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associated critical skill(s) and a number of instances or “levels” on which to practice. Furthermini games will be added in the coming year that address additional FBD skills (e.g., identifyingtwo-force members) or provide different types of practice (e.g. identifying mistakes on pre-drawnFBDs). Care has been taken to have each mini-game target a particular pitfall area for students(with the exception of the place and orient game for drawing complete FBDs), allowing focusedpractice via repetition on a particular mini game. Below, each mini game is described inadditional detail.Tracing Game for Isolating BodiesThe first step in drawing an accurate FBD is isolating the correct body. When several bodies arejoined together to form a system, students can
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owned business developing programs, performing external evaluation and consulting on research and practice in P12 Engineering Education. A graduate of the Missouri Institute of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), Elizabeth Parry is a part- ner in STEM Education Insights, a woman owned consulting company specializing in external evaluation, grant writing, curriculum development, engineering coaching and professional learning for P12 teachers and research. Previously, Liz held an appointment in various roles in the Dean’s Office at the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University. For the past twenty five years, she has worked extensively with students from preschool to graduate school