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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
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2024 ASEE North East Section
Djedjiga Belfadel, Fairfield University; Isaac Macwan, Fairfield University; Naser Haghbin, Fairfield University; John F Drazan, Fairfield University
. Students were required to use several library resources. They referenced journal articles, technical books, and internet sources, and were required to demonstrate proper technical citation using the IEEE citation style. For most students, this was their first experience with technical writing. They quickly realized that it was different from the writing they had done before in high school English, history, and other non-technical courses. Furthermore, they went through a writing revision process in which their paper went through three iterations of review: self, peer, and instructor review. All reviews were done prior to the final grading of the paper. Individual Oral Presentation: The second project, early
2024 ASEE North East Section
Susannah GAL, Wentworth Institute of Technology
class. I gathered this insight as part of a class titled “Teaching ofBiology”, BIOL 400 at Penn State Harrisburg, which had 17 upper-level students registered inSpring 2020. For the initial several weeks, we discussed as a class student-centered approachesto teaching including using case studies, peer review of writing, and interactive questions duringclass. Students picked one past class that they particularly enjoyed and interviewed the facultymember to ask about how they prepared for the class and about their strategies for supportingstudents’ learning. The students shared the creative strategies with the whole group and later, thenew approaches they suggested based on their collective learning in this course. As part of thisprocess, the
2024 ASEE North East Section
Lynn A. Albers, Hofstra University; Celia Teresa Chacko, University of Connecticut
10 4 15 12 3 14 11 4Table 1: Students’ Awareness and Perception of the Resources AvailableIn addition to resources, 87% (26) of the students reported that their IAC offers training sessionsfor professional development while 13% (4) responded that their IAC did not. Training sessionsinclude IAC webinars, seminar, and director or peer-led training. Lastly, 38% (11) studentsreported that their school offered technical electives for student credit towards their degree thatwas also recognized as training by their IAC, 62% (18) did not. When asked if training sessionsand technical electives were mandatory, 22% (6) responded “yes”, 70% (19) responded “No”,and 7% (2
2024 ASEE North East Section
Sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Kelvin Kai Yao; Philip Park, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Tak Cheung
encourage “To encourage “To remember” with two remember” with one analogy examples analogy exampleFor the above “block on circular ramp with attached spring” problem solving task, a self-assessment rubric for a class-student was formulated with the following deliverables, afterreceiving full problem solving credit with the help of a learning assistant in the case of at-riskstudents or the help of a student-peer in the case of average students. They are (1) Described thedifficulty of assigning the arithmetic operations, (2) Classified the difficulty as absent-mindedness related mistake or a misconception in a pre-requisite topics, and (3) Described the“To remember