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four yes votes, was cell C6. (Note that theRevolution Wind project is being planned for installation in cell C6 [15], while the location ofthe existing Block Island Wind Farm is the middle of Cell D3.)Table 3: Final site proposals and voting results. Three groups came together to propose the same final site. The stakeholders then agreed, by vote, to locate the proposed wind farm in cell C6. Final Stakeholder Group(s) Site Yes No Proposal Public: Anti Wind Farm (PA) None 1: PA 5: CF, D&E, PP, R&T, TR Public: Pro Wind Farm (PP) B5 2: D&E, PP 4: PA, R&T
mastery isn’t a bad thing with the 80%s needed but the exams on the same day is a lot of pressure. Maybe a different way of retakes.Additional Survey Comments from students who did not have to retake any exams: 1) The structure felt perfect for this class. 2) Retakes are good minimum passing grade is too black and white in terms of students grasping the content 3) I think a pass/fail system is ok if the threshold is lower. 80% is a bit too high, at least on exams where one single mistake can mean a failing grade. 4) Use Canvas!! Pass/fail on quizzes makes no sense since one wrong is a fail. 5) Only down side (to me) is that Canvas doesn’t reflect actual grade. 6) Trying to understand the grading was brutal. It took a
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