(1)where is the time constant (s), x(t) is the axis position (mm), K is the gain ((mm/s)/V), and FC isthe Coulomb friction (mm/s), which is modeled by ⎧ FC + if v (t ) > 0 ⎪ FC = ⎨ 0 if v (t ) = 0 (2) ⎪F if v (t ) < 0 ⎩ C−where v(t) is the axis velocity (mm/s). The X, Y, and Z axis parameters are listed Table 1.Ignoring Coulomb friction and using position and velocity as the system states, the linear axisstate
comparison between the two groups was conducted in terms of GPA. For four years, the GPA’s of Engineering and Non-Engineering students were not significantly different.Graph 2: Change of Major of Bridge Program Participants 2000 - 2004 Chose different major all years 50 40 30 % 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 -A rc h ite c tu ra l/In d u s tria l D e s ig n 2 -N u rsin g /H e a lth F ie ld s 3 -B u s in e s s 4 -E d u c a tio n 5 -S o c ia l S c ie n c e s 6 -S c ie n c e s /M a th
Engineers,such as (l) an ability to apply advanced mathematics through multivariable calculus, anddifferential equations; (m) a familiarity with statics, linear algebra and reliability; (n) an ability towork professionally in both thermal and mechanical systems areas including the design andanalysis of such systems; (o) a knowledge of contemporary analytical, computational, andexperimental practices; (p) a competence in experimental design, data collection, and dataanalysis; (q) a competence in the use of computational tools; (r) a knowledge of chemistry; and(s) knowledge of calculus-based physics.Under the criteria (a-s), Mechanical Engineering Faculty at AAMU are being challenged torevise the course content, depth and perspectives of the
dropping and dragging the needed cells. The pressure drop (DP on thespreadsheet) and the sum of the f-factors (S-Fdevice on the spreadsheet), defined in Eqns. (10)-(12), for each device grouping is calculated separately and provided at the bottom of thegrouping. The overall pressure drop for the system, including any overall elevation changes, isprovided in the pump selection section. Friction factors for piping Page 5.58.3 3 Figure 1. Top of Pump_Pipe.xls Spreadsheet Vflow Density Kin Visc Roughness Elev. (m^3
student.First Class Meeting - Anxiety ReductionAt the very first class meeting, the instructor tries to remove the anxieties of first year Circuits(affectionately called “Snircuits” by the instructor) students. Many of these students, especiallythe non-majors, are quite intimidated by Electrical Circuits even at the most fundamental levelbecause they can‟t “see” what‟s happening before them. A significant portion of the non-majorsare taking the course for the second time and / or have avoided taking it until they are upperclassmen increasing their anxiety ever further. In the first session, the instructor does not review the syllabus, etc. To some of the students thesyllabus is the only subject at the university that is more boring than the subject of
publications in the context of US No data range Include all publications until the date of the literature searchAbstract Review To test the initial inclusion criteria, a pilot abstract review was conducted. Thisabstract review was conducted using Rayyan (https://www.rayyan.ai), a collaborative systematicliterature review software for organizing, sharing, managing, and preserving records and data.Following Polanin et al.'s (2022) best practice guidelines, only 10% of the retrieved literature wasreviewed for the pilot study. The objectives were two-fold: 1) Search strategy refinement, aimingto further refine the inclusion criteria and their working definitions, and 2) Project management,to estimate an approximate number or
the object to learn about the different parts of theobject. The current supplemental videos provide a high-level view of the concepts, but theycould be split into smaller chunks or more targeted concepts/misconceptions to help the students.For future work, our team is focusing on developing the baseline VR/AR tool on normalsurfaces, as illustrated in this paper, the supplemental video, and the next integration of theenvironment and the video. We plan to pilot the tool in summer and fall classes this year.References[1] S. A. Sorby, N. Veurink, and S. Streiner, “Does spatial skills instruction improve STEM outcomes? The answer is ‘yes,’” Learn Individ Differ, vol. 67, pp. 209–222, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2018.09.001.[2] S
application, starting at $14,000 for a model with a maximumflow velocity of 0.3 m/s and a 70 in2 test cross-section, much less than the 400 in2 test cross-section needed.This paper describes the conversion of a pre-existing 24 foot diameter 4 foot deep above-groundpool into a variable flow-rate “water tunnel” facility using $500 of additional equipment. Steadystate flow rates of 0.89 m/s are achieved using an 80 pound thrust (rated) trolling motor poweredby a pulse-width-modulated motor controller drawing approximately 970 W of electrical power.Calculations indicate that approximately 400 pounds of rated thrust will be required to reach ourgoal of 2.0 m/s flow rates near the outer edge of our pool river simulator.1 Introduction and Motivation1.1
needs are important, how they‟re symbiotic, theirevolution, what was learned, and where it should be repeated.IntroductionThe products offered for sale by American retailers sometimes indicate that everything we buy isprobably made overseas. These products imply that domestic manufacturing has become a fadedconcept. The truth is not found on consumer sales receipts. In fact, the United States is still theworld‟s largest manufacturing economy, producing 21percent of all manufactured goods6, andvalued at $1.64 trillion6 in 2008. The size of this amount is difficult to digest, but by itself, $1.64trillion would represent the world‟s 8th largest economy6. This group of domestic manufacturersemployed 9% of the total workforce, or nearly 12 million
technologie supérieure, Montréal, Québec, Canada during the course of Basic LinearControl Systems.The circuit under study is shown in Figure 5.Figure 5 Circuit under studyTheoretical ReviewFollowing an appropriate network analysis method, it can be concluded that the transferfunction of the circuit is expressed as: Kω 2n G (s) = 2 , (1) s + 2ζω n s + ω 2nwhere: K = 1, 1 2 − ( Ra / Rb ) ωn = , and ζ = . RC 2
first year of graduate school, most students are asked to do a literature searchfor a class, or are beginning to look at prior work as they decide on a focus for their thesis,dissertation, or Master‟s project. At that point, they realize that they will not be able to findeverything they need with their current set of Web-searching tools and skills.Engineering librarians are challenged to engage with these new students at just the right time.Properly marketed, online tutorials may provide part of the solution. This paper explores how theauthor used citation analysis and discussions with faculty, students, and colleagues to design aset of tutorials that teach graduate students both how to find what they need, and why they needit in the first
] (8)It can readily be seen from equations (8) that X 1 ≡ 0 on choosing k2 m2 = ω 2 (absorbercondition). Other conditions on the choice of k2 and m2, such as limiting the amplitudes of X2, Page 22.247.7and / or restrictions on the allowed new natural frequencies, are then applied.Consider the following numerical values, in which the forcing frequency is close to the originalnatural frequency: m1 = 10 Kg, k1 = 2000 N/m, F1,0 = 100 N, ω = 13.5 rad/s. Note that theoriginal frequency is k1 m1 = 14.14 rad/s which is quite close to 13.5 rad/s. The absorbercondition gives: k2 m2 = 13.5 rad/s. The amplitude of X2 is F1,0 /k2 and this
on characteristic patterns in time.A quantitative technology forecast includes the study of historic data to identify one of severalcommon technology diffusion or substitution models. Patterns to be identified include constantpercentage rates of change (so-called “Moore‟s Laws”), logistic growth (“S”- curves), logisticsubstitution, performance envelopes, anthropological invariants, lead/lag (precursor)relationships, and other phenomena. These quantitative projections have proven accurate inpredicting technological and social change in thousands of diverse applications, on time scalescovering only months to spanning centuries.Invariant, or well-bounded, human individual and social behavior, and fundamental humanagency and evolutionary drives
100 slider position,YB (mm) slider speed,vB (mm/s) 320 50 300 0 280
, and experimental practices, (p) a competence inexperimental design, data collection, and data analysis, (q) a competence in the use ofcomputational tools, (r) knowledge of chemistry, and (s) knowledge of calculus-basedphysics.The Mechanical Engineering Faculty at AAMU revised the course contents to satisfy theabove criteria (a-s). Each course contents were mapped to the above (a-s) requirements.Although each course does not satisfy all the (a-s) requirements, the overall ME curriculaprovide the (a) through (s) training. The Mechanical Engineering program at AAMU wassuccessfully accredited by ABET in Summer 2000 and again in Fall 2002.2. Assessment ToolsThe educational objective of the Mechanical Engineering program is to provide students
Session 3155 PATHWAYS TO REVITALIZATION OF THE NAVY RESEARCH ENTERPRISE-- TWO PROMISING EXAMPLES Eugene F. Brown1, Robert A. Kavetsky2, Ernest L. McDuffie3, and Robert L. Stiegler4 1 Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech/ 2Director, S
tailoredinterventions and resources to foster an environment conducive to profound transformation foreach student, addressing students' specific needs based on their current category oftransformation and facilitating their transition to the profound transformation category.References[1] M. A. Hutchison‐Green, D. K. Follman, and G. M. Bodner, "Providing a voice: Qualitativeinvestigation of the impact of a first‐year engineering experience on students' efficacy beliefs,"Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 177-190, 2008.[2] S. S. Courter, S. B. Millar, and L. Lyons, "From the students’ point of view: Experiences infreshman engineering design course," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 283-288, 1998. [Online]. Available: https
this paper clearly indicate the learning opportunities provided to the students at MUSE. Thestudents also participate in the multidisciplinary senior design projects in their final year. Theeffective use of theory classes, design and manufacturing lab facilities, multidisciplinary seniordesign projects, and co-op opportunities provide the students the needed expertise and preparethem well to meet the challenges in the industrial workplace.References[1] Davis, D. C., Gentili, K. L., Trevisa, M. S., and Calkins, D. E., “Engineering Design Assessment Processes and Scoring Scales for Program Improvement and Accountability,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 91 (No. 2), 2002, pp. 211-221.[2] Dym, C. L., Sheppard, S. D., and
locations. The centralized platform will capture multimedia data (audio, video, text)from the two locations listed above for display and analysis on monitor(s) in the chosen locationand will be used to store the data at regular intervals such as hourly, daily, and weekly recordsfor future retrieval and analysis.Product RequirementsThe product requirements are: 1) Primary or main display monitor setup to provide (a) the overview of each remote location (b) key real-time multimedia data captured. 2) Secondary display of room-level, workbench-level, device-level status from each remote location. 3) Controls to navigate across primary and secondary displays at different visual resolutions/zoom features
on students’ choice of pursuing aSTEM career (Chan et al., 2020; Kong et al., 2014; Maltese & Tai, 2010); however, our studyfound that Latinx students were not engaged in out-of-school activities during middle school. In-and-out of class learning experiences during middle school and high school have also been foundto impact students’ decision to pursue a STEM major [17]–[24]. Yet, studies have found that Latinx students are less likely than other groups to participatein out-of-school activities or school-based extracurricular activities [25]–[29]. Chan et al.’s [28]study, which used the High School Longitudinal Study: 2009 dataset, reported that Latinx studentsfrom high and low socioeconomic status were less likely than their
Teaching International, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 374–385, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.1080/14703297.2015.1108214.[5] A. Pagano, S. Shehab, and L. Liebenberg, “WIP: Introducing Students to Human-Centered Design in a Design for Manufacturability Course,” in 2020 ASEE Virtual Conference, 2020, p. 12.[6] “EAC-Criteria-2020-2021.pdf.”[7] R. Buchanan, “Wicked Problems in Design Thinking,” Design Issues, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 5– 21, 1992.[8] M. Meinel, T. T. Eismann, C. V. Baccarella, S. K. Fixson, and K.-I. Voigt, “Does applying design thinking result in better new product concepts than a traditional innovation approach? An experimental comparison study,” European Management Journal, p. S0263237320300232, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.emj
Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) program. References[1] Workforce Singapore. “5 digital skills needed in 2021”. https://content.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/top-5-digital-skills-need-2021/[2] M. Muro, S. Liu, J. Whiton, and S. Kulkarni. “Digitalization and the American workforce”. Washington, DC: Metropolitan Policy Programs at Brookings, 2017.[3] Data USA. “Computer science. STEM Major”. Deloitte, DataWheel. https://datausa.io/profile/cip/computer-science-110701[4] S. Smith, E. Taylor-Smith, L. Bacon, and L. Mackinnon, L. “Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities ‘play the game’”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol
,” “be open tobeing challenged on your ideas and expectations,” and “no gas lighting” [25]. Prior to each PDsession, participants were required to complete a pre-work assignment, which included a smallcollection of videos and podcast episodes related to the upcoming session topic.Each 2-hour session included guest speaker(s) in the first hour who were experts on the sessiontopics (e.g., Dr. Ruha Benjamin, Dr. Safiya Noble, and Dr. Ebony McGee). The second hour wasdedicated to breakout and larger group discussions that built upon the pre-work and guestspeaker(s) in the context of personal/professional experiences. The first six PD sessions focusedon participants understanding their positionality in the context of the session topics
outSimilarly in the entropy equation, begin with the entropy defined with respect to a conventionalreference dSCV d m s CV Q si m i,in se m e,exit k ,in Sgen (9) dt dt i,in e, exit k TkNote that temperatures in the entropy equation above may apply to a simplistic one-dimensionalheat transfer or a more realistic effective temperature. Then replace the conventional entropywith the entropy written with respect to the Fixed Dead State (FDS) at ambient temperature andpressure
, quizzes (fixed-choice questions from the original workbook), and the software should be madeavailable to students on the university LMS.References[1] I. M. Smith, Spatial ability: its educational and social significance. San Diego, Calif.: R.R. Knapp, 1964.[2] D. L. Shea, D. Lubinski, and C. P. Benbow, “Importance of assessing spatial ability in intellectually talented young adolescents: A 20-year longitudinal study,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 604–614, 2001.[3] M. Kozhevnikov, M. A. Motes, and M. Hegarty, “Spatial Visualization in Physics Problem Solving,” Cognitive Science, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 549–579, 2007, doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/15326900701399897.[4] S. Y. Yoon and E. L. Mann, “Exploring
-publications/publications/The-Green-Report.pdf[3] American Society for Engineering Education, "Transforming Undergraduate Education in Engineering: Phase I: Synthesizing and Integrating Industry Perspectives - Workshop Report," National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 2013.[4] L. J. Shuman, M. Besterfield-Sacre, and J. McGourty, "The ABET "Professional Skills" - Can They Be Taught? Can They Be Assessed?," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 41-55, 2005.[5] L. Deslauriers, L. S. McCarty, K. Miller, K. Callaghan, and G. Kestin, "Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
government beginning in the 1960s and secured the technologicalsuperiority of the United States during the latter part of the 20th century.America was once again shocked into reassessing the adequacy of our future science andengineering (S&E) workforce after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. That self-examination, and the need to put more people to work on technical solutions to the problems ofterrorism, war, and national security, led Congress to authorize the Department of Defense tocreate the SMART (Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation) pilot programunder the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2005.The immediate positive response to the SMART program prompted Congress to make
with the search quadcopter. The sensors and technologies used on the rescuequadcopter are similar to that of the search quadcopter. The main difference was that an electropermanent magnet is utilized in this system to hold and release the rescue package to be deliveredto the survivor (s).Figure 10 shows the collision avoidance system being tested for the search quadcopter. The firstflight test was conducted by hovering the quadcopter roughly 3 feet above the ground andactivating the altitude hold flight mode. The copter was then slowly pitched forward towards awall until the safety zone was breached and the Arduino took over the pitch control.The students presented their work both at student conferences and a professional conference.20
) Revisions Introduction to Engineering Course Teaching EnvE (F), U (F) Active Learning Fall 20172 & Computer Science Revisions Chemical Engineering Course Pre-Tenure ChE (S) Active Learning Fall 2017 Thermodynamics II Component AE (J), BE (S), Electrical Engineering
National Center for Women in Information Tech- nology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engineering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, statewide pre-college math initiatives, teacher and faculty professional development programs, and S-STEM pro- grams.Dr. Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Joyce B. Main is Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She