submissions for the quizzes, but they were required to earn agrade of 80% in order to obtain credit for completion. Each of the four modules also required anindividual post-module reflection and a peer review in which students rated themselves and theirteammates.Teams were provided resources and guidance through a series of online videos and postedmaterial on the design process. Upper classmen mentoring was a critical aspect of the supportsystem [17], [18]. Not only were teams mentored during their Thursday sessions, each studentwas also emailed at least twice during the week to check if there were follow-up questions and toremind students about upcoming deadlines. Peer-instruction was an essential component of theproject since these topics were
, and discuss the application process. • Make a compelling (clearly argued, articulated, inspiring, and well prepared) presentation about how their international experiences are relevant and beneficial to becoming a successful engineer. • Anticipate the cultural demands that may accompany international business travel and formulate a plan to compensate for such needs, including identifying appropriate resources to investigate how one can professionally engage with the target culture. • Discover opportunities for international internships, careers, and fellowships. • Reflect and build upon intercultural learning experiences and to consider ways to apply their knowledge, skills, and perspectives
awareness of public sector employmentopportunities on Public Interest Technology discipline—a high demand field and currentlyfocusing its effort in supporting universities and colleges across the country to implementtechnology curriculums with Public Policy training to better serve the public sector in advancingits services for the good of society as a whole. QCC Students expressed strong desire to serve asagents of change by visiting public works to train and consult customers on the benefits ofProject Management and MS project software tools.Lastly, our PM assessments will be evaluated as they are a direct reflection of our modulequality, but given the program importance on the student awareness, attitudes, and knowledge(42 questions), we will
theory in practice. The course relies on ongoing reflective analyses to help students link the theories and practices of effective peacebuilding to explorations of personal beliefs.Community-Partnered Research and OutreachWe envision a reimagined framework for how universities engage in societally-relevant researchand a new process for developing a cross-trained community of practice of individuals effectiveat community-partnered research. Our vision for growing partnered research involves engagingacademic researchers from multiple disciplines with practitioners working in communities,fostering a professional identify that values convergence, and providing opportunities forresearchers and students across disciplines to engage in societally
be seen as a reflection of the honest and forthrightapproach taken to explaining to students that engineering education is not an exact science andthat every class we teach is an experiment intended to make their education better.DiscussionConsidering only students who failed the pre-test, the average student score on the PSVT:R post-test was 18.6 percentage points higher, which falls in the middle of the range reported by otheruniversities [4], where reported gains ranged from 1% - 29%. The 𝑝𝑝 value for the 1-sided t-testfor the comparison of means was less than 0.001 with 𝛼𝛼 = 95%, indicating that the improvementwas statistically significant. The effect size of the training was 𝑑𝑑 = 8, which is large. Not allstudents who received
. Engagement assignments also increased in value to contribute a greater portion of theoverall course grade. “Lost and found” engagement assignments have been used since theinception of the course; these assignments require students to reflect on course material toidentify one topic from a lecture or module which left them feeling lost and one topic that theyfound interesting. These assignments receive individualized responses to guide “lost” students toadditional resources to clarify concepts or correct misunderstandings. The instructor also gainsinsight into topics of more significant student interest.The semester project for the course is integrative, requiring a stakeholder analysis, creation of amessage map [16], and production of several written