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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 137 in total
Conference Session
Problem- and Project-Based Learning
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Micah Lande, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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. Structured deliverables provideguidance as to what elements of a design process may be appropriate to move through theengineering design process. The scaffolding to emphasize prototyping and adoption of aprototyping mindset may help as a pedagogical tool [33]. Artifacts that are created in thesecourses reflect tangible evidence of activity. From the idea to realization, there are means todescribe the role, purpose, and creation of prototypes. Gerber & Carroll [19] describe theconnection and process of prototype creation. Houde & Hill [20] discuss different types ofprototypes as what do prototypes prototype (function, looks-like). Makerspaces also provideadditional context for the tools, mindsets, and community of practice [21-23, 11].Design
Conference Session
Student Performance and Learning & Open-ended problems
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica E. S. Swenson, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Emma Treadway, Trinity University; Shea E. Lape; Alison Casson
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of a problem through use of applicable knowledge and critical thinkingskills. Interest is the student’s desire or curiosity to learn about engineering: an example of this iswhen a student goes above and beyond to gather understanding on the topic. Finally, recognitionis separated into three subfacets, which reflect the deep work done by Carlone and Johnson onrecognition in science identity: lack of recognition, social/teacher recognition, and self-recognition. While Hazari’s work touched on the idea of self recognition, the focus on areasother than recognition by others have not received as much attention as the identity model hasbeen adapted into engineering. In this work, we seek to renew attention to performance,competence, and interest
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eduardo Rodriguez Mejia, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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onefemale student. Proper human subjects’ approval was obtained prior to conduct of the study.Survey DevelopmentThe engineering graduate EVT instrument was developed based upon the engineering specificEVT instrument from Brown & Matusovich [7]. Brown & Matusovich instrument’s validity wasconfirmed by consulting three experts for content validity and through factor analysis forconstruct validity. Cronbach’s alpha was used as a measure of reliability for internal consistency[7]. In the first step of the survey development process, all original survey prompts werereviewed and rewritten to reflect a graduate program setting. Some examples are found in Table1 where the added words are presented in italics. The wording changes made were simple
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mackinley Love, University of Calgary; Philip Egberts, University of Calgary; Joanna Wong, University of Calgary; Miriam Nightingale, University of Calgary
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Calgary report no link between their laboratories and coursecontent or future career development. Therefore the goal of this research endeavour is to identifyactions that can be taken to improve the students’ learning experience in undergraduateengineering laboratories.Critically reflective surveys were developed using Ash and Clayton’s Describe, Examine,Articulate Learning (DEAL) model and the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and released to currentengineering students in a third-year materials science course at the University of Calgary’sMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering program. The purpose of these surveys was toevaluate where students feel their laboratories do not connect to their classes or careers, and whatsteps can be taken to improve
Conference Session
Exploration of Written and Team Communication
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randi Sims, Clemson University; Kelsey Watts, Clemson University; Evan Ko, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Rebecca A. Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Gary Lichtenstein, Arizona State University; Karin Jensen, University of Michigan; Lisa Benson, Clemson University
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change isneeded, making this change, and then reorienting the change into one’s life [13], [14]. Much ofthis learning is done by self-reflection of the content, process, or context where schemareorientation is required and can lead to a better understanding of diverse perspectives and newideals. By promoting self-reflection and transformative learning, individuals can find themselveswith broader perspectives and open themselves to the promotion of systemic changes. Similarly,transformative learning may also take place through a collaborative or team-oriented processsuch as proposal review panels, particularly where senior reviewers are able to reorientexpectations in younger reviewers [11].Using a lens of transformative learning theory, this
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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describe the family life of their co-workeror employer as part of their answer. This background information benefits the interviewer as itwill help frame the context and dynamics the participant had to contend with. However, thisinformation would be omitted from the final narrative as this background is unnecessary for thereader. It is important to remember that although this information would not be included in thefinal constructed narrative, its influence persists through the remainder of the data collection andinterpretation.Smoothing is inherently an iterative and reflective process that researchers often refine throughexperience [11]. Most literature on narrative methods typically discusses the philosophicalunderpinnings of narrative analysis
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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, I feel it is valuable to disclose my position as an author, including the identities I hold,the privileges I am afforded, and the perspective I bring to understanding engineering researchculture. I am a Black, cisgender man, and a Ph.D. student studying engineering education. I amalso a recipient of a stipend from the National Science Foundation (NSF), so I am a directbeneficiary of the engineering research “culture,” or system as it stands. This work-in-progresspaper is directly tied to my own experience and the experiences of colleagues that are alsoengaging in engineering research culture. Through rich conversations and reflection about thespaces in which engineering researchers operate, I began to question the underlying valuesystems
Conference Session
Engineering Programs and Institutional Factors
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela M. Kelly, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University
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instructional decision making in a middle school informalengineering summer program; this research is intended to highlight ways in which middle schooleducators in informal science institutions and classroom settings might facilitate engineeringknowledge, skills, and practices. This is in response to recent advances in precollege science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The evolving engineeringeducation landscape has necessitated new ways of teaching and learning that reflect rapidtechnological advances in the global economy. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)have ushered in an era of STEM integration in K-12 science in the U.S. [1]. These standards,based upon A Framework for K-12 Science Education [2], proposed a
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lily R. Liang, University of the District of Columbia; Briana Lowe Wellman, University of the District of Columbia; Rui Kang, Georgia College & State University
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. • Campus life offered by the department is very stimulating. • If I am/were going to college next year, I would continue with this department. • There’s a real sense of community here. 2. Reflection Survey. Besides the above survey, we also created another open-ended anonymous survey with the following reflection questions to gain deeper insight into students’ experiences in the departmental learning community. • Do you find the presentations/workshops conducted by the ExCITE Program students helpful? Why or why not? If helpful, in what ways? If not, please explain why. • How did participating (or not participating) in the ACM and ACM-W club meetings/activities (including the take-apart
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Francis Mirabelli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Karin Jensen, University of Michigan; Jennifer Cromley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Sara Rose Vohra, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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, business, and political science [2]. In EER, CIhas been used in this way to improve the design of measures of many topics, includingprofessional skills development [3], social capital resources [4], and student responses toinstructional strategies [5].Cognitive interviewing requires participants to think aloud while completing a task. Drawingfrom reviews of the method, we here define thinking aloud as “requesting participants toopenly reflect on their answers to survey questions and the processes by which they reachthose answers, with limited interviewer interaction.” [1], [6], [7]. CI interviewers need notnecessarily follow a uniform format; these researchers may choose to engage with participantsvia concurrent probing, where questions are asked
Conference Session
Student Teams and Teamwork
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siqing Wei, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Amirreza Mehrabi, Purdue University; Li Tan, Arizona State University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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members within the same team. Perhaps most of the time, the student teamsfunction just fine. Yet instructors might actively or passively notice the existence ofdysfunctional teams, where team dynamics were impaired, and team members developednegative attitudes towards one another [4-5]. Furthermore, in other situations, social loafingmight exist within student teams but sometimes hardly get instructors’ attention [6]. When suchsituations happen, the benefits of cooperative learning are compromised and at risk [7]. Scholars and practitioners have proposed ways of trainings to support student team success.Using Goal-Role-Process-Interpersonal-Relationship models, students wrote memos to reflect ontheir team dynamics and development [8]. Students
Conference Session
Instrument Design and Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clifton L. Kussmaul, Green Mango Associates, LLC; Patricia B. Campbell, Campbell-Kibler Associates; Maria Torres-Demas, Westminster College of Salt Lake City; Chris Mayfield, James Madison University; Helen Hu, Westminster College of Salt Lake City
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and in non-POGIL classes was even greater (87% vs 46%). This patternstayed relatively constant across instructors and the three sets of observations and reflectsPOGIL principles, which might be an indicant to construct validity.These preliminary findings were reflected in the student ratings. While ratings of the difficultyand length of POGIL and non-POGIL classes were similar (3.8 vs 4.0 on a scale of 1 “too easy”to 7 “too hard”; 4.0 vs 4.1 on a scale of 1 “too long” to 7 “too short”), students were much moreapt to rate the POGIL classes as more collaborative (5.8 vs 4.9), another POGIL principle. Againthere weren’t major differences across the three sets of observations. While there were expecteddifferences by instructor, there were minimal
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Inventive Thinking & Student Beliefs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joy Harris; Karthik Ramachandran, Georgia Institute of Technology
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which one’s self-efficacy belief is related to a specific situation or context.According to Bandura (1997), one’s self-efficacy is more accurately perceived when the contextis more specific. Accordingly, we adapted and created the ESE-E to reflect these threedimensions. In terms of the dimension of magnitude, the ESE-E scales included items that measuredentrepreneurial-related skills and activities at various difficulties, such as product ideation,business planning, and customer discovery. Furthermore, in terms of the dimension of generality,we adapted the items and created additional items based on the specific content topics taught inan entrepreneurship education course. In addition, in terms of the dimension of strength, eachESE-E
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Na Zhao, Nanyang Technological University; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Nanyang Technological University; Cristina Diordieva, Nanyang Technological University
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essential for developing an agile and adaptable mind in the 21st century, wheretechnology is ubiquitous. The importance of CT is reflected in the growing interest in exploringits potential role in various fields, including engineering. While CT in engineering education hasbeen discussed in previous research, there needs to be more understanding of how CT may differin the context of different engineering disciplines. Rich qualitative research on how studentsengage in CT and engineering can show how they can support each other [5]. Research has beenconducted to investigate the implementation of CT in middle school education internationally.The studies emphasize the importance of CT in interdisciplinary education to foster students'critical thinking
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Supporting Students To, Through, and Beyond Transitions
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natasha Lagoudas Wilkerson, Texas A&M University; Karen E. Rambo-Hernandez, Texas A&M University; Rachelle Pedersen, Texas A&M University
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iterativeprocess [42]. However, the vast majority of the design activities involved more of a trial anderror or tinkering approach to building the prototype.Table 3. NGSS Promoted in Engineering Interventions Category N NGSS Physical Science Core Ideas 24 NGSS Life Science Core Ideas 10 NGSS Earth & Space Science Core Ideas 8 NGSS Engineering Design Performance Expectations* 3-5 ETS1-1: Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes 33 specified
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kassandra Fernandez, University of Florida; Amy G Buhler, University of Florida; Sindia M Rivera-Jimenez, University of Florida
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state of the literature in aspecific area without using formal quality examination in the inclusion or exclusion criteria [6].An ScR may also indicate whether conducting a systematic review would be appropriate [7].2.1 The Scoping Review Protocol. During the initial phase of the ScR, the research team must becritically reflective of the process, re-visiting prior stages to ensure that the final review meetsthe project's desired scope and research questions. The research team currently consists of anengineering librarian, two literature reviewers, and one content expert. Arksey and O'Malley'smethodology informed thedevelopment of the scoping review ScR S age Ob ec e O c
Conference Session
Student Assessments and Tests
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ziliang Zhou, California Baptist University; Keith Hekman, California Baptist University
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get full creditfor submitting a correct numerical answer or no credit if the submitted numerical answer wasincorrect. Sometimes, students understood the concept and made a calculation error. They weretreated the same as the students who never understood the concept.Offering partial credit for an exam is an interesting topic by itself among the educationalcommunity. Some faculty members do not give it, while many others do. The methods fordetermining partial credit include reviewing exam papers manually [12], asking and reviewingpost-exam reflections from the students [13], and conducting in-person interviews [14]. Somefaculty members went in the other direction of eliminating partial credit and supplementing itwith extra credit problems [15
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Exploring Learning and Development in Engineering Courses
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raenita A. Fenner, Loyola University, Maryland; Peggy O'Neill, Loyola University, Maryland; Kerrie A. Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida
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assigned to a single QL instance.Indicators used for assigning each category of the coding frame are in Table 3. Indicators (including tasks) Cognition- Cognition- Cognition- Disposition Beliefs Content Reasoning Communication (Dis) (Bel) (CogCon) (CogR) (CogCom) Students analyze Students analyze Task requires Task requires use Task requires or reflect on their or reflect on comprehension of of quantitative student write
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Emergent Methods for Engineering Education Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Trevion S Henderson, Tufts University
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’ engineering-related epistemologies. Forexample, in a study of engineering students’ beliefs about problem solving, McNeill andcolleagues [6] used the Reasoning about Current Issues Test (RCI), a domain general measureexamining reflective judgement, as a measure of engineering students’ personal epistemologies.While other studies have utilized domain-specific instruments to measure students’ engineering-related personal epistemologies, these instruments are often unsupported by strong statisticalevidence (e.g., inadequate sample size, poor internal consistency). For example, Carberry andcolleagues [7] validated the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Engineering (EBAE) usinga sample size of 43 first-year engineering students, a sample size the
Conference Session
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Zarch, SageFox Consulting Group; Monica McGill,
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evidence-basedpractices to achieve transformative, systemic and sustainable change that will increase thegrowth rate in the number of BIPOC and women obtaining undergraduate/graduate engineeringdegrees and establish a future growth rate that can substantially close the participation gaps. Theshare of engineering degrees awarded to women and/or those who are Black, Indigenous andPeople of Color (BIPOC) in the United States over the past decade reflects only slow progress inthe efforts to increase representation of these groups at the undergraduate and graduate levels.And for men who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, the percentage ofmaster’s and doctoral engineering degrees being awarded has actually declined in recent years[1
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amari N. Lewis, University of California San Diego ; Mia Minnes, University of California, San Diego; Kristen Vaccaro, University of California San Diego; Joe Gibbs Politz, University of California San Diego
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know”. Some codes appear both in theFacilitators and the Barriers data, with different interpretation: for example, prep coded a response to thebarriers question when a student said they didn’t feel adequately prepared to succeed in their next class,and it coded a response to the confidence question when the student reflect on the extent to which thepreparation that they do have equips them for success.A. Most frequent categories for facilitators and barriersWhen coding responses of CSE majors in the eight participating classes to the question: What makes youfeel good about your plans to take the next course in this sequence?, the most frequently seen category wasKnowledge, which includes the codes prep and cs-skills. Students feel confident
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth (Ann Elizabeth) Wittig, City University of New York, City College of New York, Department of Civil Engineering
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], [13].It is also a pre-cursor to motivation and engagement [14], [15], and sustained academicperformance [16], [17]. Therefore, it is critical, and especially for students who are the mostvulnerable to attrition such as URM, to develop a strong SOB early in a college career [18].Similarly, while retention models recognize the importance of academic success and intellectualgrowth to retention, they do not connect effective Self-Regulation of Learning (SRL) toretention. Zimmerman’s social-cognitive model of SRL [19] focuses on an individual’scognition, actions, and affect while learning. Effective SRL occurs when learners are activelyengaged in the task (or performance in SRL-speak) and bookend each task with forethought andself-reflection. The
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd M. Fernandez, Georgia Institute of Technology; Shayla Ellington, Georgia Institute of Technology
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intentional choice made after pilot testing the protocol. We were interested in howparticipants’ perceived the role of topical expertise because research suggests engineering faculty see it ascritically important [15]. When asked about the role and importance of a teacher's topical knowledge, participants’consensus was that it could be assumed, rather than being something that differentiated good or bad teaching. Wesee this as important, and likely contextual. Upon reflection, we see it as unsurprising for participants in ourinstitutional context to see faculty as inherently experts to the point that it can be unspoken. To many participants,assumed expertise is reputational and a motivation for attending their institution.The second theme was the
Conference Session
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L. Hess, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Andrew Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Isil Anakok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brent K. Jesiek, Cornell University; Andrew Whitehead; Sowmya Panuganti, Purdue Engineering Education
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, p. 3] Firstly, we chose to conduct single two-hour longinterviews (rather than employing quantitative or psychometric instrumentation or collectingother forms of qualitative data). We iterated on the interview protocol by developing an initialdraft of a protocol, having one interviewer practice it with another, revising the protocol,implementing pilot interviews with three graduate students with workforce experiences, revisingthe protocol again, soliciting feedback from our advisory board (who brings expertise in ethicsand DEI), revising yet again, implementing initial interviews, writing reflective memos aftereach interview, and continuously asking which aspects of the interview process were workingwell or needed revision. We were thus
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon M. Clancy, University of Michigan; Berenice Alejandra Cabrera, University of Michigan; Sarah Jane (SJ) Bork, University of Michigan; Kayleigh Merz, University of Michigan; Erika Mosyjowski, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan; Joi-Lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan
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interests inengineering, (4) students’ choices and intentions to persist, (5) final reflection, and (6) end/signoff. Interviews were conducted via Zoom and audio recorded. Interviews ranged in length from30-to-90 minutes.The four graduate students (SMC, SJB, BAC, KM) were responsible for conducting theinterviews. Their positionalities, identities, and lived-experiences influenced how they interactedwith the participants. Each interviewer was first interviewed by another member of the team tobetter understand the personal experiences and biases that were elicited by the interviewprotocol. This provided insight into the experiences the interviewer would be likely to try andconfirm in the data collection process, and could therefore be mindful of
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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the data" (p.56). However, engineers are often more familiar with quantitative methods and summarizingtheir findings using numbers [2], which substantially limits the use of qualitative methods.According to Jackson, Drummond, & Camara [3], the goal of qualitative research involves"understanding human beings' richly textured experiences and reflections about thoseexperiences" (p. 22). As engineers have become familiar with qualitative methodologies [1-2],researchers have begun to explore different types of approaches to illuminate the humanexperience. It is clear that different engineers, engineering students, and engineering facultyexperience their education and careers differently, which modern studies have only begun todescribe [4-6
Conference Session
Engineering Programs and Institutional Factors
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikita Dawe, University of Toronto; Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto; Amy Bilton
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yearsafter graduation) of an undergraduate engineering program in the United States to investigatehow the program’s teaching and learning of metacognitive skills through reflective activitiestranslated to lifelong learning in the workplace context [24]. They found that in connection to thecourse projects that emulated the self-directed learning common in workplace environments,being comfortable with uncertainty and confident and resilient in the face of overwhelmingchallenges were important dispositions that enabled lifelong learning in the workplace aftergraduation [24]. The researchers also distinguished between alumni who saw metacognition ashaving a narrower role specifically for engineering problem solving activities, and those whoused it in
Conference Session
Formation and Development of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Russell Korte, The George Washington University; Saniya Leblanc, The George Washington University
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importance ofnon-technical, professional skills; (d) Learning to manage one’s education; and (e) Reflecting onone’s passions that include becoming an engineer. Each learning process is described in moredetail below (also see Table 1 in the appendix).Learning the science and application of engineering. Generally, students were aware of andexpecting to learn technical knowledge and skills. Their learning and experiences ranged frombroader abstract knowledge of engineering fundamentals (e.g., engineering science) to specificsfocused on their personal interests (see Table 1 in the appendix). Even those with more exposureto the nature of engineering practice, meaning they realized there were differences between“book” knowledge and “practical” knowledge
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debalina Maitra, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Diego Reyes
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National Science Foundation (NSF). Asthe most diverse representation across Black engineering graduate students was desired, snowballsampling was followed. In total, 33 Community Members representing 11 institutions and diverse types(PWIs, HBCUs, International) were represented. Community members were compensated with a $100Amazon gift card. Narrative interviews composed of a narration and conversational phase were conductedand ranged from 1.5-2 hours in duration. Interviews prompted Community Members to reflect on theirexperiences navigating engineering paying special attention to any aspects uniquely correlated with theiridentity. Interview Protocol The initial prompt used was, “We are hoping
Conference Session
Design Thinking and Student Design Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nourhan E. Elatky, Rowan University; Juan M. Cruz, Rowan University; Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University
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validating them in engineering capstone projects. By validating the relationship between faculty's effective communication and motivation, we might be able to understand their relationship to capstone design projects' outcomes. As a result of assessing the relationship between Project Management and Team culture and how they were affecting the capstone projects at Rowan University in 2019, we concluded that the capstone projects in completion might be affected by the faculty's effective communication, hence, affecting student's motivation[12]. Consequently, the current study was applied to validate if faculty's effective communication directly affects students' motivation, which in turn is reflected in the student's capstone project completion