learning objects in other languages and development environments as we findmore collaborators.Another issue with the current version of SEP-CyLE is that students who are using thecollaborative learning engagement strategy aren’t actually collaborating. They are completingthe same problems individually and their group score reflects how many quiz questions eachperson gets right. One enhancement might be creating a system that would require them to workcollaboratively to solve a more complicated problem or to engage in other activities such asreviewing each other’s code.Another problem is the lack of an integrated IDE within SEP-CyLE. We would like to see theability to have students work on small code problems (or eventually entire
on which it is due arerequired. They combine to give students the flexibility they require to gather what they need, tosecure the necessary space on campus or off campus, and to make workable arrangements forcommon dates and times on which to work together; to know each other; and to support eachother, while working toward a common goal. That is one way to begin community buildingamong commuter students.Note: This work is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through NSF Award#1565066. However, the opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and do not,necessarily, reflect those of the National Science Foundation.References [1]Jacoby, B. (1989). The student as commuter: Developing a comprehensive institutional
Agile, they found it to be a very effective tool(3.71/4.00). In Q4, Students were asked to rate their overall learning in the course. A small dropin the rating is observed in the second year, which we believe is due to the fact that all the highquality PBL criteria were not satisfied properly. This is also reflected in the students’ commentas they found the group project to be more stressful: “Not sure that the group project for us didmuch more than added more stress.” With addition of Agile in the third year, the overall learningrating shows a promising improvement indicating that the management skills helped student tomanage their projects to learn more.Students were also asked to provide an overall rating for the instructor (Q5). The
styles that fit better with reflective and intuitivelearners. Learning about robotics and including robots in the instruction engages learners throughhands-on exercises [19]. Various researchers agree that hands-on activities can assist students torelate to the concepts that are behind the technology used in these activities [20-22]. This isespecially important in academic areas like mechanical principles where mathematical andengineering theory are connected with manual methods [23].In education, robots are used in outreach activities to motivate students to become interested inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) starting in kindergarten [24] andelementary school [25, 26] and beyond. Some studies have shown that the use of
are bored for 10 minutes thenthat is a worthwhile cost.Several of the experiential demonstrations discussed in this paper were conducted in the mostrecent (2018) offering of structural steel design by one of the authors. Of 65 students respondingto the course survey, only one commented that this type of activity was not very useful.Conversely, there were eight comments that explicitly reflected positively on the use ofdemonstration and activities to learn concepts.Further, the value of class demonstrations is shown by comparing the most recent course (2018)with the previous course (2017). The 2017 offering of the course did not use classroomdemonstrations (to any significant extent). Comparing 2017 to 2018, there was a 93% increase inthe
inWeek 6, and complete specified activities related to the Guaranteed 4.0 Program, includingupdating their Bullet-point Notebooks. The activities for the day in the class mainly consisted of an instructor-led discussion,which emphasized the importance of the assignments, strategies for maximizing theirperformance, and a variety of first-year college student milestones that students might beexperiencing or expect to be experience in the coming weeks. One such milestone is: midterms,and what to do before, and after completing midterms, in regard to preparing, reflecting,improving, staying motivated whether performance is bad or good, and more. While initiatingsuch talking points, the Lead Instructor was able to listen to students
be extended over a longer period, what, on the otherhand, turned out to be beneficial, thus allowing greater internal dissemination of the projectThe working groups allowed to confirm the general unawareness of gender inequality at theuniversity. However, if at the beginning of the discussion, people argued that gender issues at theUniversity were almost irrelevant (since no problems had been reported), in the course of thedebate people started to reflect more about the subject, admitting several situations of inequalitydue to gender.The next challenge consisted in discussing possible solutions for the identified issues, which turnedout to be also very difficult, not only to find solutions but also to recognize good practices in
expressed in thispaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References 1. UVU Fact Book 2017, Office of Institutional Research. Online at https://www.uvu.edu/iri/documents/additional_resources/factbook17.pdf 2. NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), Program Solicitation NSF 17-527. Online at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5257&org=NSF . 3. Warnock, John (2019), Utah’s Engineering Initiative has boosted state’s high-tech boom, Salt Lake Tribune, January 21, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/ 2019/01/31/john-warnock-utahs/ . 4. Utah System of Higher
one works as an Engineer by definition. [Instead] we work as a construction commission. So you don’t work as an engineer, pure engineer. So I don’t feel like [projects] would be beneficial. If the professors keep giving you projects, you’re not going to apply it actually at work. Instead they [could] give you calculations to the problems - that might be helpful.As the above example shows, students in the focus group drew upon their understanding of thenature of the workforce in the region in order to determine the relevance of the project. Whilesuch views are not likely to reflect the emerging job functions in the MENA region [15],instructors may garner more student buy-in by engaging with these perceptions of the
associated activities.AcknowledgmentThe project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation grant DUE-1457880. Their supportis greatly appreciated.References 1. Anderson, J., Barrett, K., and P. Schwager, “Information Systems Certification: The Perspective Of The Human Resource Manager,” Eighth Americas Conference On Information Systems, p.p. 2134 – 2142, 2002. 2. Sorkin, S., “Promoting computer science, engineering, and related programs with scholarships and student support services,” Frontiers in Education Proceedings 35th Annual Conference, p.p. 2-21, 2005. 3. Packard, B., “Mentoring and Retention in College Science: Reflections on the Sophomore Year,” Journal College Student Retention, vol. 6 (3), p.p. 289-300
-point scale. DoS Domain DoS Category DoS Scores (n=4) Average Range Activity Engagement Participation 3.25 2-4 Purposeful Activities 3.75 3-4 Engagement with STEM 3.25 3-4 STEM Knowledge and STEM Content Learning 3.5 3-4 Practices Inquiry 3.5 3-4 Reflection 3.25 2-4The classroom used at ECSU allowed informal
", Global J. Eng. Educ.,vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 89-100, 2007.[4] J. A. Donnell et al., "Why industry says that engineering graduates have poor communicationskills: What the literature says", Proc. 118th ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo., 22. 1687.pp 1-13, 2011.[5] K. P. Mineart, M. Cooper, "Improving student technical communication via self-reflection", Proc. 122nd ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo., pp. 26.927.1-26.927.13, 2015.[6] G. Dixon, G. T. Beverly, "Improving undergrad presentation skills", Proc. 122nd ASEEAnnu. Conf. Expo., pp. 26.933.1-26.933.17, 2015.[7] O. Buzzi, S. Grimes, A. Rolls, "Writing for the discipline in the discipline?", Teaching inHigher Education, vol,17, no. 4, pp. 479-484, 2012.[8] D. Rus, "Developing technical writing skills to engineering
U.S.filled in 47% of all jobs but only 24% of the STEM jobs [6]. In other words, 76% of the STEMjobs are held by men. In community services, women had a volunteer rate of 27.8% in 2015compared to men 21.8%. Women volunteered at a higher rate than men and this was true acrossall age groups, educational levels, and major demographics characteristics (such as race andemployment status) [7].Influence is closely associated with leadership. A capable leader provides guidance at theworkplace, home, and/or community [8]. It follows that, those influencing are consideredefficient leaders that motivate their colleagues, family or community [9, 10]. Transformativeleadership idealizes influence which reflect standards of moral and ethical conduct; it
, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. ReferencesBarr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011). Bringing computational thinking to K-12: what is Involved and what is the role of the computer science education community? ACM Inroads, 2(1), 48-54.Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012). New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking. In Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA), & International Society for Technology in
. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, L. C. Benson, A. E. Bumbaco, N. Kellam, A. L. Pawley, and C. M. L. Phillips, “Qualitative research quality: A collaborative inquiry across multiple methodological perspectives,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol 106, no. 3, pp. 398-430, 2017.[57] J. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol 102, no. 4, pp. 626-659, 2013.
, andBiomimicry, participants were asked to reflect to what extent they felt prepared to teach K-12children maker-centered learning, innovator competencies, and biomimicry. Responses wererecorded on a Likert scale from 1 (no emphasis) to 5 (complete emphasis).For the scale Value of Maker-Centered Learning, Innovator Competencies, and Biomimicry,participants were prompted to identify the extent to which they see value in K-12 studentsengaging with 15 topics related to maker-centered learning, innovator competencies, andbiomimicry. Participant responses were recorded on a Likert scale from 1 (no value) to 5(complete value).For the scale Utility of Maker-Centered Learning, Innovator Competencies, and Biomimicry,participants were prompted to rate the
computationalsimulations. This was a crucial component in the learning process as they learned the connectionwith and the need for experimental testing. This was reflected in one response, “We also knewthat the isolation would have an effect on the structure response however, we didn’t expect it tohave a huge impact. The results of our data was shocking to all of us.” Lastly, by using theisolators in the experimental test, the students had excellent insight into ways that these 3Ddevices can be improved for future applications as discussed in the next section. Overall, thestudy was effective in bringing a rather theoretical subject matter such as seismic isolation to lifeand increasing students’ ability to relate to the subject matter and begin to build upon
becoming an effective professor. These categoriesare broad and it is apparent that the assessment of performance is unavoidably subjective. Eachindividual brings a unique perspective to a classroom experience, which influences theirperception of the communication skills, organization, and caring spirit of the professor. Whilethe proposed rubric does not eliminate the subjectivity of a professor’s teaching performance, itdoes provide a tool for young professors to reflect on performance and identify focus areas thatare shown to improve teaching.Final Credits – AcknowledgementsThe inspiration for this collaboration began at one of the staple experiences for young andaspiring civil engineering professors. The ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop, or
observers and how to provide collegial and useful feedback. Later in thesemester, after all members of a group have completed their observations, each group meets toprovide feedback to one another. Finally, each participant submits a reflection paper at the endof the semester. Eleven faculty (including three from Hillsborough Community College)participated during year three and thirteen more are set to participate in spring 2019. Participantsare provided a stipend of $500.(d) Training for graduate assistants in laboratory coursesPrior to the start of a fall semester, three to four days of training are provided to graduatestudents who are assisting in laboratory courses. The morning sessions are led by STEERpersonnel who model active learning
education and developers of instructional materials and curricula, as well asteachers and designers planning classroom strategies, of initiatives in formal engineeringeducation. The development of educational strategies is explored with the intent to move studentsalong a trajectory towards expert design behavior.AcknowledgementJeff Kan carried out the sentiment analysis. This material is based upon work supported by theNational Science Foundation under Grant Numbers: 1463873 and 1463809. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References Ahmed S. (2001). Understanding the use and reuse of experience in
Paper ID #25278Board 34: Use of Big Data Analytics in a First Year Engineering ProjectDr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and assessment of student learning.Nidhal Carla
answers questions. 30% Project How well the schedule and the budget are managed with remaining time, tasks and Planning & resources. Are the tasks done in a reasonable time or last minute? Are the task’s management dependencies, priorities, critical path, issues, risks, delays, and issues managed well and reflected in the task planning? A recovery plan is in place in case of delays task 30% reshuffling and rescheduling? Technical Individual technical contribution towards the project on a regular basis. All team Contribution members have well-thought-out solutions for technical issues and they are resolved in timely manner. Technical achievements are tested and verified
being answered affirmatively. So far, for addressing program elements in #2, students aremost satisfied when being given tours of energy businesses and buildings, and surveys are beingdeveloped to address the question thoroughly.Acknowledgement of SupportThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1565068.DisclaimerAny opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.5. References[1] National Science Foundation, "NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program | NSF - National Science Foundation," 2018. [Online]. Available
typically represent the dominate groups inengineering programs.Future work will complete this study with the full data set and seek corrective action for thetroubling trend of intervention driving students away. Additionally, more tailored approach to eachmajor type may be necessary in order to prevent negative consequences of intervention.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no.DUE-1431578. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] W. S. Swail, K. E. Redd and L. W. Perna, Retaining Minority Students in Higher Education: A
comprehensively what studentswere thinking regarding how they were learning professional skills. Our results showed thatstudents value the ABET outcomes and think professional skills are essential for careerdevelopment but felt the PLI implementation was not an effective way to teach and encouragethose skills.As industry and student needs evolve over time, programs similar to the PLI must remainadaptable and receptive to feedback to ensure the content reflects those changes. Based on theresults from our current study, engineering students believe they should be learning ABETprofessional skills via integration into the core curriculum. As ABET professional skilldevelopment is integrated into the core engineering curriculum, it will be essential
National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Security Agency(NSA) GenCyber Award #H98230-18-1-0095 (called GenCyber:COWPOKES); 2) The NSF NoyceGrant No 1339853 (called SWARMS); and 3) The US federal Math and Science Partnership grantunder No Child Left Behind (NCLB) (P.L.107F110, Title II, Part B) administered by the WyomingDepartment of Education MSP Grant No. 1601506MSPA2 (called RAMPED). Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the NSF, the NSA, or the U.S. government.This work was completed with the help of students from the University of Wyoming through thedirection of the College of Engineering’s CEDAR (Cybersecurity EDucation
evaluationcontext 0 2 20 0 reportAssessment of SO(i)SO(i) includes a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. InCapstone II, students must reflect upon the project they just completed and state what they woulddo differently if starting over again. Table 7 shows the results of this assessment. All six (100%)of groups performed satisfactorily or better on this factor. Table 7: Results of assessment of SO(i) AssessmentCriteria Unsatisfactory Marginal Satisfactory Excellent Tool Commentsi - a recognitionof the need for,and an ability toengage in life
losingcommunication with the RPS system.Beyond the level of accuracy provided, the system does face other limitations. Reflected lightand glare inhibit QR code detection when said glare occurs adjacent to the QR code itself.Detection is also inhibited when QR codes are not perpendicular to the camera. The system canhandle most skewing of QR codes less than 20°, however larger angles result in loss of detectionwhile moving and severe angles can prevent stationary QR codes from being detected at all.CostThe cost of the system for support of one course was approximately $6,000. This estimateincluded the 8020 aluminum structure, the cost of the LabVIEW and NI vision software, thecomputer, and the electronics of the system. The effective cost of the system for
lower rate than any other discipline1, which is reflected in anaggregate participation rate of about 17.8% in science and engineering at the associate’s andbachelor’s degree-levels for military servicemembers and veterans.2 Although a large portion ofveterans perform technical roles during their military careers, those experiences do not typicallylead to technical careers after their military service. This project, Stern2STEM, investigates thetransition of servicemembers from military service to baccalaureate STEM degree programs andimplements evidence-based interventions that increase participation in STEM fields and supporta more successful transition into technical careers. By providing student veterans, who alreadypossess technical STEM
and criteria established by accrediting agencies such as theACCE for BIM education. This may be one of the reasons why many CM programs are stillstruggling with incorporating BIM education in their curricula. To support industry innovation,CM programs should offer BIM education to students for their future careers.Innovative construction companies (e.g., Turner, Skanska, Whiting-Turner, etc.) have creatednew BIM and virtual design and construction (VDC) positions as they transition from traditionalpractices to ones integrating BIM technology into their organization. To reflect this industrydemand and change, CM programs have been gradually introducing BIM in their curricula. Inliterature, the importance of BIM education for students’ future