requirement of full-time status (12+ credits in fall/spring) became problematic for students whoneeded fewer than 12 credits in their last semester to graduate. Other students had scheduling challenges(e.g., 15 credits in one semester but 11 in the other), that threatened their eligibility. In Flit-GAP, after thefirst semester, the requirement for full-time status is interpreted to allow for these cases in which studentsare making progress toward graduation but cannot register for 12 credits in a particular semester .Common Program ActivitiesFlit-GAP provides positive, peer group cohorts for junior, senior, and eventually graduate-level students.Student development and support activities combine social and educational events to help these
future energy Page 23.871.4alternatives and conservation methods.At Stanford University, around 100-170 students enroll per year in two courses on energy and itssustainability taught consecutive quarters. In the first course, an engineering problem-solvingapproach has been implemented to analyze the existing energy landscape and guide designs forfuture energy supply. Students complete a group project, write a report, present their finalprojects, and answer questions from their peers in the first course. In the second course, studentsexamine alternative energy processes, such as, renewables and nuclear energy, with the potentialfor low carbon
been actively involved in basic educational and instructional re- search by infusing several interactive and active learning techniques in classroom to teach introductory programming courses with a goal to improve the retention rate in the CS department. Dr. Rahman has published a book, two book chapters and around seventy articles in peer-reviewed journals and confer- ence proceedings, such as IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, etc. and presented his works in numerous conferences and workshops, such as ICPR, CBMS, CLEF, CIVR, HISB, SPIE, BIBE, IEEE FIE, etc. His current research is focusing on Crowdsourcing and Deep learning techniques and their
occurred in controlled research settings, developing our understanding of what it is and whyit is beneficial. Much less is known about how to help students develop metacognitive skills inclassroom settings, that is, how to teach metacognition. Further, there are significant bodies ofresearch on the role of metacognition in writing and solving math problems, but little work hasbeen done on the role of metacognition within engineering disciplines.Metacognition is particularly important in the training and development of engineers as problemsolvers. Practicing engineers are problem solvers, engaging ill-structured and ill-defined real-world problems. Metacognitive skills function to help problem solvers navigate such messyproblems – enabling them to
to be critical in expediting acquisition ofresearch skills. In other words, each class period was designed to facilitate hands-on and minds-on learning opportunities through peer-peer and peer-instructor interactions. A significant number of communication- based activities were integrated throughout the course, including in-class and out-of- Research class written responses, in-class discussion Triangle pairs and discussion groups, poster
conservation methods.At Stanford University, around 100-170 students enroll per year in two courses on energy and itssustainability taught consecutive quarters. In the first course, an engineering problem-solvingapproach has been implemented to analyze the existing energy landscape and guide designs forfuture energy supply. Students complete a group project, write a report, present their finalprojects, and answer questions from their peers in the first course. In the second course, studentsexamine alternative energy processes, such as, renewables and nuclear energy, with the potentialfor low carbon intensity and environmental impact.At CSULB, 100 to 300 students enroll in the energy and environment course in every semester.Roughly 20% of students are
, students attend weekly seminars on emerging research in engineeringfields, enrichment and academic development activities, and social events. Students concludethe program with research presentations to their peers and faculty and graduate student mentors.During the past twenty years, 502 students participated in the program. These students wereselected from a pool of 2,554 applicants. A comprehensive assessment program for SURE hasbeen developed and implemented. The assessment process is driven by the overall programobjective to provide participants a meaningful research experience and to increase the likelihoodthat participants will attend graduate school in engineering. This model identifies three cohortsfrom which data is collected. Each data
Paper ID #25249Board 115: Preparing Next Generation of Manufacturing Leaders: A Caseof REU Site in CybermanufacturingDr. Bimal P. Nepal, Texas A&M University Dr. Bimal Nepal is an Associate Professor in the Industrial Distribution Program at Texas A&M Univer- sity. His research interests include integration of supply chain management with new product development decisions, distributor service portfolio optimization, pricing optimization, supply chain risk analysis, lean and six sigma, large scale optimization, and engineering education. He has authored over 100 refereed articles in leading journals and peer
recommend it toother undergraduates. This REU will continue to strive to: 1) increase the number of undergraduatesparticipating in research projects focused on cancer related research; 2) increase communication of bio-inspired science and engineering to undergraduate peers, faculty and general audience; and 3) diversifythe supply of scientists and engineers contributing to American industries and economics as a a diverse audience; 3) diversify the supply of scientists and engineers contributing to American industriesand economics as a whole. We expected at least 6 out of the 10 undergraduate students enrolled in ourREU site to come from institutions outside NJIT and at least 60% from institutions with limited researchopportunities. We will
unpreparedness.Even so, faculty believed that scholars would benefit from a math “conditioning” mini-courseand academic support in the form of tutoring, supplemental instruction sessions, peer teaching,and science seminars, both with regard to academic success and self-confidence.Math Boot Camp: “Math Boot Camp” in an intensive mini-course designed to refresh students’mathematics knowledge and increase fluency so students feel equipped and confident in futurecourses. Mathematics preparedness is the single best predictor of college performance in science,and rigorous high school math courses benefits college biology, chemistry, and physics.15, 16Students whose coursework includes advanced mathematics such as Trigonometry or Calculusare the most likely to be
Research Based on the need to graduate more underrepresented Engineers, the literature, andresults of the Toys’n MORE project, the Sustainable Bridges project seeks to address threeresearch questions.RQ1: Can the retention gap in Engineering between underrepresented transfer students andnative students (those who stay at the same institution for four years) be reduced/eliminated byadditional support through the junior year for regional campus students who plan transfer toUniversity Park?RQ2: What is the size and quality of the first year academic social network (i.e., campus peers,faculty, and staff) for (a) racially underrepresented University Park students who bridge atUniversity Park, (b) regional campus students who bridge at University
majors—Bioengineering,Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. Each major represents a single case with whichwe will conduct within- and between-case analysis. We are using this methodology tosystematically examine how and why elective track choices become gendered duringundergraduate engineering education, and what the career implications might be for women. Inparticular, we are collecting multi-year, and multi-level (institutional, educator, and student)archival, survey, and interview data relevant to educational tracks and track selection as well ascareer attitudes and decisions during undergraduate engineering education. We are examininghow personal factors (e.g., interests and beliefs), relational factors (e.g., peer) and
belonging inengineering. The study found that classroom inclusion was the only significant predictor ofbelonging and could predict it positively to a moderate degree. Further, it was found that studentsin revised inclusive courses reported significantly stronger feelings of inclusion and belongingthan their peers in traditional courses. These findings suggest that systematic efforts toimplement neuroinclusive learning practices in engineering education may contribute to a senseof belonging for all students.IntroductionThe concept of neurodiversity, a term coined by sociologist Judy Singer [1], emerged asmembers of the autistic community challenged the predominant disability framing of autism andembraced the notion that diversity of minds is both
contributions to the collective team effort) reflected student awareness of associatedlearning gains, e.g. • ”Although teamwork felt like the greatest scourge, it's valuable to have the experience of working with a team, particularly in the context of design and report-writing. It's a valuable lesson to learn what dynamic you fit into in a team and how you can work to improve and work more effectively in teams...having a high/low GPA doesn't always mean you're a good/poor worker and certainly doesn't say anything about your ability to work effectively on a team...peer assessment was also a fantastic idea feedback...should be mandatory to justify the marks given to each student
study the effectiveness of online lab experiences with the goal of improvingstudent success and self-efficacy. Online lab sessions must offer active learning experiences,which may include ample opportunities for students to interact with their peers and instructors,and tackle real problems by experiencing trials and errors. This research on the online labs cangreatly contribute to enhancing EE engineering student learning. Further, it will address thecritical component of EE engineering - experiential learning - with a lot of hands-on lab learningexperiences that can lead to a deeper understanding of engineering concepts. Well-designedonline labs can help students maintain enthusiasm for engineering fresh and can also increase theretention rate
research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Counseling and Development, Professional School Counseling, The High School Journal, and Urban Education. Equally important, Dr. Hines is an ACA Fellow and received the Al Dye award for co-editing the special issue, Group Work with African Americans Children and Adolescents published in the Journal for Specialist in Group Work. Dr. Hines received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park in Counselor Education with a concentration in Urban School Counseling. Finally, he has worked as a counselor in various K-12 settings and for the Ronald E McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program.Dr. Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina
interactions such as receiving and responding to feedback to build competence andsupporting the learning of their peers to support relatedness. To again promote students’ autonomy after the completion of their first projects, studentswere given the option to maintain or dissolve their teams for the remainder of the semester. Allstudents opted to maintain their teams. Students completed two more projects with these teamswith five weeks devoted to each project. Students were given increasing levels of autonomy indetermining the topic and deliverables for each successive project, further promoting students’senses of autonomy. At the end of the semester, all students were required to take a final examination perdepartmental policies and norms
.• Professional Skills - Problem solving and managerial skills, positive attitude and motivation, business writing skills, communication skills (internal and external), foreign language proficiency (especially Spanish), respect for cultural differences, leadership and supervision skills; human resources knowledge e.g., organizational measurement), an understanding of marketplace differentiators, a mature work ethic with the goal of advancing professionally.The needs expressed by the industry leaders at the round table are reinforced through peer-reviewedjournal articles, such as those published by Akridge (2004) and Urutyan & Litzenberg (2010)[12, 13].Background Food and foodstuff is a stable industry poised for significant
of the topics they are about to learn. The learning begins withresearch, teacher lectures, group discussions, and revisions to the original ideas of the unit. Nextis a section of the Legacy Cycle called “test your mettle” in which students are required to showwhat they have learned. This can be accomplished in a tradition paper and pencil test format orcan be explored through projects, papers, or presentations. To finish out the Legacy Cycle, thestudents must “go public” with what they have learned, presenting their findings in front of theirschool or community through the format of a newspaper article, poster, or presentation. This willforce the students to be accountable for their learning to their peers and community. Knowingthat they
engineering practices (SEPs)in NGSS. Participants were given “post-it” notes and told to write one word that describes whatscientists and engineers “do” on a note. After a few minutes, participants then placed their notesunder a poster listing each of the eight science and engineering practices. Teachers were able tosee that each of their words could fit under one of the practices and it was noted that they wereable to successfully identify many activities conducted by scientists and engineers. Participantsthen broke into groups of three or four and were assigned one of the eight SEPs to closelyexplore. Explanations of each practice from the standpoints of “science’ and “engineering” wereprovided to each group. The groups were assigned the
. degree from Princeton, and M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell.Julie Dyke Ford Ph.D., New Mexico Tech Dr. Julie Ford is Professor of Technical Communication (housed in the Mechanical Engineering depart- ment) at New Mexico Tech where she coordinates and teaches in the junior/senior design clinic as well as teaches graduate-level engineering communication courses. Her research involves engineering commu- nication, technical communication pedagogy, and knowledge transfer. She has published and presented widely including work in the Journal of Engineering Education, the Journal of STEM Education: Innova- tions and Research, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, the Journal of Technical Writing and
understanding and ask and answer questions.For both Engineering 82 and Math 45, all PowerPoint slides and tablet writing shown in thecontrol section were contained in the video watched by the inverted section. For both courses,all students completed the same problems that students in the control section completed ashomework. In Engineering 82, students in the inverted section completed specified problemsduring class meeting time (and turned them in at the end of class) and turned others in ashomework. In Math 45, students in the inverted section used in-class time to work on anyproblems from the homework assignment and turned in all of their work as homework. As a finalnote, students in both sections of Math 45 had access to the videos; only students
primary interest centers on postsecondary success for minoritized women and men in STEM fields. Following this interest, she has conducted re- search in several areas including the intersectionality of race and gender in engineering; including un- derstanding the culture, climate, and infrastructure of an engineering program (policies, organizational norms, interactions with faculty & peers, etc.) that may reinforce racial and gender stereotypes, engen- der feelings of racial and gender subordination, and disproportionately validate and privilege members of some racial groups at the expense of others.Tiffany D. Pan, University of Washington Tiffany Pan is a Graduate Research Assistant at the Center for Evaluation
being able to secure an internship over the summer. The RS students were enrolled in an annual cadre-based one credit hour seminar with theresearchers to maintain the program’s high-touch status within the students’ lives and to direct themto reflect and consider some of the lessons from the experiences they had encountered. Personalreflection in written form is one of the best means to glean positive knowledge from a practicallearning event [38], [39]. The students had three extra-curricular activities to cover, and they wereassisted by the researchers in producing publication quality final reports. Student essays were peer-edited and then given a final review by the research team. Samples of RS student-written activityreporting were
subsequently apply this knowledge to write a detailed researchreport and create a business plan to commercialize their research. At the end of the summer, thestudents compete in the EngiPreneurship (engineering entrepreneurship) competition where theypresent their business plans to seasoned judges from JMI, the Office of Intellectual Property andCommercialization, Domi Station, and Tallahassee professionals. At the start and end of theprogram, students rank their ability and motivation to pursue careers in STEM disciplines andare ranked by their graduate student mentors. The combined foci of research, development, andentrepreneurship have shown to increase student engagement.IntroductionThe Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st
schools in the northeast. There weren’t a lot of options for electives orclasses. All of the science classes that we took were marine science classes, including onetechnology class each year. For example, my freshman year I took technical writing and mysophomore year I took AutoCAD. Also, during my senior year I took a research class in which Iparticipated in a year-long research study that hasn’t actually been done before and will bepublished shortly about Microplastics on the East Coast, and that was an amazing class. My teachertreated me like an adult, a scientist, I was responsible for my own deadlines and due dates, and herattitude towards the class and towards my responsibilities in that class really made me want towork hard for it. I
ASEE in 2016 [1].The project team, all of whom are authors of this paper, includes a math professor (Hartenstine),a computer science professor (Fizzano), the host institution’s College of Science andEngineering’s STEM Outreach and Inclusion Specialist (Barber DeGraaff), as well as aneducational researcher (Brobst) and a project evaluator external to the host institution (Litzler).First, we will discuss program activities which include: recruiting, first-year seminars, eventsaimed at developing professional growth, near-peer mentoring, and advising. Next we detail theresearch methodology and results which are focused on understanding how the programactivities contribute to a student’s self-efficacy, identity, and sense of belonging (SEIB) as
significantly more likely to attend college and three times as likely to major in engineering than compared to a group of students 21with similar background and achievement in science and math. A similar study was conducted in order to evaluate Project Lead the Way (PLTW), a nonprofit organization that promotes preengineering courses in middle and high schools. This study found that PLTW graduates were five times more likely to select engineering courses compared to firsttime freshmen at fouryear 22 institutions, and their average freshman GPA was higher than their peers. Because there is
incoming first-year engineering students participating in a Summer Bridge Program (SBP)[11]. During the workshop, we presented students with scenarios (i.e. Your first round of tests didnot go well and your usual studying habits are not working) to respond to through individualwritten response, small group written response and discussion, and a facilitated large groupdiscussion. The scenarios spanned six domains: academic performance, faculty and staffinteractions, extracurricular involvement, peer-group interactions, professional development, andspecial circumstances. We prompted the students to write down how they thought they wouldrespond to the four scenarios they were given. For example, one student’s individual writtenresponse to the
instructors’ department heads and peerreview committees summarizing their innovations to ensure their efforts were recognized; andwe tried to offer co-design of instructional innovations with peer mentorship to offset thelimitations with instructors’ limited time.In Spring 2023, we worked with two instructors from our initial cohort who were interested inimplementing ABP into their current courses. In the poster that will accompany this paper, wewill summarize additional data which will be collected throughout the Spring 2023 semester,including feedback from instructor check-ins.Future work and conclusionsGiven this paper was written during the first year of a three-year project, we have focused ondescribing our piloting efforts and preliminary