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within Clemson Universityˆa C™s Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, the Founder and Owner of Integrated Resilience, LLC, he is a former Fluor Fellow, Director of Resilience Solutions, and Secretariat of the World EconomicDr. Jeffery M Plumblee II, JMP2 LLC Jeffery Plumblee is a project management, innovation, sustainability, and education consultant. He holds his BS, MS, MBA, and PhD from Clemson University, where he focused on civil engineering. Plumblee has managed a faculty grant and training program for an innovation and entrepreneurship nonprofit; served as a tenure-track faculty member in the Department of Engineering Leadership and Program Management at The Citadel; and developed and managed multiple
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of IEEE Women in Engineering, NSF INCLUDES National Network, and Sigma Xi.Dr. Ioana A. Badara, University of BridgeportDr. Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport Dr. Navarun Gupta is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Bridgeport. He also serves as the Department Chair there. Dr. Gupta received his Ph.D. from Florida International University in Miami. He has two masterˆa C™s degrees aˆ C”Dr. Junling Hu, University of BridgeportDr. Ausit Mahmood, University of Bridgeport ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Self-evaluation of the Introduction to Scientific Research Course Designed based on the Affinity Research
engineering students through community building (Evaluation) AbstractOver the past twelve years, the ESTEEM program, funded by the NSF S-STEM, at University ofCalifornia Santa Barbara (UCSB) has supported 161 low-income undergraduate students inengineering. This paper emphasizes the students’ changing needs and what they foundsupportive over time with a special focus on the shifting needs for community building before,during, and after COVID-19 pandemic remote learning. Without additional support, low-incomeengineering students, who often reflect additional intersecting minoritized identities and are morelikely to be the first in their family to attend college, leave the field at
innovations both within our course and across our curriculum. Any futuredevelopments should generate solutions while looking through the lens of student experience,with a goal to better prepare students to be technically excellent, iterative, collaborative,empathetic, and confident engineers.References1. Santana S. Instrumentation for Evaluating Design-learning and Instruction Within Courses and Across Programs. In: 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access. 2021.2. Sanchez A, Blake LP, Chen D, Jones M, Mao S, Mendelson L, et al. Building Better Engineers: Critical Reflection as a High Impact Practice in Design Learning. In: 2022 ASEE Annual Conference \& Exposition. 2022.3. McNair TB, Bensimon EM, Malcom-Piqueux
events are accessible to students with vision and V. PARTICIPANT T ECHNICAL S UPPORThearing impairments, ensuring everyone has the opportunity Participants at the FAU Hack-a-Thon have access to essen-to participate. tial productivity tools including Slack, GitHub, WebEx, and This diversity enriches the event by bringing together a Canvas (an educational LMS), which facilitate collaborationwide range of perspectives, which enhances creativity and and project
and the ToyotaUSA Education Foundation to the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity. The programdescribed in this paper was funded by the National Science Foundation. Early collaborators andcontributors to variations of the rubric include Tegwin Pulley, Audrey Selden, Mimi Lufkin, JuliaThompson, and Michelle Brown. Special thanks to our CISTEME365 participants for theirsupport in realizing the potential of this resource.References 1. Gazibara, S. (2013). “Head, Heart and Hands Learning”-A challenge for contemporary education. The Journal of Education, Culture, and Society, 4(1), 71-82. 2. Piaget, J. (1964). Cognitive Development in Children Development and Learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2, 176-186
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” forreporting “Male/Female/Non-binary Gender/Another Gender or Unknown” [7]. Please see the 2016report of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Technical Review Panel(TRP) discussion on gender for additional context [8]. References 1. S. L. Eddy and S. E. Brownell, “Beneath the numbers: A review of gender disparities in undergraduate education across science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines,” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., vol. 12, no. 2, p. 020106, Aug. 2016, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.020106. 2. M. Bahnson, C. Cass, H. L. Perkins, M. A. Tsugawa-Nieves, and A. Kirn, “WIP: A Case for Disaggregating Demographic Data,” presented
Subaward Agreementwith the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE).” References1. Radhwan, H., Shayfull, Z., Abdellah, A. E. H., Irfan, A. R., & Kamarudin, K. (2019). Optimization parameter effects on the strength of 3D-printing process using Taguchi method. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2129, No. 1, p. 020154). AIP Publishing LLC.2. Oropallo, W., & Piegl, L. A. (2016). Ten challenges in 3D printing. Engineering with Computers, 32(1), 135-148.3. Prabhakar, M. M., Saravanan, A. K., Lenin, A. H., Mayandi, K., & Ramalingam, P. S. (2021). A short review on 3D printing methods, process parameters and materials. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45, 6108-6114.4. Chan
StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusion or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] L. Ah-Nam and K. Osman, “Developing 21st Century Skills through a Constructivist- Constructionist Learning Environment. K-12 STEM Education,” Inst. Promot. Teach. Sci. Technol., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 205–216, 2017.[2] S. Guzey and G. Roehrig, “Teaching Science with Technology: Case Studies of Science Teachers’ Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK),” Contemp. Issues Technol. Teach. Educ., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25–45, 2009.[3] D. S. Niederhauser and D. L. Lindstrom
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Paper ID #36715Environments Affecting Black Student Thriving in Engineering (BSTiE)Stephanie A Damas, Clemson University Stephanie Ashley Damas is currently a graduate student at Clemson University studying to get her Ph.D. in Engineering and Science Education. Her area of interest is Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering. She holds a bachelorˆa C™s degree in electrical engiDr. Lisa Benson, Clemson University Lisa Benson is a Professor of Engineering and Science Education at Clemson University, and the past editor of the Journal of Engineering Education. Her research focuses on the interactions between student
Paper ID #37936ICT-Mediated STEM for the Inclusive Education of Migrants and RefugeesChildrenJuan Sebasti´an S´anchez-G´omez, Universidad El Bosque Doctoral student of PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).Maria Catalina RamirezAndrea Herrera, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 ICT-mediated STEM for the inclusive education of migrants and refugees’ children Juan Sebastián Sánchez-Gómez1,2,3, María Catalina Ramirez Cajiao2 y Andrea Herrera3 1
paper. Further, this workwas supported by the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University. Anyopinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s).References[1] C. Goodenew, “Classroom belonging among early adolescent students,” J Early Adolesc., vol. 13, pp. 21–43, 1993, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431693013001002.[2] C. Wilson and J. Secker, “Validation of the Social Inclusion Scale with Students,” Soc. Incl., vol. 3, no. 4, Art. no. 4, Jul. 2015, doi: https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v3i4.121.[3] S. Hurtado and D. F. Carter, “Effects of College Transition and Perceptions of the Campus Racial Climate on Latino College Students’ Sense of Belonging,” Social. Educ
-ton [23]. III. DEI S TUDENT A MBASSADOR P ROGRAM AT S EATTLE U NIVERSITY In this section, we first give background about our institution, followed by a summary of our previouswork. We then describe the organization and structure of the DEI Student Ambassadors program. Weconclude the section with details about the specific events and activities that the DEI Student Ambassadorsorganized.A. Seattle Unviersity Seattle University is a small, private, religiously-affiliated and mission-driven institution located inSeattle, WA. Our urban campus is home to eight colleges and schools. One of them is the College ofScience and Engineering (CSE) which hosts eight departments. CSE is in the midst of a multi-yearproject to develop programs
’ career aspirations and expectationsIntroductionIn the last decade the representation of women at the undergraduate engineering level has slowlybut steadily increased, reaching 24% Canada-wide in 2020 [1]. At the institution providing thesetting for the present study women now make up nearly 40% of the undergraduate cohortsuggesting a promising trend toward gender equity. However, representation of women amonglicensed Professional Engineers (P.Eng.) has not kept pace, with women comprising only 20% ofnewly licensed Canadian P.Eng.’s each year and just 14% of Professional Engineers overall [2-3]. This representation gap in the profession is compounded with the low rates of licensureamong engineering graduates in
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ideologies [3]; these perspectives are also alignedwith Radoff et al.’s description of narrow thinking [13]. Previous research has looked at howundergraduate engineering students align with these common narratives in interviews and focusgroups with students [10, 13], surveys [19], student classwork [15], and whole class discussions[7, 14]. The four common narratives that are pertinent to this study are technocracy, free marketidealism, technological neutrality, and technological determinism.Technocracy is a decision making approach guided by the belief that all problems can andshould be solved through technology [21]. Here, technological solutions are privileged, oftenwith little consideration of the social, political and historical context of the
“researchevaluation” was discussed as the topic continues to develop rapidly. However, the authors didnot articulate any opportunities around research intelligence as a data-driven service; rather, thefocus rested on opportunities around advising and educating others to view research metricsmore comprehensively rather than on a narrow set of metrics. No mention was made of activelyparticipating in a service to aid in strategic decision making, nor building teams around suchservices [2]. On the other hand, a more recent report from the often-consulted Ithaka S+R teamstate in “It’s Not What Libraries Hold; It’s Who Libraries Serve,” that academic libraries must“center on the user” and “must be completely re-architected to provide modern businessintelligence
Paper ID #39362Elaboration of a contextualized event for teaching eigenvalues andeigenvectors in the control and automation engineering courseJuliana Martins Philot, Instituto Mau´a de Tecnologia - Brazil I hold a B.A. in Mathematics from Universidade Estadual Paulista J´ulio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP (2007), a M.Sc. in Mathematics from Universidade Estadual Paulista J´ulio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP (2010) and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica de S˜ao Paulo - PUC- SP (2022). I have experience in Mathematics Teaching for Engineering courses since 2009 and currently I am a
University Gregory S. Mason received the B.S.M.E. degree from Gonzaga University in 1983, the M.S.M.E. de- gree in manufacturing automation from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in multi-rate digitalDr. Teodora Rutar Shuman, Seattle University Professor Teodora Rutar Shuman is the Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Seattle Uni- versity. She is the PI on an NSF-RED grant. Her research also includes electro-mechanical systems for the sustainable processing of microalgae. Her work is published in venues including the Journal of Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, International Journal of Engineering Educa- tion
, and a published author. He is a former McNair Scholar, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine-Ford Foundation Fellow, Herman B. Wells Graduate Fellow, Inter- national Counseling Psychologist, former Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky, and current Post-Doctoral Research Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Z.’s research program focuses on examining the impact of intersectional oppression on historically excluded groups & creating culturally relevant interventions to enhance their well-being. Within this framework, he studies academic persis- tence and mental wellness to promote holistic healing among BIPOC. He earned Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology &
interpersonalconflicts.Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the National Social Science Fund of China(AIA220013).References Brown P R, Matusovich H M. Career Goals, Self-Efficacy and Persistence in Engineering Students. IEEEFrontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016. Chenchen Zhu and Luze Han. 2021. CV chatbot based on “STAR” method. In Proceedings of HumanInterface Technologies 2020/21 Winter conference (CPEN541). ACM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 6 pages. Choi D S, Loui M C. Grit for Engineering Students. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2015. David D. Woods. Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering [J].Reliability Engineering and System Safety,2015(141):5-9. French B.F, Immekus J C, Oakes