activities, and abbreviated social media arguments. However, upon graduation engineersneed to be able to interact and synthesize non-interactive sources like codes and design guides.Innovative practicing engineers are critical thinkers, actively synthesizing knowledge,constructively developing new solutions, and interactively engaging with various stakeholders.Engineering students will require coaching and teaching to develop their understanding the way © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023innovative engineers of all generations have: through reading, note-taking, problems solving,peer-interaction, and mentoring4. Engineering educators have a role in training students to usethese methods. Yet, many students are
and WestVirginia require students to complete three or four math courses, but those course selections canvary.KeywordsMath, College Preparation, High School Diploma, Civil Engineering, Tutoring, RetentionIntroductionCivil engineering is built upon a core set of mathematics, science, and humanities topics.Incoming students are expected to have a level of base knowledge acquired prior to matriculatinginto a civil engineering program. How they obtain this knowledge is unique to every student dueto the vast number of options to gain secondary education and prepare for college. In manycases, the depth of this knowledge varies greatly, especially in mathematics, science, and writing. © American Society for Engineering
to Apply the concept of logarithmic decrement to extract the spring and damping constants from a given transient response, Generate frequency spectra and use them as the primary guidance to design a vibration system, Perform Fourier series expansion on a periodic square wave disturbance and interpret the impact of the harmonic components on the vibrating system, and Communicate effectively with a range of audience by writing a formal technical report.EML Objectives © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference CuriosityA history of airplane starting from the first flight in
engineering, becoming grounded in professional ethics, computer-based calculation -- growing comfortable with statistics and estimation, using analytical reasoning, taking and recording proper measurements, becoming familiar with a computer-aided-design tool, programming using a text-based language, and design -- working with a team, using sound judgment in a laboratory environment, communicating ideas clearly including writing technically.Retention data, in particular the attitudes of students who leave engineering majors, reveal thatthe structure of engineering majors and the culture of engineering courses are more responsiblefor attrition than personal inadequacy or aptitude for other disciplines or the appeal of
collaboration with industrial and governmental agencies, and academic partners. She has published her work in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. Her current research interests include data management, data valuation and AI and engineering educa- tion. Her teaching/mentoring activities focus on developing and offering classes in project-based learning environments as well as, advising and mentoring students working in industry-driven problems. Before joining Virginia Tech, she was tenured Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, Aalborg University, Denmark, a Senior R&D Engineer in industry and academic research centers in USA and Europe, and the founder and Director of DataLab, George
foundational information and gain researchexperiences. Junior students are paired with more experienced students to learn the technicalaspects of design. Short lectures / hands-on instruction is done throughout the semester. Thecourse is structured according to the best practices for collaborative projects. There are frequentopportunities for students to receive feedback by peers and the instructor at different phases ofthe research. Students get the opportunity to work individually and in teams. The team meets in © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section Conferencesub-groups multiple times during the week. There is also a weekly meeting for the entire team
Theophilides & Koutselini showed more in-depth evaluation of the quality andtype of student learning from open versus closed book testing scenarios.8,9 These studies seem to haveopposite findings. The prior demonstrated that when students are told to expect an open book test, theymay decrease or postpone test preparation and review activities. The latter study concluded that studentstaking open book exams may show higher levels of critical thinking in test preparation and completion.One relevant study was found in the ASEE Peer Repository on this topic from 2012 where West Pointfaculty compared student test preparation and performance in an entry -level statics and mechanics ofmaterials course.10 They found minimal effect on either parameter when
careeropportunities. This can leave them feeling as if they need to pursue multiple majors, minors oraccelerated programs that allow for both the completion of bachelor and master’s degrees.Students may also desire these additional credentials to set themselves apart from their peers in acompetitive job applicant pool. By allowing students choices in their curriculum, specifically inthe selection of their electives, our department believes that we reduce the need for additionalprograms and increase the impressions of readiness for the workforce. For those that still insiston pursuing an additional program, this change removes an additional hurdle to completing it.Reluctance to make this change was also voiced during our initial discussions. Some facultywere