engineering problem. Can partially verify whether a solution meets the given requirements of the problem. Satisfactory: Student can implement a basic solution to a given engineering problem. Can verify whether a solution meets the given requirements of the problem at a basic level. Exemplary: Student can fully implement an advanced solution to a given engineering problem. Can fully verify whether a solution meets the given requirements of the problem at an advanced level.It is important to realize that the Program Outcomes and corresponding performanceindicators are general in nature and not course specific. This requires that each instructorusing the rubric to reflect seriously on the choice of appropriate course
as they apply to K-12 education. In 2013, the Next Generation Science Standards reflected the growing interest in K-12 engineering by integrating it with the science curriculum. In contrast to the prior standards, the NGSS explicitly included engineering as a foundational component of the curriculum, with engineering concepts included in the requirements for each grade level. In fact, the final NGSS document body included over three hundred uses of the word engineering. Taking advantage of recent research into science learning, the standards also propose a new view of teaching science. Whereas the earlier standards heavily emphasized science content knowledge, the new standards took a more holistic view of science. Science education
clarity.Summaries of the survey responses and narrative themes were shared with all of the researchersand reviewed collaboratively to verify our understandings and to increase the trustworthiness ofour conclusions.20In this paper, we have excerpted descriptive data that inform our evaluation by includingresponses suggesting actions that Boise State University, or others, can take to improve thelikelihood that future girls will select and remain on a STEM pathway. The participantdemographic data in Table 2 provides a background to the narrative passages, which are sharedanonymously to protect the confidentiality of our participants. Focus group participants indicatedthey responded to our survey and are assumed to be reflected in the demographics shared
, statics and stress, filtration and chemical precipitation, and soon). These engineering concepts are not abstracted from social, political, and economicconsiderations. Rather, engineering is imbued with social context. The RPG offers studentsopportunities to reflect on economic, geographical, economic, and philosophical issues whilelearning the technical skills they need to make informed decisions to address the needs of arapidly expanding population.Introduction and Statement of the ProblemIn 1945, when the French mathematician Jacques Hadamard sought to uncover the thoughtprocesses of mathematicians, he approached Albert Einstein, who suggested that “combinatoryplay seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.”1 For many years
“using mathematics andcomputational thinking”, as well as crosscutting concepts focused on “systems and systemmodels” 11. Engineering design projects provide extensive opportunities to engage in practicescommon to both the CSSM and Framework: defining problems, constructing explanations,developing models, using appropriate tools and attending to precision.Engineering design done well requires an unfamiliar role for many teachers. Teachers must shiftfrom evaluative to interpretive perspectives while moving away from guiding students to correctanswers and toward emphasizing exploration and engagement 12. Teaching practices must fosterstudent reflection on their own reasoning and interpretation of problems 13. Rather than warningstudents when they
SET, particularly within engineering?1. Miller EJ, Seldin P. Changing Practices in Faculty Evaluation. Academe. 2014;100(3):35.2. Yoder BL. Engineering by the Numbers. ASEE. 2015.3. Beleche T, Fairris D, Marks M. Do course evaluations truly reflect student learning? Evidence from an objectively graded post-test. Econ Educ Rev. Elsevier Ltd; 2012;31(5):709–19.4. Elmore PB, LaPointe KA. Effects of teacher sex and student sex on the evaluation of college instructors. J Educ Psychol. 1974;66(3):386–9.5. Bennett SK. Student perceptions of and expectations for male and female instructors: Evidence relating to the question of gender bias in teaching evaluation. J Educ Psychol
will have to cultivate if they are interested in creating a TAP of their own. Our hope isthat TAP will be a pilot for other programs that address this need across the country.AcknowledgmentsThis work is currently supported by the Battelle Engineering, Technology, and Human Affairs(BETHA) Endowment and an Impact Grant from The Ohio State University Office of Outreachand Engagement, a program supporting innovative and scholarly engagement programs thatleverage academic excellence of The Ohio State University in mutually beneficial ways withexternal partners. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BETHAEndowment or the Office
undergraduate declared female majors in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (2, 2A, and 2OE) by class year and class standing. All data taken from the annual October census (“Number of Women Students”).2It is very important to note that this jump at MIT does not reflect a national trend. In the Spring2017 Term at the Georgia Institute of Technology, women compose only 27.4% of the totalundergraduate mechanical engineering majors (“Enrollment by Major”), while women composed35.4% of undergraduates in the fall term of 2015 (Georgia Institute of Technology). For the2016-2017 academic year at the California Institute of Technology, women compose 40.9% ofthe total undergraduate population (Caltech), but only 34.8% of the total
on student attitudes towards careers and research inSTEM and has increased their awareness of the skills needed for success in STEM careers.However, students seem to be less confident in the skills that they need for a career in STEMafter participating in research work. Further investigation is needed to determine the cause of theloss in confidence.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the Department of Education Minority Scienceand Engineering Improvement Program under Grant No. P120A140051. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Education.BibliographyBauer, K., & Bennett, J. (2003
that themost effective and socially responsible practices combine content, approaches, anddispositions from both the humanities and engineering, so they can navigate their waythrough the integrated space of these disciplines. Now in its second iteration, the courseoffers students opportunities to reflect on social justice and ethical issues whiledeveloping the qualities of compassion, empathy, and curiosity.Background and ContextSanitation is a Human RightInevitably, students and professionals must navigate the ethical labyrinth of imperfectoptions and make difficult human and design decisions. In “Humanitarian EngineeringPast and Present,” students are supported in their ethical decision-making by theknowledge that while sanitation is a basic
thatexamines leadership transitions throughout the career trajectory of engineers. The first phaseinvestigated the engineering leadership transitions that take place during undergraduateeducation [17]. The current phase of research investigates the school-to-work transition ofengineering graduates, while subsequent phases will focus on the transition from technical tomanagerial roles, including the lifetime reflections on career trajectories of engineers who end upin positions of senior leadership.The current phase of the project analyzed the experiences of individuals as nested cases withinfour engineering companies. We used two main sampling criteria to select early career engineersfor the participation in the study: (1) they should have completed
location and trajectory of vehicles. Studentsuse these models to calculate the movement of two vehicles over a 5-second period. It isassumed that ∆𝑡𝑡 is 1 second. The instructor emphasizes that animations and transportationmeasures of effectiveness obtained from traffic simulation models are developed according to carfollowing models.Transportation measures of effectiveness (MOEs): In the next step, the instructor and studentsdiscuss indexes that could be used to quantify the quality of travel experienced by road users.Students are asked to reflect on their personal daily travel experiences and mention when theythink the transportation system is or is not working well for them. Through guided discussions,students typically list indexes such as
= StronglyAgree, 6 = Not Sure) for participants to rate their perception of experiences in STEM majors atthe HBCU. Survey items were developed to reflect the common reasons for student departure asoutlined in Talking About Leaving and the experiences of senior leaders on the project, each ofwhich having years of experience at HBCUs.7 To ensure the survey focused on the intendedareas and that the researchers engaged in a comprehensive approach, each survey item wasaligned with a research thrust area and compared with the theoretical framework. To account fordifferences in demographic information needed, two parallel surveys were created for eachgroup.Data CollectionData were collected from students (Group 1) and faculty (Group 2) using surveys. The
motivating related to leadership) were mapped to it. Typical of outlinesprinciples behind the redesign involved integrally from older, introductory texts, the course was structured toconnecting the presentation and practice of both technical present a great breadth of topics. When reflecting andand professional engineering skills, introducing exercises commenting on the course, students expressed frustrationperceived as real-world and relevant, and refocusing the with a “lack of accomplishment” and “jumping around”—course on skills and principles common to engineers of all indicators of low self-efficacy beliefs. Further analysisdisciplines. This paper details a restructured curricular revealed that although many
concept-mapping approach both reduces the cognitive load, andimproves learning achievements of the students. Triplett et al. 18 propose Concept-in-Contextmaps (CCmaps) to link a wide array of different types of information that reflect the organizationof content within a topical area in an introductory materials course.While concept maps are deemed to be a good tool to portray knowledge structure and diagnoselearner’s misconception, we are more interested in their integration with generic learningparadigms and in this regard, our research shows the combination of active learning strategy withconcept mapping has led to plausible results for student oriented learning. Tembe and Kamble 19have studied 414 concept maps from 207 basic school students
; Douglas, 2008; Walther, 2014; Walther, Sochacka, & Kellam, 2013). There aredangers, however, that as qualitative research becomes more common the ways in which itis used fail to reflect quality approaches. One early work critiqued inconsistencies betweenespoused and practiced epistemologies in qualitative papers (Koro-Ljungberg & Douglas,2008). Other authors have critiqued interpretive methods, such as thematic analysis, forresulting in superficial descriptions of phenomena that do not provide meaningful insight(Jackson & Mazzei, 2012; St. Pierre, 2000; St. Pierre & Jackson, 2014) Another concern isthat the qualitative approaches described in papers and textbooks can become seen aschecklists that must be followed, rather than
scheduling S-STEM Scholar events where attendance to our S-STEM Scholars programs had to take into account that many of these students would haveexternal obligations that would conflict with organizing group activities. Additionally, many of our S-STEM Scholar participants came from both an older part-timestudent population, and/or commuter student population that reflected the increasingly largerportion of the overall student body. It was understood that these students have a higher rate ofattrition from college than their more traditional (4-year) counterparts. However as documentedresearch has determined, the reasons for the drop-out rate is not as well understood unless wereview some of the potential causes [8]. According to the National
? Did the company plan ahead for X success and future growth? What are the manufacturing costs for the game? (How do these costs compare to market X X average) What percentages of these costs are focused on the pieces, board, labor? (Do the costs adequately X X reflect the quality of the game?) What is the manufacturing
. FindingsAnna’s View: Designing Possibilities and Confronting Constraints 8 Conversations with Anna, whether they took place in curriculum planningsessions or in the context of reflecting on the smART project, were characterized byoverflowing ideas. She often responded to planning questions by offering new ideas, andwhen students undertook many of the art-infused engineering projects, she would proposenew, related projects or ask for advice on how she could implement similar activities inher science classroom. She was often interested in how origami, an art form with whichshe had prior experience, could be used to teach other content, such as mathematics
. – 9:00 p.m. Reflective/Down Time 9:00 p.m. Lights out/ Bed TimeCurriculumThe NM PREP high school curriculum was designed by the Engineering New Mexico ResourceNetwork (ENGR-NM) staff utilizing feedback provided by the participating engineering facultymembers. The ENGR-NM leadership team met with members of the engineering faculty toidentify activities and to discuss the science behind them as a means of introducing students tothe various engineering disciplines offered by the college. Each department provided an activitythey thought would best engage students, while providing them with some of the technical skillsneeded to be successful future engineering students. A dry-run of the activities
internationalresearch activities that might help them to be successful if presented with future opportunities.From the quantitative data, it also appears that participants may have identified areas ofweakness or research skills on which they needed to continue to work. For instance, participantsdecreased in their self-rating of their ability to create and deliver effective academicpresentations and ability to find and synthesize relevant sources for their research projects; thiscould possibly indicate that students originally overestimated their abilities and corrected theirestimation as they reflected on their actual research experiences.One particular finding deserves further exploration. When asked to rate whether their“Understanding of how cultural
15-311. Arlington, VA. Available at Accessed April 1, 2016.7. Valencia, R. (2015). Students of Color and the Achievement Gap: Systemic Challenges, Systemic Transformations. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.8. The STEM Connector, 2012-2013, Annual Report: “Where are the STEM Students” Executive Summary, pg.12. This number (8.65 million) does not reflect people in who are “self-employed” in STEM fields. If “self-employed” is included, the number of people employed in STEM fields in 2012 is 14.9 million, and is projected to reach 15.68 million by 2018.9. Jolly, E.J., Campbell, P.B., & Perlman, L. 2004. Engagement, Capacity and Continuity: A Trilogy for Student
, RBIS’s provide a useful example for the research team to reflect on how toimplement diversity and inclusion concepts into engineering education. The results of theBorrego et al. study suggest that knowledge of RBIS alone does not ensure effectiveimplementation14. The details and nuances regarding the context were a barrier to facultysuccessfully implementing a new pedagogy and achieving the anticipated student outcomes. Thissuggest that our research should gather data not only about faculty knowledge of diversity andinclusion concepts, but also explicate the details of translation and the role of context. Also,according Maruyuma and Morena15 faculty may feel prepared and comfortable to addressdiversity issue in the classroom but that does not
pro bono work, changing designs with input from communities, etc. Finally,some questions from the ethnocentrism scale developed by Neuliep and McCroskey26 wereincluded. This survey measures attitudes towards cultural differences and will be useful in seeingif students grow in their knowledge of and attitude towards the differences they encounter whendesigning engineering solutions in a different culture. Finally, basic demographic information(race/ethnicity, gender, etc.) was collected.Through the administration of the survey, students submitted responses to a set of promptsasking them to reflect on the curriculum and their perceptions of humanitarian engineering andhow those perceptions changed as a result of the curriculum. A total of 69
better when space andbandwidth exist for team members to reflect on how well they work together. A prerequisite forcollaborating productively is to purposefully design and facilitate a robust learning environmentwhere people recognize and work to decrease their own biases. While overt forms ofdiscrimination and bias exist, there are implicit forms of discrimination and bias as well. Tomediate implicit bias, for example, Project Implicit (2011) is a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary initiative that uses research and practical tips to help people recognize where theyare subconsciously treating people differently and enacting discrimination. When educatorsorganize curricular and co-curricular experiences for students to reflect on their
. Degree reflects degree acquisition in sixyears. Graduation rate is overall graduation rate, regardless of major, for students in each subgroup.A greater proportion of male students (21%) major in engineering compared to female students(3%). Column 2 suggests that even though men enter engineering at higher rates than women, theymay also have relatively lower graduation rates in engineering. Only 12% of men and 2% ofwomen who graduate with bachelor’s degrees do so in engineering. The graduation rate for allmajors in column 3 lends some support to this. Men’s graduation rate of 56% is lower thanwomen’s graduation rate of 62%. These reported graduation rates, however, are for all studentsregardless of major. We examine more closely these trends in
designprocess, from opportunity identification to ideation to prototype testing, will reflect insights thatare both innovative and responsive to actual user needs and desires.9 To initiate this user-centered, empathetic design approach, students engage in anaccessibility simulation exercise on the first day of class designed to foster greater understandingof the everyday experiences of people with disabilities. In this exercise, students break intogroups and engage in multiple simulation activities including: 1. Mobility impairment in which students ambulate using either a wheelchair or a walker, 2. Dexterity impairment in which students place braces on both hands that limit range of motion, 3. Vision impairment in which students
. page to any appendices are included. adequate. is minimal. Summary or Conclusions Conclusions are well thought out, Generally, conclusions are Conclusions are inconsistent with Conclusions are inconsistent with data in report stated very well, and understandable consistent with data in report. data in report and reflect limited and reflect limited knowledge of report content. based on data presented. knowledge of report content.g.2. CPI #1: The student shall be able to present technical information in a logical manner and
Bloom’s Taxonomy Krupczak Proposed Remembering Survey Familiarity (knowing Understanding Focus content and context, understanding methods used) Applying Create/Apply Facility (applying, becoming comfortable) Analyzing Critique/Assess Fluency (critiquing, Evaluating Reflect appreciating
approach mimics industry/job environment where students will have limitedtime to solve problems but still more than just one hour typically allowed in academia. Inaddition, additional stress induced by the presence of instructor is eliminated and reflects workenvironment in industry, as one would expect in most cases that supervisors would not bemonitoring employees as they solve problems. Although there may be occasions where studentswould have to solve problems quickly, one would not expect that to be applicable to cases whichwould require lengthy calculations which would be common for design problems involvingsystems dynamics.The students are asked to sign University Honors Code at the beginning of the semester. If thestudents do not sign the