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2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Aiman S. Kuzmar
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
have been investigated under different water concentrations. The poolboiling characteristics are highly dependent upon the water volumetric concentration which canrandomly follow two different types of curves when the water concentrations are in the range of5.3 Vol. % to 7.8 Vol. %. This could be attributed to the dynamics and microstructure of thenanoemulsion fluids, however, more study is needed to further clarify the mechanism behindMeanwhile, the addition of phase changeable water nanodroplets can also greatly enhance theeffective heat capacity of the nanoemulsion fluids by upto 70%. REFERENCES[1] Eastman, L. J., Choi, S. U. S., LI, S., and Thompson, L. J., 1997, "Enhanced thermal conductivity throughdevelopment of nanofluids
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Raju Shrestha; Paul Cotae
carry significantly more information but limited in distance to a fewhundred meters. Acoustic communication is the most versatile and widely used technique inunderwater environments due to the low attenuation (signal reduction) of sound in water.This is especially true in thermally stable, deep water settings. On the other hand, the use ofacoustic waves in shallow water can be adversely affected by temperature gradients, surfaceambient noise, and multipath propagation due to reflection and refraction. The much slower speed of acoustic propagation in water, about 1500 m/s (meters per second),compared with that of electromagnetic and optical waves is another limiting factor for efficientcommunication and networking [1]. Therefore, acoustic waves
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Nian Zhang; Charles Williams; Esther Ososanya; Wagdy Mahmoud
develop aresource efficient prediction model for any quantifiable data set. By continuing this research andtesting a wider variety of data sets, we can get a better understanding to the strengths andweaknesses of this system. While it is a relatively new method within the computationalsciences, LS-SVM is a very promising and exciting avenue for computer scientists interested inregression, function estimation, classification, and prediction.Acknowledgments:The authors would like to express thanks to the University of the District of Columbia STEMCenter (NSF/HBCU-UP/HRD-0928444) grant and DC Water Resources Research Institute(WRRI) Grant.References: 1. Potomac Conservancy, State of the Nation‟s River, Potomac Watershed. 2007. Available:http
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Birajan Singh Bista; Paul Cotae
thefilter in the discrete domain, is converted to the analog domain, and then the transfer function ofthe filter is calculated in the analog domain. Once, this is achieved the transfer function in theanalog domain is converted to the digital domain by performing a one to one mapping of thefunction in the s-domain to the function in the z-domain. Usually in order to obtain the stabilitycondition, it is necessary to make sure that all of the components in the left half side of the s-plane is mapped to the values inside the unit circle of the complex z-plane. II Design Methods FIR filters can be designed in a number of ways. The most common methods ofdesigning FIR filters are design by windowing, frequency sampling method and the
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Timothy Chen Allen; Valbona Bejleri
F denote a future experiment, whose outcomes follow a Poisson distribution Po(tλ), andE denote an informative experiment, whose outcomes follow Po(sλ). Let Y be the randomvariable describing the number of occurrences of some phenomenon from experiment F duringthe future time interval with known length t, and X be the random variable describing thenumber of occurrences of some phenomenon from the informative experiment E during thegiven time interval s. Both random phenomena are considered independent and with the sameunknown rate of occurrences λ. We will construct a function (u(X) in frequentist approach, ν*(X) in Bayesian) that takes onlyinteger values and that will serve as an upper bound for the values of the random variable
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Mustafa Yasin Yenice; Valbona Bejleri
said to be stationary allows the correlationbetween any two values of y taken from different time periods to depend on the difference aparton time between the two values for all t≠s. We first test whether the series used in theregression process is a difference stationary or a trend stationary. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller 𝑛(ADF) test is used to determine a unit root for the yt in the following equation ∆𝑦 = 𝛽1 + 𝛼𝑦 𝑡−1 + γ ΣΔy 𝑡−1 + ε 𝑡 𝑡=1 (2)where yt represents all variables (in the natural logarithmic form) at time t, Δ is the firstdifference operator. β1 is a constant, n is the
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Neelesh Kumar; Philippe Moussavou; Naresh Poudel; Devdas Shetty
to the present day requirement and accessingthe limited space available in house. Quantification of rehabilitation program based on gait dataof patient in real time will certainly increase the efficacy and suggest new methods for patients toreach the near natural gait. Wireless sensor modules were developed which can be attached to thePHAS or the patient. The modules are portable and have onboard power. These modules can alsobe used to record the range of joint motion of any human body segment with little modification.The gait data was reported on a normal healthy person acts as a reference database.References: 1. Leonard E. Kahn, Peter S. Lum, W. Zev Rymer and David J. Reinkensmeyer, Robot- assisted movement training for the stroke
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Faruk Yildiz
for Engineering EducationAnnual Conference & Exposition. AC 2007-8. Honolulu, Hawaii.[4] Gleixner S., Ryaby P., Klaw E. “Service Learning in a Multi-Disciplinary Renewable EnergyEngineering Course,” Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering EducationAnnual Conference & Exposition. AC 2011-2277. Vancouver, B.C., Canada. [5] Yildiz, F. “Design and Development of a Multiple Concept Educational Renewable EnergyMobile Mini-Lab for Experimental Studies,” International Journal of Engineering Research andInnovations (IJERI). Vol. 4:2, 2012.[6] Pecen, R., Humston, J., Yildiz, F. “Promoting STEM to Young Students by RenewableEnergy Applications,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (JSTEM). Vol:13:3, May-June 2012
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Franco Capaldi
Education, 2009.[4] DeVore, Statics Tutor, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2000.[5] J. Iano, Shaping Structures: Statics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.[6] ISDC, "BEST Statics," [Online]. Available:[7] E. Anderson, R. Taraban and S. Roberstson, "M-Model: A Mental Model based Online Homework Tool," Journal of Online Engineering Education, vol. 1, no. 2, 2010.[8] J. Lux and B. Davidson, "Guildelines for the development of computer-based instruction modules for science and engineering," Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2003.[9] N. Hubing, D. Oglesby, T. Philpot, V. Yellamraju, R. Hall and R. Flori, "Interactive Learning Tools: Animating Statics," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2002
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Hong Li
’ questions. The system hasbeen very successful for many years past and provided society with tremendous professionals indifferent areas. Now, a brief look around us shows that the world today is very different to theworld that we, as educators, grew up in just a few decades ago. Up until the early 1970’s,television was still in black and white, and a personal computer was a figment of our 2imagination. Research for class work was done in a library using tedious card catalogs, and termpapers were written, and then re-written, on typewriters using black ink ribbons. Nowadays,students are growing up with digital devices, such as computers, video games
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Alan Wheatley; David Baglee; Mike Knowles; Alastair Irons
of private sectorinnovation and growth) and the NE of England is one such region. A number of similarschemes designed to meet the needs of SMEs (e.g. skills & technology transfer) by bridgingthe gaps between SMEs and universities have been operated in the past.One such scheme in which the University of Sunderland took part was funded by theEuropean Regional Development Agency (ERDF) and its aims essentially mirrored thecurrent BIS aims listed above. During the 1980’s and 1990’s we provided materials andmanufacturing engineering consultancy services for industry. Customers were predominantlylarge companies. SME customers were very rare – presumably either not being aware of whatwas available or believing commercial consultancy rates were
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Aime V. Mbakop; Ashenafi Lambebo; Lalindra Jayatilleke; Sasan Haghani
Jung, Kiryong Ha, Jeonwoo Lee, “Wireless Body Area Network in a UbiquitousHealthcare System for Physiological Signal Monitoring and Health Consulting”, InternationalJournal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, volume 1, pp. 47[5] Mark A. Hanson, Harry C. Powell Jr., Adam T. Barth, Kyle Ringgenberg, Benton H.Calhoun, James H. Aylor, and John Lach, “Body Area Sensor Networks Challenges andOpportunities”, IEEE Computer Society, Vol.42, Issue 1, January 2009, PP. 58-65[6] Lim, S., Oh, T. H., Choi, Y. B., & Lakshman, T.. “Security Issues on Wireless Body AreaNetwork for Remote Healthcare Monitoring,” 2010 IEEE International Conference on SensorNetworks Ubiquitous and Trustworthy Computing, 2010, pp. 327-332[7] K
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Abdullah Alkharashi; Mark Rajai; Alireza Kabirian; Saeid Moslehpour
Institute ofTechnology (MIT), announced what many in the U.S. had suspected: the U.S. economy was in arecession. The U.S.’s largest bank, Bank of America, promptly announced a whopping loss ofsome 35,000 jobs over the next three years after its takeover of Merrill Lynch (Business CycleDating, The New Year certainly did not bring any renewed economic optimism. In the U.S., theunemployment rate increased to 7.2%, with more unemployed workers in 2007 than in any otheryear since the end of World War II (Business Cycle Dating, Infact, the International Monetary Fund reported that the economic growth was set to fall to a mere0.5% in 2008, which represented its lowest rate ever, and the
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Adityen Sudhakaran; Toure Cort; Shankar Krishnan
; Technology 24.4 July/August 2000. 149-153. Web. 28 May 2013.7. Atman, Cynthia J, et al. "Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert Practitioners." Journal of Engineering Education 96.4 (Oct 2007): 359-379. ProQuest Central. Web. 07 Aug 2013.8. Nair, Kalyani, Muraleedharan C. V. and Bhuvaneshwar G. S. “Developments in mechanical heart valve prosthesis.” Sādhanā 28.3&4 (June/August 2003): 575-587. Springer India. Web. 10 Aug 2013.9. Singer, Raymond. Dr., Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Surgery, 16 May 2012. Web. 11 July Jenkins, Gail W., Kemnitz, Christopher P., Tortora, Gerard J. "Anatomy and Physiology
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Adam Paczuski; S.M. Krishnan
Update: FDA Issues Class 2 Recall of ..." 2013. 3 Oct. 2013 7. "da Vinci Burn Warning Prompts Intensified FDA Review | Bad ..." 2013. 11 Aug. 2013 8. "Claims Concerning Robotic Surgery On The Rise | Virginia Beach ..." 2013. 26 Aug. 2013 9. Koliakos, Nikolaos et al. "Failure of a robotic arm during da Vinci prostatectomy: a case report." Journal of Robotic Surgery 2.2 (2008): 95-96. 10. Sung, Gyung Tak, and Inderbir S Gill. "Robotic laparoscopic surgery: a comparison of the da Vinci and Zeus systems." Urology 58.6 (2001): 893-898. 11. "MAUDE - Manufacturer and User Facility Device ... - Accessdata FDA." 2005. 3 Oct. 2013 12. Austin Kirk. "da Vinci Surgical Robot Recall Lawsuit - Warning of Robot
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Ralph Belton; Ahmet Zeytinci
incorporate the learning opportunities that this event enables? To answer thesequestions the perception of the syllabi must be that it is expansive enough to flex in response tothe opportunity urgently and currently presented.The first week of studio is a time to review the learning objectives and skill sets to be exercised.This time allows for change in the problem statement(s) to accommodate the current event.4 The problem statement appears in the appendices 4ConclusionOverall, this experience produced surprisingly excellent results both enriching thestudents’ knowledge through service learning. The ‘Haiti’ experience the students toexplore a topic of earthquake design that is usually not
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Steven Chetcuti; Hans Thomas; Brent Pafford
Engineering Courses." Advances inEngineering Education 2002. Web. 15 Sep. 2013.[8] Wankat, Phillip C., and Frank S. Oreovicz. Teaching Engineering. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, Inc,1993.[9] "What software program / equipment is used to make Khan Academy videos?." . Khan Academy, Online Postingto Khan Academy FAQ. Web. 15 Sep. 2013. .[10] Swedberg, Andrew. "Khan Academy Videos: A Valuable Teaching Supplement." USMA Center for FacultyExcellence (2012): Master Teacher Program Projects. Web. 15 Sep 2013..Figures:Figure 1: Thayer 2.0 pedagogy relationships compared with the Thayer Method and the Khan AcademyMethod.Figure 2: Time-on-task data, representing student preparation outside of class, in minutes. Student reportdata anonymously. The solid line