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2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Abolfazl Amin; Israd Jaafar; Abdennour Seibi; Sean Tolman P.E.; Matthew Ballard
appropriate concepts to project planning, idea generation, prototyping, modeling and conveying information both in written and oral formats 7. Use effective team processes, communication, and conflict resolution skills 8. Design a product that meets a set of constraints ME Capstone II By the end of this course students will: 1. Apply the steps in product realization process to a specific project 2. Function in a team environment to make a project plan and complete the project 3. Write an engineering project report 4. Use effective team processes, communication, and conflict resolution skills 5. Design a product that meets a set of constraintsFigure 3: ME Capstone Learning Outcomes in accordance with ABET
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Iris Bahar; Ashley Oelrich; Bridget Griswold; Eva Goetz
multidisciplinary study and the beauty ofcollaboration among students. Co-taught by a CS/Engineering professor and a visiting artist-in-residence, the course brought together students from diverse majors from Brown University andthe Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and aimed to augment existing artistic robots anddesign new dynamic interactive creations. Students developed both technical and artistic skillswhile also contemplating and discussing as a class the uses of technology and its interaction withinsociety. Some of the lessons learned from this unique course structure were the critical importanceof communication and the educational value of learning from peers. Students stated that the coursesignificantly enhanced and deepened their education
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Pinar Omur-Ozbek; Ketul Popat; DaeSeok Chai; Christie Peebles; Abdulkhakim Salokhiddinov
. compare and contrast available technologies around the globe for water resource management and sanitation 6. illustrate and critique the equity, diversity, social and environmental justice, sustainability applications across countries related to access to clean waterCourse outcomes are for the students to:  recognize the water challenges we are facing globally  articulate the cultural differences in the approaches to solve water challenges, including discussion of regulations and other constraints that govern the actions  collaborate with peers from various countries to develop a solution to a water related issue  adapt to changing cultural expectations, set of challenges, and
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Jessica Rush Leeker; Lyndsay Ruane; Hannah Sanders; Robertha Richardson
practice of innovation acrossinstitutional boundaries, would effectively prepare the next generation of innovators andengineers to address systemic and institutional racism and whiteness within STEM. One of theways we wanted to tackle this was by community engagement. Community engagement insome phases of engineering projects is known worldwide. However, community engagement inall phases, including the grant writing process, is minimal.This STEM-focused community-engaged project involves two institutions, including apredominately white institution (PWI) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).These institutions are working together for a common and beneficial goal of creating change ina community, a platform for collaboration and
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Angela Bielefeldt; Daniel Godrick; Joan Tisdale; Melissa Davis
context. This paper describes a course derived fromthe Wright State model, which has evolved significantly over time. The course includes moderate-intensity active learning, with 1 hour of lecture, a 2-hour studio, and 2-hour lab each week. Dataon student perceptions and performance from the most recent offering of the course in Fall 2022are presented. A large number of students were batch enrolled into the course in summer 2022, butthen subsequently withdrew early. The students who dropped had lower math confidence, lowerself perceptions of science and math ability compared to their peers, and lower STEM identity,compared to students who remained in the course. Among students who earned overall coursegrades of D or F, the majority were taking
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Angela Bielefeldt; Joan Tisdale; Katherine Ramos; Mike Soltys
confident in both their technical and non-technical skills (statistically higher confidence in 7 of 12 areas). This self-confidence is perhapslogical when one considers the pathway of these students: they were not admitted into the CoEbut chose to attend CU, confident that they would gain admittance through the ES program ifthey opted to do so; after a semester of college they continued to persist in their goals andenrolled in the FYD course.All students were similarly highly confident in their public speaking, writing (technical reports),and project management skills (avg 3.4, 3.1, and 3.1, respectively, across all groups) and lessconfident in their programming ability (Arduino, MATLAB, Python, etc.; avg. 2.3). Averagestudent confidence ratings
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Randy Hurd; Dustin Grote
systems, these labs often consist of students working together in small groups,sometimes with multiple groups per day rotating through the lab space. While this approach iseffective, it can lead to a less than ideal learning experience. Poor setups, faulty equipment, oreven too much help from peers can limit the effectiveness of hands-on lab assignments [2].Additionally, in-person labs can be difficult for non-traditional students and can presentundesirable health risks if equipment is not properly sanitized after use. Finally, the traditionalapproach to engineering labs makes it very work intensive and expensive to add a lab assignmentto a class that does not have a dedicated lab space.It would be helpful for an instructor to create lab