to constantly evaluate all aspects of the program and determine what is working and what may need to be adjusted.Finally, a PM program needs to build momentum. Immediate results may not be realized and thisprogram even suffered in recruiting PM’s the first two years as many potential candidates did notrealize the benefit the program provided to the school or the avenues it provided for leadershipand social development.AcknowledgementThe project, entitled First-Year Initiatives for Retention Enhancement (FIRE), is supportedby the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0969382. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the
” (GA, MN, WA, WI) or "__ College of Technology" (TCICollege of Technology in NYC, formerly Technical Careers Institute/ RCA Institute; DunwoodyCollege of Technology (MN), ex-Dunwoody Institute). Some tech institutes got absorbed bynearby Community Colleges. The name change reflected new transferable Associate’s Degreesvs. terminal Certificates (adding Math, English & General Ed.) – but a result was more word/name confusion, as hundreds of “Institutes” were now called “… College of Technology.” 11 12Beyond education, the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET),formed in 1981 by merging two prior groups that certified individual technicians (70,000+ by12/31/84) or technologists (600- by 12/31/84). Yet, though
partially focused ontesting or proving that all three domains are connected in the overall learning process -- they areconnected [17]. It found all the domains to be correlated when evaluating students’ learning,meaning more research should be conducted on how to better connect all three domains in a classstructure for deeper understanding, the rest of their findings predominately relate to the affectiveand psychomotor domain [17]. This idea is directly echoed in another report finding that all threedomains need to be intentionally integrated into a class for more effective learning [10]. This ideathat the domains are connected is reflected in the fact that many studies focus on two domains ata time instead of only one domain at a time [4-5], [10
in theiroriginal peer-reviewedform, preserving theindividuality among thepapers and reflecting theauthor’s style and method.The TABLE OF CONTENTS(FIG 5) classifies thepapers into sevencategories: Structure,Testing & Evaluation,Metals, Polymers,Ceramics, Composites,Electronic & OpticalMaterials and MaterialsCurriculum.To find desireddocument(s) the user can: Fig 5 - Table of ContentsS Browse the Table of Contents which is organized by types of materials or processes, orS Use the full Text Search capability, searching by: Author Title Subject Text words in contextThe PDFs are indexed for full text search when using the ADOBE™ ACROBAT READER