Education Research. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(1), 186-210.2 Montfort, D., Brown, S., & Pollock, D. (2009). An Investigation of Students' Conceptual Understanding in Related Sophomore to Graduate-Level Engineering and Mechanics Courses. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(2), 111-129.3 Linnenbrink, E. A., & Pintrich, P. R. (2003). Achievement goals and intentional conceptual change. In G. M. Sinatra & P. R. Pintrich (Eds.), Intentional conceptual change (pp. 347–374). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.4 Posner, G. J., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). The clinical interview and the measurement of conceptual change. Science Education, 66(2), 195-209. doi
computational modeling activities areintegral to each educational learning module. When students formulate computational models,they develop understanding by engaging in the theory and observations of a situation. Studentscomplete each educational learning module in about three hours outside of class after they havebeen introduced to the individual topic in lecture(s) and completed a series of homeworkproblems. As students complete an activity, they are encouraged to refer to its correspondinggrading rubric, which conveys expectations of quality across different levels of expertise. Ourpedagogical model can be used to design learning modules for difficult concepts in other STEMsubjects.Keywords: cognitive apprenticeship, pedagogical model, engineering
GRIT with retention-to-graduation with the correlation of admissions variables to retention-to-graduation. Admissions variables were originally selected because they predict retention; the study will examine whether GRIT is more, less or additionally predictive of student success.Introduction“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goals. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”Louis PasteurThe Grit Scale was developed by Dr. Angela Duckworth in 20071 to measure the personalitytraits of perseverance and passion for long-term goals. In Duckworth 20092 The Short Grit Scale(Grit–S) was shown to have internal consistency, validity and improved psychometric properties.Various studies have associated GRIT, as measured by the Grit-S scale, with
is 15 cm, V1 velocity is 5m/s and V2 velocity is 2m/s. b) What is the D2 diameter, if the D1 diameter is 10 cm, V1 velocity is 5m/s, and V2 velocity is 2m/s. Figure 4. Module 2 – The Continuity Principle and the Module 2 assignmentModule 3 – Fluid Pressure Measurement & ManometersModule 3 reviews the concept of fluid pressure calculation in systems with manometers. For thesimulation setup, a well type manometer is used. The simulation is set-up in a way so that it isinteractive and students can select a
) critically evaluating the state of research andrecommending improvements, and (c) identifying neglected topics that require the attention ofresearchers. Our completed systematic review will contribute in each of these three areas.Bibliography1. Ma, W., Adesope, O. O., Nesbit, J. C., & Liu, Q. (2014). Intelligent tutoring systems and learning outcomes: A Page 26.1754.10 meta-analytic survey. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 901-918.2. Sabo, K. E., Atkinson, R. K., Barrus, A. L., Joseph, S. S., & Perez, R. S. (2013). Searching for the two sigma advantage: Evaluating algebra intelligent tutors. Computers in
J K L M N O P Q R S T U 21 11 3 3 9 11 3Table 2 lists the research topics and physics associated with the 21 most successful models todate. Four topics
research questions, we decided to examine defining characteristics ofindividuals identified by our participants as exemplary engineering leaders. It was at this point Page 26.815.2that we noticed a significant over-representation of men in the pool of highly esteemed leaders.In this paper, we use a factor analysis and Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test to examine onepossible reason for this disparity—a gender difference in engineers’ leadership aspirations. Wethen use a focused literature review to hypothesize two alternative explanations for our finding. T ABLE 1 : S AMPLE C HARACTERISTICS Category Sub-Categories
States Coast Guard Academy. He received his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His areas of interest include laboratory development, antennas, wireless communica- tions, signal processing, and instrumentation. Page 26.116.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 A Successful “Applications
University Press, 2014).6. Clements, D. H. Curriculum research: Toward a framework for ‘Research-based Curricula’. J. Res. Math. Educ. 38, 35–70 (2007).7. Dym, C., Agogino, A., Eris, O., Frey, D. D. & Leifer, L. J. Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning. J. Eng. Educ. 94, 103–120 (2005).8. Daly, S. R., Adams, R. S. & Bodner, G. M. What does it mean to design? A qualitative investigation of design professionals’ experiences. J. Eng. Educ. 101, 187–219 (2012).9. Bannan-Ritland, B. The Role of Design in Research: The Integrative Learning Design Framework. Educ. Res. Page
differentengineering disciplines to solve many important manufacturing automaton problems. As a finalproject, students are expected to model and simulate a work cell for the selected application andto perform the same with the physical robots in the lab. They will compare both outcomes forevaluation of the calculated results. Students submit a comprehensive engineering report todocument all requirements. Experiments and projects are designed and implemented in asequence that would allow the students to acquire a complete manufacturing automationexperience. This included on-line and off-line robot programming (uploading and downloadingprograms between robots controllers and simulation software), robot integration (addingperipherals to a robot(s) to create a
Czech Technical University Arlington Tokyo • Accelerating S&T transitions and achievements to the U.S. • Avoiding technological surprise Flexible Supercapacitor • Strengthening partnerships
(Phase 2)Once phase 1 is complete and the benchmarking team has been formed, the identification of thebenchmarking subject (i.e., focus of the benchmarking process) must be completed. During thisphase, it is important that: • The desired areas to be benchmarked are identified; • The number of areas is narrowed down to key areas that can realistically be impacted; • The importance of each area is determined based on priorities; and • The final benchmarking subject(s) are identified.Through multiple conversations between the assistant director of The Center and one of theauthors, several desired areas to be benchmarked were identified. In particular, the assistantdirector was interested in benchmarking interventions with regard to
Graphics, 6(1), 99-109.4. Leopold, C., Gorska, R. A., & Sorby, S. A. (2001). International experiences in developing the spatial visualization abilities of engineering students. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 5(1), 81-91.5. Strong, S., & Smith, R. (2001). Spatial visualization: Fundamentals and trends in engineering graphics. Journal of Industrial Technology, 18(1), 1-6.6. Hsi, S., Linn, M. C., & Bell, J. E. (1997). The role of spatial reasoning in engineering and the design of spatial instruction. Journal of Engineering Education, 86(2), 151-158.7. Sorby, S. A. (2001). Improving the spatial visualization skills of engineering students: Impact on graphics performance and retention. Engineering Design
applied inthis case [6].Challenge-based Ocean Engineering Project (COEP)The top-level objectives of this challenge-based ocean engineering project were two-fold: (a)respond to a report of potential UXO sighting and search a rectangular area approximately 100feet by 75 feet with depths of water up to 40 feet for the potential UXO; (b) If potential UXOwas located, then (1) provide as precise of a geo-location as possible in order to enable theExplosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) expert to respond to the exact location and (2) provide asmuch information as possible on the located object(s) to an EOD subject matter expert (SME) onshore. The goal of providing this information was to enable the SME to assess if the object waspotentially dangerous, not
) presentingmore information to users through clickable pop-out boxes. The last three characteristics focuson students’ active involvement, giving them a chance to organize their learning process bynavigating through modules, changing input parameters, and observing the outcomes. Dependingon the technical limitations and CSA objectives, different researchers have focused on differentaspects of the above-mentioned characteristics 6, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24.Pedagogical innovations in the instruction of engineering mechanicsBefore 1990’s, the main emphasis of educational research was on improving teaching styles,active learning, and facilitation of student conceptual understanding20. Developments incomputer graphics and web-based tools have reinforced these
:// (accessed October 15 2014).3) Candy, P. C. Self-Direction for Lifelong Learning. A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice; ERIC. 1991.4) Smerdon, E. T. Lifelong learning for engineers: Riding the whirlwind. 1996.5) Kraiger, K.; Ford, J. K.; Salas, E. Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. Journal of applied psychology 1993, 78, 311.6) Bloom, B. S.; Krathwohl, D. R.: Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain, 1956.7) Krathwohl, D. R.; Bloom, B. S.; Masia, B. B.: Taxonomy of educational objectives, handbook ii: affective domain. New York: David McKay Company
include an attitude theory based instrument forcollecting information entrepreneurship orientation, a multi-part socio economic statusinstrument, and several additional questions developed by the authors to collect information toexplore ties between demographic and attitude measures of entrepreneurship.Instrument – Entrepreneurship ComponentThe attitude theory component, consisting of 75 Likert-type items, is a modified version of theEntrepreneurial Attitudes and Orientation (EAO) instrument originally developed by Robinson etal16. This instrument, developed in the early 1990’s, used two discrete populations: a populationof entrepreneurs and a population of non-entrepreneurs. The goal of the instrument is toestablish an attitude theory based
opportunities for undergraduate laboratory instructionAbstract:This paper outlines a two-semester senior engineering design project that was carried out tostudy a moderately well-defined chemical reaction involving sodium borohydride in aqueousconditions to generate hydrogen for fuel cell applications. Sodium borohydride hydrolysis hasbeen studied extensively since the early 1940’s as a promising hydrogen storage material, whichprovides a content-rich study area for engineering design coursework and undergraduatelaboratory experiences related to energy, hydrogen, and energy storage potential. Throughout thetwo-semester project design course, a two-student engineering team carried out literature reviewsand bench work that lead them to investigate
not exhaustive; rather, itshows a sample of Civil Engineering programs that have published journal or conference papersabout their industry-sponsored capstone courses. Page 26.1412.3Table 1: Reviewed Industry-Sponsored Capstone Design Courses Including Civil StudentsSchool (source) Semesters Annual Engineering Student Sponsor Support Enrollment Discipline(s) Group SizeBrigham Young 2 NR Civil 3-4 Project Idea,University 13 Mentoring, and
globally focused experiences outscored those who did not.Notably, the mean EGPI score of students who reported study abroad was significantly higherthan that of those who did not study abroad. In contrast, participation in second-languagecourses, projects or internships abroad, or having an international roommate did not reveal astatistically significant difference in students’ EGPI or GPI performance.Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine potential relationships among studentexperiences and their global preparedness. The regression results indicated that the combinationof such experiences including engineering focused service learning, study abroad, and non-engineering course(s) with a global focus accounted for approximately 12% of
Page 26.1149.2difficulties, the process of analyzing ethnographic data is often one of the most difficult steps forresearchers to navigate during the research process. Much of this confusion comes from attemptsto demonstrate an understanding of what was actually observed.In their seminal book, “Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes,” Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw2 discusstechniques for writing effective fieldnotes in a variety of observational settings. They state thatfieldnotes can often be written from multiple perspectives. Using a first-person point of view,researchers are able to describe specifically what they observe or experience during the datacollection process. This is particularly useful when the researcher is a member of the group s/heis
engineering concepts, is relatively scarce. Page 26.1608.4 Graduate students’ views on teaching are in part a result of their departmental culture,revolving around the perceived status of who teaches and who doesn’t. Even though Feldon etal.’s study on graduate student teaching presents “direct, performance-based evidence ofimprovement on specific research skills associated with teaching experiences that complementtraditional graduate research training”[16], teaching is still considered a separate role withoutpositive impacts on research or the faculty career. In many engineering departments, there is aperception that teaching is “grunt work
Large Classes. in American Society for Engineering Education 2014 National Conference & Exposition (American Society for Engineering Education, 2014).2. ASCE Policy Statement 351 - Peer Review. (2010). at 3. Verleger, M., Diefes-Dux, H. A., Ohland, M. W., Besterfield-Sacre, M. & Brophy, S. Challenges to Informed Peer Review Matching Algorithms. J. Eng. Educ. 99, 397–408 (2010).4. Burnham, J. C. The Evolution of Editorial Peer Review. JAMA J. Am. Med. Assoc. 263, 1323–1329 (1990).5. Bohannon, J. Who’s afraid of peer review? Science 342, 60–5 (2013).6. Wolfe-Simon, F. et al. A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus. Science (80-. ). 332, 1163–1166 (2011).7. Wolfe
Exercise: An evaluation of the effectiveness of information assurance education. The Journal of Information Security 1(2).6. Anisetti, M., Bellandi, V., Colombo, A., Cremonini, M., Damiani, E., Frati, F., Hounsou, J. T. and Rebeccani, D. (2007). Learning Computer Networking on Open Paravirtual Laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Education 50(4), 302-311.7. Bhosale, Y. S. and Livingston L M, J. (2014). V-Lab: A Mobile Virtual Lab for Network Security Studies. International Journal of Computer Applications 93(20), 35-38.8. Briner Jr, J. V., Roberts, J. E. and Worthy, F. (2005). Teaching Computer Science at a Small University. Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE).9. Bullers, W. I., Burd, S. and
meeting that we video recorded. In this meeting, Team2 spent the majority of their time planning their final presentation. This was the next coursedeliverable following the meeting, and Team 2 focused heavily on creating a presentation that fitthe course requirements but was also memorable. This clip presents the first decision the teammade around their presentation structure and medium – What medium(s) should the team use toconvey their design? Seated from left to right around the table at the start of the clip shown inFigure 5-3 are: Yin, Meghan, Jing, Analyn, Zoya, and Wu.Figure 5-3
believed that the Center andits resources were “important” or “essential” to their academic success in their first-yearengineering course(s). In addition, the majority of students’ activities in the Learning Center thatsupported their engineering coursework included working on team design projects, using thenetwork computers, attending a special first-year class, using the 3D printers, using hand tools tobuild a project, using the space to meet with classmates, and getting help from teaching assistantsand faculty members. Qualitative analyses revealed that students generally valued the resourcesin the Learning Center but remarked –not surprisingly– that the Center’s actual operationalspace, which is only 700 ft2 of the total 1600 ft2, was too
expressed herein are solely the authors’.REFERENCES CITED 1 Lighthall, A. (2012). Ten things you should know about today’s student veteran. Thought & Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal, 80-89. Available at Lord, S., Kramer, K., Olson, R., Karsada, M., Hayhurst, D., Rajala, S., … & Soldan, D. (2011). Special Session – Attracting and supporting military veterans to engineering programs. Proceedings of the 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD, October.3 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2012). Annual benefits report fiscal year 2012. Available at
-scientificchallenge: Energy production. It is hoped that students learning about bioenergy willhave a deeper understanding of energy issues facing the planet and be prepared to be apart of solving these issues in the future.ReferencesBittle, S., Rochkind, J., & Ott, A. (2009). The Energy Learning Curve. Retrieved 8/15/14 from:, C. (2009). Enhancing pupils’ abilities to properly judge and make informed decisions in the field of renewable energy sources. In Proceedings of the Australasian Science Education Research Association (pp. 149–154).Chen, K. L., Huang, S. H., & Liu, S. Y. (2013). Devising a framework for energy education in Taiwan
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