from higher education research and reflection. Items 19 and 20are intended to elicit responses from students as to their overall assessment of
, thespecific plans for the upcoming week, the issues facing the team, and a summary of the hoursspent on the project for each team member. The first few times a team produces the weeklyreport presents challenges to the teams as this is their introduction to Gantt charts and weeklyreports. After two or three weeks of practice producing the charts and incorporating constructivefeedback, the student teams produce the charts within ten to fifteen minutes. More importantly,the teams begin to use the charts to plan and manage their projects. The Gantt chart presented inFigure 2 is a high-level chart prepared early in the project by a student team. The gap in thecalendar reflects the team’s realistic view that no work would be accomplished during the
consistent with the program educational objectives.The big change in this component is the requirement to apply knowledge of one additional areaof science consistent with the program educational objectives. As the ASCE Commentary on theABET Criteria indicates, The requirement for “one additional area of science” reflects ASCE’sintent that civil engineering graduates develop greater breadth in the basic sciences beyond thetechnical core subjects of physics and chemistry.5 The statement “consistent with the programeducational objectives” allows tremendous latitude on the part of the program director to identifyan additional area of science. In the case of USMA, our graduates are commissioned as officersin the US Army. During their term of service
training program in preparation for the accelerated growth that is scheduled for theproject.Evaluating Student Learning University students have played an integral part in the Wisconsin OLPC project and alesser but notable presence in the Paraguay deployment. The university students involved in theproject covers a range of majors, focusing mostly on engineering and computer science. Thistrend is seen as a reflection of the project’s nature as well as the choice of academic departments Page 14.1342.8that were chosen to house the XO projects in their respective universities. The Wisconsin OLPCproject is based out of the UW-Madison Engineering
student success rates (as reflected by criterion referenced testing) in science and math, including the disaggregated performance of underrepresented minority children within the classes of the participating teachers. 4. To help narrow the typical 15-25% gap in middle school student success rates between African American, Hispanic, and Native American students and their Caucasian classmates in the classes of the participating teachers.The SPIRIT Initiative’s MethodologyFrom 2006 through 2008, math and science middle school teachers were recruited from theOmaha Public School (OPS) systems, and several other Omaha-based school districts (to a lesserextent) to participate in the SPIRIT project. OPS served as a strong K-12
. Page 14.583.7 The 94% strong agreement with the networking statements, whether student or faculty, indicate that students felt that these elements had strongly influenced their success in the first semester. In addition, 94% of the students felt that the industry visits helped them to understand engineering. Perhaps most significantly, 88% of the students felt that ESCape had provided them the motivation to succeed in engineering. The survey had three open-ended questions: 1- List all the ways ESCape helped or positively impacted you that you can think of, 2-What was the best thing about ESCape, 3-What would you change for ESCape next year? Some of the answers to these are reflected in the statement/response questions
the opportunity to engage seasoned entrepreneurs.In the reflection of the faculty mentor and advisor, he believes this type of learning must beintegrated into building an entrepreneurial mindset. Students in engineering entrepreneurialprograms must be involved in activities which take them outside the classroom. These activitiesprovide an opportunity to learn from real world problem solving. Creativity, innovation,leadership, and group dynamics are important skills that are necessary for success as anentrepreneur or as a corporate entrepreneur.It was recommended that faculty engagement is requirement for our students and we encourage Page
. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.If you would like more information, contact:Michael K. Swanbom, Ph.D.P.O. Box 10348Ruston, LA 71272-0046mswanbom@latech.eduOffice (318) 257-3908FAX (318) 257-4630References1. Splitt, F.G., “Systemic Engineering Education Reform: A Grand Challenge.” The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, Spring 2003.2. Sheppard, S. and Jenison, R., “Examples of Freshman Design Education.” International Journal of Engineering Education, 13 (4), 1997, 248-261. Page 14.56.163
measuring changes in student achievement based on thesethree elements. The weightings of the original metric were refined to reflect the linearcombination that maximally separated two groups of biomechanics students based on their levelsof adaptive expertise15.The resulting metric (AE = 0.14F – 0.36C + 1.27T) is a starting point for quantifying adaptiveexpertise in physiology in this study. However, there are limitations in quantifying a concept likeadaptive expertise. The qualitative data collected in this study will allow examination of theweighted elements of the metric as well as other factors that might contribute to adaptiveexpertise in physiology. The collaborative, challenge-based activities in this study provideopportunities for
it integrated into undergraduate curriculum, longer times incountry, and the provision of similar type projects for Bolivian students in the US.The graduate student feedback implied that students 1) learned how to mentorundergraduate students in research projects, 2) better understood how to partner withscientists and engineers located outside the U.S. after participating in the program,and 3) saw how to integrate international experience into graduate level research afterparticipating in the program. Some reflections of the influence of the researchexperience on their professional goals after graduation are:“Before participating in this project, it was hard to imagine how this kind of researchcould be organized and conducted, given
controllersomewhere. This challenge required students to think deeper and more creatively. They had todevise their own control architecture and test it conceptually and implement it. Students had todo a lot of tinkering, in a good constructive way. As will be described in a forthcoming article,learning measures related to this exercise were the ones in which we observed mostimprovement.Reflections “Learning is a cycle of probing the world (doing something); reflecting in and on this action and, on this basis, forming a hypothesis; reprobing the world to test this hypothesis; and then accepting or rethinking the hypothesis.”This is one of several fundamental learning principles, proffered by Gee5, for which the mediumof video games may be particularly
authentic engineering situations. The first case study, “The Pendergrass Circuits E-mail,” is a one-page story that literally puts students into the narrative as a character, requiringthem to read, analyze, discuss, and reflect on the story’s details before deciding what sorts ofactions and written documentation are necessary. The second case study involves close analysisof the space shuttle Challenger disaster, in particular the written and oral communication thattook place prior to the disaster itself. As this paper shows, using case studies as described herecan provide students with valuable exposure to the types of decisions they might have to make intheir professional careers while also providing engineering programs with a sound method