- Conference Session
- Classroom Methodologies
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- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
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Julie Mendez, Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus
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Classroom methodologies
, affordances within a learning managementsystem (LMS) were used to highlight student learning outcomes, require foundational coursecontent to be completed before attempting more complex topics, provide mastery-orientedfeedback, allow students to track their progress, and promote metacognitive reflection. Thispaper describes the use of these options within the Canvas LMS. Additionally, this studyinvestigated whether student self-regulatory behaviors changed during the course. Students wereasked to complete a survey about their metacognitive self-regulatory activities related to studyingfor this course. The first survey was completed during the fifth week of the course, after moststudents had completed two reflection assignments. The same survey
- Conference Session
- Classroom Methodologies
- Collection
- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
- Authors
Susan C. Brooks, Western Illinois University - Quad Cities
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Classroom methodologies
process.Student ShortcomingsMathematics is an ancient discipline dating back to before the early Greek and Babyloniandynasties. Although math has been studied for centuries, there is great hesitation from studentswhen it comes to utilizing their skills outside of the math classrooms. From a mathematicalperspective, one way to explain this is that students are severely lacking in critical thinkingskills. As Stevenson and Stigler put it, “In mathematics, the weakness is not limited toinadequate mastery of routine operations, but reflects a poor understanding of how to use © American Society for Engineering Education, 20212021 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference Proceedings | Paper ID 35347mathematics in solving meaningful problems
- Conference Session
- Classroom Methodologies
- Collection
- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
- Authors
Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Brenda Morrow, IUPUI- School of Engineering and Technology
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Classroom methodologies
challengebecame when one of the learning community’s faculty members was removed from teaching thiscourse to teach another course outside of the learning community based on other program needsfor that semester. This difficulty was managed by bringing in another faculty member from theprogram who effectively delivered the course for the learning community’s initial offering.After the first year of implementing the themed-learning community (TLC), “Designers in theMaking,” the initial faculty team reviewed course content and reflected on goals and outcomes.All concurred that the format would remain as originally developed to be used again for fall of2019 and 2020. For the second offering, again one of the learning community faculty membersneeded to be
- Conference Session
- Classroom Methodologies
- Collection
- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
- Authors
Brian S. Woodard, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Tiffany Wenting Li; Ziang Xiao, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Molly H Goldstein, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Michael L. Philpott, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
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Classroom methodologies, Diversity
for the week.The rest of the time was spent with the students performing introductory tasks in the online sketchingenvironment. They took turns sharing their screens and assisting each other with the virtual sketching tasks.These class interactions accounted for a small amount of the course grade. The majority of the grade wasassociated with completing the online training modules described previously. Short reflections were alsoa required part of the course. The students read articles or watched videos related to visualization orvisualization training, and then wrote 200 – 300 words about their reactions. Three of these assignments © American Society of Engineering Education, 2021 2021 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section