become a scientist.2 In general, a longitudinal study that followed a cohort ofsixth graders through age 25 found that students who participated in extra-curricular academicclubs were more likely to be enrolled in college at 21 than their non-involved peers.3The Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program utilizes a co-curricular programthat supports educationally disadvantaged students by providing pathways for minority studentsto succeed in science, mathematics and engineering disciplines.4 MESA was started in 1970 asan inter-segmental program, administered through the California Public School System,Community College System, and California College System. Because of the success of MESA inCalifornia, the program has expanded to seven
expressed in the interviews was that womenstudents needed to complete several research projects or grant proposals for their adviserswithout compensation before receiving continuous funding support. When asked about “fundingopportunities and resources,” several doctoral students reported similar stories: I need[ed] to work for free to prove myself and that definitely brought my confidence down a lot. I didn’t feel like he respected my work just because I was working for free, and I’d have to [teach] and then do research and write proposals for him, and I just didn’t feel like it was the right situation. And [more advanced women doctoral students] told me that, "Oh, yeah… you need to work for free here [in the lab] to
Evening was simply one facet of thethree-pronged exploration curriculum comprised of career research prior to the event, the eventitself, and directed reflection and writing that help the students synthesize the overall experience.The exploration curriculum was assumed seamlessly into our overall undergraduate careerdevelopment plan and was implemented through our engineering student success courses.Understanding that the engineering faculty teaching the success courses are not careerdevelopment experts, the career exploration curriculum incorporated online components as wellas face-to-face components in the classroom that were lead by our career center staff and ourtrained career peer coaches. Since the faculty has ultimate authority over their
AC 2012-4103: ”LIFE CYCLE SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMICS” MOD-ULEDr. K.J. Rogers, University of Texas, ArlingtonDr. Melanie L. Sattler, University of Texas, Arlington Melanie Sattler serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Arlington, where she teaches courses and conducts research related to air quality and sustainable energy. Her research has been spon- sored by the National Science Foundation, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Luminant Power, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. She has published more than 60 peer- reviewed papers and conference proceedings. In 2010, she received UT Arlington’s Lockheed Martin Excellence in Engineering Education Award. She is a registered
. R.C. Wilson, J.G. Gaff, E.R. Dienst, L. Wood, and J.L. Barry, College Professors and Their Impact upon Students. New York: Wiley, 1975. 4. R.M. Felder, D.R. Woods, J.E. Stice, and A. Rugarcia, “The Future of Engineering Education: Teaching Methods That Work.” Chemical Engineering Education 34(1), 26-39 (2000). 5. R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education.” Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681 (1988). 6. N.E. Gronlund, How to Write and Use Instructional Objectives, 6th Ed. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2000. 7. J.M. Haile, “Toward Technical Understanding.” (i) “Part 1. Brain Structure and Function.” Chem. Engr. Education, 31(3), 152
assemble their speakers and AM receivers. The only restrictionwas that they could not use components of an existing speaker or receiver (and eachgroup was given a diode). The student projects within this module were graded via peerevaluations. Each group received a peer evaluation of its speaker and receivercombination, with the each evaluation scoring both the functional quality and thecreativity of each artifact.Embedded computingThe second module introduced students to embedded computing using the Arduino15(UNO) microcontroller. Within this module, students were given a brief introduction tothe general area of embedded computing, followed by several well-defined tasks toperform using the Arudiuno controller. These introductory tasks were
data types, control flow statements, fileoperations, and modules are covered 10. Common Python programming interfaces used to callPSS/E functions are elucidated. Using Python programming to automate power system studies(load case, modify case, impose disturbances, run simulations, clear disturbances, runsimulations, write results to a file, etc.) is illustrated. PSS/E provides a comprehensive set ofprogramming interfaces between Python environment and PSS/E functions. Selected sets ofessential functions for case preparation, power flow, fault analysis, stability analysis, and resultsretrieval are covered, such as psspy.fnsl, fdns, natono, case, seqd, scmu, scinit, scdone, abusreal,busdat, scbus2, scbrn2, etc 3. The PSS/E Application Program
) Engineering content a) Students identified the role of clients/users b) Students identified criteria/constraints c) Students modeled their solution(s) prior to creating their final prototype d) Students identified connections between engineering and society e) Students utilized peer and teacher feedback to make decisions about redesign f) students utilized data acquired through testing when making decision about redesign3) Gender differences a) Were girls more, equally, or less actively engaged (answer for each stage of the engineering design process) b
AM to Noon. (See Course Outline)STUDENT PRESENTATIONSEach student must choose two subjects from different chapters from the book “How Things Work” and present them in a PowerPoint format to the class at the appropriate time. The presentations will be graded for content and style by the professor and peers on anonymous ballots. The eligible subjects must be selected from the following chapters: 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. In case there are not enough subjects, the second presentation may be presented by teams of two students.SHOEBOX SCIENCE PROJECTSEach student is required to develop one shoebox science project based on a specific TEK Physics problem from their particular grade level. The shoebox projects will be presented
to the course in 2010. He is co- author, with Robert Irish, of Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice (Oxford Canada, 2008), and is also on the writing team for a new design/communication textbook for first-year engineering students. Page 25.507.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Effects of lecture capture on a large first year engineering courseIntroductionOur first year engineering classrooms are undergoing many obvious changes, such as increasingclass sizes, growing international student body, greater diversity in student background, and
well established student-centered approach which promotesapplication-based learning, enhances problem solving skills and fosters peer learning. This paperdescribes implementation of a PBL lab within a junior-level course on environmentalengineering processes. The PBL exercise was an open-ended, two-hour lab, where student teamsdesigned, built and tested a prototype water treatment system to achieve stated water qualitycriteria (UV transmittance and turbidity). Each team was given a scope of work that outlined theproblem, objectives, design criteria, available materials, constraints, effluent quality testingprotocol (using a synthetic influent) and evaluation criteria. Students were given no priorinformation about the lab, and the PBL lab was
States. UDLAP’s School of Engineering offers since 1970a bachelor (licenciatura) program in food engineering, with the following goal: “To educate wellinformed, critical, creative and innovative professionals that are highly skilled in food science,engineering, and technology, but above all, aware of their great social responsibility to ensure afair distribution of the benefits of globalization”. Our Food Engineering program is approvedinternationally by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and accredited by the Consejo deAcreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (CACEI), which is the peer-accrediting agency ofABET in Mexico.Course descriptionsThe studied courses, Food Analysis and Laboratory of Food Analysis are a junior level 3
emergency management and disaster assistance. He has authored numerous papers and presentations focusing on the use of decision support systems for risk assessment, threat analysis, and emergency management. During his tenure at JSU, Skelton has mentored more than 70 students at his research center, focusing on problem solving, software development, and GIS utiliza- tion. Skelton’s primary areas of interest are STEM education, risk assessment, decision support, and cyber security.Dr. Pao-Chiang Yuan, Jackson State University Pao-Chiang Yuan received his Ph.D in civil engineering (environmental/water resources engineering) from Oklahoma State University. Yuan serves as Peer Reviewer for state, private grant programs, and
related to the integration oflearning and work. 5Data from Australian and Portuguese surveys show that engineers tend to spend the majority oftheir working week (around 60%) engaged in activities which involve interaction with others(meetings, supervision, writing reports, etc.) and only around 40% is devoted to technicalengineering activity. • There are also new organizational aspects in engineering education6:On the one hand, engineering issues, either in industrial products or in engineering projects, arequickly becoming increasingly complicated and most of these issues cross disciplinary lines.On the other hand, the working environment is becoming more and more internationalized dueto the globalization of the world economy. Products are
, and sciencestudents at a variety of institutions. Both reviews yielded important information that contributedto the final model for the Rose-Hulman Leadership Advancement Program.Engineering educators have acknowledged the challenge of providing leadership developmentopportunities for students, given the crowded curriculum of most engineering programs and thelack of leadership expertise among engineering faculty. Cox, Cekic, and Adams, writing in a Page 25.1343.3special Leadership issue of the Journal of STEM Education, conducted a research study withengineering faculty at a Midwestern university; the purpose of the study was to
deliverables outlined in Table 2. Page 25.1382.4Table 1: Systems Engineering 368 Student TasksTopic Students Tasks and DeliverablesTopic Students Tasks and DeliverablesRequirements / Technical Extract top level requirements from statement of need and stakeholder Performance Measures interviews. Write succinct, quality requirements that in addition to functional needs address regulatory, health & safety, and non-functional needs. Perform requirement analysis Manage
knowledge and skills derived from standards Focuses on helping students acquire deep understanding of the ‗big idea‘ or ‗foundational skill‘ critical to their future learning Students integrate knowledge and skills from two or more of the STEM subject areas, at least one of which must be the ‗T‘ or ‗E‘ in STEM Connections to Non-STEM Disciplines Connects STEM knowledge and skills with non-STEM disciplines Includes instructional support for quality performance in non-STEM Discipline (ex: Teaching/assessing quality technical writing) Page 17.27.8
, andimplementation of an engineering design project, which includes formal report writing, projectdocumentation, group presentations, and project demonstrations. The goal of these courses is todemonstrate the ability to manage a major project involving the design and implementation ofproducts with a mixture of electrical and mechanical elements as a member of a productdevelopment team. In these project-based courses, the students are expected to effectivelymanage their time and team efforts to produce a finished product in three ten-week quarters. Notextbook is required. Progress and formal reports, and oral presentations constitute integralcomponents of this course sequence. Before beginning the projects, student teams are providedadequate training in
college students do not know how to take effective notes. Although various strategies and formats for effective “note-taking” have been identified. The fact is that “note-taking” is seldom taught; 3. The listening, language, and/or motor skill deficits of some students make it difficult for them to identify important lecture content and write it down correctly and quickly enough during a lecture; 4. Instructors sometimes get off-track from the primary objectives of the lecture. Professors—especially those who really know and love their disciplines—are famous for going off on tangents during a lecture. Although getting off-track would break the monotony, it could make it difficult for even the most skilled
year that a chat room was implemented to support the remote setup andconfiguration of student competition networks was for the 2007 CDC. At the writing of thispaper, the authors have five years of chat log files archived which can be examined using contentanalysis. This paper focuses only on the first year in which the authors have data, 2007, and isthe first attempt at using content analysis to evaluate the program. Since content analysis is anovel approach for evaluating inquiry-based learning and chat logs, the authors view this paperas a way to frame the use of content analysis in understanding inquiry-based learning programs.As discussed in the Conclusions/Future Directions section, the authors plan to use what islearned in this analysis
AC 2012-4360: IMPROVING UPON BEST PRACTICES: FCAR 2.0Dr. John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University John K. Estell is a professor of computer engineering and computer science at Ohio Northern Univer- sity. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, first-year engineering instruction, and the pedagog- ical aspects of writing computer games. Estell is an ABET Program Evaluator, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Dr. John-David S. Yoder, Ohio Northern University John-David Yoder received all of his degrees (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) in mechanical
of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech University. Prior to moving to academia in 2005, he led several industrial nanomedicine-based development projects as PI on NSF (SBIR), NIH (STTR), and NIST (ATP) grants. With a research focus in biomedical optics, he has published peer-reviewed articles in basic cancer research, biomedical electro-optic instrumentation, clinical cancer therapies, and mathemati- cal techniques for dealing with complex biological systems. Based on experiences instructing courses like Biomedical Engineering Senior Design and his previous experience in the medical device industry, he has developed a strong interest in optimizing gender interactions and productivity in engineering projects and
reasoning including skillssuch as classification, sequencing, planning, and comparison. Creative thinking involves creatingand generating something new or original. It also involves the skills of brainstorming,modification, attribute listing, and originality. The purpose of DFA creative thinking is tostimulate curiosity among students and promote product structure simplification. Bloom'sTaxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize DFA learning objects whenassessing student learning outcomes. Asking students to think at higher levels is an excellent wayto stimulate student's thought processes. In DFA learning process, the purpose of writing
dynamics. Each semester, about 160 students enroll in SI, and 60 or more signup in three or four sessions that support calculus-based intro-level physics. The program is opento all students who enroll in courses for which SI sessions are offered. It is structured as smallstudy groups offering a peer-instructional and cooperative problem-solving environment, astructure that models many features of genuine engineering practice. A few characteristics of the 132 survey participants should be mentioned. First, all are SIstudents and thus voluntarily signed-up for SI's zero-credits and to spend two extra hoursworking on physics each week. Therefore participants are considered “motivated” or “highly
and differences students perceivebetween these majors in terms of the knowledge and skills used in the profession.Table 3. Similarities and Differences in the Architectural, Civil, and Environmental EngineeringCurriculum at CUTopic (credits) Architectural Civil EnvironmentalRequired courses in 4 semesters math, 2 semesters physics, 1 semester chemistry + labcommon (52) Engineering computing, Statics, Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics Writing / social science or humanities (SSH) electivesAREN: CVEN Engineering drawing, Geomaticsrequired courses in Introduction to Constructioncommon (15) Mechanics of
. Perry Samson at the University of Michigan. This site will be sustainable into the futuresince it is now a company that grew out of a 2005 NSF CCLI grant. LectureTools converts PDFor PPT files to JPG files, which are stored in the “cloud” (a high capacity server). The instructorcan use a mouse pointer or tablet writer to write or do calculations directly on his/her JPG slideswith the script appearing immediately on the screens of all students, each of who has their ownaccount (cost is $15/semester). This account also gives them access to their own slide file set foreach class with immediate access to both the instructor slide set and their own slide set anytimeand anywhere. They can also take notes in a box on their own slide file and interact
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Dr. Wasfy is also the founder and chairman of Advanced Science and Automation Corp. (founded in 1998) and AscienceTutor (founded in 2007). Wasfy’s research and development areas include: flexible multibody dynamics, finite element modeling of solids and fluids, fluid-structure interaction, belt-drive dynamics, tires mechanics/dynamics, ground ve- hicle dynamics, visualization of numerical simulation results, engineering applications of virtual-reality, and artificial intelligence. He authored and co-authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and gave more than 65 presentations at international conferences and invited lectures in those areas. He received
or science teachers) completeda total of 20 modules at the end of the three week Institute. The 5E Inquiry Model15 wasintegrated into an instructional design for teachers to follow in the module writing process.A typical day at the Institute started with a one-hour presentation by STEM experts with the goalbeing to share samples of STEM research in the world. STEM technology workshops based onWeb 2.0 technologies were another key component. Teacher participants were presented withspecific technologies for approximately two hours each morning. Afternoon professionaldevelopment sessions were devoted to teams working in separate spaces on their specificmodules, with hands-on support from the STEM graduate students and the science
engineering design is Page 25.549.4continually informing and informed by the engineer’s interaction with plans, designs, andartifacts (collectively, representations), as well as through communication with otherhuman beings16 such as clients and peer professionals. As such, Dym (1994) argues thatrepresentation is central to design, and that the “multiplicity or diversity ofrepresentations” enables reasoning and analysis about function, form, and intent16. As anengineer develops, interprets, and interacts with representations, the engineer mayrespond by retracing the problem objectives and constraints, deciding to revise orimprove parts or the whole design
Holiday light display that powered LED’s which were synced to music Study monitoring system that used an image capture system to determine if the subject is at the study area and an accelerometer on the writing instrument to determine if they are writing Residence hall room security system that employed a card swipe system to identify a person with their university ID and provide access to items in the room such as the refrigerator, computer, phone, etc. An alarm system sounded if items were accessed Talking trash cans that provide audio feedback when things are thrown away including voices recordings and sound effects An electronic game of twister that used pressure sensors under the pads of the game and computer logic to monitor