Paper ID #45014Exploring the role of engineering judgment in engineering educationthrough writing praxis in a 3rd year systems engineeringwriting-in-the-disciplines [WID] courseDr. Royce A Francis, The George Washington University Dr. Royce Francis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Management and Sys- tems Engineering [EMSE] at the George Washington University. At George Washington, Dr. Francis’s engineering education research explores the relationships between professional identity formation and engineering judgment. His other research interests include infrastructure resilience and risk assessment
) – collaborated to develop a micro-credential on professional ethics for PennState’s College of Engineering. The micro-credential is targeted towards engineering students asearly as their first year of post-secondary study. The draft micro-credential notably includedseveral historical case studies – notably, the Boeing 737 Max crash, the Space Shuttle Challengerexplosion, Apple intellectual property misappropriation, the Volkswagen diesel emissionsscandal, and the Ford Explorer and Firestone tire tread separation incident – with additionalfurther modern cases inspired by recent engineering industry events. In this work, our qualitativeimpressions on the micro-credential development process originated via memo-writing (Saldana,2012), were further
, with examples in writing tutors (Kim, 2023) and software tutors (Prather, 2023).Whether tutoring provides a desired tool or is deployed well remains up for debate (Engle,2023). The overall risk-benefit analysis affects policy making (Office of Ed Tech, 2024), butthere is promise for increasing educational equity (Sylvestre, 2023).Human-Computer Interaction: The general area of best practices for interacting with a chatbot istermed “prompt engineering” (Reynolds, 2021). Prompt engineering entails users tailoring theirquestions to the chatbot to task-specific domains, such as medicine (Heston, 2023), engineering(Velásquez-Henao, 2023), science education (Cooper, 2023) and image generation (Liu, 2022).Overall, prompt engineering provides another
instructional guides and textbooks. However, it is difficult tomeasure effectiveness. For example, Professor Masahiko Yamazaki from Nihon University inJapan created his own textbook and hands-on exercises. Having accessible material with ways totrack progress would be beneficial for faculty and for students.Furthermore, engineering professors are eager to see how their peers at other colleges anduniversities are progressing and how other engineering departments have implemented newerteaching approaches. Figure 6: Desired resources [8]Evaluation of Autodesk ProjectsRegarding how the interviewees view Autodesk projects, the feedback was extremely positive.All ten professors stated that they would like access to Autodesk
; Eshun, P. (2023) Work in Progress: Can In-Class Peer Reviews of Written Assignments Improve Problem Solving and Scientific Writing in a Standard-Based, Sophomore Laboratory Course? ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. 10.18260/1-2—44182[8]. Lynch, P. C., Kimpel, J. F; Bursic, K.M. (2016). Developing Essential Business and Engineering Skills through Case Competitions. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.[9]. Li, Z., & Edwards, S. H. (2020), Integrating Role-playing Gamification into Programming Activities to Increase Student Engagement. ASEE Virtual Annual Conference 10.18260/1-2—34847[10]. T. A/L Rajendran, and P.M. Shah, “Students
investigators on this project. These collaborators allow for peer review anddebriefing (Creswell & Miller, 2000) as we analyze the data together and each provide our ownperspective on the results (I am a “traditional” engineer by background, one of my collaboratorsis a social scientist and the other is an engineering faculty member who has worked in the fieldof educational research for several decades). The sampling of multiple participants also allowedfor each to provide contributions to the same themes as the interview protocol was so heavilygrounded in the chosen conceptual framework that examining each a-priori theme in the light ofevery participant was embedded into the research process.3.4 Limitations of StudyIn addition to the issues with
Calculations Test Period 7 Second Design Period 15 Strain Monitoring Submission and Test Predictions Due Third Design Period Final Project Presentations 8 16 Group Beam Design Presentation, Peer EvaluationClass Meetings 1 through 5: Introductory statics and mechanics conceptsClass Meeting 1 begins with students constructing mini basswood beams of various doublysymmetric cross-sectional shapes (Figure 1 and Table 2) using either glue, nails, or