- Conference Session
- Partner Organization Plenary II
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Vasiliy Ivanov, Kazan National Research Technological University; Svetlana Vasilyevna Barabanova, Kazan National Research Technological University; Mansur Galikhanov, Kazan National Research Technological University; Alina Guzhova, Kazan National Reserch Technological University
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Partner Society Plenary
Russian innovative universities.The activities of KNRTU are oriented towards the innovative development and establishment ofnew PPP mechanisms. The additional professional education system of the University is open tothe experimentation with and integration of processes, testing the different forms of relevantinteraction among all of the interested parties involved in training and advancing pro-fessionalpersonnel to meet the highest demands of the modern labor market.In 2008, KNRTU developed the target program called „Additional Education as a Factor of theInnovation-Driven Development of the University‟. The aim of this program is to boost theuniversity‟s rating, its competitiveness and attractiveness on the market of the educationalservices
- Conference Session
- Partner Organization Plenary III
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Lyn Brodie, University of Southern Queensland; Frank Bullen, University of Southern Queensland
- Tagged Topics
Partner Society Plenary
a very special, active and dynamic partnership between industry, accreditationauthorities and educations. This paper discusses these partnerships, advantages andchallenges for the future in Australia and how the partnership flows into a global market.IntroductionIn the early part of this decade, engineering accreditation bodies worldwide reviewed theirnational guidelines for engineering education to consider restructuring them such that theycould determine whether universities were actually delivering graduates ready foremployment and, more importantly, able to cope with the future requirements of theprofession. These reviews resulted in a refocusing of the engineering curriculum to outcomesrather than process. The UK‟s Royal Academy of