Paper ID #43944Community College Support for Engineering Students: Reflective JournalingAnalysisDr. Cory Brozina, Youngstown State University Dr. Cory Brozina is an associate professor and the Director of First-Year Engineering at Youngstown State University. He completed his B.S. and M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech, and his PhD is in Engineering Education, also from Virginia Tech. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Community college support for engineering students: Reflective journaling analysisIntroductionThis research
?In particular, we first use answers to Questions 1 - 3 to address RQ1. Then, we use the results ofQuestions 4 - 6 and pre- and post-lab questionnaires to address RQ2. Finally, we use answers toQuestions 7 - 15 to address RQ3 because we think they reflect students’ needs, which will help usimprove the quality of lectures and hands-on labs.6 Results of Assessment (a) Question 1 (b) Satisfaction Trend in Institution 1Figure 6: Aggregated students’ responses to Questions 1 and the satisfaction itrend in Institution 16.1 Research FindingsTo demonstrate our findings and answer RQs without losing generality, we chose four labs weconstantly offered students. To answer RQ1, we conducted the
, 2024Embracing a Fail-Forward Mindset: Enhancing Engineering Innovation through Reflective Failure Journaling 1. IntroductionIn the evolving landscape of engineering education, the imperative to nurture innovation andresilience among budding engineers has never been more critical [1]. As global challengesbecome more complex and multifaceted, engineering educators are called upon to devisepedagogical strategies that not only impart technical knowledge but also foster the soft skillsnecessary for students to thrive in unpredictable environments. This study introduces aninnovative educational approach employed in the "Innovation Through Making" course atWorcester Polytechnic Institute, designed to cultivate a 'fail-forward learn-fast
Paper ID #43265Board 356: Providing and Implementing Inclusive Practices in EngineeringClassrooms: Final Reflections from Three Partner InstitutionsMiss Jessica Moriah Vaden, University of Pittsburgh Miss Jessica Vaden is a PhD Candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh where she is a STRIVE Scholar. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) in Chemical Engineering where she was a Meyerhoff Scholar (M26). Jessica’s research spans a number of different areas including sustainable engineering, empowering communities about air quality
water resources engineering from the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), and her PhD in STEM education from UT-Austin. Before graduate school, she worked for an industrial gas company in a variety of engineering roles. Her research in engineering and STEM education focuses on career pathways within engineering and issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Teaching Equity throughAssets-Based Journaling:Using Community Cultural Wealth to Guide Student Reflections Gabriella Coloyan Fleming, Jessica Deters, Maya Denton 1
Washington Sarah Coppola is an Assistant Teaching Professor the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Coppola is an educator and researcher whose work focuses on how people are excluded by design. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, a MS in Human Factors Engineering from Tufts University, and a Doctorate in Ergonomics from Harvard University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflecting on Adapting Visual Oriented Classes for Blind and Low Vision Students Sourojit Ghosh, Kunal Mehta, Alainna Brown, Maxwell Coppock, and Sarah Coppola
recognized by two best paperProf. Matthew West, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Matthew West is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining Illinois he was on the faculties of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanfo ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on 10 years of operating a computer-based testing facility: Lessons learned, best practices1 IntroductionAssessment is an integral component of any educational experience, but it is also a practice thatbecomes increasingly difficult for faculty to implement well as class enrollments
Paper ID #41718Reflections on a ”Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in theClassroomDr. Lorena S. Grundy, Tufts University Lorena Grundy is an ASEE eFellows postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University, where she works with Milo Koretsky to study chemical engineering education. She received her BSE from Princeton in 2017 and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2022, both in chemical engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on a “Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in the ClassroomAbstractWhen enacting active learning
Paper ID #42184Lessons Learned: Summer Book Club to Promote Reflection among EngineeringFaculty on Mental Health of StudentsLuis Delgado Jr., Penn State University Luis R. Delgado Jr. is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Pennsylvania State University. He has a bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas at El Paso and earned a master of science degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Public Policy from Penn State. Along with his role as a Ph.D., he is also a graduate research assistant at the Leonhard Center for Enhancement of Engineering Education at Penn
Paper ID #42399Board 62: Work in progress: A Comparative Analysis of Large LanguageModels and NLP Algorithms to Enhance Student Reflection SummariesDr. Ahmed Ashraf Butt, Carnegie Mellon University Ahmed Ashraf Butt has recently completed his Ph.D. in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, where he cultivated a multidisciplinary research portfolio bridging learning science, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and engineering education. His primary research focuses on designing and developing educational technologies that facilitate different student learning aspects (e.g., engagement). Further, he is
Paper ID #43703Work in Progress: A Collaborative Reflection Exploring the Teaching Motivationand Identity Development for International Graduate Students in EngineeringSruthi Dasika, Purdue University Sruthi is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental and Ecological Engineering at Purdue University, focusing her research on developing cost-effective drinking water test methods for underserved communities in the developing world. She earned an M.S. in Environmental and Ecological Engineering at Purdue and a B.E. in Civil Engineering from Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Sruthi has accrued extensive graduate teaching
Paper ID #42465The Impact of Diaries and Reflection on Self-Assessments of Learning in aFirst-Year Undergraduate Engineering Design CourseSerena Mao, Harvey Mudd CollegeDavid Chen, Harvey Mudd CollegeMagdalena Jones, Harvey Mudd College Magdalena, a senior at Harvey Mudd College studying Computer Science and Mathematics is dedicated to working at the intersection of many fields. This project was a treat to work on and she is very proud to have been a part of it!Aye Mon Htut-Rosales, Harvey Mudd CollegeDr. Laura Palucki Blake Laura Palucki Blake is the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Harvey Mudd
Engineering Education include team learning, virtual teams, and team decision-making.Mr. Francisco Cima Francisco Cima is a PhD student of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at Old Dominion University. He obtained his Masters in Business Planning and Regional Development from the Technological Institute of Merida. His areas of interest are innovDanielle Marie Rhemer, Old Dominion University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections of Undergraduate Engineering Students Completing a Cross-Disciplinary Robotics Project with Pre-Service Teachers and Fifth Graders in an Electromechanical Systems CourseAbstract. Engineering is becoming increasingly cross
Paper ID #43911Take this Job and Love It: Identity-Conscious Self-Reflection as a Tool toSupport Individualized Career Exploration for Graduating Biomedical EngineeringStudentsDr. Uri Feldman, Wentworth Institute of Technology Uri Feldman is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. He received a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. As a
technical communication as social justice in the College of Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Integrating community-engaged research and energy justice in design pedagogy: Reflections on a first-year nuclear engineering undergraduate design course Aditi Verma and Katie SnyderIntroductionThe language of engineering is replete with ‘unintended consequences’ as amply illustratedacross a number of examples, ranging from the mundane to grave –left-handed individualsstruggle with most appliances (scissors, vacuum cleaners, can-openers); car crash fatality ratesfor women are higher than for men because crash-test dummies (until
Paper ID #44271Building Research, Teamwork and Professional Skills in an Engineering SummerBridge Program: Reflections Towards an Allyship ModelProf. Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Kavitha Chandra is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Francis College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She directs the Research, Academics and Mentoring Pathways (RAMP) to Success summer bridge and academic program for new engineering students, preparing them with research, communication and leadership skills. Her research
Paper ID #43928Promoting Equity and Cognitive Growth: The Influence of an AuthenticLearning Assignment on Engineering Problem-Solving SkillsDr. Boni Frances Yraguen, Vanderbilt University Boni Yraguen is an Instructional Consultant with the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching. Boni is passionate about engineering education. She has led and participated in various educational studies on the impact of student reflections, authentic learning assignments, the use of technology in the classroom, and graduate education.Elisa Koolman, University of Texas at Austin Elisa is a Ph. D. student at the University of Texas at Austin. They
assess and reconstruct their professional practices that influence their mindset andreform engineering education.Introduction Critical consciousness is an advanced educational pedagogy to liberate the masses fromsystemic inequity maintained and perpetuated by interdependent systems and institutions (Freire,1970; Jemal, 2017). It is often situated in the context of analyzing oppressive systemic forcesusing the cyclic process of critical reflection, critical motivation, and critical action. Critical reflection is defined as the process of individuals analyzing their reality andsocial inequities (e.g., economic, racial/ethnic, and gender inequities) that constrain well-beingand human agency. Authors argue that individuals who are
another's work either synchronously or asynchronously.Using a qualitative thematic analysis of preservice teachers’ anonymous exit slips and coursereflections, we generated three overarching themes as our key findings. These themeshighlighted the growth and development of preservice teachers' technological, pedagogical, andcontent knowledge (TPACK), reflective practices as future K-12 STEM teachers, and thepromotion of access and equity of educational technology in STEM education. We suggest thatmore longitudinal case studies with quantitative and qualitative analyses are needed to furtherexplore what aspects of STEM preservice teachers’ subsequent teaching practicum might beenhanced by the use of collaborative technologies during the micro
context in engineering design, and the use of reflection to support learning.Soraya Grace BararDr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Dr. Jennifer Turns is a full professor in the Human Centered Design & Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Washington. Engineering education is her primary area of scholarship, and has been throughout her career. In her work, she currently focuses on the role of reflection in engineering student learning and the relationship of research and practice in engineering education. In recent years, she has been the co-director of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE, funded by the Helmsley Charitable Trust), a member
communication skills via dialog with peers and facilitators (giving and receiving feedback, active listening, collaborative learning). • Practice compassionate behaviors towards oneself and others. • Develop and evaluate a plan for maintaining a balance of both reflection and action for future advocacy efforts.Guiding FrameworkThe course is built from a guiding framework for effective and enduring advocacy, which we havedefined as the work we do to transform our world’s systems and cultures in ways that we believewill make life, love, and liberation more possible. Inspiration for the framework comes from ourown experiences, current leaders [9], and past advocates for social change through education[10, 11]. The four steps that make up
collaborative inquiry methodology to explore researchpractices that do not have strong consensus within EER, such as reflection [25], positionality[26], qualitative research quality [27], and more [28], [29]. Following this methodology, ourvirtual group met regularly and we reflected individually on prompts related to our inquiry inbetween meetings. Our reflections and discussion meetings fostered group meaning andsense-making of our experiences as neurodivergent engineering education researchers.Collaborative inquiry also allowed us to recognize our agency, strengths, and challenges asneurodivergent engineering education researchers.Data CollectionFor this project, we met semi-regularly since ASEE 2022 and initially discussed differenttheoretical
) rubricsproposed by The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) were used tointegrate the intercultural component into the course. We describe the pedagogical design of thecourse, training sessions, role of teaching assistants, online modules, and reflection activities thathelped students to become cognizant of intercultural competence. The guiding research questionsfor our study are: i) How do first-year cyber security students self-identify in terms ofintercultural competence? ii) What is the nature and strength of the relationships betweendifferent dimensions of intercultural competence as measured by the ASKS2 Scale among first-year cybersecurity students? iii) What are the perceptions of students regarding the
: EMPATHIZE WITH THE USERSDevelop user-centered criteria: Define the problem based on users’perspectives. Capture users’ information, suggestions, values, andfeelings. Reflect on the potential impact of the criteria and outcomes. Develop user-centered criteria based on users’ needs, desires, and values.Plan: Generate multiple ideas with fluency and flexibility. Discuss teamperspectives and strengths. Generate various design ideas and recognize students' strengths in their design work. Collaboratively select a team design.Create: Build a prototype DAY 4: TEST WITH USERS Test: Present your design to users and gather feedback. Utilize
; Urban Design, CU Boulder d. Engineering Management Department, CU Boulder INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3 Action Research (AR): CONCLUSION Involves a systematic process of acting, observing, reflecting, and re- PALAR is a valuable framework for engineering
doing' approach where actions are taken first, Each PALAR component was adapted to fit the engineering Exploring the innovative application of the Participatory Action This project spans multiple institutions and disciplines, engaging followed by reflection. This cycle enhances problem-solving skills and context, focusing on structured yet adaptable processes suitable Learning and Action Research (PALAR) framework in undergraduate, graduate, and faculty participants in a collaborative research practical application in real-world settings. for complex educational environments. engineering education, this research addresses complex effort. Communication
institutional policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion and demonstrate awareness appropriate to providing an equitable and inclusive environment for its students that respects the institution’s mission.” -In order to prepare for theupcoming changes to ABET,a Summit was held at PennState in October of 2022.A total of 71 participantsfrom 20 institutionsattended the meeting. • 22.aspx -The Summit was held across 3 days and consistedof speakers, reflection, and team working time.The Summit also
activities weredesigned to stimulate critical thinking about social aspects of engineering and to reframe thetraditionally technical obligations of the engineer within sociopolitical and equity-orientedstructures.Through a qualitative analysis of student experiences, assignments, and reflections as part of thecourse, this paper evaluates the impact of three pedagogical methods on student engagement withethical questions surrounding their decision-making as both individuals and as future engineers.The three methods being studied are Virtue Points, a tool that encourages self-reflection bycontrasting personal and professional virtues, an adapted ‘Spectrum Game’ based on conceptspresented by Jubilee Media, and a modified Pisces Game used to explore
through project or problem-basedlearning (PBL). Most of this section of the rubric draws from the “Ensuring Equity in PBLReflection Tool”[14]. This part of the rubric examines the degree to which students are allowedto exert agency and participate in team-learning environments that reflect real-world contextsand social impacts. The rubric encourages activities that engage every student, ensuring that alleducational experiences are hands-on and relevant to students' lived experiences andsocioeconomic backgrounds.Each of these sections contains specific items, totaling 27, which describe behaviors andpractices ranging from those that perpetuate inequity to those that foster an inclusive atmosphere.For example, under the "Head" section, item 1
studyabroad programs on the transformative learning outcomes of the participants are related to theirpersonality attributes.Transformative Learning in Study AbroadStudy abroad programs are exemplars of high-impact experiential learning. In Kolb’sexperiential learning theory, they focused on the centrality of experience and reflecting on theexperience. Like Kolb, Mezirow [4] also emphasized learning through critical reflection andproposed the transformative learning theory rooted in constructivism. According to Mezirow,when a disorienting event challenges an individual’s deep-rooted beliefs and assumptions, theywould critically reflect on those assumptions, initiating the transformative learning process [4].Consequently, the individual gains