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Displaying results 20221 - 20250 of 22914 in total
Conference Session
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
Yongming Tang, Southeast University; Susan M Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
students takethe same liberal arts requirements as all other students on campus. In most U.S. universities,engineering students take fewer liberal arts courses and thus have standard patterns of 4 years.At USD, about half of the students graduate in 4.5 years, one-quarter in four years (if they camein with advanced placement credit and took summer courses) and the other one-quarter in fiveyears (including students in the Navy Reserve Officer Training Core (NROTC) who haveadditional coursework requirements). The unique BS/BA reflects the USD EngineeringDepartment’s commitment to have students experience “extensive technical education and the Page
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Sigrid -- Berka, University of Rhode Island; Emily Ann Serman, University of Rhode Island; Megan Mercedes Echevarria, University of Rhode Island; Lars O. Erickson, University of Rhode Island; Silke A. Scholz; Anette Geithner
Tagged Topics
International Forum
Out of Poverty as a starting point for the discussion, it focused on creating awareness about the global challenges our society is facing and how to potentially solve them using appropriate and sustainable technologies. The course cut across many technical and non-technical disciplines.In addition, students earned credit for SPA 310: Field Workshop - Cultural visit to Spain orHispanic America. In this parallel course students explored the language and culture of Chile anda variety of important cultural products, practices and perspectives in Chile while also takingtheir Spanish language skills further. They completed a photo-journalistic blog, reacted toothers’ blog entries and created an audio-visual reflection piece. Learning outcomes
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session I
2015 ASEE International Forum
Edward J. Jaselskis, North Carolina State University; Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University; Satyanarayana N. Kalidindi; Linda D. Krute, North Carolina State University; Hongling Guo, Tsinghua University; David Comiskey, Ulster University; Dede M Nelson, North Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
than perfect grammar and syntax. Studentsneed to know whether their discussions should primarily reflect ideas from lectures and readings,or if they are encouraged to question statements by others or to share their own opinions orexperiences.Another recommendation from the instructional designer was to provide more structured Page 19.32.9interactions with students before initiating the term project. It was recommended that teamsshould be formed earlier in the semester. Each team could be responsible for an activity such asanswering the “questions of the week” and posting their group responses. This would serve twopurposes: it would make sure
Conference Session
Track 1b - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Valentina Cecchi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Mona Azarbayjani, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Brett Tempest, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
improved. However, in the designof the solar pv system and generation there was a small percentage (9%) that did not grasp theconcept and 18% got slight improvement. Whereas the rest student’s population had a grasp ofthe concept and this is the population of the students that partook in the competition phase. Theresult of this survey is reflected in the class evaluation shown in Table 1.The construction phase transitioned smoothly as the students had learned about the project ingreater detail at the end of the design phase as indicated in students’ evaluations of Table 2. Ineach area of the construction, professionals were invited to coach students in the execution oftheir design. This was very beneficial in the competition phase because the
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Shankar Muthu Krishnan, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
, Albuquerque, NM. 2001. Page 20.12.1021. Waples, Lisa M., and Kristina M. Ropella. "University-industry partnerships in biomedical engineering." Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE 22.4 (2003): 118-121.22. Bresciani, Marilee J. "Overview of Outcomes-Based Assessment Program Review." Outcomes-based Academic and Co-curricular Program Review: A Compilation of Institutional Good Practices. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2006. 36-37.23. Haddara, Mahmoud, and Heather Skanes. "A reflection on cooperative education: From experience to experiential learning." Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 8.1 (2007): 67-76.24
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
John Matthew Long, Deakin University; Simon William Cavenett, Deakin University; Eloise Gordon, Deakin University; Matthew Joordens, Deakin University
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
studentevaluations across engineering indicate that students in semester three 2013 were much moresatisfied with the delivery of on-line subjects than they were in semester three 2012.Written comments from students (table 1) also reflected this sentiment. While the use of E-liveis only one of many factors in a student’s experience of an on-line course, we believe that it isa significant one. Table 1: Some Student Comments from the Course Evaluations Subject Student comment 3rd-year Control theory Elive tutorials are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for this unit to be of any value to the understanding of the theory involved. 3rd-year Concrete Elive tutorials for off campus students were
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Maria Nandadevi Cortes-Rodriguez, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Miguel Alfonso Nino, Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
Page 20.31.6Education Services, and one of their directors served as the moderator for the program. This seminar included students from several disciplines, including 15 STEM students.While the number of STEM “in-person” attendees is small, students who attended the seminardiscussed their opinions with students who did not attend through our “Professors BeyondBorders” online discussion group. The responses from the online discussions reflected thesentiments of the 15 STEM graduate students who attended this seminar in person. Figure1shows that 93% of the participants felt that the seminar gave then important information; inaddition, Figure 2 shows that 60% of the students who attended the seminar gained a morecomprehensive understanding
Conference Session
Track 3 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
David DiBiasio, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Terri A. Camesano, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Natalie A Mello, The Forum on Education Abroad
Tagged Topics
Student Development
2007. Currently in its 4th edition, published in 2011,the Standards are being reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the field. In addition to theseStandards, the Forum also published the Standards of Good Practice for Short-Term EducationAbroad Programs in 200910 and a second edition of the Code of Ethics for Education Abroad11in 2011. The Forum's “Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means bywhich the quality of education abroad programs may be judged.”12 For the purposes of this paper we will limit discussion to 4th edition of the Standards of GoodPractice for Education Abroad. The Forum Standards are designed and intended to beimplemented on an ongoing basis to respond to the practical realities of developing
Conference Session
Partner Organization Plenary III
2013 ASEE International Forum
Lyn Brodie, University of Southern Queensland; Frank Bullen, University of Southern Queensland
Tagged Topics
Partner Society Plenary
graduates approximately 8000 students from three and fouryear engineering bachelor programs well below needs and as such the average age ofengineers in Australia is slowly rising and in 2010 was 42 years 19. Since 2008 there has beenincrease in both offers of places by universities to study engineering and an increase inacceptance of those places 19 reflecting the good job prospects and starting salary of graduatesdue to the economic climate in Australia. Engineering programs also have one of the highestfunding levels per student from the Commonwealth and student fees. For example in 2011universities received AUS$23,154 for an engineering student while a business studentgenerated $10,873 income in comparison. However, engineering and related
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Imin Kao, Stony Brook University (SUNY); Yacov A. Shamash, Stony Brook University; ChoonHo Kim, SUNY Korea
Tagged Topics
Curriculum Development
research in a globalized world will play a significant role in the 21st century to prepare global engineers. In a global campus, students and faculty are thrust into a cross-cultural environment that challenges intellectually the modes of being and the ways of learning. A global engineer often has to face such cross-cultural tension when interacting with people under the context of globalization. Stony Brook University (SBU) in New York has established a global campus, called SUNY Korea, in Songdo, Republic of Korea, which serves as a venue for the preparation of global engineers. With a diverse student body and faculty, SUNY Korea reflects the spirit of globalization in offering an education that requires students to learn not
Conference Session
Track 3 - Session II - Faculty Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Danielle Marie Dowling, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Morgan M Hynes, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
ascertain the general character of the respective Page 21.34.3lexica the Design Team members used in posing questions to their students with an eye towardimproving the Thought Cloud and future professional development activities. Specifically, wewanted to answer the following questions: 1) How did the teachers stack up against one another? 2) Were there any factors that united or separated them? 3) Did their words reflect a shift toward the exposure of student reasoning or did they remain firmly rooted in the delivery of content? 4) In what ways can we characterize words that open a window on students’ minds
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Lyn Brodie, University of Southern Queensland; Lesley Jolly, Strategic Partnerships; Caroline Crosthwaite, University of Queensland; Lydia Kavanaugh, University of Queensland
Tagged Topics
Invited - Student Development
Engineers for the 21st Century, Royal Academy of Engineering. London UK.5. King, R. (2008) Engineers for the Future: addressing the supply and quality of Australian engineering graduatesfor the 21st century. ACED; Epping, Sydney6. Soundarajan, N. (2004) Program assessment and program improvement: closing the loop. Assessment andEvaluation in Higher Education 29(5): 597-610.7. Jolly, L., Crosthwaite, C., Brown, L. (2009) Building on strength, understanding weakness: realistic evaluationand program review. Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for EngineeringEducation: 911-917. Adelaide; AaeE.8. Rogers, P. (2007) Theory-Based Evaluation: Reflection Ten Years On, pp. 63-82 in S. Mathison (ed.) EnduringIssues in Evaluation
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Zbigniew Hladysz; Robert Corey; JASON ASH; Glen Stone; Dale Skillman; Charles Kliche; Larry Stetler; David Dixon; Larry Simonson; Stuart Kellogg
in Education Conference, Boulder, CO, November 2003. Page 10.1033.11[13] Slivovsky, L. A., F. R. Derego Jr., L. H. Hamieson, and W. C. Oakes, “ Developing the Reflection Component in the EPICS Model of Engineering Service Learning,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, CO, November 2003. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2005, American Society for Engineering Education[14] Catalano, G. D., “The Freshman Engineering Program at the State University of New York at Binghamton
Conference Session
Documenting Success
2005 Annual Conference
Steven Mickelson
purpose of assessing our learningcommunity initiative.Surveys. We have found surveys to be an easy, efficient, and effective way to gatherinformation from our learning community participants. A combination of forced answerLikert-type questions combined with open-ended questions provides us an opportunity toassess our target objectives and to gather meaningful reflective comments from thestudents. The data is useful for program planning on a semester-by-semester basis. Inaddition, we have maintained continuity in the survey tools, which has allowed us tocompare data from year to year.Focus Groups. We began using focus groups in the Fall 2000 semester as a method toaugment our survey data. Focus groups are a qualitative research method which
Conference Session
K-12 Programs for Women
2005 Annual Conference
Elizabeth DeBartolo; Margaret Bailey
improving the existing outreach programs and creating newones. Now that the existing programs have all been run at least once, our participant surveys canstart to shift focus from the “what did you think of the program?” and “how can we improvethis?” questions that help WE@RIT to plan events to the “what did you know about engineeringwhen you came here?” and “what did you learn?” questions that help the students reflect on whatthey’ve gained. One that may be helpful is based on the Draw an Engineer Test described by Page 10.28.8 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Improving Statics Instruction
2005 Annual Conference
Paul S. Steif; Anna Dollar
overview of connections appearing frequently inmechanical and structural systems, describe their various roles, and familiarize students withcommonly used terms. It is emphasized that most joints permit some relative motion betweenthe connected members, but prevent other motions. Students are shown digital images of a widevariety of systems with actual connections (fig. 1), and then are asked to reflect on the permittedand prohibited motions, for example, through in-class multiple choice questions (fig. 2).There are a number of distinct types of connections, termed, for example, pin, roller, rigid.Sometimes we refer to connections as supports. The term support (for example, pin support), isused when only the forces on the supported body are of
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs II
2005 Annual Conference
James Farison
Conference Session
Capacity Building: Engineering for Development & Megatrends
2005 Annual Conference
Russel Jones
vaccines, wireless internet distribution and access, or using Global PositioningSystem (GPS) technology for farming or fishing, they are all faced with the challenge ofkeeping up with increasingly stringent global regulatory environments.In the pharmaceutical industry, for example, this may be reflected in food and regulatoryrules and certification for manufacturing facilities and output quality that may beadministered differently by market and by new trading rules and WTO guidelines. In theinformation technology and telecommunications industry, this may be pressure fromnetwork externalities and the need to tie in to critical mass usage of a certain system orstandard. Thus, neither innovation alone, nor even cutting edge technology, determinesthe
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs II
2005 Annual Conference
Thomas Drummer; James Frendewey; Sheryl Sorby; Kris Mattila; John Sutherland; Leonard Bohmann
serviceindustries must improve their productivity in order to remain competitive.In May of 2004 the National Academy of Engineering unveiled its report “The Engineer of2020”.7 In this report the need for engineers to be involved in solving the problems of theservice sector industries is clearly articulated. However, even though NSF and the NAErecognize the need for engineers to work within the service sector, present-day engineeringcurricula are inadequately suited to meet the needs of the sector. The curricula reflect a focus ondesigning and building better machines, instruments, and other devices or manufacturingprocesses. Major design experiences are geared towards solving problems in the manufacturingand construction industries. Thus, if we are to
Conference Session
2005 Annual Conference
Paul Charlesworth; Thomas Drummer; Kedmon Hungwe; Sheryl Sorby
practice should help learners to reflect on theirlearning and become more metacognitively aware of their learning process. These skillsare important in the overall development of learners.There have been several studies examining what type of pre-college activities tend to bepresent in students who have well developed spatial skills (Deno, 1995, Leopold, Sorby,& Gorska 1996, and Medina, Gerson, & Sorby, 1998). Activities that require eye-to-handcoordination are particularly useful in developing these skills such as: 1) playing withconstruction toys (e.g., Legos) as a young child, 2) participating in classes such as shop,drafting, or mechanics as a middle school or secondary student, 3) playing 3-dimensionalcomputer games, 4) participating
Conference Session
Industrial Collaborations
2005 Annual Conference
Ken Wild; Constance Holden; Karen Horton
education and electrical engineering technology studentsused PhotoShop and PTGui to develop the photographic skins to apply to the models.The forestry student developed the model of the terrain from the survey and GPS data.Outcomes were assessed relative to the project goals through a review of the finalproducts and their written documentation.The travel and internship in the Park were not part of MET220, so no related learningoutcomes were assessed.Student PerceptionsComments reflecting student perceptions regarding the benefits of the project are taken from aletter, course evaluations, and an interview for an article.One MET220 student who did not work as an intern found student management and learning thetechnical skills a valuable experience
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Manufacturing ET
2005 Annual Conference
Jeffrey Newcomer
theychoose tasks that are likely to have risk factors as it makes the assignment more interesting.What they discover, however, is that it is often easier to identify a problem than it is to come upwith a reasonable solution, which in turn gives them more appreciation for the challenges ofimplementing an ergonomic program. Overall the assignment serves its purpose as anintroduction to ergonomic assessment, and differences in grades are more of a reflection ofstudents’ ability to clearly and concisely express ideas than in the quality of their assessments.Lifting AssessmentFor the lifting assessment assignment, students are required to analyze a lifting task using both
Conference Session
Collaborations Between Engineering/Education
2005 Annual Conference
Rickie Miller; Elisa Barney Smith
the educationmajors had in their individual math and science skills. They realized that if they could do thesame math and science based projects that engineering students do, they must have some ability.If the students had been separated, there would be a lingering feeling that it reflected on theirability.The education majors enrolling in this course are juniors and seniors based on the prerequisiteswe have set for this course. We have found that this gives them a greater maturity level than thefreshman engineering students. This maturity advantage has allowed them to lead better andmore than makes up for their weaker math skills and the lack of confidence that comes with that.We have also found that while we don’t announce to the
Conference Session
Computed Simulation and Animation
2004 Annual Conference
Abul Azad
for Engineering Education5. Student responseThe first version of the SCEFMAS is in use with the Automatic Control and SystemsEngineering Department of University of Sheffield (UK). This package is used as a supportingtool to deliver a module of a M.Sc. program with the department. Although, there is no formalassessment for the effectiveness of this environment as a leaning tool, but students has expressedtheir opinion during the module end questioners. These opinions reflect that the softwareenvironment enables the students to understand the behaviour of a flexible manipulator systemand also the effect of parameter variations. The learning process could be much difficult withoutthis package. In addition to this, student can test the
Conference Session
TIME 7: ABET Issues and Capstone Courses
2004 Annual Conference
Ever Barbero; Larry Banta
surveys using a questionnaire designed differently for each college, in our case for the College of Engineering and Mineral Resources (CEMR). The exit survey is given to graduating seniors at the end of the fall and spring semesters. In years past, the questions did not match properly with the outcomes, but lately modifications were introduced to the survey to reflect the outcomes pursued by most engineering disciplines within the college. We have historically achieved about 60% response from graduating seniors, but recent directives from the administration “encourage” faculty to allow class time for completion of the survey in an attempt to improve the return rate.2. Alumni Surveys. The department mails alumni surveys to recent
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2004 Annual Conference
Chetan Sankar; P.K. Raju
langauges In addition, a national digital library that contains the information-technology oriented casestudies would be of interest and use to engineering educators and students. That would make itpossible for educators to tap into a rich source of real-world problems when explaining complexengineering concepts and theories in the classroom.AcknowledgmentsThis research was based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantsNo. DUE# 9752353, DUE# 9950514, DUE#0001454 and DUE#0089036. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Weappreciate the help of Randy Bradley in performing the
Conference Session
Writing and Communication I
2005 Annual Conference
David Adams; William Manion
Page 10.1469.5and economy (COPE). Clarity means to write in unambiguous, easily understood style.Organization refers to the structure of the document, attachments and content. Precision refers to Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education.the ability to present appropriate and reasonable numbers, rationale and conclusions, and to usedescriptive language and modifiers with great care. Economy means to work and writeefficiently, without unnecessary language. These COPE emphases, as well as the use of memos,also reflect the concerns and priorities mentioned in the surveys (see Attachment 2).Fall
Conference Session
2005 Annual Conference
Charles Pezeshki
personal reflection, and several iterations, I settled on the current philosophy of theclass. It is based on the principle called “The Circle of Treats,” a somewhat humorous Page 10.912.3phrase I coined in order to explain how the class would be structured from a meta-level Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright  2005 American Society for Engineering Educationmanagement structure. All decisions about modification of the class must fit into thisphilosophy. In short, the philosophy is one of enlightened self-interest between allparties involved in the clinic
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2005 Annual Conference
Matthew Feemster
, respectively). Thoughthe score of PCs (1e) and (1f) are not poor, these lower scores are believed to reflect the fact thatthese two performance criteria represent a more comprehensive understanding of system modeling(i.e., performance prediction and model feasibility) rather than simple analysis. Since this projectmay be their first exposure to a complete control design cycle, the lower scores in the more synthesisoriented criteria are not surprising.As with outcome (1), the students performed well in the more analysis oriented outcomeperformance criteria (2d) scoring a 2.8 out of 3.0. Within PC (2d), the students were required toutilize simulation models in order to evaluate their controller design against design objectives. Thestudents tended to
Conference Session
New Approaches & Techniques in Engineering I
2005 Annual Conference
Kamal Shahrabi; Feng Huang; Ali Setoodehnia; Hong Li
typical wireless broadcasting scenario where thereare multi-path channels (i.e. the transmitted signals arrive at the receiver using variouspaths of different length due to signal reflection from barrier materials). It becomes veryhard to extract the original information because of multiple versions of signal interferewith each other. Wide applications of OFDM in the European market as the Digital AudioBroadcasting (DAB) standard, in ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) standard andWireless Local Area Networks and the outlines of using OFDM in the 5.8-GHz band asin IEEE 802.11a, has stimulated the search for the optical realization of such technique.The ISI has become an issue in today’s DWDM system. However, the amplitude onlymodulation