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Displaying results 2221 - 2250 of 35538 in total
2007 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
E.N. Bart; Joseph Kisutcza
systems involved were extremely dilute.The rigorous equations were known for some time and one of these is as follows: y2 V dy Z= ∫ (1) ky a S y1 (1 − y )( y − y i ) (1 − y )ilmThree additional equations could be written to accomplish the same result. Z is thenecessary height of packing. Since some of the terms did not change greatly in a dilutesystem it was common practice to remove some of these from under the integral sign andmaking use of an average value between the top of the column and the bottom. The
2012 Northeast Section Meeting
Basile Panoutsopoulos
  u VS dt L dt LC LCThe solution is examined for three cases: an over damped, a critically damped, and an under dampedcase by changing the value of the resistor R.Over damped solution   0 :  uC  U S  U1e s1t  U 2e s2t Critically damped solution   0 : uC  U S  U1  U 2t  e st 1 Central Connecticut State University, School of Engineering and Technology, Departmentof Computer Electronics and Graphics Technology, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050.Basile.Panoutsopoulos@ccsu.edu2012 ASEE Northeast Section Conference
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Statics and Dynamics
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Krauss, Grand Valley State University
20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Question Score (%)Figure 4: Histogram comparing results on a final exam question regarding pole locations andstep response from the year before this project was introduced (2019) to this past year (2021) 7 + b c a D(s) G(s
Conference Session
Novel Applications of Computers/Software in Energy Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Spezia, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
. The first topic is steady-state three-phase inductionmotor theory. The presented motor theory is based on the equivalent circuit model.5 Thismodel requires rotor and stator resistances, rotor and stator leakage reactance, and the motormagnetization reactance parameters. Locked-rotor and no-load tests find these parameters.Solving the equivalent circuit model gives the rotor and stator currents as a function of motorslip, s. After rotor current is obtained, the rotor developed power and motors losses can be foundfor any operating point. The tutorial introduces the motor developed torque equation anddemonstrates how to plot the motor torque-speed curve from the developed power found fromthe equivalent circuit.Machine load factor and efficiency
Conference Session
Energy Programs and Software Tools
2004 Annual Conference
Fanourios Chalkiadakis
/EMTCDreal-time simulation software package is used in this case, and the results of the simulation arealso discussed. Similar projects are assigned to graduate students in IAPE and AEPS, whileundergraduate students perform studies of lower complexity as part of their homeworkassignments.3.1 Control System Stability StudyFigure 1 shows a control system in a typical closed-loop configuration [4], which allows for thecontinuous correction of the output signal, Y(s). The system consists of four blocks: a) an errordetector that calculates the difference between the reference signal R(s) and the measurement (orfeedback) B(s), b) a PI controller that acts in a way that will minimize any errors, c) a plant thattranslates the input from the controller to a
2001 Annual Conference
Earl Owen
designand analysis programs have been developed to demonstrate concepts of high frequency design.This paper will detail some of the topics students need to understand in design and test of highfrequency circuits, and describe the computer programs that are used to assist them. Theseprograms are patterned after standard commercial design and analysis programs, but are simplifiedto be adaptable to the learning environment rather than the professional. The computer programscontain graphics and animation to assist with teaching and learning objectives, while alsoproviding the computer-assisted circuit design and simulation necessary at high frequencies.Topics learned include definition of s parameters, circuit design using s parameters and the
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shaoping Xiao; James Buchholz, The University of Iowa; Casey Harwood; Jae-eun Russell; Venanzio Cichella; J. Ezequiel Martin, The University of Iowa
architecture degrees [4], which supports the development of non-traditional avenuesfor naval science and technology education, such as the certificate described here.To promote Naval STEM education in the Midwest, we launched an undergraduate certificateprogram titled “Naval Science & Technology” (Naval S&T) in 2019. Students in theMechanical Engineering (ME) department at the University of Iowa (UI) can earn the certificateby selecting elective courses in the baccalaureate degree. This certificate program replaced andaugmented an existing undergraduate certificate in naval hydrodynamics, taking advantage of anexpanding departmental curriculum in control, autonomous systems, and artificial intelligence.Therefore, the program objective is to
Conference Session
Effective Projects and Experiments in Instrumentation and Control
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Akram Hossain, Purdue University, Calumet; Md. Rasheduzzaman, Purdue University, Calumet
Tagged Divisions
+x X (s) 1 2 (1b) 0 F (s) Ms Ds K -x Rest Position Before Application Damping of Force, f Coefficient, D Rigid SupportFigure 1: Virtual Mass-Spring-Damper SetupAfter taking Laplace transformation of equation (1a) that result (1b), the mechanical systemcould be expressed in the form of a function
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum in ET
2005 Annual Conference
Ganapathy Narayanan
feedback % Elimination of one loop numg=[1]; deng=[500 0 0]; sys1=tf(numg,deng); numc=[1 1]; denc=[1 2]; sys2=tf(numc,denc); sys3=series(sys1,sys2); % combine series blocks sys=feedback(sys3,[1]) % convert closed into open loop Figure 1-A: Elimination of a single loop example 1 s +1 s+2 2 500s Figure 1-B: Block Diagram of a closed loop systemTime-History CommandsThere are three general ways to create the time-history response
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Cyrus K Hagigat, The University of Toledo
. Figure 3: A one dimensional deformed barSince the bar element is developed by using the same deflection technique as a spring,assemblage of a number of finite elements that are based on bar formulation is done by the sametechnique that is used for assembling a number of spring elements.Bar elements are used for modeling truss assemblies. In a truss, various truss elements can forman angle with the global coordinates as shown in figure 4. Figure 4: A bar element making an angle θ with X axis of global coordinate systemThe global stiffness matrix relating global forces to global displacements for the element shownin figure 5 is given in equation (13). [3] f1x C ∗ C C∗S
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Leotis Parrish; Devdas Pai
( ( C A B A B IC C IA IB ts ui s s g g g rs lu lu in in
2000 Annual Conference
Chiew-Ping Bong; Laura J. Genik; Craig W. Somerton
. MATLAB Property FunctionsUsing the property evaluation stated above a series of MATLAB property functions were writtenas script files for each substance type. Table 1 show the functions available for ideal gases.The parameter IGAS identifies the specific ideal gas as shown below: IGAS = 0: air IGAS = 1: N2 IGAS = 2: O2 IGAS = 3: H2 IGAS = 4: CO IGAS = 5: OH IGAS = 6: NO IGAS = 7: H2O IGAS = 8: CO2The parameter IMS indicates if the properties are on a per mass basis (IMS = 0) or on a per molebasis (IMS = 1).For compressible substance property evaluation there is only one function used,CompSub(ISTM,T,P,v,h,s,u,Q,L,IFLD). To use the
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Methods and Learning Models
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Sugg, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division; John V Fishell, Science and Technology Education Partnership (STEP) ; Arman Hovakemian, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
for Engineering Education, 2011 Navy Metrology Engineering Center STEM Outreach through the STEP Program: Challenges, Lessons Learned and Application to DoD StrategyBackground:The United States and especially the Department of Defense (DoD) has historically reliedheavily upon scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians to innovate, design, produceand maintain a technically superior capability to defend and advance the interests of the UnitedStates, both at home and globally. The United States maintained a leading edge technologicadvantage through and beyond World War II until it was stunned by the Soviet Union‟s launchof Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
Blocks(i) We will utilize the code blocks editor for listening to an Arduino input pin. Next, the analogvalue or digital state will be print out in the SerialM onitor window. To open the code panel, astudent needs to click the “Code” button.(ii) Next, s/he is asked to click on the SerialM onitor which is located at the bottom of the codepanel.(iii) To run the Arduino code, s/he should click “Start Simulation”, and observe the numbers inthe Serial Monitor during the interaction with the potentiometer. As the potentiometer input valuechanges by moving the pointer on the dial, the serial output value will change accordingly. Sincethe circuit includes two independent Arduinos, students can click back and forth between the twoArduinos while the
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Technical Session Innovative Pedagogy in Manufacturing Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mustafa Shraim, Ohio University; Yuqiu You, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
environment.The objective of the study is to answer the questions: (1) Which factors affect the systemperformance measures and to what extent? and (2) can optimal settings be identified for thesystem to perform consistently over the range of the extraneous noise variable? To do this,Taguchi experiments will be utilized, along with Signal to Noise (S/N) ratios and factorial plots,to analyze the results. The aim of this paper is to introduce the application of quality controlmethods in performance optimization for an automated electrohydraulic position control system.The system setup, hardware, software, and programming will be introduced. The researchdesign, measurements, and experimental runs will be demonstrated and explained. The impact onstudents
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Pistrui, University of Detroit Mercy; Nassif E. Rayess, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
descriptors (Dominance D, Influencing I, Steadiness S and Compliance C)described in table A1 of the Appendix, are probably the most revealing as far as creating anarrative of the emerging typologies associated with the three clusters. Figure 3 shows theranking of the DISC parameters for the three clusters. Figure 3 – The mean DISC rankings for the three distinct clusters.The DISC ranking has associated word descriptors that further illustrate the associated behaviors.These word descriptors are given for the DISC variables and for the three clusters in Table 2. Table 2 – Word descriptors of the four DISC traits for the three clusters Dominance Influencing Steadiness Compliance
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer II
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University; Kaitlin Engle Mallouk, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
can greatly improve students’understanding of thermodynamics by visualizing property relationships. As a highly visual andintuitive tool, property diagrams eliminate the time devoted to mastering steam tables. Afterteaching steam tables for multiple years within a year-long thermal-fluid sciences course andrecognizing the poor pedagogic utility, the steam tables were entirely replaced by thetemperature-entropy (​T-s​) diagram as the primary source for water thermodynamic properties.This paper discusses the implementation, challenges, and the outcomes of this introduction.Apart from developing instructions aligned solely to property diagrams, a number of visual toolswere identified, adopted, and developed to facilitate the transition. The
2005 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Edgar C. Clausen; W. Roy Penney; Alison N. Dunn; Jennifer M. Gray; Jerod C. Hollingsworth; Pei-Ting Hsu; Brian K. McLelland; Patrick M. Sweeney; Thuy D. Tran; Christopher A. von der Mehden; Jin-Yuan Wang
, graduated in 0.01 s time intervals • 3-speed Black & Decker window fan, model DTS50D/B Proceedings of the 2005 Midwest Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education 3Experimental ProcedureThe schematic drawings of experimental apparatus are presented as Figures 1 and 2 andphotographs are presented as Figures 3 and 4.Setup/Testing 1. Weigh each of the aluminum plates on an electronic balance. The average weight was 14.35 kg. 2. After placing two aluminum plates inside the insulated heating box, place the nozzle of the hair dryer into the hole in the lid, and heat the plates
Conference Session
Renewable Energy Topics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Biswajit Ray, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Load_Voltage (V)Angular Speed SSM - s (rad/s) B Generator Scope E
Conference Session
A Potpourri of Innovations in Physics
2003 Annual Conference
Radian Belu
 ✂✁☎✄✆✄✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✏✑✓✒ ✔✖✕✘✗✚✙✜✛✣✢✥✤✧✦✩★✣✛✫✪✭✬✮✢✥✙✯✬✱✰✆✲✳✕✘✙✜✛✧✗✴✤✣✢✵✙✯✬✶✗✴✤✧✷✸✕✺✹✵✕✘✙✼✻✾✽✓✿❀✲❁✗✚✦❀✤✧✕✂✻✓✢✵✙✯✬✡❂❄❃❅✪❇❆✧✬✾✢✥✤✧✦✳❈❉✤✣✢❊✻✮✕ ✷❋✢❊●❍✕✘✽✓✕✺✤✧✙✯✕■✻✾✕✘✙✡✛✣✤✣✢✥❏✭❆✧✕✱✢✥✤✧✬☎✻✮✕✺✗✚✷❑✿☞▲▼✬☎✻✮✗✴✤✧✷✣✗✚✽✓✷✸✙✯✗✴✹✥✙✘❆✣✹✥❆✧✬✂◆ ❖◗✓❘ ✝ ✠❚❙❱❯✚❲❍✁☎❳❩❨ ❬❪❭❴❫❵❫❜❛❞❝❡❛✫❭❡❢✼❣✐❤❥❝❴❦❧❤❥❛❞❛❞♠♥❦❧❤❥❝❥♦q♣▼rtsq❤❥❛✧✉q✈✵r✆✈❊❛✭✇❀❤☎❦❜①❡❛❞♠✥②✵❦❜✈③s❡♦ ④ ❛❞✈❊♠✵❭❴❦❜✈❞♦✮⑤✖❦❧⑥♥⑦⑧❦❜❝❴r❡❤✓♦⑧✇✫✉q
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 8: Assessment, Framworks, Standards, Oh My!
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Filiz Demirci, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
). For overthree decades, many researchers conducted various conceptualization studies on PCK (Grossman1990; Cochran et al., 1993; Loughran et al., 2012; Van Driel et al., 1998; Gess-Newsome 1999;Magnusson et al., 1999; Hashweh, 2005; Abell, 2008; Park and Oliver, 2008; Kind, 2009). Amongthese models, Magnusson et al. (1999)’s PCK model has been widely used in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In these prior efforts, most of the studies have argued for threeknowledge domains: content (subject) knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and contextualknowledge were the basic domains affected by teachers’ PCK (Abell, 2008; Cochran et al., 1993;Gess-Newsome, 1999; Grossman, 1990). In our approach, we identified four knowledge domains by
Conference Session
Pedagogy in Chemical Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidney Stone, The University of Toledo; Breanne Crockett; Kevin Xu, The University of Toledo; Matthew Liberatore, The University of Toledo
Paper ID #37546Animation Analytics in an Interactive Textbook for Materialand Energy BalancesSidney StoneBreanne CrockettKevin Xu Kevin S. Xu received the B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Waterloo in 2007 and the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, and his research has been supported by several NSF and NIH grants. He is currently an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Toledo where he leads the Interdisciplinary Data Engineering and Science (IDEAS
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheldon Jeter, Georgia Institute of Technology
.    Table of Nomenclature E, U, V, S and Extensive Energy, Internal Energy, Volume and Entropy in the CV and UFDS, VFDS, SFDS, GFDS  corresponding properties and Gibbs property in the Frozen DS, the FDS e, u, h, s, and Specific Properties in the CV or at the CS and in the FDS (the FDS uFDS, hFDS, sFDS properties are indicated by subscript-0) eK and eP ; and EK and EP Kinetic and Potential Energies per mass and the extensive cases ESYS Extensive System Exergy, see Equation Error! Reference source not found
Conference Session
Studies of Student Teams and Student Interactions
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Darryl A. Dickerson, Florida International University; Stephanie Masta, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
one sability to contribute to the level of their talent is an ethical and professional responsibility to thefield.This paper shares some early results from our broader NSF-funded project, titled Identif ingMarginalization and Allying Tendencies to Transform Engineering Relationships, or I-MATTER. The project s research questions are: 1. What does marginalization look like within engineering classrooms where teamwork is a primary feature? 2. How is marginalization legible (or not) to instructors at the classroom level? 3. What are the different ways that instructors respond to incidents of peer-to-peer marginalization? 4. How might the lessons of this work be implemented to systematically alert instructors when
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Best Paper Finalists
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew Forney, Loyola Marymount University; Sunai Kim, Loyola Marymount University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
formulatedinterventions to aid these populations (e.g., [5]–[7]), few have adequately questioned the metric ofsuccess itself: retention. To be specific, “retention” tracks only the percentage of students whobegin their undergraduate career in a chosen major and successfully matriculate, which may be toocoarse of a measure for several reasons: 1. It counts students who switch out of a STEM major and flourish within a new major as failures (cell “L+” in Figure 1). 2. It counts students who remain within their originally declared STEM major but flounder academically, dislike the material, or do not envision themselves pursuing a career in the field after graduation as successes (cell “S-” in Figure 1). 3. It ignores students who transfer into a
Conference Session
Student Advancement in Mechanics of Materials
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaobin Le P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Masoud Olia P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ali Moazed, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
engineering program is that students canconduct mechanical system designs including mechanical component design. To design beam-like components such as beams and shafts, we must analyze the loading conditions on thecomponents, that is, the Shear force and Bending moment diagrams (the S/B diagrams). So, theability to draw the S/B diagrams on beam-like components is an important skill for mechanicalengineering students. In our mechanical engineering program, the S/B diagrams of a beam wereintroduced during Engineering Statics by using the method of sections in the first semester oftheir sophomore year. In the second semester of their sophomore year in the course Mechanicsof Materials, the S/B diagrams were discussed again by using both the method of
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division: Supporting and Evaluating Student Learning in BioE/BME Courses
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vibhavari Vempala, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, Northeastern University
' understanding of career opportunities inBME, we developed a series of 1-credit (4-week) BME-In-Practice Modules that exposedbiomedical learners to biomedical engineering practice. Each 1-credit module in the series wasdesigned to run for four weeks and focused on different areas in BME such as Tissueengineering, Computational Modeling, Medical Device Development, Drug Development,Regulations, and Neural Engineering. Learners' enrolled in one or multiple modules and engagedin experiential learning for 4-weeks to gain knowledge and skills relevant to the BME area offocus in the module(s). Following the conclusion of the BME-In-Practice series, we collectedsurvey data from learners who participated in the modules to address the following researchquestions
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna-Lena Dicke, University of California, Irvine; Kameryn Denaro; Analia E. Rao; David A. Copp, University of California, Irvine; Hye Rin Lee, University of Delaware; Gregory Diggs-Yang, University of California, Irvine; Lorenzo Valdevit
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Scholarship ProgramIntroductionThere is a lack of low-income community college students who successfully transfer to four-year-institutions, graduate with an engineering baccalaureate degree, and enter the STEMworkforce/graduate school [1,2,3]. To remedy this situation, the current project, funded throughan NSF S-STEM grant, developed the “UC Irvine Pathways to Engineering Collaborative” tohelp low-income students from diverse backgrounds to successfully transfer to and persist in theengineering program of a four-year university. The designed program targets the population ofstudents who have the ambition to pursue engineering degrees, but often lack the resources orexposure to engineering opportunities. The aim of the project is to a) increase the
Conference Session
Panel 1: New Opportunities – Creating Corporate/University Partnerships
2017 ERC
Keith Marmer
New Opportunities - CreatingCorporate/University PartnershipsKnow What You Have to Offer• What is the stage of development of the research• What products or services does the research relate to• Do you understand the industry(s) this product or service will fit into• What is the cost of commercialization; by phase of development• What is the current state of the market• Will your invention create incremental or disruptive change• Is there strategic value for industry to your researchKnow What You Want• Are you trying to fund basic science, translational science or something else• Are you trying to create a product or service• Do you ultimately intend to license the technology• Do you ultimately intend to launch a start-upWhat Unique
2015 Public Policy Colloquium
Joseph Helble
-TomCole(R-OK)Agriculture-RobertAderholt(R-AL)HomelandSecurity-JohnCarter(R-TX) Sequestra(on•  Itcouldhappenagain.•  GOPfiscalhawksfavoritasaformofdiscipline.•  Defensehawks,Democratswanttoendit,butdisagreeonincreasingdomes(cspending. Legisla(on inthe114thCongressInprocessnow:•  Immigra(on•  ElementaryandSecondaryEduca(onAct•  HigherEduca(onAct•  Cybersecurity•  Manufacturing•  PrecisionMedicineUnderdiscussion:•  COMPETESReauthoriza(on? Immigra(on•  S.98-STEMJobsActof2015.Sponsor:David Vifer(R-La.)–Providesupto55,000visasa yeartoimmigrantswhohaveorarenear comple(onofaSTEMdoctoratefromaU.S. university.•  S.153-Immigra(onInnova(on(I-Squared)Act of2015.Sponsor:OrrinHatch(R-Utah