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Displaying results 1861 - 1890 of 8758 in total
Conference Session
Developing Young MINDS in Engineering: Part II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Foor, University of Oklahoma; randa shehab, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
interactions with peers and university? ≠ What strategies do mixed-race engineering students reporting Native American status use to adapt to, resist or negotiate the boundaries around identity based social spaces? ≠ How effective are student organizations and university programs in providing all Native American students small social enclaves of other students with similar backgrounds and interests? Page 14.679.2 ≠ How does finding community contribute to mixed-race Native American engineering students’ successful completion of a degree?The insights gained from this paper can be used to
Conference Session
CEED Paper Session 1: Using Co-Op and Internships to Improve Diversity, Retention, Learning, and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott R. Hamilton, Northeastern University; Jack Fitzmaurice, Northeastern University; Paul John Wolff III, Northeastern University
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Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
lessons and submitting two ungradedassignments that included a one-page career goal paper and a one-page resume. The class wastaught in a large classroom space to sections of 75-90 students and was presented in a traditionallecture style format. This course was designed to introduce graduate engineering students to theUniversity’s Cooperative Education Program and focused on developing skills in managingworkplace expectations and requirements, resume construction, interviewing, and professionalethics. Employer panels were sometimes used to explore employment opportunities within thefields of engineering. Peer-based discussion panels allowed students to share stories about howthey found their job and their experience as an employee. The stated
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Teams and Teamwork
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emma Tevaarwerk DeCosta, Northwestern University; Kathleen Carmichael, Northwestern University; Lisa M. Davidson, Northwestern University; Ordel Brown, Northwestern University; Elise Gruneisen, Northwestern University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
have long struggled to create inclusive and equitable learningenvironments, and many engineering administrators remain skeptical about the benefits of suchinitiatives [1]. Thus, most of such work has been spearheaded by administrative groups such asdepartments of Diversity and Inclusion and Gender Studies who typically seek to promote equitythrough changes to broader institutional culture [2-4]. Student classroom experiences, however,remain relatively neglected and thus such efforts rarely inspire STEM faculty buy-in.Consequently, students from historically underrepresented groups, especially students perceivedto have lower social capital than their peers, may still face disparities in their classroomexperiences, disparities that may include
Conference Session
Development as Faculty and Researcher: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Pulford, University of Washington Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT); Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan; Laura D Hahn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Denise Thorsen, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. The learning communities mitigated risk for faculty.Across all of our programs, there were signs that learning community participation reduced the Page 26.1128.12risks that faculty associate with instructional change. Peer discussion and feedback helped earlyadopters of change to feel more secure; as one member of the University of WashingtonEngineering Writing Brown Bag remarked, “It was helpful just hearing some confirmation thatmy ideas for teaching weren’t crazy”. And the exchange of teaching narratives and resourcesamong the community helped all community members to see instructional change as worthwhile,and within faculty’s
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 3: Mentorship and Communication in Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amanda Dawn Hilliard, The Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
Paper ID #39970Metaphor: The Key to Communicating with Both Specialists and the PublicAmanda Dawn Hilliard, The Johns Hopkins University Amanda Hilliard received her MA in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language and PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham in the UK. She has taught writing and communi- cation courses abroad in South Korea, Vietnam, and Ecuador, and in the U.S. in Georgia, Texas, Arizona, and Maryland. She currently teaches in the Center for Leadership Education at the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Steve Lappenbusch, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
and to introduce the next activity. The activitiesin the cross-curricular program included: a) learning about portfolios in general, b) evaluatingother portfolios, c) writing a professional statement, d) finding artifacts, e) deciding whichartifacts to include in the portfolio, f) writing annotations for the artifacts, g) getting peer andprofessional feedback, and h) presenting the portfolio to others. The interaction amongst peersand the teaching faculty member provided ample opportunity to deeply explore the issuesstudents faced, the component activities, and how those issues and activities interacted during theportfolio creation.Six students participated in this study. These students included two seniors on the verge ofgraduating, two
Conference Session
Project and Model-Based Mathematics
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Schmeelk, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jean Hodges, Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar
Tagged Divisions
AC 2007-274: PROJECT-DIRECTED MATHEMATICSJohn Schmeelk, Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. John Schmeelk is a Professor of mathematics at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, where he is engaged in applied mathematical research in distribution theory. He is currently teaching mathematics at VCUQatar campus in Doha, Qatar. He received his PhD from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He has been an invited speaker to conferences in Australia, China, Brazil, Bulgaria, India and many other countries.Jean Hodges, Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar Since Fall 2004, Jean Hodges has been an Assistant Professor of Writing and Writing Center Instructor at Virginia
Conference Session
Professionalism and Preparations Developed by Graduate Study Programs—Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael W. Keller, The University of Tulsa; Bradley J. Brummel, University of Tulsa; Valerie N. Streets, University of Tulsa; Alison J. Kerr, University of Tulsa; Rami M. Younis, The University of Tulsa; Leah Tecle, University of Tulsa; Daniel W. Crunkleton, University of Tulsa
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
finalized list of competencies is shown in Table 2 These competencies werebroadly similar to our initial list shown in Table 1, but combined some of the competenciestogether and reflects specific emphases in graduate engineering education.Behaviorally Anchored Rating ScaleWhile the competency model described above is the core structure of the assessment protocol,there is a distinct need to create a framework for students, advisors, and peers to provide morespecific, behavioral feedback. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) were adopted in thecurrent study to rate performance. Typically, BARS are presented as a scale with several pointsand the rater chooses a level to indicate an individual’s current performance. One of the criticalaspects of
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alaa Abdalla, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Rinith Reghunath, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Midhat Javaid Zaidi, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Amy Hodges, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Paper ID #26150How to Approach Learning: Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Project-based and Problem-based Learning at an International Branch Campus inthe Middle EastMiss Alaa Abdalla, Texas A&M University at Qatar Alaa Abdalla is a mechanical engineering student, class of 2019, at Texas A&M University at Qatar. Besides engineering she enjoys learning theoretical Math and Physics concepts. She pursued a minor in mathematics alongside her bachelor’s degree. She is also actively involved in writing and reading initiatives on campus. Currently, she is working on her undergraduate research thesis that looks at the
Conference Session
Dissecting the Nuances that Hinder Broad Participation in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joi-lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
informationgathered about each participant to create a backdrop and contextual setting to complement theinterview data, 2) performing a narrative analysis method of the interview data and open codingthe emergent themes, and 3) constructing narrative stories that present themes and results. Anoverview of the study’s data analysis and management plan and the results of each step aresummarized in Table 3. The following paragraphs detail the steps in the data analysis process.Table 3. Summary of Data Analysis and Management Plan Data Analysis Step Action Result 1. Create a contextual  Write backdrop summaries for each  One backdrop summary backdrop summary
Conference Session
EM Skills and Real World Concepts
2005 Annual Conference
Sam Geonetta
address problems or opportunities faced by organizationsor individuals; to assist in the creation of an effective project plan; to analyze the impact ofinformation technology on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal andpolicy issues; to demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem solving skills; tocollaborate in teams to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative and groupcooperation; and to communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers bothverbally and in writing.13Course Content The goals for Management in Information Technology are largely derived from thestandards articulated by ABET and SIGITE. These six central goals are the basis for the course’skey themes
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Curriculum and Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
student and their peers (independence). The emphasis in writing is on the process or development of the piece, whereby the student controls the various versions, not the instructor. 4. Use the tools – In languages the best way to learn is to continue to use it. Several tools are taught in systems engineering classes. The best way to learn and retain them is to use them. Again, the instructor is there pointing the way, and the student has to gather up the courage to go places theretofore unknown. They learn how to think about the engineering tools not from memorized rules, but through their use.ArtsThere are many activities that are used with art appreciation/visual art classes to engage studentsin active and
Conference Session
Programming, Simulation, and Dynamic Modeling
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shanon Marie Reckinger, Fairfield University; Scott James Reckinger, Brown University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
that students are self-guided through partof the instruction. Lastly, class time is organized in such a way that the instructor spends overhalf of the time working directly with individuals and small groups. This gives the students anopportunity to have explanations individually catered to their level of understanding, as well asplenty of time for peer and instructor assistance with debugging.The course initially ran under the new model in Spring, 2013. The course ran for 15 weeks andhad 37 students split into two different sections. There were no teaching assistants. Feedbackfrom the students indicated that they benefitted greatly from the course design. Improvementsfor the second iteration of the new course model, which will occur in Spring
Conference Session
Developing Young MINDS in Engineering - Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tanya Ennis, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jana Milford, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth Myers, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jacquelyn Sullivan, University of Colorado, Boulder; Diane Sieber, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Ann Scarritt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
degree to be five instead of four years (or 4.5 which is the actual average time to degreein our college).Various elements of the Engineering GoldShirt Program are designed to build community, igniteexcitement about engineering, and prepare students to succeed in engineering. GoldShirt studentsparticipate in a two-week Summer Bridge program to orient them to the challenges of college,building community among the students, and developing leadership skills through a wide rangeof activities. During their initial GoldShirt year, students learn in small, cohort-based classes orco-seminars in mathematics, introductory physics, writing and critical thinking. GoldShirtstudents are placed into appropriate mathematics classes based on an in-depth
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 22
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dhruv Gambhir, Nanyang Technological University; Yifan Xie, University College London; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Nanyang Technological University; Junaid Qadir, Qatar University; Andy Khong, Nanyang Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
research interests include STEM+C education, specifically artificial intelligence literacy, computational thinking, and engineering.Junaid Qadir, Qatar University Junaid Qadir is a Professor of Computer Engineering at Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, where he leads the IHSAN Research Lab. His research interests include computer systems, networking, machine learning applications, and ICT for development (ICT4D). With over 150 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals such as IEEE Communication Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, he has received prestigious teaching awards and research grants from organizations like Facebook Research and Qatar National Research Fund. Junaid Qadir is also an ACM
Conference Session
Global Graduate Studies and Programs Abroad - Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Scott Cross, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Mamoru Tanahashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Masao Takeyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Mutsuko Hatano, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Akira Yamada, Tokyo Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Paper ID #19042Energy Science and Engineering Graduate Education at Tokyo TechProf. Jeffrey Scott Cross, Tokyo Institute of Technology Jeffrey S. Cross received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Iowa State University in 1992. He has worked in Japan at Fujitsu Lab Ltd., National Institute for Inorganics Materials, and at Tokyo Tech for over 20 years and is fluent in Japanese. Jeffrey is Prof. in the School of Environment and Society, Dept. of Transdisciplinarity Science and Engineering and graduate coordinate for the Energy Science and Engineering Major. He teaches online courses on academic writing and on education
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peilin Fu, National University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
learning. 5 4.75 I can apply what I learned in this course beyond the classroom. 4.25 4.25 I can apply what I learned in this course to my job or career goals. 5 4.5 Student Perception of Learning Mean 4.79 4.47 Figure 4: Student Assessment on LearningThe end-of-course survey reveals the Trifecta of Engagement framework greatly facilitatedstudents' engagement with course contents, peers and instructor. Students took a more active partin their learning process. They gained significant knowledge about the subject and their ability tothink critically, to do research, to write and speak has
Conference Session
Special Session: Impacts of Service in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University; Eric Pappas, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
scale items from an end-of-semester course evaluationsurvey, and (3) observations conducted from two assessment specialist, serving as externalevaluators.At the end of the semester, students (N=64) were administered a project evaluationquestionnaire, which included several open-ended questions about the project and provided ussome useful insights about students’ perceptions, learning outcomes, and satisfaction with thisreal-world design experience.In the project evaluation questionnaire, students were asked: “In your own words, how wouldyou describe this project to your parents or peers?” Overall, in reviewing students’ responses, itwas evident that students highly valued the real-world nature of the project as they described thevalue of having
Conference Session
Innovations in Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Janardhan Nimunkar, University of Wisconsin Madison; Xuan Zhang, University of Wisconsin - madison; Mehdi Shokoueinejad, University of Wisconsin Madison; John G. Webster PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Tagged Divisions
interact with other students around their table and solvedthe problems collectively and this greatly facilitated their peer-to-peer learning process. Inaddition to this they interacted with the instructor and TAs on an individual basis. Thecollaborative peer-to-peer communication and individual interactions with the instructors and theTAs greatly enhanced their learning process. The instructor gave a 10 min lecture and discussionat the end of the class discussing the solutions to problems solved during class time. Thesolutions to these problems were posted on the course webpage after each class. Also, to measurestudents’ knowledge and learning abilities, other assessments besides the pre-quiz and class-quizsuch as research paper writing and lab
Conference Session
Faculty Development 3: Research, Practice, and Lessons Learned
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Li Tan, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
faculty mentorship and career outcomes, includingnumber of peer-reviewed articles, number of conference presentations, salary, and jobsatisfaction? Previous studies on mentoring faculty have largely focused on medical fields (Levinsonet al., 1991; Palepu et al., 1998; Reid et al., 2012). Our study extends the literature by focusingon faculty working across a wider range of fields, including engineering, science, health, andsocial sciences, as well as across different academic institutions, by analyzing nationallyrepresentative data from the National Science Foundation Early Career Doctorates Survey(ECDS). Research findings demonstrate whether the likelihood of having a formal/informalmentor differs across faculty subgroups, and identify
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bradley J. Sottile, The Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
to the project sponsor. When a colleague asks about the resolution to the design concerns, the P.E. tells your colleague that if they raise the concern again the P.E. will have them fired.  How ethical is it for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  How ethical would your peers think it is for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  How ethical is it in the present-day engineering profession for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  Would you have made the same decision as the P.E.? Why or why not? [Open-ended question]  What would your response be if you were the colleague who asked about the resolution to the design concerns? Why would that be
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 12: Work-in-Progress Postcard Session #1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyril Okhio, Clark Atlanta University; Sade Tramble, Kennesaw State University; Amy Buddie, Kennesaw State University; Ayse Tekes
-year scholar create a project proposal that isreviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Faculty are encouraged to write theseproposals for a general audience and to write in such a way that first-year students will want tojoin that project. In the most recent year, 82 projects were submitted, with 8 rejected for variousreasons (e.g., missing sections of the application). The final 74 were posted online, and the studentapplication portal was then opened. In the past year, the College of Engineering and EngineeringTechnology had the most projects (17), followed by WellStar College of Health and HumanServices (11), Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (10), College of Computing andSoftware Engineering (9), and College of
Conference Session
Improving Retention & Self-Efficacy through Experiential Learning and Research Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Lynn Nelson, University of Texas at San Antonio; Karina Ivette Vielma, The University of Texas at San Antonio; JoAnn Browning, The University of Texas at San Antonio
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Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
college student participation as well as30% Black and Hispanic students. The NHERI-REU Program also collects qualitative and quantitative data on the progressof students’ preparation of scholarly work including their self-efficacy and confidence levelsthroughout the program. This paper will include quantitative pre- and post-program data to showstudents’ increased confidence and levels of self-efficacy. An important element of the program is the multiple points of support for students. Thesesupports include faculty, graduate students, peer, and program mentors. The structure of thesupport system and the community building activities throughout the REU program also includecareer development workshops, a NHERI faculty and professional
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division (EED) Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Baffour, University of Georgia; Nathaniel Hunsu, University of Georgia; Eliza A Banu, University of Georgia; Adel W. Al Weshah, University of Georgia; Barbara Norton McCord P.E., University of Georgia; Marguerite Carol Brickman, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy Division (EED)
thatstudents practice their understanding of the concept through examples and peer discussions. Forexample, in a typical engineering economics class, the instructor will assign a problem requiringstudents to draw cash flow diagrams and determine cash flow equivalencies. Students may be putin groups to discuss the problem as the instructor walks around in the classroom to check onstudents. The Covid-19 pandemic however removed such face-to-face classroom discussionsamong students and instructors. During the pandemic, methods such as flipped classroom,online breakout sessions, peer assessment and self-assessment were used to engage students. Inthe context of this study, students also engaged in self-assessment (self-grading). This studyreports initial
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas Eric Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology; James R. McCusker Ph.D., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Suzanne Sontgerath, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ilie Talpasanu
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
program onthe students’ affective and learning experience. To this end, a survey was administered to theeight students who participated in the program, after completion of the projects. All studentsparticipated in the survey, and the results revealed that 62.5% of the students reported beingextremely satisfied with the robotics program, including working with their peers and interactingwith the faculty. The students expressed that they found the academic program experienceenjoyable and useful in helping them to identify their future college interests and majors.IntroductionEducational robotics offers a stimulating and enjoyable environment for young individuals, whilesimultaneously introducing them to technological advancements. A growing number
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Adia Radecka, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Alyssa Bradshaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Javi Cardenas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Sara Xochilt Lamer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ilalee Harrison James, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Holly M. Golecki, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Paper ID #34889Development of Multidisciplinary, Undergraduate-Led Research Program inSoft RoboticsMs. Adia Radecka, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign I’m an undergraduate student studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois. My focus is in the bioengineering subdivision: imaging and sensing. I have experience working with SoftRobotics, Arduino, and writing literature review. Traveling is a passion of mine, I have studied abroad in Rus- sia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Italy. I love meeting new people, developing new experiences, and solving problems.Ms. Alyssa Bradshaw, University of Illinois at
Conference Session
Teaching Assistants, Supplemental Instruction, and Classroom Support
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Barukh Ben Rohde, University of Florida; Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
undergraduate teaching assistantships in the flipped classroom, anenvironment in which TAs take on a more important role than in a traditional classroom. Flippedlearning builds upon active learning, a constructivist approach to learning that emphasizeslearning by doing [18-20]. Active learning is based on the principles that students are activelyresponsible for their own learning within a collaborative process with peers and tutors [21].Flipped learning takes this further by moving the passive and individual-focused parts of STEMlearning – the first introduction to the material – out of the classroom entirely. This frees classtime to be devoted to interactive activities, such as problem-based learning, that reinforce coursematerial without sacrificing
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; Rani W. Sullivan, Mississippi State University; Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
opportunities while reducing the need for external employment. • Increase students’ engineering self-efficacy. • Increase recruitment of aerospace and industrial engineering students. • Encourage students to pursue advanced degrees. • Increase student retention in engineering.The ASPIRE program strengthens and supports students through a program of mentoring,networking, and academic design. The primary features of the program include continuousmentoring of all ASPIRE students by peers, faculty, and industry representatives; four face-to-face interactions with all ASPIRE students, mentors, and faculty per semester; and enrollment incommon courses.A total of 36 undergraduate ASPIRE Fellows will have been directly supported
Conference Session
Improving the Teaching Skills of Graduate Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura Borrego, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
the semester. To varying degrees, these weekly meetings also serveas peer mentoring and community building activities among the teaching teams assigned to eachcourse. There is little communication between graduate students assigned to different courses,even among Graduate Teaching Fellows. Written, qualitative faculty evaluations were veryuseful to workshop leaders, while quantitative student evaluations using a standardized formwere not reflective of the responsibilities of workshop leaders. Recommendations includeexpanding the faculty teaching mentor role, redesigning the student feedback form, and addingsocial activities across course assignments.I. IntroductionThose holding academic faculty positions within a college or university are
Conference Session
Methods and Techniques in Graduate Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Brooks, Temple University; Berk Ayranci, Temple University; Keerthi V. Takkalapelli, Temple University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
within the scope of the syllabus for the course. In this study, a courserepeated over three years was considered. Students were directed to undertake engineeringdesigns in specialized areas of transportation engineering, technology and management. Designtopics related to these areas ranged from Flexible Pavements, Rigid Pavements, Asphalt PavingTechnology and Pavement Rehabilitation, to Signalized Traffic Intersections. These topicscovered not only conventional transportation systems but also intelligent transportation systems.The students’ presentations were peer-graded.The extent of improvement in design, discovery, and learning was documented extensively byapplying appropriate statistical tests. Assessment, grading formula and results are